BigBook-Book 3 (E)
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the organ inside the head that controls thought, feelings, etc.
The Scarecrow wanted brains, the Tin Man wanted a heart, and the Cowardly Lion wanted courage.
a hard block of clay used to build structures
To get to Oz, Dorothy had to follow the yellow brick road.
a kind of brush with a long handle
The Wizard promised to help, but he wanted the Wicked Witch’s broom handle.
to catch by using force
The Wicked Witch captured Dorothy.
to make a short, sharp sound
Then, Glinda, the Witch of the North, told Dorothy to click her heels together, and Dorothy returned home with Toto.
the ability to control your fear in a dangerous situation
The Scarecrow wanted brains, the Tin Man wanted a heart, and the Cowardly Lion wanted courage.
lacking courage
Dorothy met the Scarecrow, the Tin Man, and the cowardly Lion.
a strong storm in which the air goes round and round
A cyclone picked up their house with Dorothy and Toto in it.
having or showing a selfish desire to have more of something
The Wicked Witch of the West was very greedy.
to return to the ground
The house landed in Munchkin region.
a declaration that one will or will not do something
The Wizard promised to help, but he wanted the Wicked Witch’s broom handle.
a dark red precious stone
A good witch, the Witch of the North, gave Dorothy magic ruby slippers and said that the Wizard of Oz could help her go home.
morally bad
The wicked Witch captured Dorothy.
a woman who is thought to have magic powers
A good witch, the Witch of the North, gave Dorothy magic ruby slippers and said that the Wizard of Oz could help her go home.
a man who is thought to have magic powers
A good witch, the Witch of the North, gave Dorothy magic ruby slippers and said that the wizard of Oz could help her go home.
to come to a place after traveling
After a difficult two month journey, the Pilgrims arrived in Massachusetts Bay.
to stay away from
They taught the Pilgrims how to grow corn, take sap from maple trees, catch fish, and avoid poisonous plants.
a large area of water partly surrounded by land
After a difficult two month journey, the Pilgrims arrived in Massachusetts bay.
help and approval from God
In November, 1621, after the first harvest, Constance, her family, and the rest of the Pilgrims celebrated their blessings.
to do something special for an important event
The Wampanoag celebrated with them.
a wild animal with four long thin legs, brown fur, and antlers if male
They also taught the Pilgrims how to hunt deer.
able to do what you want to do
They wanted to be free to practice their religion.
the activity of gathering crops
In November, 1621, after the first harvest, Constance, her family, and the rest of the Pilgrims celebrated their blessings.
an act of traveling from one place to another
After a difficult two month journey, the Pilgrims arrived in Massachusetts Bay.
to continue in time
This celebration lasted for more than three days.
a period of time lasting about 30 days
After a difficult two month journey, the Pilgrims arrived in Massachusetts Bay.
not old
They wanted to find a new home.
the belief in a god
They wanted to be free to practice their religion.
a watery juice inside a plant
They taught the Pilgrims how to grow corn, take sap from maple trees, catch fish, and avoid poisonous plants.
things that are needed for a particular purpose
The winter had been very hard, and the Pilgrims did not have good food or supplies.
to be next to a country
It is located on the western seaboard of the United States, and it is bordered by Mexico.
to make something more attractive
The flag was decorated with a grizzly bear and a red star.
something important that happens
The Bear flag represents an important event in the history of California.
a piece of cloth with a special design used as a symbol of a group
This flag shows the race is over.
a group of buildings where soldiers live
On June 14, 1846, a small group of Californians marched to the Mexican fort.
to officially control and lead
The Mexican government treated the people of California unfairly.
grizzly bear
a very large powerful bear of western North America
The flag was decorated with a grizzly bear and a red star.
someone that leads others
The group captured the Mexican leader and made him a prisoner.
to find a place
It is located on the western seaboard of the United States, and it is bordered by Mexico.
to walk with regular steps as a group
On June 14, 1846, a small group of Californians marched to the Mexican fort.
a person who's been captured and is being kept somewhere
The group captured the Mexican leader and made him a prisoner.
to be used instead of something
It was replaced by the American flag on July 9, 1846.
to act or speak officially for something
The Bear flag represents an important event in the history of California.
to act toward someone in a specified way
The Mexican government treated the people of California unfairly.
