EBS vaccine VOCA: DAY-(16~30)
825 카드 | jasmine
n. 비용, 책임, 고소 v. 청구[부과]하다, 책임을 지우다, 충전하다
Participation in the contest is free of charge .
v. 줄이다, 축소하다
They asked people for ways to reduce crime in a community .
v. 가정하다, 추정하다, (역할 등을) 맡다
Science assumes that what is being investigated is lawful .
n. 자선 단체, 자선, 자비(심)
All money raised will be donated to charity .
v. 필요하다, 요구하다
An Internet connection is not required to play the songs!
adj. 이상한, 기묘한, 홀수의 n. (pl.) 가능성, 역경
You might think this is odd but would have no difficulty understanding it .
n. 교환, 환전, 거래소 v. 교환하다, 주고받다, 환전하다
Two of you can exchange romantic words .
v. 포함하다, 함유하다
Scientists must include all of the known evidence and all of the hypotheses previously proposed .
adj. 완전한, 완성된, 전부의 v. 완성하다, 완료하다
A complete scientific explanation of moral evolution and development in the human species is a very long way off .
adj. 걱정하는, 당황한, 속상한 v. 뒤엎다, 속상하게 하다 n. 혼란, 속상함
Preparing to solve a problem for next time feels better than getting upset about our failure to solve it this time .
n. 피난처, 주거지, 보호(소)
Surviving individuals were forced to find shelter elsewhere .
v. 올리다, 일으키다, 기르다, 돈을 모으다
They prefer to be called by the names of the cattle they raise .
adj. 관련된, 적절한, 상대적인
Some force outside the object might be relevant .
adj. 연방 정부의, 연방(제)의, 연합의
During 2009- 2010, nearly 40 percent of federal expenditures were financed by borrowing .
n. 수익, 이익, 이득 v. 이익을 얻다[주다]
The quest for profit and the search for knowledge cannot coexist in archaeology because of the time factor .
v. 궁금하다, ~일까 생각하다 n. 경이(로운 것)
Looking around, Sharon wondered what kind of show she could expect .
v. 기초로 하다, ~을 근거로 하다 n. 기초, 토대, 근거
He believed human behavior to be based on three abilities - intellect, emotion, and will .
v. 섞(이)다, 혼합하다
These spineless plants survive by blending into their native habitat .
n. 단지, 병, 항아리
You decide to organize them into little jars .
adj. 신체의, 물리적인, 물질적인, 물리학의
All athletes have the physical skills to be successful .
adj. 열성적인, 열망하는, 간절히 바라는
Young Benjamin was a quick and eager learner .
n. 맨 앞, 중심, 가장 중요한 위치
Such multi-faceted creativity has, at times, placed children's literature at the forefront of imaginative experimentation .
n. 연민, 동정(심), 유감
The emotion of pity is still in our genes .
n. 비참(함), 고통, 불행
We have a bit of self-interest in relieving the misery of others .
v. 익사하다[시키다], 흠뻑 젖게 하다, ~에 빠지다[몰두하다]
The dog's fears stemmed from her puppyhood when she almost drowned twice .
v. 그리다, 묘사하다
Afraid of the world that is portrayed on TV, people stay in their homes .
n. 채널, 수로, 해협, 유통 체계, (의사소통) 수단
There was plenty of water in the channel .
n. 조각, 오려 낸 것, 쓰레기 v. (쓰레기로) 버리다, 폐기하다
It can make brokers scrap all the strategizing and analyses and go for emotional, or gut, decisions .
adj. 끔찍한, 무서운, 지독한
The reviewer was harsh, calling it “an awful performance .”
v. 방해하다, 저해하다, 막다
Sometimes praise seems to hinder concentration .
v. 다치게 하다, (감정을) 상하게 하다, 손해를 입히다 adj. 다친, 마음이 아픈 n. 상처, 아픔
Betty was hurt but wasn't particularly surprised .
v. 개최하다, 주최하다, 주인 노릇을 하다 n. 주인, 주최자, 진행자, 다수, 숙주
Mountain Today is hosting a photo contest for local high school students .
v. 제출하다, 복종시키다, 항복하다
She wasn't sure whether she could submit it on time .
v. 억제하다, 방해하다, 금지하다
Their physical layout encourages some uses and inhibits others .
n. 성직자, 사제, 신부
Disease takes over, in many cases, the role played by policemen, judges, and priests in modem society .
v. 모방하다, 흉내 내다
There are hundreds of great people to imitate and copy .
n. 의견 일치, 합의
Disagreement is wrong and consensus is the desirable state of things .
v. 잡다, 포획하다, 포착하다 n. 포획, 포착
During the first night, all the bats captured at least one firefly .
n. 옹호, 지지, 변호
Mediation is a process that has much in common with advocacy but is also crucially different .
n. 할인 v. 할인하다, 무시하다
A parking discount is available to museum visitors .
n. 디자인, 설계, 도안 v. 디자인하다, 설계하다, 계획하다
It was designed by Michelangelo himself as the pope requested .
n. 외교(술)
Diplomacy aimed at public opinion can become important to outcomes .
v. 회전하다, 교대하다, 순환 근무를 하다
Security officers rotate around different stations .
adj. 즉각적인, 신속한 v. 자극하다, 유발하다, 촉구하다
Most overeating is prompted by feelings rather than physical hunger .
v. 부화하다, 알을 품다 n. 부화, 승강구, 출입구
When the egg of the thief hatches, it kills the host's offspring .
v. 증발하다, 탈수하다, 사라지다
These wind bursts can occur in clear air when rain evaporates high above the ground .
n. 방사(선), 방사 에너지, 복사열
The radiation emitted into space would be so great .
n. 단계, 시기, 국면, 측면
Some discoveries seem to entail numerous phases and discoverers .
adj. 무모한, 부주의한, 난폭한
Evidence suggests an association between loud, fast music and reckless driving .
v. 응시하다, 빤히 보다 n. 응시, 빤히 봄
She stood there staring at the water .
make a budget
v. 예산을 편성하다
Make a budget before you start your business .
go for broke
v. (가지고 있는) 모든 것을 투자하다
He has vowed to go for broke .
break even
v. 수지를 맞추다, 본전치기를 하다
It took us years to break even .
turn a profit
v. 흑자를[이익을] 내다
Our store is turning a profit .
go to the wall
v. (자금 부족으로) 파산[실패]하다
The new company will go to the wall without your help .
v. 유지하다, 보수하다, 주장하다
These insects are able to maintain a nearly constant temperature in their hives or mounds throughout the year .
v. 경험하다, 괴로워하다, 시달리다, 고생하다
An introvert would be far less likely to suffer from boredom without outside stimulation .
n. 관찰, 주시, 발언
Observations are not always undertaken with a clear sense of what data may be relevant .
v. 일어나다, 생기다, 발생하다
Debates about performance enhancement arise in music as well as in sports .
v. 연결하다, 연락하다
I'll explain how to connect to the Internet in the office .
adj. 유일한, 독특한
If we aren't unique toolmakers, or artists, or moral ethicists then what makes us special?
n. (우연히) 만남, 교전 v. 우연히 만나다, 교전하다
Time spent on on-line interaction leaves less time available for actual encounters with a wide variety of people .
adj. 정확한, 바로 그~
He tried to be as precise as he could .
n. 상황, 정황, 사건
It may just be that the circumstances at one period of time were more favourable for fossilization than they were at other times .
v. (조금씩) 모으다, (재산을) 축적하다
Knowledge is accumulated over a long period of time .
n. 보호, 보존, 관리
The island is home to over 10 million people, most of whom are hardly concerned with environmental conservation .
v. 구성하다, ~이 되다, (법령 등을) 제정하다
Water derived from the capture of flash floods is not subject to Islamic law as this constitutes an uncertain source .
v. 쉽게 하다, 촉진하다
They facilitate physiological changes on a roughly twenty four-hour cycle no matter what is happening .
adj. 공간의, 공간에 존재하는
Buildings tell stories, for their form and spatial organization give us hints about how they should be used .
n. 칭찬, 찬사, 경의 v. 칭찬하다
Flattery involves excessive compliments designed to make someone feel good about him- or herself .
n. 휘파람, 호각 v. 휘파람을 불다, 밀고하다
It wasn't long before a whistle called the dogs out, leaving her unfound .
n. 박수갈채, 칭찬
When the applause subsided, Zukerman complimented the artist .
v. 만연하다, 널리 퍼지다, 스며들다
The language and mindset of Econ 101 so pervades public debate that it shapes the way that we think about the economy .
n. 난파선, 난파 v. 난파시키다, 조난시키다
In Mediterranean countries, ancient shipwrecks have long been treated like any other archaeological site .
n. 질문, 문의 사항, 조사, 연구
For additional inquiries, please contact us at 123 –456-7890 or visit our website .
n. 직감, 직관력
By giving yourself freedom to follow your intuition, you develop your sensitivity to your inner voice .
n. 층, 겹
They found the falls spilling out in various layers of rock
n. 소책자, 설명서 adj. 손으로 하는, 노동의
In the twelfth century there appeared the first manuals teaching "table manners" to the offspring of aristocrats .
v. 변장하다, 겉모습을 바꾸어 속이다 n. 변장, 위장
No matter how well you believe you are disguising yourself, others always know .
n. 읽고 쓸 줄 앎, 읽고 쓰는 능력
The advent of literacy strengthened the ability of large and complex ideas to spread with high fidelity .
n. 가죽, 가죽 제품 adj. 가죽의 v. ~에 가죽을 대다
Throwing himself with his leather bag on the long sofa, he closed his eyes and reviewed the events .
n. 화살 v. 화살표로 표시하다
Archers hunting with a bow and arrow knew that if they aimed directly at the fish in the water they would miss .
n. 발췌, 인용 v. 발췌하다, 인용하다
The core was largely the same throughout Europe including operas and operatic excerpts from Mozart through Verdi .
adj. 유선형의, 능률화된
It is no accident that fish have bodies which are streamlined and smooth, with fins and a powerful tail .
v. 변형시키다, 바꾸다
What is needed today are approaches to architecture that can free its potential to transform our ways of thinking .
v. 증가시키다, 밀어 올리다 n. 인상, 밀어 올림
Retailers often boost sales with accompanying support such as assembly or installation services .
v. 예측하다, 미리 보다
Expert players subconsciously use body cues from their opponent to foresee where the ball will be directed .
n. 추구, 탐구 v. 추구하다, 탐구하다
These highly successful givers mentioned a quest for power almost twice as often as the comparison group .
adj. 익숙한, 습관의
Children accustomed to the background hum of praise seemed to become dependent on praise .
v. 삼키다 n. 삼킴, 제비(새)
When swallowed , chemicals released by fireflies cause bats to throw them back up .
n. 사망자 (수), 재난
Why, in country after country that mandated seat belts, was it impossible to see the promised reduction in fatalities ?
n. 전도체, 지휘자, (버스의) 차장, 안내원
Air is such a poor heat conductor that this process only takes place within a few centimeters of the ground .
v. 둘러보다, 훑어보다, 이것저것 읽다
The percentage of parents who browsed shelves is the same as that ofparents who borrowed print books .
v. 저주하다, 욕설하다 n. 저주, 욕설
Every day, people yell, scream, curse , and take flight from loved ones when their buttons are pushed .
n. 고통, 비탄, 가난 v. 괴롭히다, 궁핍케 하다
When we are unable to set healthy limits, it causes distress in our relationships .
v. 물려받다, 상속하다
They may show profit on the balance sheets of our generation, but our children will inherit the losses .
adj. 재주 있는, 재능이 있는
I wasn't the most talented , or the least .
n. 끈기, 고집, 내구력
With a positive perspective and persistence , you will find a way through all obstacles .
v. 되찾다, 회복하다 n. 회복, 탈환
The doctor concluded that he had suffered nerve damage and that he might never regain the full use ofhis right arm .
adj. 방수의 v. 방수 처리하다 n. 방수복
Tommy is not waterproof .
v. 충돌하다
Billiard balls rolling around the table may collide , but they do not actually change each other .
adj. 간결한
The major test for historical reconstructions is whether they accommodate the existing data in a concise manner .
v. ~의 기저를 이루다, ~의 밑에 있다, ~의 기초가 되다
Underlying the debate is a disagreement over the qualities that constitute musical excellence .
