EBS vaccine VOCA: DAY_(1~10)
550 카드 | jasmine
n. 이점, 장점, 이익, 우위 v. 유리하게 하다
Being an introvert definitely has its advantages .
v. 평가하다, 재다, 가늠하다
As the timing of inputs and outputs varies greatly depending on the type of energy, there is a strong case to incorporate time when assessing energy alternatives .
adj. 거대한, 막대한, 엄청난
Fish schools vary in size from a few individuals to enormous populations extending over several square kilometers .
adj. 유연한, 융통성 있는, 탄력적인
These online classes allow flexible hours that enable students to participate in other activities .
n. 필요, 필요성, 필수품
While interacting with English speakers, he realized the necessity of a writing system for the Cherokee people .
n. 신경, 배짱, 용기
When these rays enter the eyes of an observer, nerves in the eyes send signals to the observer’s brain .
adj. 반대의, 반대편의 n. 반대, 반대의 것
As the opposite of local networks, cosmopolitan networks offer little solidarity and have little capacity to comfort and sustain members .
ad. 우선, 처음에, 주로
These studies provide further evidence that laughter is primarily a form of social communication .
n. 존경, 존중, 측면, 점, 관계 v. 존경하다, 존중하다
Send a message of respect and inspire people to use their individual talents toward the goals of the enterprise .
adj. 책임이 있는, 원인이 되는, 믿을 수 있는
You may lose your job for countless reasons, some of which you may not even be responsible for .
v. 가속화하다, 촉진하다
Giving people the flexibility to use their judgment and apply their talents rapidly accelerates progress .
n. 기반, 토대, 기초, 근거
Technological advances provided the basis for the explosive expansion of transportation networks .
n. 꽃, 개화(기), 전성기 v. 꽃피다, 한창이다
The lesson from Billups lay below the surface, but when I began to write, it rose like flowers and bloomed into words and stories and books, and me .
n. 폭탄 v. 폭격하다
In 1964, the largest earthquake ever recorded in North America rocked Alaska with 200,000 megatons of concentrated might, the equivalent of 2,000 nuclear bombs .
n. 자본, 수도, 대문자 adj. 자본의, 주요한, 수도의, 대문자의, 사형의
We borrow environmental capital from future generations with no intention or prospect of repaying .
n. 협력, 합작, 공동 작업, 공동 작업물
Developing the interpersonal skills necessary to fuel collaboration is a hurdle for many of them .
adj. 결정적인, 단호한, 결단력 있는
A decisive moment occurred when people in advertising discovered that if they framed their stories and appeals with fear, they could capture our attention .
v. 나타나다, 생기다
Not all Golden Rules are alike, two kinds emerged over time .
n. 산업, (각 부문의) ~업, 근면
This phenomenon reflects a unique feature in the health care industry——provider-induced demand .
ad. 문자 그대로, 정말로, 정확히
At times, we lose track of our own boundaries and needs, and the cost of this could be our life, both symbolically and literally .
ad. 지속적으로, 끈질기게, 집요하게
Related issues arise in connection with current and persistently inadequate aid for these poor nations .
n. 예상, 기대, 전망
The very prospect of losing everything and having to start all over again would be overwhelming for anybody .
adj. 빠른, 급격한
Even a small amount of this money would accelerate the already rapid rate of technical progress and investment in renewable energy in many areas .
v. 훑어보다, 살펴보다 n. 정밀 검사
Scans showed that the more challenging prose and poetry set off far more electrical activity in the brain than the more pedestrian versions .
v. 제공하다, 차려 내다, 시중들다, 근무하다, ~에 소용이 되다, ~에 도움이 되다, 서브를 넣다
Identifying what we can do in the workplace serves to enhance the quality of our professional career .
n. 시간, 기간, 수업 시간, 회기, 학기
Jean complained quite often about practicing and slipped out of her sessions occasionally .
n. 사회학
A professor sent his sociology class to a school in a slum to record case histories of 200 young boys .
v. 돌다, 돌리다, (실을) 잣다 n. 회전
Another salmon jumped, its body spinning until it made it over the falls .
v. 의심하다, ~일 것 같다고 생각하다 n. 용의자
Researchers suspect that both drivers and pedestrians are more aware that drivers should yield to pedestrians in marked crosswalks .
n. 스위치, 전환 v. 바뀌다, 바꾸다, 전환하다
They train for marathons, quit smoking, switch fields, write plays, or take up the guitar .
n. 폭발, 강한 바람 v. 폭발하다, 돌파하다, 자동차의 스피드를 올리다
Powered by three engines, it is designed to go 1,050 miles per hour (mph), which would blast past the current land speed record of 763 mph, set in 1997 .
n. 총알
What’s faster than a speeding bullet and isn't named Superman?
n. 유죄 선고, 확신, 신념
He recalled his strong conviction during the interview .
n. 초고, 초안, 선발 v. 초안을 작성하다, 선발하다 adj. 생의, 초안의
Subjecting your entire hard-fought draft to cold, objective scrutiny is absolutely necessary .
v. 미끄러지듯이 움직이다, 활공하다 n. 미끄러지는 듯한 움직임, 활공
She glides like a sunbeam through that quiet house, and in winter she makes summer with her presence .
n. 링 모양의 것, (둥근) 테, (농구) 링, 농구
That is why getting a basketball through a hoop while not using a ladder becomes an important human project .
n. 움막, 오두막
In an ancient tribe, living in small huts in a tiny village settlement, a mother would have been able to hear any of the babies crying in the night .
adj. 힘든, 고된, 근면한
It is laborious to ascertain whether a given hypothesis is in fact compatible with everything already known .
n. 자비, 연민
Clergy and laypeople removed the images of saints from their churches and carried them through the streets of the community, praying for divine mercy .
v. 따라잡다, 앞지르다, 덮치다
Weeds can overtake a garden and hide the beauty of flowers .
v. 관통하다, 침투하다, 스며들다
Trees do indeed have a few small roots which penetrate to great depth, but most of their roots are in the top half-metre of the soil .
n. 전 직원 adj. 인사의, 직원의
Suppose you have written a position paper trying to convince your city council of the need to hire security personnel for the library .
n. 청원자, 진정인, 신청인
One petitioner managed to get into his office .
v. 선발하다, 모집하다 n. 신입 사원
After graduation, Jeremy joined an organization that recruits future leaders to teach in low-income communities .
n. 나머지, 잔존물 adj. 나머지의
The majority of salt in the Great Salt Lake is a remnant of dissolved salts that are present in all fresh water .
adj. 맛있는, 향긋한
Feast on savory seafood fare, enjoy a variety of live music and dive into the action of activities!
v. 발이 걸리다, 비틀거리다 n. 비틀거림
Your perfectionism becomes a stumbling block that keeps you stuck .
n. (집합적) 전문 용어
The study of what our society calls ‘art’ can only really progress if we drop the highly specific and ideologically loaded terminology of ‘art’, ‘artworks’ and ‘artiste’ .
n. 철사, 전선 v. 철사로 연결하다, 전선을 연결하다
She pointed out sparrows sitting on the telephone wires .
n. 숭배 v. 숭배하다
The beginning of religion was the worship of many natural objects, with a predominance of such phenomena as the sun, the sky, thunderstonns, lightning, rain, and fire .
drop out
v. 탈퇴하다, 탈락하다
drop out after a year
set out
v. ~에 착수하다, 출발하다
set out a plan
cry out
v. 외치다, 비명을 지르다
cry out in pain
leave out
v. ~을 빼다, ~을 생략하다
leave out unnecessary details
sort out
v. 선별하다, 분류하다
sort out the ripe pears from the rest
adj. 귀찮은, 짜증난
The children are overstimulated and annoyed, and so are the parents .
adj. 명백한, 외관상의
The very trust that this apparent objectivity inspires is what makes maps such powerful carriers of ideology .
adj. 알고 있는, 인식하는
This contest is designed to encourage students to become more aware of the importance of our environment .
v. 집중하다, 모으다, 집중시키다 n. 농축물
Small communities had to concentrate all their physical and mental efiort on survival .
adj. 즉시의, 즉각적인, 당장의, 직접적인
Going to college sacrifices some immediate pleasures for the sake of a better future life .
v. 나아가다, 계속하다, 이어서 ~하다
He then proceeded to pick up the phone and engage in a fifteen-minute conversation while John waited .
n. 진행, 발전, 진보 v. (시간이) 지나다, (앞으로) 나아가다
Nonhuman infant primates never progress beyond the use of a fairly limited vocabulary .
n. 공급원, 자원, 자산
Multitasking became interpreted to mean multiple tasks being done simultaneously by one resource .