public or formal words that tell something
They each tried to see the school bulletin board because it had several announcements about upcoming events.
notice, interest, or awareness
One announcement grabbed Martin’s attention.
a short piece of writing that gives news
They each tried to see the school bulletin board because it had several announcements about upcoming events.
a small job that is done regularly
He earned it by doing chores.
the price of something
The registration was $15.00, and the cost of materials was $105.00
a series of classes about a particular subject in a school
The after-school program would begin in January, and it would offer several different after school courses and activities.
to get money for work that you have done
He earned it by doing chores.
to get the interest of something
One announcement grabbed Martin’s attention.
a meal eaten in the middle of the day
It was lunchtime, and Martin and his friends gathered around the lunch table.
to give someone the opportunity to accept (something)
The after-school program would begin in January, and it would offer several different after school courses and activities.
a course of study
It said that the school would be sponsoring a new after-school program.
the process of entering names on an official list
The registration was $15 00, and the cost of materials was $105.00
technology used to design, build, and operate robots
One of the courses would teach robotics, and Martin wondered if he would be able to take that course.
to be a sponsor for something
It said that the school would be sponsoring a new after-school program.
happening soon
They each tried to see the school bulletin board because it had several announcements about upcoming events.
to a higher place than something
Mrs.Smith wrote cupcakes above one circle, and she wrote regular cakes above the other circle.
a large smooth surface for writing on
She drew two large and overlapping circles on the board.
a perfectly round shape
She drew two large and overlapping circles on the board.
to look closely in order to see what's similar or different
It is used to compare and contrast information.
to be different especially in a way that is very obvious
It is used to compare and contrast information.
a small cake shaped like a cup
"What do cupcakes and regular cakes have in common?"
sweet food eaten after the main meal
Mrs. Smith wrote the words cake, dessert, and frosting in the middle section of the Venn diagram.
a sweet, creamy mixture that is used to cover cakes
"They have frosting."
in common
shared together
"What do cupcakes and regular cakes have in common?"
intended for one person
Mrs. Smith wrote the words small, round, and individual in the circle.
facts or details about a subject
It is used to compare and contrast information.
to cover part of the edge of something
She drew two large and overlapping circles on the board.
a shape in which one pair of lines is longer than the other pair
A student answered, "A regular cake is bigger, and it is shaped like a rectangle."
different from what is normal or usual
"What is special or different about cupcakes?"
the scientific study of the stars
She studied mathematics, history, geography, and astronomy.
grow to be
Elizabeth became Queen Elizabeth I on November 17, 1558.
done in an official public way
Elizabeth had a formal education.
the study of past events
She studied mathematics, history, geography, and astronomy.
to chase and kill (wild animals)
She played several musical instruments, and she learned to dance, ride horses, and hunt.
coming after all others in time
She was the last of the Tudor rulers.
to become the husband or wife of (someone)
When Elizabeth was three years old, her mother was beheaded because the king wanted to marry someone who would give him a son.
the study of numbers, quantities, and shapes
She studied mathematics, history, geography, and astronomy.
liked or enjoyed by many people
She was a very good and popular ruler.
a woman who rules a country
Elizabeth is sometimes called "The Virgin queen."
the period of time during which a king or a queen is ruler of a country
Her long reign helped to stabilize England, and England became very powerful.
a person who rules a country
He thought a son would be a better ruler.
more than two but not very many
She played several musical instruments, and she learned to dance, ride horses, and hunt.
to become stable
Her long reign helped to stabilize England, and England became very powerful.
in the middle of something
It helps children in South America and central America, and it helps children in the Caribbean.
a feeling of wanting to help someone
compassion International is a group of people.
to join two or more things or people together
Each sponsor connects with a child and sends money to help support the child.
to direct your attention to something specific
The new ministry focuses on the special needs of the children and young people in the United States.
to create something
The group was founded by Rev.Everret Swanson in 1952.
located or living nearby
It worked with local churches in poor urban neighborhoods.
a (government) department
In 2003, Compassion International began a new ministry.
a business that is formed for a particular purpose
The new organization is called YouthPartnersNET.
a relationship between partners
It builds partnerships between local churches and businesses
the state of being poor
Compassion International calls for individuals to sponsor children in areas of poverty.
relating to a person's spirit
YouthPartnersNET reaches out to children and young people who live in spiritual and physical poverty.