n. 검사, 검찰관, 실행자, 수행자
Neither prosecutor nor defender is obliged to consider anything that weakens their respective cases .
adj. 운동의, 강건한
In fact, a good 25 percent of his athletic time was devoted to externals other than working out .
v. (남의 것을) 몹시 탐내다
covet fame and gain
v. 강하게 원하다
crave water
v. 강한 열망을 가지다
long for a long vacation
v. 갈망하다
pine to return home
v. 그리워하다
yearn for the good old days
v. 고맙게 여기다, 감상하다, ~의 진가를 인정하다
I would really appreciate it if you could allow my son to register additionally .
adj. 호의를 보이는, 찬성의, 형편이 좋은
We usually assign to good-looking individuals such favorable traits as talent, kindness, and intelligence .
v. 시도하다 n. 시도
It is an attempt to be seen as abreast with the latest thinking of what we must do to save our planet .
v. 거절하다, 거부하다
Industry may reject these facts and complain about the high cost of acting, but history sets the record straight .
v. 지각하다, 인식하다
Artists are perceived to establish a strong bond with their art to the point of combining into one "entity ."
adj. 고대의, 옛날의
Is there any psychological basis to the ancient belief that odds are male and evens are female?
v. 재다, 측정하다 n. 치수, 조치
We use instruments to measure bulk properties of the environment, such as salinity and temperature .
v. 이루어져 있다, 있다, 일치하다
Domestic waste is a third of the total urban solid waste, and it consists of seven categories .
v. (~에게) 돌리다, (~의) 탓으로 하다 n. 속성
When he contracts influenza, he never attributes this event to his behavior toward the tax collector .
n. 사과, 해명
Harumi responded that he thought that the apology would be a good introduction to his presentation .
adj. 풍부한, 유복한
The concept ofthrift emerged out ofa more affluent money culture .
adj. 고립된, 격리된
When elderly people became increasingly isolated, not surprisingly their mental functioning deteriorated .
v. 몹시 두려워하다 n. 공포
Jeremy became so stressed that he even dreaded going into his classroom .
v. 과대평가하다 n. 과대평가
Where denial and suppression occur, there comes the danger that the individual overestimates anger and resentment .
v. 결합시키다, 연합시키다
In multi-source feedback systems, ratings from various raters are combined .
v. 못마땅해하다, 인가하지 않다
When his or her conduct violates that principle, the person will tend to disapprove of others whose behavior conflicts with it .
n. 기준, 표준
Those decisions involve a process of assigning weights to competing interests, based upon some criterion .
n. 계산, 신중한 계획
Amazonian people who have not invented counting are unable to make exact calculations as simple as, say, 6- 2 .
n. 호기심, 진기함
Decide to spend a day exploring a park or with curiosity a neighborhood as your only guide .
v. 바치다, 기울이다, 헌신하다
We should devote as much attention to the development of a domain as we do to the people working within it .
n. 해적, 저작권 침해자 v. 약탈하다, 표절해서 만들다
While he was enroute to Spain as his enterprise's traveling Partner, pirates robbed him of all his goods .
adj. 부푸는, 넘실거리는, 커지는 n. 부기, 팽창
The swelling waves seemed to say, "Come on, Dave . One more try!"
adj. 민물의, 민물에 사는
A fish in a freshwater lake struggles to accumulate salts inside its body .
n. 혼돈, 무질서
Stable patterns are necessary lest we live in chaos .
adj. 안의, 안쪽의 n. 내부 ad. 안으로, 내부로
The downdraft spreads out when it hits the ground and forms an inward circular pattern .
ad. 갑자기
While Marie and Nina kept watching the salmon, a big one suddenly leapt .
v. 조정하다, 완화하다 adj. 적당한, 온건한, 절제하는
An individual characteristic that moderates the relationship with behavior is a judgment of one's capability .
v. 기분을 상하게 하다, 불쾌하게 하다, 위반하다
It is possible to write correctly and still offend your readers' notions of your language competence .
v. 위로하다
Patience consoled herself by recognizing the part she had played in the American Revolution .
v. 기쁘게 하다, 즐겁게 하다 n. 기쁨
Sally was delighted by the books about birds and she joyfully looked at the beautiful pictures in them .
adj. 타당한, 근거가 확실한, (법) 유효한
Valid experiments must have data that are measurable .
n. 낙천주의, 낙관(주의)
This “genetic optimism” has influenced public opinion, and people are accepting of genetic explanations for health .
v. (물가 등이) 오르내리다, 변동하다
Japanese shakuhachi music and the sanjo music of Korea fluctuate constantly around the notional pitches .
adj. 지루한
In a study, participants first had to perform a series of very lengthy, extremely tedious tasks .
v. 시작하다, 입문시키다
Any individual can initiate a movement, such as a change in direction, and this sends out a "maneuver wave ."
n. 악보, 점수[득점], 20 v. 채점하다, 편곡[작곡]하다, ~의 셈을 달다
The score is not simply laid out in her mind, to be read from any random point .
n. 실례, 삽화
For an illustration , consider Thibodeau and Broditsky's series of experiments on ways to reduce crime in a community .
n. 팩, 상자, 마분지
At snack time, Emily wanted him to open her milk carton , so he did .
v. ~의 편의를 도모하다, 수용하다, 협조하다
Space that was constructed to accommodate business and consumer needs at the peak of the cycle remains .
v. 등록하다, 입학시키다, 입대하다
The tables above show the number of international students enrolled in U .S . colleges and universities .
n. 지역, 지구 v. 지구로 나누다
There might be someone somewhere in the same district who may be more successful at teaching this subject .
n. 자갈 v. 자갈로 덮다
I stopped the car because a small woodchuck was traveling along the road, its belly almost flat to the gravel .
v. (양자 등으로) 기르다, 조장[촉진]하다
From an evolutionary perspective, fear has contributed to both fostering and limiting change .
n. 환상, 환영, 환각
The illusion of knowledge led them to confuse the familiarity to the concepts with an actual understanding of them .
n. 전환, 용도 변경, 전향
The conversion of forest into cultivated terraces means a higher productivity can be extracted from the same area .
v. 조정하다, 중재하다 adj. 중재의
Some newspapers have a "graphics editor" who mediates between the news desk and the art department .
n. 스펙트럼, 범위
The term "biological control" has been used to cover a full spectrum of biological organisms and biologically based products .
n. 전제 조건, 필요조건 adj. 없어서는 안 될
High quality seed is a prerequisite for a successful crop .
v. 사라지다
This year somewhere between three and a hundred species will vanish .
v. 얼싸안다, 받아들이다, 맞이하다 n. 포옹
The water seemed to welcome and embrace her .
pay a tribute
v. 경의를 표하다
pay a tribute to my uncle
pay a visit
v. 방문하다
pay a visit to Italy
pay attention
v. 주의하다, 주목하다
pay attention to me
pay heed
v. 주의[유의]하다
pay heed to the rules
pay homage
v. 경의를 표하다
pay homage to all the victims
v. (편지, 물품을) 배달하다, (이야기 따위를) 전하다, 해방시키다, 분만하다
Ricky delivered newspapers, shined shoes, worked in the office, and even repaired nets .
adj. (똑)같은, 감당할 수 있는 v. ~에 필적하다 n. 대등한 사람, 필적하는 것
Many people offer an equal split to the partner, leaving both individuals happy and willing to trust each other .
v. 논증하다, 예를 들어 설명하다[보여 주다], 시위 운동을 하다
The speed with which it achieves popularity demonstrates that formal innovation is an important commodity .
v. 추구하다, 수행하다
People who have a high sense of self-efficacy tend to pursue challenging goals .
n. 영향, 충격 v. 영향을 주다, 강한 충격을 주다
Those who donate to a charity seek evidence about what the charity is doing and whether it is really having a positive impact .
adj. 도시의
This illustrates the tendency that most city dwellers get tired of urban lives .
n. 희생, 제물 v. 희생하다, 제물로 바치다
Local residents may believe they sacrifice what is unique and special about their place .
v. 생산하다, 만들어 내다, 양보하다, 굴복[항복]하다 n. 수확량, 농작물
It is not the money per se that is valuable, but the fact that it can potentially yield more positive experiences .
n. 상호 작용
The interaction between nature and nurture is highly complex .
adj. 묶인, 얽매인, ~하지 않을 수 없는, ~행의 n. 경계, 한계 v. ~의 경계가 되다
The liquid nature of services means they don't have to be bound to materials .
adj. 믿을 수 없는, 엄청난
Melanie seemed to have the passive manner of an obedient child and an absolutely incredible voice .
adj. 내부의, 내(면)적인
Exercising leadership requires you to challenge your internal status quo .
adj. 알아차리지 [기억하지] 못하는
When a lower animal is taught the new concept first, the rest of the colony remains mostly oblivious to its value .
v. 흉내 내다, 모방하다 adj. 흉내 내는, 모방의
As our body mimics the other's, we begin to experience emotional matching .
v. 소홀히하다, 무시하다, 간과하다 n. 태만, 부주의
Idealized visions of home cooking persistently neglect "the many generations of paid cooks who worked in commercial settings ."
v. 인식하다, 인정하다
Telling students to never split an infinitive, most composition experts acknowledge that a split infinitive is not a grammar crime .
v. 이해하다, 붙잡다 n. 이해, 파악, 붙잡음
They are satisfied with grasping the meaning of what they see .
n. 묘사, 서술
A major challenge for map-makers is the depiction of hills and valleys, slopes and flat lands called the topography .
adj. 흔들리는, 어른거리는, 깜박이는 n. 깜박임, 명멸
This explains why we "see" faces and figures in a flickering campfire, or in moving clouds .
adj. 경계하는, (동작이) 기민한 n. 경계 v. 경종을 울리다
We expect people to monitor machines, which means keeping alert for long periods .
n. 개척자, 선구자 v. 개척하다, 선도하다
Great scientists, the pioneers that we admire, are not concerned with results but with the next questions .
n. 진동, 떨림
Through our ears we gain access to vibration , which underlies everything around us .
adj. (영향력이) 강력한, 유력한, 효능 있는
The purely auditory medium of the telephone is itself socially and emotionally potent .
adj. 먼, 외딴, 관계가 적은
Farmers in remote areas will be able to access weather data, and rural children will be able to pursue online educations .
n. 지질(학)
Interest in extremely long periods of time sets geology and astronomy apart from other sciences .
n. 숙고, 추측, 고팔, 투기
Speculations about prehistoric art rely heavily on analogies drawn with modern-day hunter-gatherer societies .
adj. 최대(한)의 n. 최대
Our ancestors gave priority to securing minimum resources rather than pursuing maximum gains .
v. 식민지로 만들다, 대량 서식하다
A proportion of agricultural land is left completely uncultivated so that species can gradually colonize it .
adj. 웅변의, 달변의, 설득력 있는
If we the ordinary people are to keep pace with science, we need more science writing that is clear, wise and eloquent .
v. 납득시키다, 설득하다
This can happen at either a conscious or unconscious level since the person we are seeking to convince is ourselves .
n. 평판, 명성
As the zoo world repairs its reputation , a wonderful resource is being taken out of its curtain .
n. 양립 가능성, 적합성, 호환성
Which cultural item is accepted depends largely on the item's compatibility with already existing cultural traits .
adj. 내성적인 n. 내성적인 사람 v. 내성적이 되다
An introvert is far less likely to make a mistake in a social situation .
n. 운동, 동작, 움직임, 제안 v. ~에게 동작으로 알리다
Many virtual reality games and rides now allow audiences and players to feel sensations of motion and touch .
v. 들어 올리다, 승진시키다
It is not likely that men's hair dyes will spread into rural Africa where a person's status is elevated with advancing years .
v. 상하다, 망쳐 놓다, 빼앗다, 약탈하다 n. 전리품
The chemical industry predicted numerous deaths because food and vaccines would spoil without refrigeration .
adj. 중고의, 간접적인 ad. 중고로, 간접으로
Repurposed clothing tells an even more complex tale than that of secondhand garments .
v. 거르다, 여과하다 n. 여과기
Starvation filters out those less fit to survive .
adj. 별개의, 분리된
In most of the world's musical cultures, pitches are not only fixed, but organized into a series of discrete steps .