v. 응답하다, 반응하다
The simple fact is the majority of shoppers respond very strongly to the sales lure .
v. 생존하다, 견뎌 내다, 존속하다, ~보다 더 살다
These spineless plants survive by blending into their native habitat .
n. 남용, 학대, 혹사 v. 남용하다, 학대하다
Your body is quite resilient and can bounce back from some amount of abuse .
adj. 적절한, 충분한
As numbers increased, people turned more and more to starchy foods — not adequate nutrition in themselves .
v. 정돈하다, 배열하다, 준비하다, 해결하다, 조정하다, 주선하다
KSFF will arrange for participants to stay with local families .
v. 묻다, 매장하다, 숨기다
He is reacting to inner processes whose origin may be buried deep in his unconscious .
n. 차이, 대조 v. 대조하다
The spaces between the sounds provide a baseline and contrast for the piece, and give music structure and texture .
v. 먹이를 주다, 먹다, 공급하다 n. 먹이
Flowering in trees coincides with a peak in amino acid concentrations in the sap that the insects feed on .
n. 판사, 심판 v. 재판하다, 판단하다, 평가하다
When parents are required to judge their children, their customary thoughtlessness makes them judge so mistakenly .
adj. 후자의, 마지막의, 후반의 n. 후자 (the~)
The former disagree more than the latter and suffer more deadlocks as a result .
v. 의미하다 adj. 비열한, 평균의
Higher demand for alternative fuels may mean that more forests are destroyed to grow biofuel crops .
n. 때, 경우, 행사
When a formal occasion comes along, such as a family wedding or a funeral, they are likely to cave in to norms that they find overwhelming .
v. 제공하다, 주다, 제의하다 n. 제공, 제의
Feedback is usually most effective when you offer it at the earliest opportunity .
n. 교도소, 감옥
People focused on remediations: increasing the size of the police force and prisons .
adj. 전문의, 직업적인 n. 전문가, 프로 선수
Professional or trade magazines are specialized magazines and are often published by professional associations .
n. 심리, 심리학, 심리 작용
Researchers in psychology follow the scientific method to perform studies that help explain human behavior .
v. 빌리다, 대여하다, 임차하다, 빌려주다, 세놓다, 임대하다 n. 집세
We offer a special service that will rent you all the equipment you will ever need for climbing .
v. 반복하다, 따라하다, 복습하다
Although praise may encourage children to continue an activity, they are less likely to repeat the activity in the future .
adj. 저항력 있는, 저항하는
Deep-rooted cultural characteristics of races are the cultural patterns that are resistant to alteration .
v. 흩어지다, 뿌리다, 쫓아 버리다
She had scattered powder unnoticeably on the floor above in order to distract the dogs .
v. 놀리다, 괴롭히다, 못살게 굴다
What should writers do when they’re teased by hints of thoughts that seem too vague to be expressed in words?
n. 상처, 부상 v. 부상을 입히다
Such behaviour is like closing a wound which is still infected .
n. 뇌물 v. 뇌물을 주다, 매수하다
The economic status of the crop ensures that water rights can be bought or bribed away from subsistence crops .
n. 약자 괴롭히기, 집단 괴롭힘
With regard to peer-to-peer risks such as bullying , this last element is of particular importance .
n. 종아리, (하마, 물소, 사슴 등의) 새끼, 송아지
The thought of the good pasture and of the calf contentedly grazing flavors the steak .
n. 검열관 v. 검열하다, (검열하여) 삭제하다
‘Blue Scar’ was censored and initially denied exhibition .
v. 추론하다, 연역하다
We should construct our general theories, deduce testable propositions and prove or disprove them against the sampled data .
adj. 지시하는 n. 지시, 명령
One may ask why audiences would find such movies enjoyable if all they do is give cultural directives and prescriptions for proper living .
v. 버리다, 폐기하다 n. 버린 것
They may later be discarded as the demands of present societies change .
n. 에피소드, 일화, (삽화적인) 사건, (방송, 영화의) 1회분의 작품
Although the number of books he owned in total is simply unknown, an episode about his passion for books is well-known .
n. 배제, 제외
The most direct way of undoing the damage caused by social exclusion is to bring the shy, lonely, and alienated back into the embrace of society .
adj. 타고난, 선천적인
Erikson believes that another distinguishing feature of adulthood is the emergence of an inborn desire to teach .
n. 관련, 참여, 관여, 몰두
The graph compares the percentage of parents of minor children and that of other adidts in terms of their involvement in six library activities .
v. 영양분을 주다, 키우다, 기르다
The destiny of a community depends on how well it nourishes its members .
n. 녹 v. 녹슬다, 부식하다, 부식시키다
Free radicals move uncontrollably through the body, attacking cells, rusting their proteins, piercing their membranes and corrupting their genetic code .
adj. 평화로운, 고요한
Begin thinking about something that makes you feel serene such as lying on a sunny beach .
n. 땀 v. 땀을 흘리다
Drops of cold sweat rolled down her back .
n. 길, 철로, 흔적, 자취, 육상 경기 v. 추적하다
The desire for written records has always accompanied economic activity, since transactions are meaningless unless you can clearly keep track of who owns what .
n. 전환, 환승, 전송, 전학, 이동 v. 전환하다, 넘겨주다, 이전하다, 옮기다, 갈아타다
Until recently in the Andes, land and water rights were combined so water rights were transferred with the land .
adj. 똑바른, 수직의
This time, standing upright , he battled the wave all the way back to shore .
n. 병동, 병실, 수용실, (행정 구획) 구
Perhaps childbed fever is caused by something that physicians come into contact with in the autopsy room and then unintentionally transmit to pregnant women during the course of their rounds in the maternity ward .
v. 물러나다, 철수하다, 철회하다, (예금을) 인출하다
If the consumer were to withdraw from the deal after the ‘slight’ change in the terms of agreement, he might foster the rather undesirable impression .
look forward to
v. ~을 고대하다
look forward to the weekend
look up to
v. ~을 존경하다
look up to my parents
look down on
v. ~을 경시[무시]하다
look down on us
look through
v. ~을 검토하다, ~을 훑어보다
look through a resume
look around
v. 둘러보다, 이것저것 고려하다
look around for a new car
v. 동행하다, 수반하다, 반주하다
A letter from the children in a choir he had been accompanying helped him to start playing the piano again.
n. 곰 v. 참다, (책임, 부담을) 지다, (아이를) 낳다, (열매를) 맺다
Big emitters that had developed their industries more recently, such as Australia, would bear less of a share.
n. 묶음, 다발, 꾸러미 v. 밀어 넣다, 꾸리다
Once the new consumer item becomes a part of the daily consumption bundle , the pleasure of novelty disappears.
v. 속이다, (시험) 부정행위를 하다 n. 속임수
Humans are averse to feeling that theyJre being cheated .
v. 점검하다, 확인하다, 저지하다 n. 점검, 저지, 체크무늬, 수표, 계산서
Rather than make him skip the day, I’d like to check to see if he could switch to the third week program.
adj. 뚜렷한, 별개의, 별도의
Leisure as a distinct non-work time was a result of the disciplined and bounded work time created by capitalist production.
n. 힘 v. 강요하다
The problem is that many of us were forced to eat in a healthy way as children.
adj. 현저한, 뛰어난
Jim Nelson, a junior at Manti High School, was an outstanding athlete.
n. 목적, 의도
Knowledge can be used for any purpose , but many people assume it will be used to further their favorite hopes for society — and this is the fundamental flaw.
v. 다루다, 취급하다, 치료하다, 대접하다
Representational theories of art treat the work of the artist as similar to that of the scientist.
n. 절대적인 것 adj. 절대적인, 완전한
Even the most rigorous attempt to create an absolute likeness is ultimately selective.
adj. 예술의, 예술적 감각이 있는, 아름다운
Artists create artistic works to get viewers to have certain kinds of experiences.
v. 비난하다, ~의 탓으로 돌리다 n. 비난, 책임
It is a strategic and tactical mistake to give an offensive position away to those who will use it to attack, criticize, and blame .
adj. 넓은, 광범위한, 포괄적인, (빛이) 환한, (웃음이) 만연의
It was a very strange thing that in broad daylight the ship had run straight into a tall rock, rising out of the sea.
n. 붓, 솔, 솔질 v. 솔질하다, 스치다, ~을 제쳐 놓다 (~aside)
Try to brush aside the stuff that offends or upsets you.
n. 예산, 재정 v. 예산을 세우다 adj. 저렴한
I carefully edit my email requesting a larger budget next year.