at the present time
today, it has more than 18,000 sponsors.
relating to cities
It worked with local churches in poor urban neighborhoods.
to go somewhere to spend time with someone
Sponsors are invited to visit the children whom they support.
a creature that comes from outer space
Some people believe the Chupacabra is the result of a lab experiment, and some people believe that aliens from another planet left it behind.
the red liquid that flows through the bodies of people and animals
It just eats the blood.
a procedure carried out under controlled conditions to discover something
Some people believe the Chupacabra is the result of a lab experiment, and some people believe that aliens from another planet left it behind.
parts of an animal used as food
The Chupacabra does not eat the flesh of its prey.
either one of the two bones of the face where teeth grow
It resembles a wolf with a long jaw, and it has short front legs.
a room with special equipment for doing scientific tests
Some people believe the Chupacabra is the result of a lab experiment, and some people believe that aliens from another planet left it behind.
goods that are bought and sold in trade
It has hunted chickens and livestock, but it has not carried off its victims.
a person, animal, or object supposed to bring good luck
Some people in Puerto Rico made the Chupacabra as their town mascot.
goods that are bought and sold in trade
They sell Chupacabra merchandise in their markets.
strange, unknown, or difficult to understand
The Chupacabra is a mysterious creature.
one part in a hundred
A vampire bat eats 40 to 60 percent of its body weight in blood.
information that you get from a scientific or medical test
Some people believe the Chupacabra is the result of a lab experiment, and some people believe that aliens from another planet left it behind.
to see or notice
It lives in the Americas and was spotted in Texas, but it was seen far away in Russia, too.
vampire bat
a bat that sucks the blood of people and animals
The only other mammal that survives on blood is the vampire bat.
an individual injured or killed
It has hunted chickens and livestock, but it has not carried off its victims.
refer to things that are on the land near a coast
Tsunamis move with a lot of power and can destroy large coastal areas.
a shaking of a part of the earth's surface
earthquakes and tsunamis are natural phenomena.
a unit of measurement equal to 12 inches
It created a 30 foot tsunami.
coming from nature
Earthquakes and tsunamis are natural phenomena.
to happen
When an earthquake occurs under the ocean, the sudden shift moves the water.
a rare or important fact or event
Earthquakes and tsunamis are natural phenomena.
one of the very large sections of the Earth's surface that are believed to move
Each piece of the puzzle is called a tectonic plate.
made of many pieces that are cut into shapes and can be fit together to form a picture
It is like a puzzle.
Richter scale
a measurement used for showing the strength of an earthquake
The shaking can be measured by a Richter scale.
to become higher
As the fast moving water moves closer to the shore, the wave rises higher.
a short, quick movement back and forth or up and down
The shift results in a shaking.
a change in position or direction
When one tectonic plate slips under another tectonic plate, it causes a shift in the earth’s surface.
the land along the edge of an area of water
As the fast moving water moves closer to the shore, the wave rises higher.
to move into or out of a place without being noticed
When one tectonic plate slips under another tectonic plate, it causes a shift in the earth’s surface.
a very large ocean wave that is caused by an earthquake under the sea
Earthquakes and tsunamis are natural phenomena.
a person who was in someone's family in past times
Even though it is hard to live in this region, my ancestors lived here a long time ago, and we have kept our heritage.
relating to the North Pole or the region around it
I live in the arctic polar region with my family.
an area of soft, wet land
The tundra is a desert that is dotted with bogs and ponds.
particular weather conditions in a certain region
Arctic foxes, hares, and polar bears live in this frigid climate.
a shape that has a pointed top and sides that form a circle at the bottom
Our houses are cone-shaped tents.
true or accurate
But that’s not correct!
very cold
Arctic foxes, hares, and polar bears live in this frigid climate.
property that is handed down to an heir
Even though it is hard to live in this region, my ancestors lived here a long time ago, and we have kept our heritage.
a small animal with six legs and three distinct body parts
Some people think that there aren’t many animals and insects living in this frozen tundra desert.
a large area of flat land without trees
My dad said the word "tundra" means "treeless plain".
an area of water that is surrounded by land which is smaller than a lake
The tundra is a desert that is dotted with bogs and ponds.
a broad geographic area
I live in the Arctic polar region with my family.