adj. 말기의, 최종의, 가망 없는 n. 종점
Rock radio is in seemingly terminal decline and MTV doesn't show many music videos anymore .
n. 황야, 황무지
Toe Alaskan wilderness would not be harmed by glaciers .
adj. 행정(상)의, 경영[관리]상의
He hadn't realized that the administrative staff hadn't been able to find the requested Biisendorfer piano .
v. 크게 하다, 확대하다
Workers then wanted more leisure and leisure time was enlarged by union campaigns .
adj. 인식의, 인식력이 있는
Even an invention as elementary as finger-counting changes our cognitive abilities dramatically .
v. (사실을) 왜곡하다, (얼굴을) 찡그리다
It distorts reality, keeping us from getting all the information we need and assessing issues clearly .
adj. 만져서 알 수 있는, 유형의, 명백한 n. (pl.) 유형 자산
The tangible is replaced by intangibles that do the work that more aluminum atoms used to do .
n. 일, 업무, 사건, 문제
Bismarck only in the name of Wilhelm was able to exert great control over domestic and foreign affairs .
n. 직물, 질감, 구조, 감촉 v. (직물을) 짜다
This is because the spaces between the sounds give music structure and texture .
adj. 실용[실리]적인, 공리주의의 n. 공리주의자
The greatest benefit of an everyday, utilitarian AI will not be increased productivity or an economics of abundance .
n. 상대, 반대자 adj. 반대하는
With Bob acting as interpreter, Paul offered 300 and his opponent proposed 450 .
n. 치과 의사
go to the dentist
n. 외과 의사
a consultation with a world-famous surgeon
n. 소아과 의사
make a wonderful pediatrician
n. 내과 의사
a noted physician
n. 정신과 의사
see a psychiatrist
v. 비교하다, 비유하다, 대조하다, 필적하다
Jean Piaget analyzed children's conception of time via their ability to compare the time taken by pairs of events.
v. 경쟁하다
When we try to recall something from a category that includes instances many memories compete for our attention.
v. 제한하다 n. 한계
Although it limits your thinking, it makes you smart .
v. ~에 주목하다, 말하다 n. 발언, 말
When we remark that someone "looks young" for his age, we are observing that we all age biologically at different rates .
v. 조정하다, 조절하다, 순응하다
They also adaptively adjust their eating behavior in response to deficits in water, calories, and salt .
n. 회사, 교제, 동반, 동석한 사람들, 일행
I wish I could camp in the wild and enjoy the company of mosquitos, snakes, and spiders .
n. 쇠퇴, 하락, 경사 v. 거절[거부]하다, 감소하다, (아래로) 기울이다
AIs could compensate for a decline in human intelligence .
v. 유지하다, 보존하다, 저장 식품으로 만들다
It appears that respecting the rules not only preserves sport but also makes room for the creation of excellence .
adj. 재정(상)의, 금융상의, 회비를 내는
Both the budget deficit and federal debt have soared during the recent financial crisis and recession .
n. 편견, 선입관 v. ~에 편견을 갖게 하다
Even the simplest of choices regarding wording or punctuation can prejudice your audience against you .
n. 축하, 축하 행사
She called yesterday and asked us to prepare this celebration for you .
n. 지저분한 모양, 더러운 것 v. 더럽히다
Do you have a hard time relaxing if your house is a mess ?
n. 또래, 동료, 동년배 v. ~에 필적하다, 응시하다, 자세히 보다
It is important to draw a meaningful result from the experiment on peer group activities .
adj. 멋진, 최고의, 훌륭한
"Andrew," said Grandad, inspired by his grandson's superb victory, ''you are now all set to fulfill my dream ."
adj. 충분한, 족한
Not all organisms are able to find sufficient food to survive, so starvation is a kind of disvalue often found in nature .
n. 보증금, 계약금, 착수금, 예금, 퇴적물 v. 예금하다, 퇴적시키다
I didn't hesitate to sign up and pay the non-refundable deposit for the second week program .
n. 기대, 예상
As beginners, you may be nervous in anticipation of your first climb .
n. 부패 (행위), 타락, 매수
Critiques of mass culture seem always to represent the depths ofthe corruption of the people .
v. 많이 있다, 풍부하다
The island abounds greatly in iguanas, and in a species of birds called fragatas .
n. 옹호자, 주창자 v. 옹호하다, 주장하다
The role of science can sometimes be overstated, with its advocates slipping into scientism .
n. 호흡, 한숨
Joe took a deep breath and said, "I have been asked to play in a concert, and I would like your permission first ."
adj. 딱딱한, 뻐근한, 단호한
This view suggests that runners create stiff legs when they are moving along on yielding terrain .
adj. 신의, 신성한 v. 예언하다, 점치다
Illness was so often attributed to divine providence .
v. 숨기다, 숨다, 감추다
It was his practice to conceal himself at previews of his paintings in order to hear the public's opinions .
v. 보상하다, 보충하다, 상쇄하다
Salespeople have a genius for doing what's compensated rather than what's effective .
n. 속임수, 사기
Nonverbal cues may reveal the speaker's true mood as they do in deception .
v. 격려하다, 고취하다, 영감을 주다, (숨을) 들이쉬다
Adams got inspired and submitted some cartoons, but he was quickly rejected .
n. 전신, 전임자, 선행자, 이전의 것
Their manufactured goods had symbols on them, which are the predecessors of modern trademarks .
v. 차지하다, 거주하다, 점유하다
Examine your thoughts, and you will find them wholly occupied with the past or the future .
adj. 파괴적인, 유해한
As for politicians, their profession lends itself to this particularly destructive personality trait .
n. 중재, 사이에 듦, 간섭, 개입
"Good" homeless people may qualify for intensive interventions .
adj. 쓴, 신랄한
Both humans and rats dislike bitter and sour foods, which tend to contain toxins .
ad. 만장일치로
The low performers usually voted unanimously , with little open debate .
n. 떼, 무리, 군중 v. 무리를 짓게 하다, 무리를 짓다
Each cattle-owner considers the relative advantage and disadvantage of adding one more animal to the herd .
n. 애정, 감정, 영향
If you follow your affections, you will write well and will engage your readers .
n. 유아, 미성년자 adj. 유아(용)의
Infants enter the world ready to respond to pain as bad and to sweet (up to a point) as good .
n. 다수, 군중
Climate change has a multitude of indirect effects on crop and livestock production .
n. 연합, 동맹, 결연
Rainforest Alliance recorded the second highest sales in 2010 and recorded the highest sales in 2015 .
v. 포기하다, 버리고 떠나다, 버리다 n. 방종, 방탕
When Christmas was at hand, I had abandoned all hope of getting a pony .
v. 유혹하다, ~할 기분이 나게 하다, 부추기다
The knowledge of another's personal affairs can tempt the possessor of this information to repeat it as gossip .
n. 외상, 마음의 상처, 정신적 쇼크
These early traumas made water the only thing that Princess truly feared .
n. 편집자, 논설위원
We're still providing these important first experiences to budding young writers and editors .
v. 추론하다, 암시하다, 넌지시 말하다
We can infer that there was prosperity because this was a time that saw the planting of many olive trees .
n. 큰 재해, 대이변
This means finding and capturing food; avoiding an early death from predation or chance catastrophe .
n. 목수, 목공 v. 목공 일을 하다
Carpenters may request a lightweight circular saw .
adj. 반복성의, 반복되는
The repetitive social sharing of the bad news contributes to realism .
n. 위상, 키, 신장, 능력
There was a social pressure for art to come up with some vocation that made it equal in stature to science .
adj. 휴대의, 이동성이 있는, 움직이기 쉬운
Young people treat the mobile phone as an essential necessity of life .
v. 압도하다, 당황하게 하다
When people are overwhelmed with the volume of information, they have difficulty knowing what to focus on .
n. 민간인 adj. 민간인의
Consider Picasso's Guernica, a huge painting that he made in response to the slaughter of Spanish civilians .
put aside
v. 따로 떼어 놓다
put some money aside for later use
put down
v. 적다, 기록하다
put down your diary
put forward
v. 제안하다
put forward a new theory
put off
v. 연기하다
put off the game
put up with
v. 참다
not put up with bullies
adj. 출생지의, 토착[토종]의, 원주민의, 타고난 n. 원주민
The consequences of such introduced species are sometimes devastating to native species.
v. 동기를 부여하다, 자극하다
Fear can motivate change in order to avoid something you're afraid of, such as dying young .
v. 일치시키다, 적합하게 하다 n. 소송, (복장의) 한 벌
Our misinformation owes partly to our tendency to see the world in ways that suit our desires.
adj. 희귀한, 드문
In the fading evening light, she found the two rare black birds in their nest.
adj. 극심한, 격렬한, 열심인
You can gain an objectivity and control that the original intense situation did not have.
v. 비판하다, 비난하다
In so far as we 'sympathize with the victims, we may criticize the UN for failing to keep its promises.
n. 지출, 경비, 비용, 희생 v. 필요 경비로 지출되다
Millions of workers who retired with pensions found that inflation pushed up costs far beyond their expected expenses .
adj. 타고난, 선천적인
Approximately 20 percent of the difference between people in selfless behavior is innate .
v. 방아쇠를 당기다, 유발하다 n.방아쇠
Erikson believes that when we reach the adult years, several stimuli trigger a sense of generativity.
adj. 추가의, 부가의
He does not require additional energy or nutrients to meet his daily needs.
adj. 중대한, 중요한
The American Revolution was one of the most momentous upheavals of a whole series of revolutionary events.
n. 사치(품), 호사
Exercise is not a luxury , but it is a necessity.
adj. 정지된, 움직이지 않는, 고정된 n. 움직이지 않는 사람
Researchers asked a group of college volunteers to exercise at a self-selected pace on a treadmill and a stationary bike.
v. 추출하다, 뽑아내다, 인용하다, 발췌하다 n. 추출물, 발췌
Information is extracted from these sources of data, and this captured information is transformed into knowledge.
adj. 자격이 있는, 적격의 n. 유자격자, 적격자
Anyone over the age of 18 is eligible , with the exception of professional photographers.
v. 돌다, 회전하다
The Nuer are a cattle-raising people, whose everyday lives revolve around their cattle.
n. 영역, 분야
Research and development for seed improvement has long been a public domain and government activity.
v. 윤[광]을 내다, 다듬다, 세련되게 하다 n. 광택, 세련
You can go back to revise and polish your writing.
v. 아첨하다, 치켜세우다, 우쭐하게 하다
A clever salesperson may flatter the customer by remarking that he is "in good shape for his age."
ad. 강박감에 사로잡혀, 강제적으로
She started compulsively drawing and painting all the wondrous things she was discovering.
n. 입법, 법률
Supporters of such legislation like to defend these increases with tales of starving writers and their descendants.
n. 약물, 의약품
Average consumers of health care do not have a license to order services or prescribe medications .
adj. 철학의, 이성적인
Within the philosophical disciplines, logic must be learned through the use of examples and actual problem solving.
v. 요약하다
Schemata summarize the broad pattern of your experience, and so they tell you what's ordinary in a given situation.
adj. 편견[선입관]이 없는, 공평한
Discoveries are the product of inspired patience, of skilled hands and an inquiring but unbiased mind.
adj. 격렬한, 몹시 사나운
After several fierce battles, Andrew's concentration wavered for a moment.
n. 합리성
Policymaking is seen to be more objective when utilitarian rationality is the dominant value that guides policy.
v. 압착하다, 짜내다, 밀어 넣다
We are generally too busy trying to squeeze more and more activities into less and less time.
v. 반박하다, ~와 모순되다
Lie detectors can verify the accuracy of this information by searching for further evidence that supports or contradicts it.
n. 항구, 피난처 v. 살다, (항구에) 정박하다, (악의를) 품다, 숨기다
Madagascar alone harbors some 8,000 species of flowering plants.
v. 따르게 하다, 순응하다, 일치하다
Larger groups put more pressure on their members to conform .
adj. 신경(계)의
Your gut bugs have the ability to impact your behavior and mood by altering the neural signals in your vagus nerve.
n. 부하, 아랫사람 adj. 종속의, 부수하는
In every case, the leader's subordinates perceived the removal of the mask as an act of strength and courage.