v. 타다, 빛나다, 태우다, 소모하다 n. 화상
Avoidance training has taught you to keep your hand away from a hot iron to avoid the punishment of a burn .
n. 유명 인사, 명성, 인기도
In the instability of American democracy, fame would be dependent on celebrity .
v. 인용하다, 언급하다
One of the most commonly cited reasons for keeping a pet animal is for the companionship it can provide.
n. 동료
If a colleague around you doesn’t understand your idea, or its potential, you are being given an important message.
n. 개념
The concept of humans doing multiple things at a time has been studied by psychologists since the 1920s.
v. 그리다, 묘사하다
His idea was to depict humorous crowd scenes in various locations, including a beach and a country fair.
n. 점 v. 점을 찍다, 여기저기 흩어 놓다
The fact that there are mud puddles dotting the landscape means nothing to the dogs.
v. 빼내다, 배수하다, 소진시키다 n. 배수구, 유출
That tricks the mind into thinking the goal has been achieved, draining the incentive to “get energized to go and get it”.
n. 확대, 확장, 팽창
Medicine became big business with the expansion of new, higher-cost treatments in the United States.
n. 전문가 adj. 전문적인, 숙련된
Group performance in problem solving is superior to even the individual work of the most expert group members.
n. 믿음, 신용, 신념, 신앙
Whitman held a similar faith that for centuries the world would value his poems.
n. 유행, 방식 v. 형성하다
In some subject areas, topics build on one another in a hierarchical fashion , so that a learner must almost certainly master one topic before moving to the next.
ad. 유창하게, 완만하게
It may actually be safer if both parties are allowed to communicate fluently with each other in a language they both understand well.
n. 어려움, 고난, 학대
Others may keep their jobs, but the market values their services so poorly that they face economic hardship .
n. 모방, 흉내, 모조품
Imitation seems to be a key to the transmission of valuable practices among nonhumans.
adj. 관련이 없는, 상관없는
Help provided is not spumed on the basis of irrelevant physical or social attributes; it can be judged based solely on its quality.
n. 레이아웃, 설계, 배치
Their physical layout encourages some uses and inhibits others.
n. 고통, 통증, 고생 (-s)
Rita let out a scream of pain and fear as she fell into the water.
v. 상쾌하게 하다, 생기를 되찾게 하다, 새롭게 하다
The negatively charged oxygen circulates throughout the brain, refreshing the neurons.
adj. 얕은, 피상적인
The classic explanation proposes that trees have deep roots while grasses have shallow roots.
adj. 정교한, 복잡한, 세련된, 지적인
Recent evidence suggests that the common ancestor of Neanderthals and modem people, living about 400,000 years ago, may have already been using pretty sophisticated language.
adj. 주요한 n. 주요 산물
Witchetty grubs are a staple food in traditional aborigine diets and the most important insect food of the desert.
n. 방법, 전략
One must select a particular strategy appropriate to the occasion and follow the chosen course of action.
n. 변이, 전이, 변천, 과도기
The duration of a “second” is equal to 9,192,631,770 cycles of the frequency associated with the transition between two energy levels of the isotope cesium-133.
n. (조직의) 직원, 노동력, 노동 인구
Many had to reenter the workforce just to make ends meet.
n. 조각, 토막 v. 잘게 썰다, 깎아 내다, ~을 조금씩 없애다 (~away at)
The unforeseen side effect is to chip away at our exposure to social contact.
v. 식사를 하다, 만찬을 들다
Their internal clocks were on a different schedule, and instead of eating breakfast, they dined on steak dinner.
v. 처하게 되다, 초래하다
Low-balling describes the technique where two individuals arrive at an agreement and then one increases the cost to be incurred by the other.
adj. 분리할 수 없는, 떨어질 수 없는, 불가분의
We became inseparable , swimming joyfully around together and showing signs of affection.
n. 저널리즘, 언론학, 언론계, 보도
We know that the journalism program at our college was a source of many of these firsts for you.
n. 엄격함, 단호함
Social scientists often need sufficient time to answer questions with appropriate methodological rigor .
n. 제재, 허가, 승인 v. 승인하다
Disease, as a sanction against social misbehavior, becomes one of the most important pillars of order in such societies.
n. 정서, 감정, 감상
The utility of “negative sentiments ” lies in their providing a kind of guarantee of authenticity for such dispositional sentiments as love and respect.
n. 거래
This sense of future obligation within the rule makes possible the development of various kinds of continuing relationships, transactions , and exchanges.
go off
v. (경보기가) 울리다, 폭발하다, (전기가) 나가다
a fire alarm goes off
run off
v. ~을 뽑다
run off twenty copies
log off [out]
v. (컴퓨터 프로그럄의) 사용 종료하다
log off for these changes to take effect
back up
v. ~을 백업하다
back up your current files
pick up
v. ~을 (인터넷으로) 받다
pick up my e-mails
adj. 일치하는, 일관된, 변함없는
Sociologists have a desire to be consistent with their words, beliefs, attitudes, and deeds .
v. 평가하다, 어림하다
One should not evaluate the tea’s drinkability or taste merely because its leaves are not tightly rolled .
adj. 민족[인종]의, 민족 특유의
Racial and ethnic relations in the United States are better today than in the past .
n. 먹이, 희생
Most bats learned to avoid fireflies and catch all the other prey instead .
adj. 커다란, 거대한, 엄청난
As she opened it, a huge smile spread across her face .
n. 정치, 정치학
Politics should be directed toward achieving substantial goals .
n. 권위, 권력, 권한, (pl.) 당국
Whenever a child feels threatened, he turns back toward the safety of his parents5 love and authority .
adj. 시각의, 시각에 의한
The brain’s visual strategies are projecting images from within the mind out onto the world .
n. 가설, 가정
Scientists can include any evidence or hypothesis that supports their claim .
v. 방어하다, 옹호하다, 변호하다
Lone animals rely on their own senses to defend themselves .
v. (수, 양, 정도를) 넘다, 능가하다, 초과하다
Many modem structures exceed those of Egypt in terms of purely physical size .
n. 전사, 무사
The young warrior was competent .
n. 추구, 추격, 일
Find simple joys in your daily pursuits .
n. 액체, 유동체 adj. 액체의, 유동성[체]의
Human newborn infants show a strong preference for sweet liquids .
n. 장학금, 학문, 학식
I applied for and won a scholarship .
v. 재촉하다, 강력히 권고하다 n. 욕구, 충동, 몰아댐
“Try it,” the happy man urged her .
adj. 유한한, 한정된
Everything that occurs is a function of a finite number of causes .
v. 번성하다, 번창하다
Rap music flourished without access to the music establishment .
v. 속삭이다, 일러바치다 n. 속삭임
“You’re all grown-up”, she whispered .
n. 유용성, 유익, (pl.) 공익사업[시설]
Scientific and professional expertise often relies on a particular type of knowledge that is limited to utility .
n. 기준, 표준, 모범 adj. 표준의, 권위 있는
Different standards were used in the time of Mozart than today .
v. (법률, 제도, 조직을) 없애다, 폐지하다
I persuaded her mother to abolish the practice chart .
n. 유대 (관계), 결속, 속박 v. 유대 관계를 형성하다
He formed special bonds with the artists he worked with .
v. 감시하다, 추적 관찰하다
The brain activity of volunteers was monitored as they read classical works .
n. 비율, 비
The bottlenose dolphin is second only to humans in the ratio of brain size to body size .
n. 뜰, 마당, 야드(길이의 단위)
I went out into the yard and wept all by myself .
n. (행위의) 동기, 자극, 이유 adj. 움직이게 하는, 원동력이 되는
You might begin to wonder whether he has some hidden motive .
v. (물이나 공중에서) 뜨다, 떠오르다
A piece of wood tossed into water floats instead of sinking .
n. 부패, 부식, 쇠퇴 v. 부패하다, 쇠퇴하다
Ripening is followed sometimes quite rapidly by deterioration and decay .
n. 의식, 의식적인 행사 adj. 의식의
The building provides the physical environment and setting for a particular social ritual .
adj. 탄력 있는, 탄성이 있는, 융통성 있는
Their shapes can be distorted to some degree to the extent that they are elastic .
n. 이야기, 설화
Its tale rises and falls like a Greek tragedy .
n. 입장, 태도, 자세
Common examples include age, class, political stance , and value system .
v. 문의하다, 묻다, 조사하다
The customer came in to inquire about a loan .
adj. (두 개의 선이) 평행한, 유사한 v. ~과 유사하다, ~에 평행하다
In a typical experiment, two toy cars were shown running synchronously on parallel tracks .
v. 소매하다, 팔리다 n. 소매 adj. 소매(상)의
Prices in most retail outlets are set by the retailer .
