Grammar Zone 기초편 - U5 - A-C
10 카드 | netutor
(A) Am I right? - (B) Yes, you are right. / No, you aren’t right.
(A) 내가 맞니? - (B) 그래, 네가 맞아. / 아니, 맞지 않아.
(A) Are you ready? - (B) Yes, I am. / No, I’m not.
(A) 준비됐니? - (B) 응, 됐어. / 아니, 안 됐어.
(A) Is she doing her homework? - (B) Yes, she is. / No, she isn’t.
(A) 그녀는 숙제를 하고 있니? - (B) 응, 하고 있어. / 아니, 하고 있지 않아.
(A) Was Brad kind to you? - (B) Yes, he was. / No, he wasn’t.
(A) Brad는 너에게 친절했니? - (B) 응, 친절했어. / 아니, 친절하지 않았어.
(A) Were they in school? - (B) Yes, they were. / No, they weren’t.
(A) 그들은 학교에 있었니? - (B) 응, 있었어. / 아니, 없었어.
(A) Do you have a bicycle? - (B) Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.
(A) 너는 자전거를 갖고 있니? - (B) 응, 갖고 있어. / 아니, 없어.
(A) Does Carol live in LA? - (B) Yes, she does. / No, she doesn’t.
(A) Carol은 LA에 사니? - (B) 응, 맞아. / 아니, 그렇지 않아.
(A) Did you enjoy the movie? - (B) Yes, I did. / No, I didn’t.
(A) 그 영화 재미있었어? - (B) 응, 재미있었어. / 아니, 재밌지 않았어.
(A) Aren’t you hungry? - (B) Yes, I am. / No, I’m not.
(A) 너 배 안 고프지? - (B) 아니, 배고파. / 응, 배고프지 않아.
(A) Doesn’t she have a boyfriend? - (B) Yes, she does. / No, she doesn’t.
(A) 그녀는 남자친구가 없니? - (B) 아니, 있어. / 응, 없어.
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