Read It 30 3 - U02
8 카드 | netutor
Clouds have many different shapes.
구름은 많은 다양한 모양들을 가지고 있어요.
Sometimes, they look like feathers.
때때로, 구름은 깃털 같아요.
Sometimes, they look like cotton balls.
때때로, 구름은 솜 같아요.
Sometimes, they look like hair.
때때로, 구름은 머리카락 같아요.
Sometimes, they look like towers.
때때로, 구름은 탑 같아요.
Sometimes, they look like blankets.
때때로, 구름은 담요 같아요.
Those are rain clouds.
그것들은 비 구름이에요.
Time to go home!
집에 갈 시간이에요!
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