n. (외국으로부터의) 이주민, 이민자 adj. 이주민의, 이민에 관한
Riccardo, an immigrant from Mexico, learned this lesson at a young age .
v. 사직하다, 물러나다, 체념하다
If you are going to resign from your current job, may I make a common sense suggestion?
adj. 순진한, 천진난만한
Like naive car buyers, most people see only animals’ varied exteriors .
adj. 격노한, 열광적인, 맹렬한
The local human population was cutting down the reed beds at a furious rate .
n. 출판(물), 발행, 발표
Any publication less than 125 years old has to be checked for its copyright status .
adj. 생태(계)의, 생태학의, 환경의, 환경친화적인
Cities are often blamed as a major cause of ecological destruction .
n. 관습, 관행, (pl.) 관세, 세관
According to social custom , a man is expected to sponsor one festival celebrating a major sainfs day .
adj. ~하기[당하기] 쉬운, ~에 빠지기 쉬운
The more prone to anxieties a person is, the poorer his or her academic performance is .
adj. 적당한, 겸손한, 그다지 크지 않은
Genetic advancements are often reported as modest in effect size in academic publications .
v. (서로) 겹치다, 중복되다 n. 겹침, 중복
Obviously many of these areas overlap .
n. (말)다툼, 싸움 v. 다투다, 싸우다
Her attention was distracted by a rough, noisy quarrel taking place at the ticket counter .
v. (크기, 강도 등을) 줄이다, 작아지다, 적어지다
Scientists can lessen bias by running as many trials as possible .
n. 직업, 직종, 전문직, 공언
You’11 get a great feeling knowing you’re helping support the formation of future leaders in the profession .
n. 통과[통행], 변화, 대중교통 수단[체계] v. 통과[통행]하다, 수송하다
City dwellers have the option of walking or taking transit to work, shops, and school .
n. 통제[규제/억제]
arms control
n. (법률, 규칙을 통한) 제한[억제]
import restrictions
n. 국한[제한](하는 행위, 과정)
age limitation
n. (감정 등의) 억제, (반란 등의) 억압
suppression of emotion
n. 제약(이 되는 것)
constraints of time and money
n. 인식, 지각(력), 이해
Schematic knowledge can hurt you, promoting errors in perception and memory .
n. (농)작물, 수확물
The main food crop was the wild mongongo nut, millions of which were harvested every year .
v. (일, 과제, 의무 등을) 행하다, 수행하다, 공연하다
With the proper training, you will be able to perform CPR quickly and effectively .
n. 반응, 피드백, 의견
Provide feedback just before the person might make another mistake .
adj. 주관적인, 개인적인
The distinctions between crime and heroism become purely subjective ones in a novel .
n. 행성, 유성, 지구 (the~)
In a billion years it will be about 10 percent brighter than today, heating the planet to an uncomfortable degree .
adj. (정)반대의, 상반되는 n. 정반대
Sometimes animals behave in a way quite contrary to what might be expected from their physical form .
v. 수정하다, 변경하다, 바꾸다
Analysis of the errors leads the teacher to modify the teaching of these procedures .
v. 깨닫다, 알게 되다, 자각하다, 실현하다
Reading on, Steven realized the letter had been delivered mistakenly .
n. 욕구, 바람, 요구 v. 바라다, 요구하다
The desire to make money can challenge and inspire us .
v. 얻다, 획득하다, 이루다, 도달하다
No specific knowledge, or experience is required to attain insight in the problem situation .
n. 도구, 기구, 악기
The instruments have a different sound .
adj. 명시적인, 명백한, 솔직한
Although not the explicit goal, the best science can really be seen as refining ignorance .
v. 흡수하다, 빨아들이다, 열중시키다
A carbon sink is a natural feature that absorbs or stores more carbon than it releases .
n. 재료, 성분, 구성 요소
All the ingredients of success are right there inside you .
n. 수업, 교습, 수업료
Please see the attached document for registration and tuition information .
v. 응원하다, 환호성을 지르다 n. 환호(성), 격려
Walking out of the water joyfully, he cheered , “Wow, I did it!”
v. 금지하다, 금하다, ~을 못하게 하다
Look again at the old grammar rule forbidding the splitting of infinitives .
adj. 멋진, 훌륭한, 무서운
They have terrific advice about what helped them succeed .
v. (붙)잡다, 사로잡다, 파악하다
Suddenly fear seized him .
adj. 서로의, 상호 간의, 공동의, 공통의
Anarchy can, in theory, consist of “ mutual aid” or a “war of all against all .”
v. 수입하다, 들여오다 n. 수입(품)
The hoteliers have traditionally imported much of their food while ignoring local farmers .
v. (왈칵) 쏟아져 흐르다, 쫙 퍼지다, (얼굴 등을) 붉히다, (변기의 물을) 내리다 n. 홍조, 분출
Shame flushed through me .
n. 불신, 의심 v. 불신하다, 의심하다
Creative ideas are usually viewed with suspicion and distrust .
v. 길을 찾다, 항해하다, (배, 비행기를) 조종하다
The satellite-based global positioning system (GPS) helps you navigate while driving .
n. (큰) 슬픔, 비탄, 고뇌
Her doctor suggested writing as a means to ease her grief and loss .
n. (비행기의) 추락 사고, 충돌 v. 추락하다, 충돌하다
Suppose a survivor from an airplane crash with severe injuries struggles for days through the jungle .
n. 적개심, 적의, 반대
A person might talk to his coworker in a way that indicates underlying hostility .
n. 고정관념, 판에 박힌 문구 v. 고정관념을 형성하다, 정형화하다
This is a stereotype , but it has a large grain of truth .
n. 공상, 상상, 환상
Researchers evaluated the fantasy’s effect on the subjects and on how things unfolded in reality .
v. 가리다, 흐리게 하다 adj. 분명치 않은, 애매한
Superficial analogies between the eye and a camera obscure the much more fundamental difference between the two .
v. 달려들다, 잡아채다 n. 덥석 물기, 찰깍하는 소리
Many owners have been snapped at by their dogs when they returned home with a new hairdo or a new coat .
n. 획기적인 발전, 돌파(구)
This entailed relating the progressive accumulation of breakthroughs and discoveries .
n. 승객, 탑승객
I told my passenger to look for planes .
v. 대체하다, 대신하다, 옮기다
Foods of animal origin partly displace plant-based foods in people’s diets .
adj. 의심이 많은, 수상쩍은, 의심스러운
He was suspicious , always coming to conclusions, judging, and generally assuming the worst of everyone .
n. 소화 기관, 장, 창자, (pl.) 배짱
They deleted all the games on their PC .
v. 삭제하다, 지우다
At an earlier date, cooking selected mutations for smaller guts and mouths .
v. 설치하다, 장치하다
They had installed a tiny little Bdsendorfer piano that was in poor condition .
adj. 자비로운, 자선을 위한, 호의적인
A dictatorship can, in theory, be brutal or benevolent .
n. 부족(액), 적자, 결손
They adaptively adjust their eating behavior in response to deficits in water, calories, and salt .
adj. 거침없이 말하는, 솔직한
Many of what we now regard as ‘major’ social movements were originally due to the influence of an outspoken minority .
v. 끌다, 끌고 가다
Emotions, such as depression or discouragement, can drag down the entire organization .
n. 침입, 침략, 몰려듦
Invasions of natural communities by non-indigenous species are currently rated as one of the most important global-scale environmental problems .
adj. 감사하는, 고맙게 여기는
Shankwitz was very sad, but grateful that he had helped Chris .
v. 새기다, 파다, 기입하다
One could see that the pieces had been individually inscribed with some marks on the underside .
n. 자취, 발자국, (극)소량 v. (유래 등을) 거슬러 올라가다, 추적하다
Traces of mercury can appear in lakes far removed from industrial discharge .
v. ~을 받을 자격이 있다, ~할 가치가 있다
“You deserve this and more, Mom .”
n. 순환, 유통, (신문, 잡지의) 판매 부수, 발행 부수
In print media, one measure of success is the actual number of publications distributed, or circulation .
n. 경사(도), 경사지, 비탈 v. 경사지다, 기울어지다
They'll go to the edge of a difficult slope .
take ~ into account
v. ~을 고려하다
take global warming into account
take a measure[step]
v. 수단[조치]을 취하다
take a measure against pollution
take responsibility for
v. ~에 대해 책임지다
take responsibility for our own actions
take advantage of
v. ~을 이용[활용]하다
take advantage of the new legislation
take the initiative
v. 솔선수범하다, 선수 치다
take the initiative in managing a crisis
v. 해결하다, 다짐하다
A number of pest problems were resolved by importation of natural enemies.