n. 아이 방, 보육원, 양성소, 온상
She ran back to the nursery to check on her daughter.
adj. 앉은 채 있는, 이주하지 않는 n. 늘 앉아 있는 사람
Birds of the same species may be migratory in one area, but sedentary elsewhere.
n. 땅거미, 저물녘, 황혼 때
She was happy that she could view the bridge in the twilight .
n. 성가심, 불쾌감, 골칫거리
Occasionally individuals select indirect means of expressing their annoyance .
n. 장벽, 울타리, 장애물
None of the four Asian countries broke the barrier of receiving 5,000 U.S. S & E doctorates in a single year.
adj. 헛된, 자만하는, 소용없는
It threw itself up and over the rushing water above, but in vain .
n. 불공평, 부당
Their sense of injustice was heightened by the fact that there were laws that supported their belief.
n. 숫자 adj. 수의, 수를 나타내는
When we learn Arabic numerals we build a circuit to quickly convert those shapes into quantities.
adj. 전염성의, 전파하는, 옮기 쉬운
Congratulations, hugs, and laughter were contagious .
adj. 화산의, 폭발성의
Volcanic activity caused the island refuge to sink completely beneath the waves.
v. 숙고하다, 명상하다
We have to slow down a bit and take the time to contemplate and meditate .
v. 견디다, 참다, 경험하다
This sincere interest in the product may enable the customer to endure the increased cost.
n. 자극
In a singer some of the auditory stimulus is conducted to the ear through the singer's own bones.
v. 지장을 주다, 부수다
Embarrassment caused by such failure may cause cognitive interference of sufficient intensity to disrupt performance.
v. 흩트리다, 산만하게 하다, 재미있게 하다
In the so-called information overload, a leader is overrun with inputs that only distract and confuse her thinking.
adj. 오도된, 미혹된, 잘못 안
We believe this view to be thoroughly misguided .
n. 보행자 adj. 보행자의, 도보의
Some residents express concern that tourists may cause traffic and pedestrian congestion.
adj. 즐거운
amusing reaction
adj. 유쾌하게 하는
amusing reaction
adj. 웃음을 자아내는
the queen's hilarious remarks
adj. 쾌활한
jovial jokes
adj. 크게 웃기는
an uproarious comedy
adj. 실제의, 사실의, 현재의
Sometimes you will want to use your life more directly in your fiction, dramatizing actual incidents.
adj. 이용할 수 있는, 손에 넣을 수 있는, 시간이 있는
This is an important focus- especially as more and more information becomes available electronically.
v. 정당화하다, 옳음을 보여주다
The children were asked to judge whether the cars had run for the same time and to justify their judgment.
n. 과목, 주제, 피실험자, 신하 adj. ~의 영향을 받는, ~을 조건으로 하는, ~에 걸리기 쉬운, 종속하는 v. 복종시키다, 당하게 하다
The traditional historian of science seems blind to the fact that the standards are subject to historical change.
n. 근거 없는 통념, 잘못된 믿음[사실], 신화
A detailed examination highlights the perpetuation of the myth .
v. 묘사하다
The respondents' suggestions depended on whether the metaphor used to describe crime was as a virus.
v. 취소하다, 지우다
The walk will be cancelled in the event of rain.
v. 생각해 내다, 기억하다, 생각나게 하다 n. 기억, 회상
If there are things you can't recall , your schemata will fill in the gaps with knowledge about what's typical.
adj. 독립한, 자력의, 자립의
The independent self may be more driven to cope by appealing to a sense of agency or control.
v. 주다, 부여하다, 허가하다 n. 보조금, 허가
In Peru, the government grants water to communities, and it is up to the community to allocate it.
adj. 연대순의, 연대학의
Many writers interpret the term logical to mean chronological .
v. 가리키다, 언급하다, 참조[조회]하다
Vertical transfer refers to such situations: A learner acquires new knowledge by building on basic information .
n. 도로, 방법, 수단
One avenue that has been explored is the reprocessing of spent fuel to remove the active ingredients.
ad. 갑작스럽게, 무뚝뚝하게, 퉁명하게
After literally screaming at me several times, he abruptly hung up on me!
adj. 복잡한, 알기 어려운
As the writer, you're too close to your own complicated makeup.
v. 만족시키다, 충족시키다
The increased interest in satisfying the human senses that was characteristic of the age grew stronger.
n. 동공, 눈동자, 제자, 학생
The cliche that teachers learn as much as their pupils is certainly true.
v. 해산시키다, 해고하다, 일축하다
Minorities tend nqt to have much power or status and may even be dismissed as troublemakers.
n. 회담, 회견, 회의
Some scientists announce a discovery at a press conference without expert review.
v. 윤곽을 그리다, 간략하게 기술하다 n. 윤곽, 개요
Groups of this size usually escape the problems we have just outlined .
v. 단언하다, 주장하다
This sort of post-truth relationship to facts occurs when we are seeking to assert something that is important to us.
v. 제한하다, 한정하다
Based on a sensory analysis that is not restricted to the sense of taste, the final decision is made.
n. 시간 엄수, 정확함
King Hassan is a notorious late arriver whose lack of punctuality has injured his country's foreign relations.
v. 몰두하게 하다, 가라앉히다, 담그다
Adolescents have immersed themselves in technology with most using the Internet to communicate.
adj. 열중한, 마음을 빼앗긴
For two months now, Sally had been absorbed , perhaps even excessively, in studying birds.
n. 예방 조치, 조심, 경계
We do not plan and take precautions to prevent emergencies from arising.
n. 방해, 간섭
A sovereign state is defined as one whose citizens are free to determine their own affairs without interference .
adj. 미리 결정된
Replace predetermined routines with fresh ones.
n. 화석 adj. 화석의, 화석이 된
We cannot assume that more fossil evidence means that more individuals were present.
v. 암송하다, 낭송하다, 읊다
The inner critic recites its lines in an attempt to get you to go back into the familiar zone of the status quo.
adj. 생생한, 생기 있는, 눈에 보이는 듯한, 명확한
His special bonds with the artists helped him capture some of his most vivid and iconic imagery.
ad. 혼자서, 단지
If you argue that Rome fell solely because of Christianity, you will need persuasive reasoning and arguments.
adj. 청각의, 청각 기관의
A good deal of the information stored in working memory is encoded in an auditory form.
adj. 타당한, 정당한, 합법의 v. 합법으로 인정하다
To be disappointed that our progress in understanding has not remedied the social ills is a legitimate view.
n. 한동안의 계속, 주문, 마법 v. 철자를 맞게 쓰다, 철자를 말하다
Since most of you are working on a word processor, it seems silly to spend too much time on spelling .
adj. 지각[인식]의, 지각 있는
For this reason, recognize that our first impressions of others also may be perceptual errors.
v. 회복시키다, 돌려주다, 원상태로 되돌리다
This island was taken by the English, who restored it the following year to the French.
adj. 하찮은, 사소한
Raising awareness of children about the potential long-term impact of a seemingly trivial act is crucial.
adj. 직사각형의, 직각의
We tend to perceive the door of a classroom as rectangular no matter from which angle it is viewed.
ad. 거의 ~아니다
Sailors who select a port because they are driven to it scarcely drop anchor in the right one.
adj. 밀집해 있는, 빽빽한, 소형의 v. 죄다, 빽빽이 채워 넣다
It's clear that the future of the Earth depends on more people gathering together in compact communities.
v. 방해하다, 불안하게 하다
Although she knew caterpillars did harm to cabbages, she didn't wish to disturb the natural balance.
n. 흘긋 봄, 일견 v. 흘긋 보다, 대강 훑어보다
At a glance , they reveal whether the relief in the mapped area is great or small.
v. 할애하다, 절약하다, 면하게 하다, 삼가다 adj. 여분의
Some activities only arise when time can be spared from the human owner's other commitments.
n. 잘못된 생각, 오류
Worse than reaching a conclusion with just a little evidence is the fallacy of reaching a conclusion without any evidence.
n. 출발, 이탈, 벗어남
The clerk sold him a ticket for a first-class compartment on the next scheduled departure .
ad. 역설적으로, 얄궂게도
Ironically , the stuff that gives us life eventually kills it.
adj. 다작하는, 다산의, 많은
Edwin Armstrong is often considered the most prolific and influential inventor in radio history.
n. 구독(료), 예약
Most consumer magazines depend on subscriptions and advertising.
n. 임무, 포교 v. 사명을 맡기다, 포교하다
On this mission , Aeneas endured many dangers.
gain access
v. 접근하다
gain access to the information
gain face
v. 널리 알려지다
gain face among college campuses
gain the mastery
v. 지배하다, 숙달하다
gain the mastery of life
gain time
v. 시간을 벌다, 시계가 빠르다
gain weight quickly and safely
gain weight
v. 체중을 늘리다, 체중이 늘다
gain time, gain life
v. 반영하다, 숙고하다, 반성하다
Thus, these prices do reflect the interaction of demand and supply in the wider marketplace for potatoes.
v. 가정하다, 생각하다, 추측하다
It would be wrong to suppose that such beliefs are not sincerely held.
v. 보강하다, 강화하다
Art history has reinforced this oneness: A painting by Pablo Picasso is called "a Picasso."
v. 접촉하다, 연락하다 n. 접촉, 연락
If you have further questions, please contact the coordinator at 714-3127-1004 .
v. 제거하다
Once racial segregation is eliminated , people must learn to live together despite diverse cultural perspectives .
v. 참여하다, 약속하다, 예약하다, 약혼시키다
Aristotle did not think that all human beings should be allowed to engage in political activity.
v. 놓아주다, 석방하다, 표출하다, (영화를) 개봉하다 n. 석방, (영화) 개봉
The dog is trained to search out the desired item on cue, so that the trainer can control or release the behavior .
n. 얼룩, 점, 장소 adj. 즉석의, 현장에서의 v. 얼룩지게 하다, 탐지해 내다, 알아내다
One immediate reason was easy enough to spot : the local human population was cutting down the reed beds.
n. 참가자 adj. 참가하는
Participants can receive flight instruction, go on field trips, and try flight simulators.
v. 생각나게 하다, 상기시키다
Participants should be reminded that withdrawal from the study is optional and without penalty.
n. 위엄, 위풍
The beard contributed to dignity and respectability and men associated it with thoughts of honor and importance.
n. 탐욕, 욕심
To describe what happens to common resources as a result of human greed , use the example of an area of pasture.
n. 명료함, 맑음
Clarity is often a difficult thing for a leader to obtain.
adj. 도처에 있는, 편재하는
Troubles are ubiquitous .
adj. 무심결의, 본의 아닌
The society stripped the elderly of their roles through involuntary retirement and social isolation .
n. 창설, 토대, 기초, 재단
The ethical principles of justice provide an essential foundation for policies to protect unborn generations.
n. 위험 (요소) v. 위태롭게 하다
Life is full of hazards .
n. 치료(법)
Some doctors prescribe hormone therapy to ease the discomfort of night sweats.
adj. 특권이 있는
Mother Teresa chose to leave her position educating the privileged classes to care for the poor and forgotten.
adj. 외적인, 외부의, 비본질적인
The negative effects of extrinsic motivators have been documented with students from different cultures.
adj. 실질적인, 실재적인
This will lead to a substantive , useful understanding of the complexities and nuances of the concept .
n. 실험실, (교과 과정의) 실험 시간 adj. 실험실의
What happens in somebody's laboratory is only one stage in the construction of scientific truth.
adj. 날카로운, 격심한, (의학) 급성의
Sherlock Holmes seemed to have an acute recognition of this insight.
adj. 화폐의, 금전의, 금융의, 재정의
The best archival decisions about art do not focus on questions of monetary value or prestige .
n. 힘, 장점, 내구력
This is one of the strengths of the learning cycle.
n. 지리(학), 지형
Most applications in geography do not require extremely fine-grained temporal resolution.
n. 산림 벌채[파괴]
Deforestation has had a severe impact both on local communities and on native plants and wildlife.
adj. 전자의
Of course, Faraday's experiments were the beginning of the electronic age.
adj. 위조의, 가짜의 v. 위조하다 n. 위조(품)
They rated how extroverted those fake extroverts appeared, based on their recorded voices and body language.
n. 진기함, 신기함, 새로움
Some people are genetically predisposed to seek novelty .
