2023년 고2 2회 영어듣기능력평가 01-10번 (딕테이션 추가)
20 카드 | classcard
대화를 듣고, 남자의 마지막 말에 대한 여자의 응답으로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.
Thanks. It’s in my desk drawer.
잘 듣고 빈칸에 맞는 단어를 쓰세요.

[ Cellphone rings.]
M: Hello, Esther. Sorry. I missed your call. What’s up?
W: I need your help, Dad. I need my USB ____ drive for my ____ this afternoon, but I left it at home. Could you please ____ it to me?
M: Sure, I’m home now. Just tell me where it is and I’ll bring it to you right away.
W: _____________________________________________________
대화를 듣고, 여자의 마지막 말에 대한 남자의 응답으로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.
Then, let’s choose a flight that arrives early in the morning
잘 듣고 빈칸에 맞는 단어를 쓰세요.

W: Honey, what are you doing?
M: I’m searching for our ____ tickets to Hawaii. We have to ____ what time we should leave.
W: Hmm, we only have five days there. So if we ____ late in the afternoon, we may not be ____ to do everything we’d like to do.
M: _____________________________________________________
대화를 듣고, 남자의 마지막 말에 대한 여자의 응답으로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.
Really? I should go check it out right now.
잘 듣고 빈칸에 맞는 단어를 쓰세요.

M: Jenny, is the bike in ____ of this ____ yours?
W: Yes, it is. Why do you ____?
M: Well, it looks like you need some air in your back tire.
W: _____________________________________________________
다음을 듣고, 여자가 하는 말의 주제로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.
야생동물을 마주쳤을 때 지켜야 할 안전 수칙
잘 듣고 빈칸에 맞는 단어를 쓰세요.

W: Hello, listeners. Welcome to Nature Lovers. When you’re outdoors, it’s possible to ____ wild animals. So it’s important to know some safety tips about what to do in that situation. Here are some of them. First, remain calm and avoid running away from animals. Unexpected movements can ____ animals and make them feel ____, which increases the likelihood that they’ll attack. Second, maintain your distance. It’s important to avoid approaching, and ____, touching animals. Keep enough space from animals to stay safe. Lastly, don’t feed wild animals. It can ____ be dangerous for you as they may bite you. Please keep these in mind
다음을 듣고, 남자가 하는 말의 목적으로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.
학생 휴게실 디자인 공모전 참가를 독려하려고
잘 듣고 빈칸에 맞는 단어를 쓰세요.

M: Hello, students! This is your vice ____, Mr. Taylor. As you know, our school lounge is getting remodeled later this year. And we’ve decided to hold a special contest to ____ the design of the student lounge! So I strongly ____ you to enter the contest and share your creative ideas for the design of the student lounge. Just go to the school website to see the full details of the contest and to download the contest ____ form. Include your design in the form and then submit it to your homeroom teacher by next Friday. The winning designs will be represented in the ____ of the student lounge! We look forward to your artistic, creative ideas. Thank you.
대화를 듣고, 여자의 주장으로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.
온라인으로 중고 물품을 거래할 때, 전화번호를 알려주면 안 된다.
잘 듣고 빈칸에 맞는 단어를 쓰세요.

W: Keith, what are you doing on your smartphone?
M: Hi, Jasmine. I’m selling a jacket using a ____ market app.
W: That’s really ____, isn’t it? Nowadays it’s so easy to buy and sell secondhand things for a good price.
M: Totally. Look. I’m chatting with someone now who wants to buy my jacket.
W: Cool. Oh, wait! Are you about to send the person your phone number? Don’t do that, Keith! You should never give your phone number to other people.
M: Why not? We have to ____ when and where to meet.
W: But how can you trust them? They can use your phone number in ____ ways.
M: Oh, I’ve never thought about that. I’d better just ____ out when and where to meet through chatting without giving out my phone number, even though it’s not as convenient as talking on the phone. Thanks for the tip, Jasmine.
W: No problem. Good luck with selling your jacket
대화를 듣고, 남자의 의견으로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.
나와 다른 관심사를 가진 친구를 사귀는 것은 유익하다.
잘 듣고 빈칸에 맞는 단어를 쓰세요.

M: Lucy, how was your first week at your new school?
W: Just okay, Dad. I wasn’t able to find anybody who’s interested in sports like me.
M: Oh, really? Then maybe this could be a good ____ for you.
W: How so?
M: Well, if you become friends with people with different interests from you, you may find new things you’re interested in.
W: I’m not sure what you mean.
M: The things you’re interested in now may not be the only things you actually like. But you don’t know that ____ you find out about other things.
W: Can you give an example?
M: Sure. You always make friends with people who love playing sports, like you. But if you make a friend with someone who likes art, you may ____ you like art, too.
W: Ah, I see what you mean now. Good point. Thanks for your advice, Dad.
M: I’m sure it’s good for you to make friends with people who have ____ interests from you.
대화를 듣고, 두 사람의 관계를 가장 잘 나타낸 것을 고르시오.
방송반 학생 ― 교사
잘 듣고 빈칸에 맞는 단어를 쓰세요.

W: Hello, Mr. Smith. Do you have a minute to talk?
M: Of course. What is it?
W: As you know, the school ____ club festival is next month. Our broadcasting club is going to film a short video based on a part of the ____ we read in your class.
M: That sounds great. What part?
W: The family ____ part. It’s very touching. Actually, I’d like to ask if you could play the role of the father in the video.
M: Really? But I’ve never acted before in my life.
W: That’s okay. You know about the character better than anyone. All of our club members would love to have you in the video.
M: That’s kind of you to say. Well, I’ll think about it.
W: Great. Then I’ll give you the script in class tomorrow, and you can ____ after reading it.
M: Perfect. I look ____ to reading it.
다음 그림의 상황에 가장 적절한 대화를 고르시오.
잘 듣고 빈칸에 맞는 단어를 쓰세요.

M: Number One
W: I’m so hungry. What do you want for lunch?
M: Let’s have pizza today. It’s my turn to buy.
M: Number Two
W: Excuse me. I’d like to take the rest of my pizza to go.
M: Sure. I’ll pack it in a box for you.
M: Number Three
W: I’d like to order one ____ pizza and two soft drinks.
M: There’s about a 30-minute wait for pizza. Is that okay?
M: Number Four
W: I’d like to move to a table by the window.
M: No problem. How about the second table around the ____?
M: Number Five
W: Excuse me. I ____ my soda on the table.
M: All right. I’ll bring you some napkins right away
대화를 듣고, 여자가 남자에게 부탁한 일로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.
사진 걸기
잘 듣고 빈칸에 맞는 단어를 쓰세요.

M: Annie, we should check what’s left to be done for the English ____ festival tomorrow.
W: Right. Let’s look at the checklist. Well, the ____ I ordered will ____ this afternoon.
M: Okay. And I’m going to set up the food culture booth after school today. And Jane and Tim are going to make the quiz show questions together.
W: That’s good. They’re really good at making ____.
M: How’s the photo zone?
W: It’s ____ done. I just need to get the costumes.
M: Great! So what’s left to do?
W: We have to hang the pictures we’ve taken on the wall. Can you do it tomorrow morning?
M: Sure. No problem.
W: Thanks. It’s going to be a fun festival.
듣기시험도 간단히 만들어 학생들에게 출제하세요.
자동채점은 기본, 오답만 다시 풀 수 있습니다.

지금 만들어 보세요!
궁금한 것, 안되는 것
말씀만 하세요:)
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