very bad, serious, or unpleasant
Often, there are severe winter storms, and food is hard to find.
a portable shelter that is used outdoors
Our houses are cone-shaped tents.
a treeless plain especially of Arctic regions
The Arctic polar region is called the tundra.
a seed that is eaten as a vegetable
Iron can be found in meats, tuna and salmon, eggs, beans, and several other foods.
a container that usually has four straight sides
Have you ever looked at a box of cereal?
a vegetable that has green branches and small green flowers
Calcium can be found in dairy products like milk, vegetables like broccoli, and fish like salmon and sardines.
a substance important for strong healthy bones
calcium is one essential mineral.
a breakfast food made from grain
Have you ever looked at a box of cereal?
extremely important and necessary
Calcium is one essential mineral.
a heavy type of metal that is very common and occurs naturally in blood
iron is another important mineral.
one of the two organs that people and animals use to breathe air
Iron helps to carry oxygen from your lungs to the rest of your body.
a substance that is naturally formed under the ground
They are listed because minerals are an important part of your diet.
a chemical that is found in the air, that has no color, taste, or smell, and that is necessary for life
Iron helps to carry oxygen from your lungs to the rest of your body.
a living thing that grows in the ground, usually has leaves or flowers
plants take in minerals through their roots.
the part of a plant that grows underground
Plants take in minerals through their roots.
a fish which has reddish flesh and lives in oceans or lakes
Calcium can be found in dairy products like milk, vegetables like broccoli, and fish like salmon and sardines.
a small fish that is used for food and is usually packed in a can
Calcium can be found in dairy products like milk, vegetables like broccoli, and fish like salmon and sardines.
firm or hard
A mineral is a solid element.
to have the same opinion
When the father decided that the fencing master was the most skillful, the other brothers agreed.
a person whose job is to cut men's hair
One son became a barber.
a person who makes or repairs things made of iron
One son became a blacksmith.
to put (a dead person) in a grave
When they got older, they died, and the three brothers were buried in the same grave.
intelligent and able to learn things quickly
The brothers were very clever.
a hole in the ground for burying a dead body
When they got older, they died, and the three brothers were buried in the same grave.
a fast animal that resembles a rabbit
The barber shaved a running hare.
to gain knowledge
The man told each of his sons to learn a trade.
to put (something) in a place for another person to take
He wanted to leave them something when he died, but all he had was his house.
having little money
The poor man needs money.
having a lot of skill
The son who was most skillful would get the house, so each son became very skillful
a male child
One son became a barber.
a weapon with a handle and a long sharp blade
And the fencing master waved his sword so quickly over his head that he stayed dry when it rained.
a certain kind of job
The man told each of his sons to learn a trade.
having a lot of money
They became wealthy because they had learned their trades so well, and they lived together in the same house because they loved each other so much.
something produced by mixing or combining different things
The young musician explained that fusion music is a blend of different explained that fusion music is a blend of different
a style of music that often expresses feelings of sadness
They also listened to country, blues, and gospel music.
a single-reed woodwind instrument having a cylindrical tube
The jazz musicians had used instruments like the piano, drums, saxophone, clarinet, and trumpet.
a percussion instrument that is usually beaten with sticks
The jazz musicians had used instruments like the piano, drums, saxophone, clarinet, and trumpet.
to make (something) clear or easy to understand
The young musician explained that fusion music is a blend of different musical sounds and styles.
a combination or mixture of things
This semester students are learning about fusion music.
a type of Christian music
They also listened to country, blues, and gospel music.
a musical instrument that usually has six strings that are stroked with fingers or a pick
They added electric pianos and electric guitars that had been used for rock music.
a device that is used to make music
They also began to use different instruments to play jazz.
to question someone in order to get information
The store invited the students to meet and interview some local musicians.
a person who writes, sings, or plays music
The store invited the students to meet and interview some local musicians.
a woodwind class musical instrument with a metal tube
The jazz musicians had used instruments like the piano, drums, saxophone, clarinet, and trumpet.
either of two terms of about 18 weeks each that make up a school year
This semester students are learning about fusion music.
a particular way in which something is done, created, or performed
They listened to different styles of music.
a brass musical instrument with three buttons to press
The jazz musicians had used instruments like the piano, drums, saxophone, clarinet, and trumpet.
very old
The people of ancient Greece had a rich culture.