n. 정기적임, 규칙적임
Regularity is the key to mastery.
n. 풍경, 풍경화
The landscape looked fascinating as the bus headed to Alsace.
v. 정복하다, 극복하다, 이겨 내다
They excel at research, using logic and the information gained through their senses to conquer complex problems.
n. 근육, 힘, 근력
We have two different neural systems that manipulate our facial muscles.
v. 줄다, 감소하다
The instrumentality of architecture in effecting actual change will diminish.
adj. 현대의, 동시대의 n. 동시대 사람
The origins of contemporary Western thought can be traced back to the golden age of ancient Greece.
adj. 바다의, 해양의
This kind of approach has influenced the way we view marine life.
adj. 다양한
More diverse communities are believed to be more stable.
n. 풍부, 다수, 다량, 부유함
It leads us to focus on abundances, production rates, and distribution patterns.
n. 경매 v. 경매로 팔다
Water rights may be sold at auction.
adj. 반항하는, 거역하는, 순종하지 않는
Under the circumstances, he will become disobedient.
n. 표창, 인용, 인용문
Their award citations honor the discovery for having “opened a field up.”
adj. 역효과를 내는
They are making obvious mistakes that are counterproductive to their presence on these sites.
n. (특히 법에 의한) 금지
The numbers and kinds of prohibitions expanded.
n. 역설, 역설적인 것
This creates a paradox that rational models of decision making fail to represent.
v. (~에서) 비롯되다, 생기다, 유래하다 n. (식물의) 줄기, (말의) 어간
The definitions of place stem from involvement in that industry.
n. 연속체
When opposites blend, they are placed on the far ends of a continuum.
v. 활성화하다, 작동시키다
The sounds of laughter have a direct effect on the listener by activating certain brain circuits.
adj. 기만적인, 부정직한
They are incapable of producing deceitful facial expressions.
n. 아주 소량, 단편, 일부, 분수
When pupils learn rhythm, they are learning ratios, fractions and proportions.
adj. (속이) 빈, 공허한 n. 움푹 꺼진 곳
Contour lines can represent scarps, hollows, and valleys of the local topography.
v. 약화시키다, ~의 밑을 파다, 훼손하다
Her identity as a respectable moral subject is undermined.
v. (특정 위치에) 두다, ~의 정확한 위치를 찾아내다[알아내다]
The young must locate, identify, and settle in a habitat that satisfies not only survivorship but reproductive needs.
n. 파괴, 폭파, 해체
The percentage of Commercial & Industrial is more than twice as high as that of Construction & Demolition.
n. 우월(성), 우세
Knowing and not telling does not give him that feeling of superiority.
v. (휩)쓸다, 청소하다 n. 쓸기
Great forces of political, social, economic, and environmental change are sweeping the globe.
n. (음식물/휴지 등의) 쓰레기
Garbage in, garbage out.
adj. 히스테리 상태의
Many women find that the more hysterical its voice, the closer they are to a breakthrough.
n. 습격, 급습 v. 습격하다, 급습하다
There was little security from raids.
adj. 눈을 뗄 수 없는, 주목하지 않을 수 없는, 강렬한, 설득력 있는
From a dog’s point of view, the tug toy is compelling because the trainer is “upset” by the toy.
n. 발명, 발명품
Painkillers are a relatively recent invention.
n. 보충[추가](물), 보충제, 부록 v. 부가하다, 보완하다
The beta carotene supplement actually increased the risk of certain cancers.
v. 기르다, 경작하다, 재배하다, (세균을) 배양하다
Experimental observations are extended to those organisms that we can collect live and cultivate in the laboratory.
n. 불운, 불행
They believe that counting the number of children one has could result in misfortune.
n. 생략, 빠짐, 누락, 하지 않음
Both versions insist on caring for others, whether through acts of omission or through acts of commission.
adj. 신뢰할 만한
It helps ensure that private investors have reliable information on which to base their investment decisions.
adj. 구두의, 구전의, 입의
They include spiritual rituals, oral histories, and the organization of ceremonial lodges.
n. 대륙, 유럽 대륙
Many African-Americans are reminded of their kinship with the continent in which their ancestors originated centuries earlier.
n. 예상, 선입견
Evaluating one’s own preconceptions can bring this about.
adj. 동정적인, 공감하는
People give to charities because of the pleasure they get from imagining their own relief from alleviating their sympathetic distress.
n. 통근자
Commuters almost invariably boarded the bus in order of arrival.
v. 희석하다, 묽게 하다, 약화시키다
The drive to increase production is pushing out local varieties, diluting livestock’s genetic diversity in the process.
n. 조상, 선조
No state could be sovereign if its inhabitants lacked the ability to change a course of action adopted by their forefathers.
v. (~에 불을) 비추다, (이해하기 쉽게) 밝히다, 설명하다
Einstein wanted to illuminate the workings of the universe with a clarity never before achieved.
n. 자산, 재산
Your strengths are your core, your hard-wired assets.
adj. 객관적인 n. 목표, 표적
This is exemplified by games that require little of the individual other than to master the planned objective.
n. 산문, 산문체
Most modem prose is designed to be read silently.
n. 분함, 억울함, 분노, 분개
Leaving little to no time for ourselves can lead to unmanaged stress, fatigue, resentment, or worse, health issues.
v. 번식하다, 재생하다, 복제하다
Where the risk of death from fishing increases as an animal grows, evolution favors those that reproduce earlier.
v. ~을 능숙하게 조작하다
manipulate a machine
v. ~을 유용하게 쓰다
a job that employed her skills
v. 작동하게 하다
operate an automobile
v. 진행하는 방향을 조종하다
steer a boat
v. ~을 손으로 조종하다
handle a horse
n. 설명, 기술, (은행) 계좌, 계산(서) v. 간주하다, 차지하다 (~for)
Subscriptions account for almost 90 percent of total magazine circulation.
v. 찬성하다, 승인하다, 인정하다
When there is no immediate danger, it is usually best to approve of the child play without interfering .
n. 냉기, 한기 v. 아주 춥게 만들다 adj. 쌀쌀한
I felt a sudden chill in the air followed by an uncomfortable stillness .
v. 기여하다, 원인이 되다, 제공하다, 기부하다, (원고를) 기고하다
The artist always contributes something that never was put together in precisely that way before .
n. 배포, 분배, 분포
It leads us to focus on abundances, production rates, and distribution patterns .
v. 지배하다, 우세하다
Team sports dominate the curriculum at the expense of various individual and dual sports, like tennis and golf .
n. 드릴, 송곳, 연습, 훈련, 절차 v. 구멍을 뚫다, 훈련시키다, 주입하다
Some schools and workplaces ignore the improvisatory instincts drilled into us for millions of years .
n. 비율, 속도 v. 평가하다
Geniuses don’t necessarily have a higher success rate than other creators; they simply do more .
n. 이기심, 이기주의
Selfishness needs to be balanced by some selflessness .
v. 서명하다, 기부하다, 구독하다 (~to)
All those insert cards with subscription offers are included in magazines to encourage you to subscribe .
adj. 학문의, 학교의, 학구적인 n. 학자, 교수, 지식 교육 (-s)
The academics said this meant the classics were more useful than self help books .
v. 참석하다, 시중을 들다, 주목하다 (-to)
Where people look reveals what environmental information they are attending to .
n. 맨 아래 (부분), 밑바닥 adj. 밑바닥의
When you’re at the bottom, you can see only what’s right in front of you .
n. 위기
When photography came along in the nineteenth century, painting was put in crisis .
n. 비평가, 평론가, 비판자
1950s critics separated themselves from the masses by rejecting the enjoyment by products of mass culture .
adj. 궁금한, 호기심이 강한, 묘한
We are curious as to whether your farm would be interested in taking them in .
v. 배출하다, 방출하다, 석방하다, 이행하다 n. 방출, 배출물
Control over direct discharge of mercury from industrial operations is clearly needed for prevention .
v. 실행하다, 집행하다, 처형하다
Bokator disappeared when the Khmer Rouge executed most of the discipline’s masters .
adj. 이전의, 전자의 n. 전자 (the~)
New evidence suggests that squirrels also sound alarm calls for former playmates not genetically related .
n. 몸짓, 동작, 표시 v. 몸짓하다
He laughed and wiped away the tear stains from my face - his heartfelt gesture of apology for such a long-delayed present .
n. 강의, 강연, 잔소리 v. 강의하다
Before the night sky observations with telescopes, there will be a special lecture on astronomy .