v. 유발하다, 성나게 하다
Courage enables one to pursue a right course of action, through which one may provoke disapproval.
adj. 기계(학)의
Mechanical processes have replicated behaviors and talents we thought were unique to humans.
v. 모험하다, 위험을 무릅쓰고 가다 n. 모험, 모험적 사업
Which guideline should we use-"Nothing ventured , nothing gained" or "Better safe than sorry"?
adj. 미숙한, 미완성의
The new finding explains why firefly larvae also glow despite being immature for mating.
n. 개혁 v. 개혁하다
Through land reforms , water rights have become separated from land.
n. 강연, 담론, 담화 v. 담화하다, 강연하다
Media portrayals of genetic influences on health have increased, becoming part of the public discourse .
n. 간식, 다과, 기운을 돋우는 것
Lunch is not provided, so please bring your own refreshment .
v. 가르치다, 지시하다
I instructed her to begin CPR.
adj. 상당하는, 동등한 n. 상응하는 것
It takes more grain to produce food value through animals than to get the equivalent value directly from plants.
v. 대체하다, 대신하다, 대용하다 n. 대체물, 대리인, 후보
The reason solid physical goods can deliver more benefits is that their heavy atoms are substituted by weightless bits.
n. 의무, 책임
This sense of future obligation makes possible the development of various kinds of relationships.
v. 전하다, 전달하다, 나르다
The fact that information is conveyed in this high-tech manner somehow adds authority to what is conveyed.
n. 갈증, 열망 v. 갈망하다
In humans, body clocks are responsible for daily changes in blood pressure, body temperature, hunger, and thirst .
ad. 각자, 제각기
As for men, the Republic of Korea and Singapore will rank the first and the second highest, respectively .
n. 논쟁, 논의 v. 논쟁하다
The dispute over the best way to answer this question has inflamed passions for centuries.
n. 위도, 재량, 여지
These data may be positional, involving the latitude and longitude of a place, an address, a road, or a border.
n. 전략, 전술, 책략
Louise's mother had learned this threatening tactic from her own mother.
v. 통합하다 adj. 완전한
First and third grade teachers could integrate music into their regular math classrooms.
n. 세탁물, 빨랫감, 세탁소
Why can't you put them in the laundry before you go to bed?
adj. 목소리의, 소리를 내는
The pop song will rarely be sung as written; the singer is apt to embellish that vocal line to give it a "styling."
n. 천문학자
how to become an astronomer
n. 생물학자
ask for a biologist 's advice
n. 식물학자
from a botanist 's perspective
n. 화학자
a chemist interested in molecular structure
n. 동물학자
zoologists seeking endangered species
n. 기회
Biotechnologists therefore saw an opportunity in delaying the ripening and softening process in fruit.
adj. 다수의, 배수의, 여러 n. (수학) 배수
If a student is going to remember a science concept, he or she should experience it multiple times .
n. 보답, 보상, 사례금 v. 보상하다, 보답하다
Playing tug with a dog is a more powerful emotional reward than just giving a dog a food treat.
adj. 잠재적인, 가능성이 있는 n. 잠재력, 잠재성, 가능성
It is very important to check the garden for potential dangers .
v. 얻다, 획득하다
They ignore our need to obtain a deep understanding of a subject.
v. 허용하다, 허락하다, 묵인하다 n. 허가
Alcoholic beverages, food, firearms, and pets are not permitted on park grounds.
n. 조사, 연구, 수사
In the nutrition industry, articles are often written discussing a new nutrient under investigation .
n. 청구, 요구, (소유권의) 주장 v. 요구하다, 주장하다, 제 것이라고 주장하다
With the advance of science, there has been a tendency to assume that any factual claim can be authenticated.
v. 소중히 여기다[키우다]
Grey Stone made the dinnerware set our whole family has cherished for many years .
adj. 말[언어]의, 구두의
Attempting to determine if a speaker is sarcastic communicators compare the verbal and nonverbal message.
v. 명칭[라벨]을 붙이다 n. 라벨, 이름표
I turned on the projector, and settled in to watch the film labeled HATTIE-1951 .
n. 스포트라이트, 주목[관심], 집중 조명 v. 집중 조명하다
Annette stood in the spotlight in front of a large crowd and felt not afraid but supported by her partner.
n. 결함, 결점, 부족 v. 탈주하다, 망명하다
To compensate for this defect , a specially selected species of fish called the Large-mouthed Bass was introduced.
v. 의지하다, 의존하다 n. 의지, 수단, 방책
When science displays its products to non-scientists, it need not, and indeed is not able to, resort to salesmanship.
adj. 다용도의, 다재다능한
The personal computer may well be the most versatile tool ever to come into common organizational use.
adj. 진정시키는, 마음을 달래는
Putting on some soothing sounds, and reading something light are all good methods to get ready for a restful sleep.
n. 굶주림, 기아
My friend was disappointed that scientific progress has not cured the world's ills by abolishing stanation .
n. 애국자
She was also a devoted patriot .
adj. 건강에 좋은, 건전한, 유익한
The copy team makes ads to encourage single people to use the soup for a quick, wholesome meal.
n. 화해,조정
Sincere apologies are readily accepted by the victims and reconciliations ensue.
adj. 거친, 모진, (귀 혹은 눈에) 거슬리는, 혹평하는
The reviewer was harsh , calling it "an awful performance."
v. 계몽하다, 교육하다
We invent successive hypotheses about where to find the scenic vistas that would enlighten the tourists .
n. 요리(법), 요리 솜씨
Cuisine and table narrative occupy a significant place in the training grounds of a community and its civilization.
adj. 악명 높은, (나쁜 쪽으로) 유명한
The Duke of Marlborough's notorious love of money remained with him through his life.
adj. 본래 갖추어진, 고유의
Starvation can be of practical or instrumental value, even as it is an intrinsic disvalue.
n. 이야기 adj. 이야기(체)의
By talking about the event, people constructed a social narrative and a collective memory of the emotional event.
n. 범위, 영역, (능력을 발휘할) 여지
Music can convey the scope of a film, communicating whether the motion picture is an epic drama or a story.
n. 유연성, 융통성
African American culture appreciates a greater flexibility of gender roles.
n. 모서리, 가장자리
Verges should be widened to improve visibility and to discourage crossings by wildlife.
n. 예보, 예상 v. 예보하다, 예상하다
Weather forecasts are probabilistic because many of these variables change, and others are simply unknown.
adj. 시간의, 일시적인
Freedom in time (and limits on its temporal extent) is equally important and probably more fundamental.
v. 가장하다, 모의실험을 하다, 가상하다
Exhibits are being constructed to closely simulate natural surroundings.
v. 구별하다, 식별하다
Twenty years is long enough to allow us to discern a fundamental rift between computational tools.
n. 인류학자
The debates between social and cultural anthropologists concern the analytical priority.
n. 가장자리, 여지, 판매 수익
This intentional error provides individuals with a margin of safety.
adj. 근시안의, 근시적인
She declared Tara severely shortsighted and she had to get glasses.
v. 그릇된 방향으로 돌리다, 그릇 지시하다
In one of those little ironies of life, you misdirect your work; you stall; you quit.
adj. 감각의, 지각[감각] 기관의 n. 감각 기관
Small changes in the sensory properties of foods are sufficient to increase food intake.
v. 모으다, 조립하다
Asch assembled the students and announced that they were taking part in an experiment on visual perception.
v. 고수하다, 붙들고 늘어지다
The dullness found in the senile and their clinging to the past were represented as the symptoms of senility.
n. 수분 (작용)
Pollination is the prime consideration of taming bees.
adj. 근본적인, 급진적인 n. 급진주의자
At its most radical , moralism produces descriptions of ideal political societies known as Utopias.
n. 옆모습, 윤곽 v. 윤곽을 그리다
A crack in the wall looks a little like the profile of a nose and suddenly a whole face appears, or a dancing figure.
n. 형제자매 adj. 형제의, 자매의
Her siblings were puzzled about the specifics of how their mother would actually accomplish such a task.
adj. 수고를 아끼지 않는, 공들인, 고생스러운
A painter could modify and rework the image, but the process was painstaking and slow.
v. 항복하다, 포기하다, 내주다 n. 항복, 양도, 자수
As we invent more species of Al, we will surrender more of what is supposedly unique about humans.
n. 자식, 새끼
These thieving bees lay an egg near the pollen mass being gathered by the host bee for her own offspring .
adj. 중립의, 중성의, 중간의 n. 중립국
The media does not provide a neutral discourse.
n. 변화, (근무의) 교대 조, 임시변통 v. 이동하다, 바꾸다
We are now witnessing a fundamental shift in our resource demands.
adj. 최후의, 궁극적인, 최종적인 n. 최후의 수단, 최종 결과
It is easy to do this when material wealth is elevated to the position of the ultimate end, as it often is in our society.
get along with
v. ~와 사이좋게 지내다
get along with friends
get away with
v. (처벌을 받지 않고) 교묘히 하다
get away with cheating
get even with
v. ~에게 보복하다
get even with the betrayer
get on with
v. ~을 진척시키다
get on with your work
get through with
v. ~을 끝마치다
get through with the task
v. 존경하다, 칭찬하다, 감탄하며 바라보다
If you have access to someone you admire , be bold.
n. 이론, 학설
They' re not going to make it if they know a lot about music theory but don't know how to jam in a live concert.
n. 관심, 흥미, 이익, 이자 v. ~의 관심을 끌다
We might hear a song on the radio for the first time that catches our interest .
v. ~인 척하다
ask people to act like extroverts while pretending to teach a math class
adj. 적절한 v. 도용하다
Opportunities to charge visitors for appropriate services are being considered as one solution.
n. 세부 사항 v. 상세히 알리다
People add details to their stories that may or may not have occurred.
v. 자극하다, 흥분시키다
You may try to re-create the circumstances which excited in you the emotions that you want to excite in your audience.
n. 가정, 추정, 가설
The assumption is called determinism.
adj. 의식하는, 자각하는
We need to relieve our conscious minds so we can solve new problems as they come up.
v. 제공하다, 주다 n. 선물, 현재 adj. 현재의, 참석한
Ancient Greek and Roman costume presents a traditional stability.
adj. 비판적인, 중요한, 중대한
Notac High School is now accepting your original and critical book reviews.
v. 휘두르다, 흔들리다, 흔들다 n. 흔들기, 휘두르기
If you think you are likely to hit more home runs, you are more likely to swing for the fences.
v. (문제를) 해결하다, 고정하다, 수리하다
His idealism ran high, and he thought he would be able to magically fix all of their problems.
n. 위계, 서열, 계급제
The aborigines see their relationship to the environment as a single harmonious continuum through a hierarchy of totems that connect to their ancestral origins.
adj. 자생적인, 자발적인, 마음에서 우러난
on hazardous spontaneous settlements which made them far more vulnerable to natural and human-induced hazards
n. 운율(음조가 비슷한 글자)
in children's poetry or in nonsense rhymes
v. 구별하다, 식별하다
They can distinguish between hundreds of types of cows.
adj. 일시적인, 임시의
tedious annoyances and struggles that may be temporary roadblocks but feel more like concrete mountains
adj. 사교적인
The Ghana Network of Volunteer Service is looking for volunteers who are open-minded, sociable , and committed.
v. (크게) 기뻐하다, 환호하다
In the instability of American democracy, fame would be dependent on celebrity, on the degree to which the people rejoiced in the poet and his work.
adj. 열등한, 하위의
Unless something interferes, the inferior competitor loses out and the competitively superior species takes over.
v. 과소평가하다, 낮게 어림하다, 경시하다
They underestimate how much time they really do have .
v. 거주하다, (특정한 곳에) 살다
The Nuer are one of the largest ethnic groups in South Sudan, primarily residing in the Nile River Valley.
adj. 공정한, 타당한, (피부나 머리카락이) 옅은 색의 n. 박람회
The process was fair when supervisors requested their input prior to an evaluation .
n. (정치적인) 혁명, (행성의) 공전, (축을 중심으로 한) 회전
Genes would undoubtedly have changed during the human revolution after 200,000 years ago, but more in response to new habits than as causes of them.
n. 문명, 개화
A civilization can be measured by how much progress its science and technology have made.