the sport of shooting with a bow and arrow
He was the god of archery, music, and poetry.
a two-wheeled vehicle that is pulled by horses
He rode a great chariot.
to make (someone) healthy again after an illness
He also had the ability to cause or cure illness.
when a large amount of water covers an area which is dry
If Poseidon became angry, he ordered huge sea monsters to cause floods or he made violent waves to harm people.
to cause hurt, injury, or damage to (someone)
If Poseidon became angry, he ordered huge sea monsters to cause floods or he made violent waves to harm people.
the place where God lives
He also ruled the heavens and men.
to regard (someone) with respect and admiration
If people honored Zeus, they would get rewards.
a rule made by the government of a town, state, country, etc
Zeus created laws to control the earth and its elements.
something given in exchange for good behavior or good work
If people honored Zeus, they would get rewards.
to have control and power over a country, area, group, etc.
He also ruled the heavens and men.
something that represents a particular quality or idea
His symbol and greatest weapon was a thunderbolt.
something that is used for fighting
His symbol and greatest weapon was a thunderbolt.
to honor or respect (someone) as a god
The people worshiped many gods.
not having a covering
So, Hercules killed the lion with his bare hands, and he took the lion’s skin for his cloak!
a long, loose, sleeveless piece of clothing
So, Hercules killed the lion with his bare hands, and he took the lion’s skin for his cloak!
to finish making or doing (something)
When Hercules grew up, he completed twelve great feats.
a small bed with high sides for a baby
When Hercules was a baby, Hera put two snakes in his crib, but Hercules was not afraid.
to win a victory over someone in a war
It was too hard for Hercules to defeat the Hydra by himself.
to no longer exist
Another time, Hercules destroyed the Lernaean Hydra.
an act that shows courage, strength, or skill
One feat was to kill the Nemean lion.
one of two equal parts
He was half god and half human.
showing an angry desire to have what someone else has
She was jealous and angry, and she tried to harm Hercules.
a strange or horrible imaginary creature
The hydra was a monster with many heads.
a son of your brother or sister
So he asked his nephew Iolaus for help and the Hydra was defeated.
normal or usual
The Nemean lion was not an ordinary lion.
causing illness or death by entering or touching the body
Each head had sharp teeth and poisonous breath.
having a thin edge that is able to cut things
Each head had sharp teeth and poisonous breath.
a weapon with a long straight handle and a sharp point
It was a giant creature, and spears and arrows could not hurt it.
an animal that eats meat
carnivores were meat eaters.
particular weather patterns in a certain region
Others believe that dinosaurs couldn’t survive the earth’s changing climate, and other scientists believe many volcanic eruptions killed the dinosaurs.
an animal of any type
Dinosaurs were a special kind of creature that lived on the earth about 230 million years ago.
to stop being visible
Most dinosaurs disappeared about 65 million years ago, but scientists are not sure why.
a sudden explosion
Others believe that dinosaurs couldn’t survive the earth’s changing climate, and other scientists believe many volcanic eruptions killed the dinosaurs.
to crush or break (something) into small pieces
Herbivores needed flat, wide teeth to grind plants.
an animal that only eats plants
herbivores were plant eaters.
at or near the back of something
They had strong hind legs and smaller forelegs.
a long tube in the body that helps digest food
Herbivores had larger intestines than carnivores.
an animal that eats both plants and animals
Omnivores ate both plants and meat.
an amount or number of something
The reason why herbivores had larger intestines was that they ate larger quantities of food.
to tear, split, or open (something) violently
Carnivores needed sharp teeth to rip and tear flesh.
the form or outline of an object
They came in many shapes and sizes.
an area that forms one level of a building
Some dinosaurs were as tall as a five story building.
to remain alive
Others believe that dinosaurs couldn’t survive the earth’s changing climate, and other scientists believe many volcanic eruptions killed the dinosaurs.
a piece of writing
He had to find an article for a school project.
the whole mass of air that surrounds the Earth
This will make a radiation storm in the atmosphere, and the energy from it would create a giant storm cloud over the entire world.
a period when all lights are off
"It is going to cause a global blackout."
an exchange of information
"Communication systems will stop working."
electric power
"The sky will be dark, and there won’t be any electricity."
complete or full
This will make a radiation storm in the atmosphere, and the energy from it would create a giant storm cloud over the entire world.