n. 의학, 약, 약물
The process of journal-keeping through writing and drawing helped heal me from a mysterious illness which had defied the doctors and their medicines .
n. 메모, 지폐, 주목, 음표 v. 주목하다, 알아채다
Note first that the research was done on college students, not infants, and that the effect was very brief .
adj. 사전의, 이전의, (~보다) 우선하는
Prior to low-cost printing, ideas could and did spread by word of mouth .
adj. 날것의, 가공하지 않은
Basic scientific research provides the raw materials that technology and engineering use to solve problems .
n. 위험, 모험 v. 위험을 무릅쓰다
The only risk that you will face as an introvert is that people who do not know you may think that you are aloof .
v. 썩다, 타락하다, 나빠지다
Describing rotting slums as 'substandard housing, makes the need for action less important .
v. 항해하다, 미끄러지듯 나아가다 n. (배의) 돞
Other park conditions such as wind and humidity also affect whether a ball sails over the fences, and players know this .
v. 이용하다, 활용하다
Lawyers utilize information selectively to support their arguments .
n. 변형, 버전, 판, 번역, 각색
The standardization of everyday life produces a sameness, a bland version of what used to be unique experiences .
adj. 표류하는, 방황하는
Brightly colored ducks, frogs, and turtles were set adrift in the middle of the Pacific Ocean .
v. 묶다, 싸다, 결속시키다 n. 묶는 물건
These rituals served to bind people together and distribute resources .
adj. 싹트기 시작하는, 신예의, 신진의
We’re still providing these important first experiences to budding young writers and editors .
n. 우회도로, v. 우회하다, 회피하다
This traditional allocation per unit of land has been bypassed, partly by the development of new supplies .
n. 결정, 결단력
The proposal wasn’t submitted at the right point in the buying decision .
adj. 어둑한, 희미한 v.어둑해지다
The theatre lights dimmed, the orchestra struck up and they sat fascinated by Delibes’ music .
v. 집행하다, 시행하다, 강요하다
Societies vary in the extremity of the distinctions they draw and the rigidity with which these distinctions are enforced .
n. 사람들 adj. 민속의
The opportunity to perform folk dances for tourists may encourage local artists to preserve traditional art forms .
n. 진실성, 정직, 성실, 완전, 온전함
Study of security produced a characterization of three categories: confidentiality, integrity ,and availability .
n. 면허, 면허증, 허가증 v. ~에 면허를 주다, 허가하다
The society issues licences to music users, collects fees and distributes the money raised to the composers and songwriters .
n. 쓰레기, (애완동물 배설용 상자 속의) 점토 v. 어질러 놓다
He put cat litter in the bottom and straw on top of that .
v. 우연히 듣다, 엿듣다
I overheard the young man seated next to me talking on his cell phone with one of his college roommates .
n. 재산, 부동산, 특성
Property owners cannot reduce the amount available for rent in their buildings .
v. 깊이 베다, 삭감하다, 대폭 줄이다 n. 삭감, 사선
Today, the average French meal has been slashed down to 38 minutes .
n. 불꽃 v. 불꽃을 튀기다, 촉발시키다
Only after a good deal of observation do the sparks in the bubble chamber become recognizable as the specific movements of identifiable particles .
v. 젓다, 휘젓다, (감정을) 동요시키다 n. 뒤섞기, 소동
Then simply mix together the lemon juice, sugar, and water in a jug, and stir .
v. 톡톡 두드리다, 박자를 맞추다, 이용하다 n. (손가락으로) 두드리기, 수도꼭지
Labels are tapping the word-of-mouth forces that are replacing traditional marketing in creating demand .
n. (나무) 줄기, 몸통, (여행용) 트렁크, (자동차) 트렁크, 코끼리의 코, 사각팬츠 (-s)
Many children draw a tree as an oval resting on a long rectangular trunk.
ad. 아무런 생각도 없이, 본의 아니게
I stated that some corporate policies purposefully unintentionally demean us as professionals .
n. 핑 (총알이 날아가는 소리) v. 빠르게 지나가다, 지퍼를 채우다
When whales do surface, biologists can zip over in worryingly small boats and pick up the bits of skin that the whales leave behind on the surface .
v. (능력, 세력 등이) 약화되다
The storm eventually weakened .
v. (식물, 체력 등이) 시들다
Flowers and beauty wither .
v. (빛, 명성 등이) 약해지다, 쇠퇴하다
His popularity has waned .
v. (문제 등이) 악화되다
The problem has worsened considerably .
v. (금속 등이) 부식되다, 부패하다, 부식시키다
Acids corrode metals .
adj. 활동적인, 적극적인, (화학) 활성의
The combustion of oxygen that keeps us alive and active sends out by-products called oxygen free radicals .
adj. 해마다의, 연간의, (식물) 1년생의 n. 연감[연보], 1년생 식물
Global society will increase annual investments from 24% today to 36% of the GDP in 2052 .
n. 유용성, 이용 가능성, 이용할 수 있음
The availability of water is thought to be more important than minimizing changes in temperature .
v. 피하다, 예방하다
A child who has been repeatedly criticized for poor performance on math may learn to dodge difficult math problems in order to avoid further punishment .
v. 명령하다, 조망하다, (지배적 위치를) 차지하다, 지배하다 n. 명령, 지휘, 조망, (언어) 구사력
Rita immediately bonded with Princess, petting her, feeding her, and teaching her basic commands .
v. 다루다, 거래하다 n. 취급, 거래, 대량
Aesthetics is the branch of philosophy that deals with beauty, especially beauty in the arts .
v. 사라지다
If the climate continues to warm at the current rate, polar bears could disappear in the next hundred years .
v. 격려하다, 권장하다, 촉진하다
Children's SNS activities should be encouraged when we help them accumulate knowledge .
v. 진화하다, 발전하다, 서서히 발전시키다
Both humans and rats have evolved taste preferences for sweet foods, which provide rich sources of calories .
n. 방식, 태도, 예의범절(-s)
Reasonable problems are of the kind that can be solved in a step-by-step manner .
adj. 풍부한, 풍족한
The Kung San in that area had abundant food supply and a lot of leisure time .
v. 영향을 미치다, (강한 정서적) 충격을 주다 n. 정서, 감정
True understanding can only come from seeing the creature in its natural surroundings and the ways in which its presence affects its environment .
ad. 만성적으로
Having chronically high anxiety is an almost sure predictor that a person will eventually fail in the field .
v. 속이다, 기만하다
The fact that we can be deceived or deluded complicates the epistemic task of finding the truth .
v. 정의하다, (범위를) 한정하다
Some people have defined wildlife damage management as the science and management of overabundant species .
adj. 익숙한, 친숙한, 친밀한
Hannah looked at all the familiar faces that had been part of her life for the last few years .
adj. 부드러운 털의, 털로 덮인, 털 같은
So, you’re ready to add a new member, a furry one, to your family .
adj. 양립할 수 없는, 공존할 수 없는, 호환성이 없는
As in Einstein*s formulation, the two theories underlying the tremendous progress of physics were mutually incompatible .
n. 수분, 습기
The greater moisture capacity of the air means that water can be sucked out of one area and deposited in another .
adj. 압도적인, 아주 강한
It had a cheap frame, but she felt it was so overpowering .
n. 가난, 빈곤, 부족, 결핍
People emphasized prevention and addressing the root causes of the problem, such as eliminating poverty and improving education .
n. 규칙, 통치 v. 지배하다, 통치하다
Beneath the cloak of radicalism, the conventions of existing building typologies and programs still rule .
adj. 외로운, 혼자의, 단독의, 인적이 드문
For myself I kept a solitary piece of china, one of the few remaining plates from the set my grandfather bought my mother for her wedding .
n. 저장, 재고, 재고품, 주식, 가축 v. 저장하다, 비축하다
Even without information, people believe the stocks they own will perform better than stocks they do not own .
n. 끝, 조언, 팁 v. 기울다, 기울이다
Left-handedness is just the tip of the iceberg .
n. 용법, 사용, 사용량
Other schools emphasize creative usage of a database, without installing a fund of knowledge in the first place .
adj. 전적인 v. 발언하다
Without playing a note or uttering a word, Zukerman placed the instrument back in its case .
n. 진공, 공백 v. 진공청소기로 청소하다
He alone understood the impact of De Foresfs vacuum tube .
adj. 방대한, 막대한, 광대한, 어마어마한
Fieldwork is the way we learn about the vast detailed intricacy of human culture and individual behavior .
v. 입다, 닳다, 닳게 하다
The female wearing the white dress is about to be married and change her status and role in society .
adj. 물의, 수생의, 수중의, 수상에서 하는 n. 수생 동식물, 수상 경기
The bodily fluids of aquatic animals show similarity to oceans .