n. 방, 실, 회의실, (의회의) 원
He would be thrown into the Bridge house, the torture chamber of the Japanese Gestapo!
n. (지구의) 대기, 공기, 분위기
CO2 has greatly increased the proportion of carbon in the atmosphere.
v. 뇌리에서 떠나지 않다, 귀신이 출몰하다
with the increasing sophistication of the media and the haunting quality of the imagery
n. (생활 편의를 위한) 시설, 기능, 재능
The other half completed the task in a room where recycling facilities were available.
n. 자취, (길게 연이어 나 있는) 자국 v. 끌다
Advertising dollars have simply been following the migration trail across to these new technologies.
adj. 오해의 소지가 있는, 혼동하게 하는, 오도하는
It was a clever tum of phrase that's misleading , for even computers can process only one piece of code at a time.
n. 은유, 비유
A common metaphor in early theories of attention is the concept of a bottleneck.
n. 초목[식물], 한 지방 특유의 식물
But as the extra vegetation starts to die off, the locusts find themselves crowded together.
adj. 불쾌한, 모욕적인, 공격적인
It is a strategic mistake to give an offensive position away to those who will use it to attack.
n. 면허(증), 증명서, 자격증 v. 면허[자격]증을 교부하다
We will offer the Summer Aviation Flight Camp for student pilot certificates .
adj. 유전학의
Behavioural adaptation is vastly more efficient than genetic adaptation.
ad. 결국, 마침내
Eventually , most men find they must be satisfied with "any port in a storm."
adj. 부끄러운, 창피한
However, if she found out that her hero hadn't won, she would be terribly disappointed, and he would feel ashamed .
v. (건강이) 회복되다, (분실물 등을) 되찾다, (손실 등을) 만회하다
Once the vegetation has started to recover , insects, birds and other animals will travel into the newly regenerated area.
n. (사람 등의) 운명
In other words, the destiny of a community depends on how well it nourishes its members.
v. 예약하다, 남겨 두다, (판단 등을) 보류하다, 저장하다 n. (주로 복수로) 저장량, 비축물
I reserved a table at a French restaurant for you.
v. 손상시키다, 파멸시키다, 망치다 n. 파멸, 붕괴, 몰락
Don't let this election ruin your friendship.
adj. 적합한, 알맞은, 건강한 v. (모양이나 크기가) 맞다, 맞게 하다
The next step was to fit a platform on the axle.
adj. (모습이나 소리가) 흐릿한, 솜털이 보송보송한, (머리카락이) 곱슬곱슬한
I put the glasses on, and the world turned into fuzzy , unfocused shapes .
n. (구성) 요소, 부품
This program lasts for six weeks and consists of three different components : Daily Targets, Walking Plans, and Eating Plans .
n. 세련됨, 복잡함, (설계나 기계 등이) 정교함, 교양
Those opposed to regulation can always criticize the regulation on the basis of lack of scientific sophistication .
n. (원, 구체, 원뿔, 곡선 등의) 지름, 직경, (렌즈의) 배율
Regional telecom companies will transmit the signals to the balloons, and then each balloon will relay the signals to a ground area many miles in diameter .
n. 부족, 종족, 무리
Testimony from members of the Crow tribe about the destruction of their culture provides an extreme and tragic example of this.
n. (거대한) 규모, 거대함, 중요도, 크기
They must be equal in magnitude but opposite in direction so that they sum to zero net force.
n. 연장, 확대
an extension of the contract
n. 갱신, 연장
the renewal of the fire insurance
n. 확장, 확대
enlargement of his business
n. 확대, 과장
the magnification of the image
n. 과장
a true story without exaggeration
n. 과정, 공정 v. (데이터나 문서를) 처리하다, (원자재를) 가공하다
Technological advances have led to a dramatic reduction in the cost of processing and transmitting information .
v. 관리하다, 운영하다, 간신히 해내다
They are specialists in the area they manage .
n. 발전, 진전 v. 나아가게 하다, 진보시키다
The media is the primary source of information about genetic advances and their applications .
n. 진화, (점진적인) 발전
In this way, the selection pressure built up by the customers resulted in the evolution of a more baby-like bear by the manufacturers.
v. ~을 더 좋아하다, 선호하다
They prefer to be called by the names of the cattle they raise.
adj. 적절한, 올바른
Experts' tastes 1did move in the proper direction: they favored finer, more expensive wines.
n. 결과, 중요함
Psychologists call this avoidance training because the person is learning to avoid the possibility of a punishing consequence .
v. 개선하다, 향상하다
Those are the places where there are opportunities to improve , innovate, experiment, and grow.
n. (신문이나 잡지의) 기사, 글, (계약서의) 조항, 물품
What one often gets is no more than abstract summaries of lengthy articles .
n. 주소, 연설 v. 연설하다, 주소를 쓰다, (문제를) 다루다
The principal was energetically addressing them.
n. 우선 사항, 우선권
Nothing is as important as our citizens' safety, so fixing this issue should be made a top priority .
v. 상상하다, 마음속에 그리다
When participants envisioned the most positive outcome, their energy levels, as measured by blood pressure, dropped .
n. 신원, 신분, 정체성, 일치, 개성
You have to give yourself permission to improvise, to mimic, to take on a long-hidden identity .
v. 감염시키다, 전염시키다
Such behaviour is like closing a wound which is still infected .
v. 높게 하다, 고조시키다, 증가시키다
Their sense of injustice was heightened .
n. 폭발(적인 증가), 폭파
The result is an explosion of information, and that has produced a "paradox of plenty."
adj. 진짜인, 진품인
The "restored" Sistine Chapel may look " authentic " today, but will it still look so when aesthetic and historical theories have changed?
v. 침입하다, 침략하다
For a long time, tourism was seen as a huge monster invading the areJs of indigenous peoples, introducing them to the evils of the modem world.
n. 오염, 더러움
It is postulated that such contamination may result from airborne transport from remote power plants or municipal incinerators.
adj. 일반적인, 보통의, 전형적인
Your schemata will fill in the gaps with knowledge about what's typical in that situation.
n. 대량 학살, 도살, 도축 v. 도살하다
the slaughter of Spanish civilians by German and Italian warplanes during the Spanish Civil War
adj. 널리 퍼져 있는, 광범위한
There are widespread concerns that economic and political forces are becoming too influential.
adj. 멋진, 장관을 이루는, 눈부신, 화려한
Making the spectacular diving catch says more about you than the "out" that is recorded in the scorebook.
n. 맥락, 문맥, 정황, 배경
Without the context provided by cells, organisms, social groups, and culture, DNA is inert.
n. (지방 자치 단체의) 의회, 협의회
Adrian Hewitt became a celebrity in the small world of local council planning.
v. 최대화하다, 최대로 활용하다
Evolution works to maximize the number of descendants that an animal leaves behind.
n. (생물체 내에서 특정한 기능을 수행하는) 기제, 구조, 기계 장치
the horse's efficient mechanism for running .
v. 지배하다, 통치하다, 다스리다
Like life in traditional society, but unlike other team sports, baseball is not governed by the clock .
adj. 음향의, 청각의
Whispering galleries are remarkable acoustic spaces found beneath certain domes or curved ceilings .
v. (비바람이) 침식시키다, (서서히) 악화시키다
In England in the early 1900s property owners whose land was being eroded by wave action clamored for the Government to take preventive action.
n. 결과, 성과
Athletes are responsive to assistance when they fail to achieve the outcome they were hoping for .
n. (전 세계적인) 유행병 adj. 전 세계적으로 유행하는
the pandemic of obesity and diet-related diseases that is troubling much of the Western World
n. 헌신, 약속, 책무, 전념
Making a verbal commitment does not ensure that we reach our destination.
n. 지표, 목록, 색인, (물가, 임금 등의) 지수 v. 색인을 달다
They are recalling indexes and reconstructing details.
n. 분노, 화 v. 화나게 하다
You've never murdered, but your murderer's rage will be drawn from memories of your own extreme anger .
n. 중요성, 의미심장함
As an architect and professor, she had taught about the historical significance of the bridge to her students for years.
v. (액체나 기체가) 새다, (비밀이) 누설되다 n. 새는 구멍, 누출
Some energy must leak through from the Sun's center to its outer regions.
v. 반대하다, 대항하다
Many of those who oppose globalization reserve their highest loyalties to the sovereign state.
adj. 시민의, 민간의, 민사상의
Decades of war put a new premium on training large groups of elite civil and military engineers.
v. 배정하다, (일, 과제 등을) 부여하다, 임명하다, (원인 등을) ~의 탓으로 돌리다
He had been assigned an office and a research assistant.
n. 정의, 공정, 사법
The ethical principles of justice provide an essential foundation for policies to protect unborn generations and the poorest countries from climate change.
adj. 범죄의, 형사상의 n. 범인, 범죄자
There is nothing criminal in doing this, but psychologically, we become what we believe.
n. 운명, 숙명
Silently, I made vows that would keep me from sharing my mother's fate .
adj. 부족한, 드문, 진귀한
In traditional societies where resources continued to be scarce , consumption was more seasonally and communally orientated.
v. 뒤집다, 바꿔 놓다, 반전시키다 adj. 정반대의, 역방향의
In doing so, the scientist reverses his drive toward mathematical exactness in favor of rhetorical vagueness and metaphor.
n. 차원, 관점, (공간의) 크기
Preschoolers and young school-age children confuse temporal and spatial dimensions .
v. 확신시켜 주다, 확인하다, 보장하다
After weighing and digesting the evidence, the machine assured its users that there was no danger of war.
n. 중독, 열중, 몰두
To break planning addiction , allow yourself one freedom.
v. 겁을 주다, 위협하다
My uncle explained that opposing batters were so intimidated by Roberts's fastball that they were automatic "outs" even before they got to the plate.
v. (정당성을) 입증하다, (타당함을) 확인하다, 승인하다
This comment orients the child toward a more fulfilling future because it validates the child's world view.
work on
v. ~에 대해 연구하다
work on a psychological hypothesis
hand[bring] in
v. ~을 제출하다
hand in my report
figure[make] out
v. ~을 파악하다
figure out the problem
enroll in
v. ~에 등록하다
enroll in the advanced class
look up
v. ~을 찾아보다
look up the meaning of a word
n. 감정, 정서, 감동
I believe that a similar process occurs with human emotions .
n. 자신감, 신뢰, 확신, 비밀
As the students' attitudes became more optimistic, their confidence with math grew too.
adj. 개인의, 개개의 n. 개인, (생물) 개체
People from more interdependent cultural contexts tend to be less focused on issues of individual success and agency.
adj. 대체 가능한, 대체의 n. 대안, 양자택일
Without increasing today's limited supplies, we have no chance of developing the alternative green technologies we need to slow climate change.
adj. 필요한, 필연적인
Sometimes the awareness that one is distrusted can provide the necessary incentive for self-reflection.
n. 유행, 추세, 동향 v. ~의 방향으로 가다, 기울다
properly assess current global warming trends
adj. 기본적인, 근본적인, 주요한, 필수적인 n. 기본, 기초, 기본 원칙
a fundamental precodition for tourism
adj. 실용적인, 현실적인, 실제적인, 타당한
We might describe science that has no known practical value as basic science or basic research.
n. 항공편, 비행
She walked over to the ticket agent and offered to take later flight .
n. 계약(서), 협약, 약정 v. 계약하다, 수축하다, 줄어들다
Another example is the business-to-business service contracts that are layered on top of software sales.
n. 정책, 방침
This approach to policy does not consider values and cultural factors that cannot be measured empirically.
v. 희생시키다, 피해자로 만들다, 부당하게 괴롭히다
Your refusal to be victimized will help you grow more tolerant with people as you mature.
v. (비밀 등을) 알아내다, 찾아내다, 폭로하다, 덮개를 벗기다
Paleontologists who study early human civilizations have uncovered evidence that our ancestors faced frequent periods of drought and freezing.
n. 영수증, 수령(액)
What survives these ancient societies is, for the most part, a pile of receipts .
adj. 외부의, 외적인, 외계의
The reason for this is not the external size and massiveness of their works, although the Egyptians admittedly achieved some amazing things in this respect.
v. 출판하다, 발행하다, 발표하다
In 1920, he published The Group Mind opposing mechanistic interpretations of human behavior.