a sudden, violent burst of energy
Joe read that a large solar explosion was going to cause a huge wave of magnetic energy.
involving the entire world
"It is going to cause a global blackout."
to smile widely
Joe grinned.
very large
Joe read that a large solar explosion was going to cause a huge wave of magnetic energy.
relates to the force of magnetism
Joe read that a large solar explosion was going to cause a huge wave of magnetic energy.
to say something might happen in the future
He said, "Joe, scientists can predict some solar explosions, but they understand how we are protected from them, too."
a task that requires careful work for a long time
He had to find an article for a school project.
energy radiated in the form of waves or particles
This will make a radiation storm in the atmosphere, and the energy from it would create a giant storm cloud over the entire world.
relating to the sun
Joe read that a large solar explosion was going to cause a huge wave of magnetic energy.
to take in something in a natural way
It rained so much that the rainwater could not be absorbed into the ground.
the area of land around a large river
The Carson River is a drainage basin that collects water from the area around it.
a period of 100 years
In January 1997, Nevada had "the flood of the century."
to get things from a place
The Carson River is a drainage basin that collects water from the area around it.
physical harm that is done to something or someone
The flood caused more than $10 million in damages.
to say something in an official way
The governor of Nevada declared a state of emergency.
the act of removing water from a place
The Carson River is a drainage basin that collects water from the area around it.
an unexpected and dangerous situation
The governor of Nevada declared a state of emergency.
to remove (someone) from a dangerous place
More than 125,000 homes had to be evacuated in Nevada and California.
to think that something will probably happen
No one expected so much rain!
a person who is the leader of the government of a state
The governor of Nevada declared a state of emergency.
normally, the river moves about 411 gallons of water per second, but with so much rain, the river began to move 205,700 gallons per second.
to flow over the edge
The Carson River overflowed.
to become larger than normal
With all of that rain, the Carson River swelled up higher and higher.
owning or made up of colonies
Slavery was important to the economy of colonial America.
a soft white fluffy plant which can be made into cloth
They picked crops like tobacco and cotton.
a plant that is grown by farmers
They picked crops like tobacco and cotton.
the way an economic system is arranged
Slavery was important to the economy of colonial America.
an area of land that has a special use
Slaves were good field workers, and many people believed that the practice of slavery was good for the American economy.
things for sale
Black slaves were traded for European goods and taken to the Americas.
things that are made of metal
They were traded for goods like cloth, hardware, weapons, and rum.
someone who has control over others
They cooked, cleaned, and cared for the children of their masters.
a person or group that owns something
Slaves had to work for their owners.
the action of doing
Slaves were good field workers, and many people believed that the practice of slavery was good for the American economy.
an alcoholic drink that is made from sugar
They were traded for goods like cloth, hardware, weapons, and rum.
to stop being together, joined, or connected
Sometimes, slave mothers, fathers, and children were sold and separated from each other.
a person who is owned by another person
The African slave trade began in the 15th century.
a plant that produces leaves which are smoked in cigarettes.
They picked crops like tobacco and cotton.
not morally or socially correct
Other people believed that slavery was wrong and tried to stop it.
to agree to receive or allow
Tobacco was valuable like gold and silver, and the "tobacco notes" were accepted there for most of the 18th century.
a small, flat and round piece of metal used as money
People began to use coins in Greece and Rome around 600 B.C.
shared by two or more people or groups
Federal money was common to all of the states.
the money that a country uses
Later, Virginia and Maryland used real tobacco leaves for their legal currency.
a basic unit of money in the U.S.
American paper money is called dollars or bank notes.
relating to the central government
In 1862, the U.S.Department of the Treasury printed the first federal money.
a soft yellow metal that is very valuable
The value of the paper notes was based on the value of gold and silver.
based on history
They have pictures of powerful and historically important people on them.
based on the law
Later, Virginia and Maryland used real tobacco leaves for their legal currency.
something used as a way to pay for goods and services
He is rich. He has a lot of money!
having authority
In 1690, the first official bank notes were printed in the New World.
to cause to appear on paper using a machine
In 1690, the first official bank notes were printed in the New World.
a soft grayish-white metal that is very valuable
The value of the paper notes was based on the value of gold and silver.
the price or cost of something
The value of the paper notes was based on the value of gold and silver.
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