v. 물다 n. 물기, 입질, 한입
It is appealing and at first bite its sweetness tastes wonderful .
n. 상담가, 상담 전문가, 카운슬러
The counsellor helps the child to change by deconstructing old stories and reconstructing preferred stories about himself and his life .
adj. 섬세한, 연약한
An egg requires a more delicate touch than a rock .
n. 이동, 표류 v. 이동하다, 표류하다, 떠다니다
Periodic disturbances such as severe storms, battering by drifting logs or underwater landslides can reduce the population of a dominant competitor .
v. 제공하다, 비치하다, 설비하다, 설치하다
As property managers, we’ll furnish smoke detectors as required by the law .
n. 서식지, 거주지
This provides a habitat for a wider range of species .
v. 기울이다, 기대다 adj. 마른, (고기가) 지방이 적은, 수확이 적은
In years of bountiful crops people ate heartily, and in lean years they starved .
n. 옅은 안개
The line of distant mountains and shapes of houses were gradually emerging through the mist .
n. 모터, 자동차 adj. 모터가 달린, (근육) 운동의
From the point of view of research in motor behavior, it is important to use performances in the laboratory .
v. 슬퍼하다, 애도하다
She and her mother had mourned together and the bond between them had strengthened .
v. 압박하다, 억압하다, 박해하다
When stable communities in the early stages of social evolution are invaded and their people oppressed, birth rates and population tend to rise much more rapidly .
adj. 저명한, 두드러진, 돌출된
Sitting with prominent football journalists in Melbourne was very exciting to David .
adj. 빈정대는, 비꼬는
Sarcasm is the opposite of deception in that a sarcastic speaker typically intends the receiver to recognize the sarcastic intent .
n. 경멸 v. 경멸하다
People we scorn , envy, or resent can make as much of a difference to our feelings as loved ones .
v. (씨를) 뿌리다, 파종하다, 심다
Seeds with thinner coats were preferred as they allow seedlings to sprout more quickly when sown .
n. 줄, (악기의) 현, 조건(-s) v. (현을) 튀기다
What kids do need is unconditional support, love with no strings attached .
n. 수목, 목재
Abundant timber would do away with the need to import wood from Scandinavia .
pre. ~을 경유하여, ~을 통하여
A leader is overrun with inputs —— via e-mails, meetings, and phone calls——that only distract her thinking .
n. 선, 미덕, 덕, 장점
Evil is always a weakness, and virtue is always strength, even if things appear to be quite the opposite .
make a choice
v. 선택하다
make a good[bad] choice
make a mistake
v. 실수하다
make[commit] a big mistake
make an effort
v. 노력하다
make an earnest effort
make an excuse
v. 변명하다
make[find/invent] an excuse for
make arrangements
v. 준비를 하다
make necessary arrangements for
v. 완수하다, 달성하다, 성취하다
Self-efficacy is a judgment of one’s capability to accomplish a certain level of performance .
adj. 불안한, 걱정스러운, 열망하는, 간절히 바라는
I was really very anxious to tell that story, but I wasn’t able for the life of me to remember the number of hairs .
adj. 공동의, 공통의, 흔한, 일반적인
A common metaphor in early theories of attention is the concept of a bottleneck .
v. 세다, 중요하다, 간주하다
If you do not believe me, you could count them yourself .
v. 의존하다, 신뢰하다, ~에 달려 있다(~on[upon])
Whether we develop effective communication skills depends largely on how we learn to communicate .
v. 뻗다, 연장하다, 확장하다
When we extend a hand, holding the screwdriver, we automatically take the length of the latter into account .
v. 혁신하다
You have to challenge the conventional ways of doing things and search for opportunities to innovate .
adj. 마음의, 정신의, 정신적인, 지적인, 지능의
Let me spend a moment on the idea of adjusting to another person’s mental orientation .
n. 흥분, 전율 v. 열광시키다, 전율하게 하다
Where 10 or 20 percent off might have given shoppers a thrill before, today they want 50 or even 60 percent off .
adj. 생명의, 필수적인, 매우 중요한
Lifeline infrastructures are vital systems that support a nation’s economy and quality of life .
v. 증폭하다, 더 자세히 진술하다
He used the impact of De Foresfs vacuum tube to invent an amplifying system .
n. 술집, 막대 (모양의 것), 창살, 장애(물), (악보의) 마디 v. 막다, 금지하다
Zoos have replaced concrete floors and steel bars with grass, rocks, trees, and pools of water .
v. 간청하다, 구걸하다
Desperate, the German teenager caught up with Keith and begged the jazz pianist to play .
v. 계산하다, 추정하다
We should calculate what concentration of greenhouse gases each country has put into the atmosphere over time and use those figures to allocate emissions cuts .
adj. 주된, 최고의 n. 장, 우두머리
Chief among these advantages is the ability to control the first messages and how a story is first framed .
n. 구성, 성분, 구조, 작곡, 작문, 글, 작품
Subjects who were allowed to listen to music wrote more creative compositions than individuals working in silence .
v. 소화하다, 이해하다, 요약하다 n. 요약
When we consume something, we digest it, and then our liver helps us to filter the nutrients .
v. 기부하다, 기증하다
Thank you for your question about how to donate children’s books for our book drive .
n. 경제, 절약
Do you fear that crime, war, or terrorist attacks will disrupt the economy and your security?
v. 암호화하다, 부호화하다
While memories in short-term memory are encoded acoustically, information held in long-term memory seems to be different .
v. 장비를 갖추다, 준비를 갖춰 주다
The airship was completed in 1933 as part of an effort to equip the U .S . Navy with airborne military bases .
adj. 있을 법하지 않은, 일어날 법하지 않은
People with a strong sense of self-efficacy may be more willing to attempt tasks for which success is viewed as improbable by the majority of social actors in a setting .
n. 최소한도, 최저치 adj. 최소의 ad. 최소한
Money—beyond the bare minimum necessary for food and shelter——is nothing more than a means to an end .
adj. 도덕상의, 도덕적인 n. 교훈
Moral decisions require taking other people into account.
n. 부분, 비율, 균형
Although richer people spend smaller proportions of their income on food, in total they consume more food .
adj. 임의의, 무작위의
Because the effects of such campaigns can be counteracted by random acts of violence, positive outcomes cannot be guaranteed .
n. 요리법, 방법, 방안, 비결
I submitted my application and recipe for the 2nd Annual DC Metro Cooking Contest .
n. 규모, 등급, 영역, 저울(-s), 비늘 v. 오르다
Music can effectively communicate whether the motion picture is an epic drama or a story that exists on a more personal scale .
n. 수송, 이동, 교통수단 v. 수송하다
You could guess by looking at its wings that flying was its normal mode of transport .
v. 꼬다, 뒤틀다, 왜곡하다 n. 꼬기, 비틀림
In one kind of spinning called throwing, two or more fibers are twisted together to form a thread .
v. 달라붙다, 고수하다, 집착하다
There is nothing inherently wrong with adhering to specific practices and strategies .
n. 아치형 구조물, 오목한 부분, 아치형 장식 v. (몸을) 동그랗게 구부리다
While power walking, people should wear shoes with a good arch support to avoid injury .
n. 병, 한 병(의 양) v. 병에 담다
All sleepovers include dinner, breakfast, a camp T-shirt and a water bottle for each participant .
n. 공손함, 정중함, 우대 adj. 의례상의, 우대의, 서비스의
They want not only efficiency but courtesy and they are in a position to get what they want .
v. 감히 ~하다, (위험을) 무릅쓰다, 도전하다 n. 도전
Soon the beggar was standing before a mirror, clothed in garments that he had never dared hope for .
v. 살다, 거주하다 (~in), 곰곰이 생각하다 (~on)
Dwell on the swiftness of the passage and departure of things that are and of things that come to be .
adj. 직립한, 똑바로 선 v. 세우다
Everyone stood erect in great silence respectfully watching these three flags rise up .
adj. 거대한
Many were probably killed in the close encounters that were necessary to slay one of these gigantic animals .
n. 산울타리, 방지책, 울타리의 구실을 하는 것 v. 둘러싸다
This new approach increases biological diversity by conserving hedges and the wildflowers, insects, birds and other animals that live on the land .
n. 팽창, 과장, 인플레이션, 물가 상승
Economics tackles depressing topics such as poverty, crime, war, taxes, inflation, and economic collapse .
n. 거푸집, 틀, 곰팡이 v. 주조하다, (형성하여) 만들다
If you wish to know what form gelatin will have when it solidifies, study the shape of the mold that holds it .