n. 실, 가닥, 줄기 v. (실 등을) 꿰다
Ghost spiders have tremendously long legs, yet they weave webs out of very short threads .
adj. 후한, 너그러운, 관대한, 넉넉한
Hobbes, his heart touched, immediately gave the man a generous offering.
n. (교통) 요금, 운임, (택시) 승객
They were charged three times more than the usual fare due to the heavy traffic.
adj. 바보 같은, 말을 못하는, 벙어리의
Probably the biggest roadblock to play for adults is the worry that they will look silly, improper, or dumb .
n. 생태(계), 생태학
It is these sorts of unexpected complexities and apparent contradictions that make ecology so interesting.
n. 가사, 서정시 adj. 서정시의, 가사의
Then the next time we hear it, we hear a lyric we didn't catch the first time.
v. 구성하다, 차지하다, ~로 구성되다, 포함하다
A football game is comprised of exactly sixty minutes of play.
n. 졸업장, 수료증, (대학의 학습) 과정
Tammy was able to earn her high school diploma and some college credit before trying her hand at a number of different jobs.
adj. 합리적인, 이성적인
Their novel approach was to pursue rational inquiry through adversarial discussion.
adj. 암시적인, 잠재적인, 내재적인
Your culture maintains an implicit "schedule" for the right time to do many important things.
n. 직물, 옷감, 섬유 산업 adj. 직물의
The textiles sector generated 38 million tons of plastic waste, or 12.58% of the total plastic waste generated.
n. (성큼성큼 걷는) 걸음, 속도 v. 성큼성큼 걷다
the geometry of the track governing the number of strides the athlete takes.
n. 함정, 위험
Scientific and professional policy design does not necessarily escape the pitfalls of degenerative politics.
n. 창 v. (창으로) 찌르다, (물고기를) 작살로 잡다
Even under ideal circumstances, hunting these fast animals with spear or bow and arrow is an uncertain task.
n. 예언
do a scientific study of dream prophecy
adj. 이후의, 그다음의
Some environments are more likely to lead to fossilization and subsequent discovery than others.
n. 길, 경로, 노선 v. (특정 경로를 따라 무엇을) 보내다, 전송하다
Each person picks that particular road for the logical reason that it's the fastest route .
v. 붙이다, 첨부하다
The trainer attaches an "emotional charge" to a particular scent so that the dog is drawn to it above all others.
adj. 휴대용의, 휴대할 수 있는
They tended to develop simple portable technologies for hunting, gathering, transportation, and defense.
adj. 면역의, 면역성이 있는
Like stress, these negative emotions can damage the immune response.
n. 품종, 유형 v. 새끼를 낳다, 사육하다, 재배하다
The same holds true for high-yield livestock breeds .
n. 상인 adj. 상인의, 상업용의
Toe manufacturer cuts back on output, and the merchant reduces inventory to balance supply and demand.
n. 종료, 최후
The termination of such interactional sequences invariably originates from the human.
adj. 전통적인, 재래식의
You have to challenge the conventional ways of doing things .
n. 통계 (자료) adj. 통계의, 통계적인
The school based its statistics on separate departments and separate years.
adj. 헐거운, 헝클어진, 풀린, 느슨한
Getting a none-shedding dog is a good idea if you're worried about loose hairs or your kids' allergies .
v. 확증하다, 확인하다
Research confirms the finding that nonverbal cues are more credible than verbal cues .
v. 공식화하다, 명확히 말하다, 만들어 내다, (의견을 공들여) 표현하다
A skilled explainer learns to see the intent behind the question and formulate an answer that focuses on understanding instead of efficiency.
v. 반대하다, 이의를 제기하다, 항의하다 n. 항의, 시위
She may protest or attempt to rewrite this version of her story .
adj. 짧은, 잠시 동안의, 간단한 v. 간단히 알리다, 요약하다
After a brief skills test, participants will be trained based on their levels.
v. (개나 여우가) 짖다 n. 나무껍질
by killing trees when starving deer chew on tree bark
v. 다시 시작하다, 재개하다
Carrying her, they resumed the home run walk.
n. 영역, 영토, 구역
You have to venture beyond the boundaries of your current experience and explore new territory .
v. 상담하다, 조언해 주다, 상의하다, 진찰받다
Scientists and professionals emerge as the appropriate experts to be consulted in policymaking, while local citizen input and knowledge is often viewed as unnecessary.
take responsibility
v. 책임지다
take responsibility for one's own actions
take account
v. 고려하다
take account of all factors
take office
v. 취임하다
take office on July 12
take a risk
v. 위험을 무릅쓰다
take a risk for what I want
take advantage
v. 이용하다
take advantage of that opportunity
v. 증가시키다, 증가하다 n. 증가
CO2 released during industrial processes has greatly increased the proportion of carbon in the atmosphere .
v. 결정하다, 결심하다
determine their own affairs without interference from any agency beyond its territorial borders
v. 향상시키다, 강화하다
Identifying what we can do in the workplace serves to enhance the quality of our professional career.
n. 장비, 장치, 기구
There was no clear use for the device until it was used to measure fluctuations in ocean temperature.
n. 범위, 영역 v. (범위가) ~에 이르다
There are mechanisms to keep blood pressure within a limited range .
v. 얻다, (돈을) 벌다
She was producing and earning double the amount of her coworkers.
v. 주저하다, 망설이다
So I didn't hesitate to sign up and pay the non-refundable deposit for the second week program, which is from July 13 to 17.
v. 끌어당기다, 마음을 끌다, 매혹하다
Fireflies don't just light up their behinds to attract mates, they also glow to tell bats not to eat them.
v. 관찰하다, 지켜보다, (법률, 규칙 등을) 준수하다
At the end of the hour, after he had observed the class, he stood up and said: "I am glad to see that you children are doing well in your studies."
v. 자격을 얻다, 자격을 주다
He earned a medical degree from the University of Pennsylvania and qualified as a doctor in 1892 .
n. 수치, 형체, 인물
This 15% (actually -15%) figure would then represent "average" performance.
adj. ~때문인, ~하기로 예정된, 만기가 된
I was due to present my new idea to the company at l0 a.m.
v. 압축하다
The camera obscura automatically modified a scene by compressing form and emphasizing tonal mass.
v. (분명히) 보여 주다, 예증하다, 삽화를 넣다
This illustrates the tendency that most city dwellers get tired of urban lives.
n. 지하실, (건물의) 지하층
He was the one who could squeeze through the basement window to let everyone in.
adj. 신성한, 성스러운, 종교적인
These piles consist of sacred stones, hairstring, and pearl shells.
n. 특허(권) adj. 특허의
In the 1990s the extension of patent laws into the area of seed varieties started to create a growing market for private seed companies.
n. (안내, 광고용) 책자
I picked up a brochure about free conversational French being offered at my local library.
v. 기부하다, (능력, 자질 등을) 부여하다
Natural selection endowed us with brains that intentionally see and hear the world inaccurately.
v. 우선순위를 매기다, 우선적으로 처리하다
Unfortunately, many individuals struggle with reaching goals due to an inability to prioritize their own needs.
n. 사건, (우연히 발생한) 일
Repeatedly recounting humorous incidents reinforces unity based on key organizational values.
v. 발생하다, 일어나다
Severe mercury poisoning occurred in many people who consumed the fish. Cit~
n. 소유지, 부동산권, 재산
A special feature of the real estate rental market is its tendency to undergo a severe contraction phase.
n. 수확(물) v. 수확하다, 거둬들이다
This crop is harvested throughout the year and thus requires more than its fair share of water .
v. 축출하다, 퇴학시키다, 추방하다, 배출하다
184 students were formally accused of cheating, and 152 of those were expelled .
n. (대회, 시합 등의) 참가자
All contestants should sing a 2-minute yodel of their choice.
v. 직면하다, (문제나 곤란한 상황에) 맞서다
Confirmation bias is a term for the way the mind systematically avoids confronting contradiction.
v. (소리, 빛이) 반사되다, 뛰어오르다 n. 뛰어 오름, 도약
The sound waves you produce travel in all directions and bounce off the walls at different times and places.
n. 세금 v. 세금을 부과하다
pay little or no personal income tax £9
v. 흥미를 불러일으키다, 음모를 꾸미다 n. 음모
They can react. badly when forced to put more important work on hold td complete a task that doesn't intrigue them.
adj. 영구적인
Note that set-aside land is more permanent than fallow land, which is usually left for only a year.
adj. 보수적인, 보수당의 n. 보수주의자, 보수당원
Even some of the most conservative Ivy League schools have replaced listening to lectures and writing essays with field work, role-playing games, and online discussion.
adj. 무딘, 뭉툭한, 직설적인 v. 둔화시키다
She mixed a while with a blunt knife then tipped more water into the bowl and mixed again.
adj. 자발적인, 자원봉사로 하는
One neural system is under voluntary control and the other works under involuntary control.
n. 용량, 음량, 부피, 서적
He was having a great deal of trouble completing his tasks because of the volume of calls he was responding to.
adj. 단결된, 결합력 있는, 응집력의
The more cohesive the group, the greater the urge of the group members to avoid creating any discord.
n. 돌진, 질주, 서둘러 함 v. 급히 뛰어가다, 서둘러 가다
I usually wait for a break in the downpour, and then we all dash out together.
adj. 우울한, 침울한
She thought how her gloomy face in the window reflected her mistake.
v. 집착하게 하다, 사로잡다
Scientists, especially young ones, can get too obsessed with results.
v. 투옥하다, 가두다
It is not a failure of impartiality to imprison a convicted criminal while innocent citizens go free.
v. (영혼 따위를) 불러내다, (법에) 호소하다
Both the negative and the positive versions invoke the ego as the fundamental measure against which behaviors are to be evaluated.
n. 허드렛일, 가사
In the midst of her chores , my mother spent time reading.
adj. 인공의, 인위적인, 인조의
In Alien and Olivier's Hamlet, the music serves at times to make small and/or artificial spaces seem more grand.
n. 일탈, 탈선, 벗어남
In some cultures the social clock is becoming more flexible and more tolerant of deviations from the conventional timetable.
adj. 엄청난, 대단한
They would see in his poems a vibrant cultural performance, an individual springing from the book with tremendous charisma and appeal.
n. 외국인, 외계인 adj. 외국의, 이국의, 이질적인
Oxygen will be left in the stratosphere- perhaps misleading aliens into thinking the planet is still inhabited.
n. 후보자, 입후보자
And those are qualities you want in any candidate .
n. 불화, 불일치, 다툼, 불협화음
Once he has bit his little sister, broken the law, or contributed to his parents' marital discord ?
n. 목초지, 초원
At the height of summer, billowing meadows full of grasses and herbs are the habitat for grasshoppers and crickets.
v. 진동하다, 떨다, 진동시키다
As she was listening to the dull tick-tock of the clock, her phone vibrated .
n. 발표, 소식
the announcement of a peace agreement
n. 표시, 암시
indication of changes in a strong diplomatic temperature
n. 통보, 통지
receive the notification of their decision
n. (공식적인) 선언, 선포
declaration of independence
n. 성명, 진술
a strong diplomatic statement
v. 등록하다, 신고하다 n. 등록부, 자동 기록기
Once you are registered , we will match you with a perfect tutor.
adj. 용인하는, 관대한, 잘 견디는
The woman's face broadened into a tolerant smile.
ad. 순간적으로, 잠깐, 곧
The brief humorous comment momentarily put the participants in a good mood.
n. 해결, 결의안, 해상도
Leaders were supposed to make sense of chaos, to make certainty out of doubt, and to create positive action plans for the resolution of paradoxes.
n. 의무, 직무, 세금
Others' distrust of her might motivate her to perform her share of the duties .
n. 상업, 교역
Politics, commerce , science, and law are all rooted in orderly competition.
adj. 비어 있는, 공허한 v. (속을) 비우다, 없애다
While my sisters were delighted to find their stockings filled with presents, mine was empty .
v. 호소하다, 매력적이다, 항소하다 n. 호소, 매력, 항소
The fields were vast, but hardly appealed to him.
n. 다양성, 품종
We invite you to join us at the 20th Virginia Art Show, famed all along the east coast for the variety and quality of its exhibits.
v. 수여하다 n. 상, 상금
The General Council of the Eastern Cherokees awarded Sequoyah a medal.