n. 진흙
Maybe you think you have to go to Africa and live in a mud hut and eat raw bugs while teaching Sunday School to starving children .
n. 관점, 전망, 조망
Family backgrounds, education, careers and relationships help shape a person’s character and outlook on life .
n. 패널(벽, 천장의 한 칸), (계기)판, 토론자단, 심사원단
Rare metals are key ingredients in green technologies such as electric cars, wind turbines, and solar panels .
n. 반란 v. 반란을 일으키다
While the revolt was put down soon after, it marked a sea change in the relationship between lords and commoners .
n. 박차, 자극 v. 박차를 가하다, 자극하다, 격려하다
The sight of others acting in a socially responsible manner can spur an observer to help .
n. 증기, 김, 물방울, 기운 v. 김을 내다
The arrival of the steam engine extended our radius of activity .
n. 수술, 외과 수술
While he was in the hospital recovering from surgery , his mother brought him a box of paints and a how-to book .
n. 보물 v. 소중히 하다, 비축하다
The way I treasured my books revealed the extent of how much I was already like my mother .
n. 공석, 공실, 멍함
Space that was constructed to accommodate business and consumer needs remains, so vacancy rates climb .
glossy hair
n. 윤기 있는 머리
She has finally revealed the secret to her glossy hair .
tender meat
n. 연한 고기
He is fond of tender meat .
coarse hand
n. 거친 손
He is not ashamed of his coarse hands .
bumpy road
n. 울퉁불퉁한 길
Bumpy roads can damage your car .
greasy foos
n. 기름진 음식
Too much greasy food isn’t good for you .
n. 결론, 결말, (조약의) 체결
Lawyers and scientists use argument to mean a summary of evidence and principles leading to a conclusion .
adj. 현재의, 통용되는 n. 흐름, 해류, 기류, 전류, 경향
You have to venture beyond the boundaries of your current experience and explore new territory .
n. 요구, 수요 v. 요구하다
Objectivity is important because of the scientific demand that observations be subject to public verification .
adj. 빈번한, 번번히 일어나는 v. 자주 다니다
One of the most frequent criticisms is that the crop yields of organic farms are low .
adj. 좌절한, 불만스러운
During conflict, people can become frustrated and feel that they are constantly being interrupted .
v. 주장하다, 고집하다
If you insist on always having a plan, you cut yourself off from your intuitive self and the inner joy it provides .
v. 오도하다, 잘못 이끌다
Roosevelt pretended that he wasn’t trying to mislead the people .
adj. 합리적인, 이성적인, 적당한
Problems can be distinguished according to whether they are reasonable or unreasonable .
v. 제거하다, 치우다
One avenue that has been explored is the reprocessing of spent fuel to remove the active ingredients .
adj. 마른, 얇은, 드문드문한, 묽은 v. 가늘게 하다, 얇게 하다, 엷게 하다
Then, rising above the unpleasant buzz of complaining children and parents, comes a thin , persistent melody .
n. 빛줄기, 환한 미소 v. (빛을) 비추다, 활짝 웃다
When your friend scores the winning goal during a critical soccer match, you beam with pride .
v. 파다, 발굴하다, 탐구하다 n. 파기
She has to choose the seed, pick the place, clear the ground, dig the holes, plant the seed, and water it .
n. 설명, 해명
One explanation for the effectiveness of low-balling is in terms of self perception theory .
v. 접다 n. 주름
You will like it because you can fold it up and put it in your backpack .
n. 지구, 세계, 공, 구체
Today the term artist is used to refer to a broad range of creative individuals across the globe from both past and present .
adj. 우아한, 품위 있는
His portraits are always graceful and charming .
n. 짐, 부담 v. 짐을 싣다, 가득 채우다
The more “conservative” the building envelope and insulation, the easier it was to match essential energy loads to the availability of on-site resources .
adj. 수컷의, 남성의 n. 수컷, 남성
The percentage of female consumption of fruit and vegetables 5 or more times per day was higher than that of males .
adj. 일부분의, 편파적인, 불공평한
Everyone comes from a perspective, which, by its very nature, is limited and partial .
n. 식물, 공장 v. 심다
When people started to plant stored seed stock deliberately, they ako began protecting their plants .
v. 추정하다, 간주하다
Darwin’s theories of evolution presume that individuals should act to preserve their own interests, not those of the species as a whole .
n. 수신, 수령, 환영, 환영회, 접수처
Armstrong worked on the major problem of radio reception —electrical interference .
n. 향, 향기, 냄새
It smelled not like the clean shampoo scent I might have been hoping for, but like old lettuce .
n. 신호 v. 신호를 보내다
Those who have high self-monitoring adjust themselves to any social signal that indicates appropriate or inappropriate behavior .
n. 계단
He picked them up and read the letter thoroughly while sitting on the stairs in front of his house .
v. 자극하다, 활성화하다, 활발하게 하다
One surprising effect of printing was to stimulate the development of single national languages like English .
n. 악취 v. 악취를 풍기다
Being happy means that you recognize that life sometimes stinks .
n. 시력, 시각, 미래상, 안목
I had visions of being a hero — a police officer or an astronaut .
n. 파도, 파장 v. 흔들다
The sound waves you produce travel in all directions and bounce off the walls at different times and places .
n. 거미집, 거미집 모양인 것, 망, 인터넷 v. 거미집 치다
To a human observer, their legs seem a great hindrance as the spiders move about the web .
v. 난타하다, 두드리다 v. 반죽, (야구의) 타자
We batter our fellowmen with our opinions sufficiently often, but this is nothing in comparison to the insistence with which we pour out our feelings .
adj. 텅 빈, 공백의 n. 빈칸, 여백, 공백
My mind drew a complete blank .
adj. 일관성이 있는
What is required is an ability to put many pieces of a task together to form a coherent whole .
n. 논쟁, 논란
The controversy and legal battles over issuing patents for genetic material have continued .
adj. 기업의, 법인의, 공동의, 단체의
We encourage you to gain more experience and expose yourself more to different challenges and situations in the corporate world .
adj. 딱딱한 껍질이 있는, 외피가 있는
A highly polluted area around an industrial plant might have only gray-green crusty lichens or none at all .
adj. (수준, 품질이) 괜찮은, 점잖은, 예의 바른, 품위 있는
Genes, development, and learning all contribute to the process of becoming a decent human being .
adj. 불명예스러운
Since the 19th century, economics has borne the dishonorable name of “the dismal science .”
adj. 경험적인, 실증적인, 경험에 의거한
Each of two conflicting theories can claim positive empirical evidence in its support but they come to opposite conclusions .
v. 엉키게 하다, 얽히게 하다, 걸려 꼼짝 못하게 하다
Marine debris affects animals through ingesting it or getting entangled in it .
adj. 아주 적은, 최소의
The ideal translator most faithfully retains the creative spirit of the original, thereby keeping his or her own contribution to the translation as minimal as possible .
adj. 남아 있는, 존재하는
The introduced individuals immediately turned their attentions to the crabs and small fish, thus competing with the few remaining grebes for food .
n. 도망, 도망자 adj. 도망한, 통제 불능의
Water evaporating from the oceans may set off a runaway greenhouse effect that turns Earth into a damp version of Venus .
n. 봉인, 도장, 물개 v. 봉인하다, 날인하다, 확인하다
When ice forms, the bears can walk out to a hole, then sit and wait for a seal to pop its head up to breathe .
adj. 분별력 있는, 이지적인, 합리적인, 이성적인
Her pale, plump face was gentle and sensible ; her grey eyes had a warm and kindly twinkle .
n. 연속, 연쇄, 계승
Soup kitchens could not serve enough meals to those going hungry, and banks collapsed in rapid succession .
adj. 수술의
A medical student must have expertise in human anatomy before studying surgical techniques .
adj. 만족스럽지 못한, 불만스러운
To help the criticized person know how to fix what you object to, define exactly what went wrong and why it is unsatisfactory .
adj. 폭력적인, 격렬한
After living at Oak Haven for many years, I have acquired great respect for and dread of the sudden shock of a violent thunderstorm .
n. 항해 v. 항해하다
Deseada is said to have obtained its name from the desire Christopher Columbus felt of seeing land on his second voyage in 1493 .
lose one's patience
v. 인내심을 잃다, 화를 내다
She lost her patience and shouted .
lose one's temper
v. 흥분하다 , 화를 내다
He lost his temper for nothing .
lose one's appetite
v. 식욕을 잃다
I have lost my appetite .
swallow one's pride
v. 자존심을 억누르다
Given my situation I had to swallow my pride .
swallow one's grief
v. 슬픔을 억누르다
He silently swallowed his grief .
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