n. 작가, 저자 v. 저술하다
Individual authors and photographers have rights to their intellectual property during their lifetimes.
n. 기업, 회사, 법인
In the United States a number of large corporations appointed a vice president for sustainability.
n. 가정, 가구, 세대
Distribution is limited to two trees per household due to the limited number of available trees.
v. 성취하다, 이루다
Sometimes all the outcomes customers are trying to achieve in one area have a negative effect on other outcomes.
n. 지력, 지성
He believed human behavior to be based on three abilities – intellect , emotion, and will.
n. 완고함, 고집스러움
Our innate stubbornness refuses to permit us to accept the criticism we are receiving.
n. 주의 산만, 주의를 산만하게 하는 것, 오락 (활동)
The place does not matter- as long as you remove yourself from distractions and interruptions.
v. 분리하다, 나누다 adj. 분리된, 따로 떨어진
Employers had separated out leisure from work.
n. 유인(책), 장려금
People were not particularly motivated to produce more goods for stockpiling, as there was little incentive to do so where there was little security from raids.
n. 운하, 수로
The mangrove forest alongside the canal thrilled me as we entered its cool shade.
adj. 익명의, 작자 불명의
Because the written responses are kept anonymous , no one feels pressured to conform to anyone else's opinion.
adj. 옳은, 정당한
in order to definitively secure the righteous logic of 'good' taste
adj. 휘갈겨 쓴
What she found in her paper was scribbled words, half sentences, and a pile of seemingly strange and disjointed ideas .
v. 정확히 지적하다, 정확히 나타내다
I have still not exactly pinpointed Maddy's character.
v. 지배하다, 우위를 차지하다, 우세하다
Those decisions involve a process of assigning weights to competing interests, and then determining which one predominates .
v. 재활 치료를 하다, (사회로) 복귀시키다, 갱생하다
It will take a great deal of time and patient understanding to rehabilitate them to real life.
v. 저항하다, 반대하다, 거부하다
Unlike the passage of time, biological aging resists easy measurement.
n. 한 뼘, 짧은 거리, (특정한 길이의) 시간, 경간(다리, 건물의 기둥과 기둥 사이)
The manner in which they showed up, executed their chore, and exited all in the span of five minutes with not even a pleasantry was bruising to a teenage boy's ego.
n. 반란, 반항
A successful rebellion may sweep out whole cadres of earnest men and replace them with others.
adj. 외국의, 이국적인, 외래의
None of the wildlife I saw was exotic .
n. (가늘고 긴) 구멍, (동전) 투입구 v. 넣다
Insert a chip in LnT-Bot's forehead slot and pictures will appear on the LCD screen.
adj. 기저에 있는, 근본적인, 근원적인
One companion might talk to the various other in a way that is condescending and also indicates underlying hostility.
adj. 필수적인, 완전한, 내장된 n. 적분
Inside a law court the precise location of those involved in the legal process is an integral part of the design.
n. 동맹국, 연합국 v. 동맹하다, 동맹시키다
In the case of Athens and Sparta, it was the actions of smaller allies that drew them closer to war.
adj. 자유 민주적인, 진보적인, 개방적인
Even the large, so-called ' liberal ' American media have admitted that they have not always been watchdogs for the public interest.
n. 깜짝 놀람
Very quickly one little nine-year-old boy raised his hand, to the astonishment of the teacher and the visitor.
n. 배관공
The plumber performs poorly, and charges extraordinary rates.
n. 항체
The immune system protects and preserves the body's integrity, and it does this by developing antibodies to attack hostile invaders.
n. 비관주의, 비관론, 염세주의, 부정적인 생각
Sad and fearful people tend toward pessimism .
adj. 솔직한, 숨김없는
The nonverbal message is deliberate, but designed to let the partner know one's candid reaction indirectly.
n. 후원자, 단골손님
Machaut traveled to many courts and presented beautifully decorated copies of his music and poetry to his noble patrons .
v. 안심시키다
They offer a quick hug or peck on the cheek to reassure their toddler that her explorations won't isolate her from them.
v. 황폐하게 하다, 완전히 파괴하다
The quake devastated 24,000 square miles of wilderness, much of it glaciated.
n. (세포들로 이루어진) 조직, 화장지
It is likely that the rate of annual change varies among various cells, tissues , and organs.
n. 행동, 품행
One sets a baseline of at least not causing harm; the other points toward aspirational or idealized beneficent behavior .
v. 손상시키다
In general, task performance is only impaired at very high noise intensities.
n. 이득, 혜택, 이로움 v. 이익을 얻다
Within a few years most of her fellow macaques were throwing wheat and sand into the sea and obtaining the benefits .
v. 벗기다, 껍질을 벗기다
This is just what would happen if some cosmic giant were to peel off the outer layers of the Sun like skinning an orange .
n. 본능, 타고난 소질
Zoo life is utterly incompatible with an animal's most deeply-rooted survival instincts .
v. 주입하다, 주사하다
Compressed air was injected into the flooded ballast tanks and the submarine began to rise.
cut down on
v. ~을 줄이다
cut down on plastic use
cut off
v. ~을 차단하다
cut off the enemy's retreat
cut in on
v. (대화에) 끼어들다
cut in on our conversation
cut across
v. ~을 가로질러 가다
cut across the playground
cut out
v. (갑자기) 멈추다
The engine often cuts out.
v. 선호하다, 호의를 보이다, 찬성하다 n. 호의, 친절
Most people favor helping the poor; most people oppose welfare.
v. 이해하다, 포함하다
We can probe difficult-to-reach place_s with its extended end, and comprehend what we are exploring.
n. 열성, 열정
parental enthusiasm for these motor accomplishments
n. 현상, 사건
To modern man disease is a biological phenomenon that concerns him only as an individual and has no moral implications.
n. 검토, 논평, 복습 v. (재)검토하다, 논평하다, 복습하다
Books and supplement reviews have also been used as vehicles to promote the sale of fitness and nutrition products.
v. 발표하다, 알리다, 선언하다
We will announce the winners o f this year's contest on August 15, 2015.
adj. 집중적인, 집약적인, 격렬한
For many complex tasks, the ability to effectively coordinate with others requires intensive training.
n. 강조, 중점, 역정
Many teachers have started placing a greater emphasis on mathematical understanding, problem solving, hands-on experiences, and collaborative work.
v. 전시하다, 보이다, 드러내다 n. 전시품, 전시회
You likely exhibited behaviors that are not consistent with how you usually act.
v. 신청하다, 지원하다, 적용하다, (페인트, 크림 등을) 바르다
It would not have taken long for mankind to apply this advantage to other goods.
adj. 고체의, 단단한, 확실한
We would like to know the rate of natural soil formation from solid rock to determine whether topsoil erosion from agriculture is too great.
adj. 안정감이 있는, 안전한, 안심하는 v. 확보하다, 고정시키다
Your grasp on a hammer would not be secure if knocking against something caused you to drop it.
n. 상실, 손실, 분실
In many countries, the loss of soil is decreasing the productivity of the land.
v. 차별하다, 구별하다
The dog already knows how to discriminate one scent from another.
adj. 의도적인, 고의적인, 신중한 v. 숙고하다
The latter constitutes a deliberate and voluntarily adopted discipline based on an appreciation of the benefits of doing so.
v. (~의 후보로) 지명[추천]하다, 임명하다
Richard Burton was nominated for an Academy Award seven times.
n. 미신
B. F. Skinner's classic research into ' superstition in the pigeon', conducted at Indiana University in 1948, supports this hypothesis.
adj. 시골의, 지방의
Farmers in remote areas will be able to access weather data, and rural children will be able to pursue online educations.
n. 회복, 재생, 새로운 활력을 줌, 경기 부양
She described Canton as a city with major manufacturing facilities and a downtown revitalization program.
v. 이용하다, 착취하다, 개발하다
There were laws and traditions in place that supported their belief that only they could exploit their creations.
n. 증상, 징후
The disabling neurological symptoms were subsequently called Minamata disease.
v. 기다, 살금살금 움직이다
Liz saw a dark figure creep into the open and draw near to the trees.
adj. 자동의, 무의식적인, 기계적인
Much of what we do each day is automatic and guided by habit.
v. 제조하다, 만들어 내다 n. 제조, 제작
He relocated his factory back East to New York in 1933 where he designed and manufactured unique aluminum furniture.
n. 지향, 방향, 성향, 예비 교육
moment on the idea of adjusting to another person's mental orientation .
adj. 자비로운, 자선의, 자선을 베푸는
A charitable lady helped him attend a local military school.
n. 후손, 자손
Supporters of such legislation like to defend these increases with tales of starving writers and their impoverished descendants .
v. 뒤섞다, 뒤섞이다, (달걀) 스크램블을 만들다, 긁어모으다, 기어오르다
It scrambles the sound waves so much that they are inaudible.
n. 비옥함, 생식력
We depend on many other species for food, clothing, shelter, oxygen, soil fertility .
adj. 허접스러운, 고물의 n. 쓸모없는 물건, 폐물, 쓰레기
Organized knowledge could easily get corrupted or lost in a sea of junk data .
n. 위업, 공적
Many who have experienced a major loss often go on to achieve remarkable feats in spite of their hardships .
v. 으르렁거리다
The tigress came crashing through the underbrush and growled as she saw the body of her dead offspring.
n. 선점, 사로잡힘, 집착, 몰두
The visual preoccupation of early humans with the nonhuman creatures inhabiting their world becomes profoundly meaningful.
n. 운문, 시구
Lowell dabbled in verse from an early age.
n. 교장, 학장 adj. 주요한, 주된
Children at play often take on other roles, pretending to be Principal Walsh or Josh's mom .
n. 차이, 불일치
When there is a discrepancy between the verbal message and the nonverbal message, the latter typically weighs more in forming a judgment.
n. 농업
We are currently seeing important changes the way agriculture is carried out in Britain.
adj. 심미적인, 미학의
There are aesthetic and ethical reasons for preservmg biodiversity.
n. (시간적) 간격, 기간
Schedule intervals of productive time and breaks so that you get the most from people.
adj. 결정적인, 중요한, 중대한
Certain species are more crucial to the maintenance of their ecosystem than others.
v. 빠뜨리다, 누락시키다, 생략하다
You can consider a few situations in which this mark of punctuation may safely be omitted .
n. 좁은 땅, 작은 밭, (헝겊) 조각, 반창고
When they saw the cabbage patch , they suddenly remembered how vast it was.
v. 수정하다, 개정하다
As time went on, its scale was reduced, and the project for the tomb was revised again and again.
adj. 방사성의, 방사능의
Radioactive waste disposal has become one of the key environmental battlegrounds over which the future of nuclear power has been fought.
adj. 상대적인 n. 친척
Our total set of values and their relative importance to us constitute our value system.
v. 진단하다
Amy learned that her mother had been diagnosed with a serious illness.
n. 가치, 장점
The merits of a leader's most important decisions, by their nature, typically are not clear-cut.
v. 뛰어오르다, 도약하다
While Marie and Nina kept watching the salmon, a big one suddenly leapt .
v. 모으다, 모이다
All kids were gathered around Janet.
n. 화학, 화학적 성질
David Lee and I'm a third-year chemistry major at Arizona State University.
drive recklessly
v. 난폭하게 운전하다
The man drove recklessly .
shame publicly
v. 공개적으로 망신을 주다
shame publicly one's opponent
whisper softly
v. 나직이 속삭이다
whisper softly in my ear
wait patiently
v. 침착하게 기다리다
wait patiently for a chance
abolish completely
v. 완전히 폐지하다
abolish the death penalty completely
가장 빠르게 암기하도록 도와주는 암기학습 〉
제대로 외웠나 바로 확인하는 리콜학습 〉
철자까지 외우려면 스펠학습 〉
재미있게 복습하려면 매칭 게임 〉
주관식으로도 재미있는 복습, 크래시 게임 〉
수업 중 이 단어장을 보고 듣고 질문하는 슬라이드 〉
수업시간이 들썩 들썩 퀴즈배틀 (로그인) 〉
클릭만으로 종이낭비 없이 시험지 인쇄 (로그인) 〉
필요한 세트를 직접 만드는 단어장 만들기 (로그인) 〉
선생님들이 만드신 30만개 단어장 검색하기 〉
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