Listening to the News: Voice of America-Book 2 (E)
200 카드 | CompassPublishing
to make a person or thing come closer or be interested
The magnet attracted the metal.
a mineral deposit that is sufficiently rich to be worked at a profit
Iron ore is found in the state but the deposits have not been worked on a large scale.
a thing that detects the presence of someting
The detector detected metal
two people's promise to marry each other
The young Count Von Altenburg was calmly riding toward his engagement without feeling any need to hurry.
to uncover something by DIGGING into the ground
The scientists excavated the area for dinosaur bones.
gold rush
a sudden happening that brings good fortune
Originally, blue jeans were sold to prospectors caught up in the California gold rush.
a place where a particular activity takes place
The Starbucks was our team's hotspot.
a person who explores an area in search of mineral deposits
An old prospector is guided in his search by a knowledge of the geological conditions.
a vehicle that can be pulled by a truck or car and used to transport things
The trailer is new.
being worth a lot of money
Old things are often valuable.
the act of removing inappropriate material from books, films, letters and other sources
To protect children from harmful media, the government called for media censorship.
check in
to say who you are when you arrive at a hotel
I will call you as soon as I have checked in somewhere.
a legally binding recognition of rights governing the use of intellectual property
We can use those videos freely because they are not protected by any copyright.
good deal
quite a little
I bought the clothes with a good deal of price.
a legal proceeding where evidence is presented to help determine the issue
People say that public hearings are frequently contentious.
to realize or understand
Tom imagined himself as an astronaut.
something issued for sale or public showing
A new release from J.K Rowling was published to the public.
arrangement or agreement reached
The customer requested a settlement of $400,000.
to keep
We will have to store this meat in a cool place.
the act of prohibiting
Her suppression of smile couldn't be hidden in front of him.
nonflowering stemless water plants
algae are predominantly aquatic, inhabiting fresh, brackish, and marine waters.
a type of energy from renewable plant and animal material
The government estimates that million tons of grains are being used for biofuel.
difficult, not easy
The test was very complicated, and I don't think I did very well.
If something is dense, it has a lot of things close together.
I easily became lost in the dense forest.
anything added to soil or water to make it better for growing things
Many farmers need to use fertilizer because there are not enough minerals left in the soil.
the remains of a plant or animal that have stayed in the earth after many years ago
If we do nothing about it, fossil fuels are in danger of running out.
a large brown seaweed
kelp can be made into delicious food.
a living thing, often one that is small
Forests are home to loads of plant life and millions of organisms.
refuse or garbage carried out of buildings by the sewer
Cities are responsible for controlling the sewage created by its residents.
to take someone or something from one place to another in a vehicle
The pineapples are transported in large trucks.
to become pure or able to be seen through
I am cleared from all charges against me.
to lose water
The weather dehydrated people who were swimming.
a small white vegetable that is usually added to food for its strong taste
garlic makes your breath smell bad.
a pain in the head
Bright lights give me a headache.
process of becoming immune
Schedule your dates for childhood immunization in order to prevent from fatal disease.
the process of infecting or state of being infected
You should wash your hands after handling raw meat to avoid infection.
an illness that causes fever, aches and pains, andbreathing problems
Some parasites can cause influenza-like symptoms in healthy people.
attractive; tempting
The scenery looked warm and inviting to the people.
If a person starves, they do not get enough to eat and sometimes die.
During the war, many people starved.
a very small living thing that causes disease or sickness and can be spread among people or animals
There are many other viruses that spread just as quickly.
to cause a change in or have an effect on something
The people were badly affected after the tornado ripped through their homes.
to leave something uncovered that is usually covered
Lowered sea levels exposed the coral reefs.
the scientific study of how a living thing's appearance, growth, and develop are determined
genetics is teaching us so much about our bodies and how we can detect some defects.
the most common type cortisone shots for arthritis cause
My mother has been diagnosed with knoww osteoarthritis.
money remaining after business expenses are deducted
She made a big profit selling Christmas decorations.
a piece of a business bought in the form of shares
Canada's stock was trading at $35.76.
short, heavy or dense
The man carried a stubby bag for his trip to New York.
hormone made in the testes in males .
Men with high testosterone levels often go bald.
the place in a woman's body where a baby grows
I was taken from my mother’s womb before my time.
having a particular value, usually in money
Your house is worth more money than my house.
a large, round container usually curved on the sides and flat on the ends that is used to store things
Some people like to float on fast rivers inside a barrel.
substance used in by a chemical process
The chemicals in the bread mix with the chemicals in your nose.
to save or use less of
It is important to conserve fossil fuels because they are in limited supply.
to make a general guess or judgment without using exact calculations
I estimate there are about 90 jellybeans in the jar.
anything added to soil or water to make it better for growing things
Many farmers need to use fertilizer because there are not enough minerals left in the soil.
To irrigate means to supply water to land so that crops can grow.
In dry climates, it is important to irrigate fields of crops.
a piece of land having specific boundaries
The whole lot contains 13 acres and was sold the preceding season for 10 dollars an acre.
a farm machine used to cut, lift, and turn over soil
The plow is being pulled.
various machines in which the kinetic energy of a moving fluid is converted to mechanical power
The turbine weighed 100 tons.
going up and down
Burj Khalifa has been called a vertical city.
an arrangement in which a person uses the Internet or e-mail services of a particular company
He needs to create an account to use this website.
causing one to have no idea about what is right
The news was confusing to Cedric.
movable indicator on a display
Please move the cursor to the bottom of the computer screen and press on the button indicated.
to say or write what someone or something is like
They described their tree as colorful with gold ribbon and a star.
a person who gains access to a computer system without permission in order to do harm or play a trick
Software designers are locked in a constant battle with hackers.
in an increasing manner
He was finding it increasingly difficult to make decisions.
to cause problems and keep something from happening
My little sister always interferes when I’m trying to study.
a detailed account, recorded daily, of events and progress
The rescue divers are looking for the ship's log.
unwanted email
She erased all her spam as her email storage was full.
the outer layer of something; the top of something
The astronauts stuck a flag in the surface of the Moon.
desire to know; deep interest in something
The sailor’s curiosity got the better of him.
a heavy mineral oil used for power engines
diesel engines last a long time, but they are noisy.
To export products means to sell them to other countries.
The United States exports many cereals and grains.
a substance that makes something else dirty or harmful
The stream is filled with many pollutants from the factory.
having to do with or involving RESPIRATION
respiratory problems are common in areas with air pollution.
smelling very bad
The liquid that skunks spray is very stinky.
To transfer something means to move it from one place to another.
The family transferred the groceries from the shopping cart to the car.
an act, system, or business of moving people or goods from one place to another
His car is his only means of transportation.
When something is urban, it is related to the city.
Subways are an important form of urban transportation.
tiny droplets or pieces of some substance spread thinly throughout the air
The bathroom was full of vapor after the man took a shower.
a surgical removal of all or part of a limb
At this time, the doctor doesn't do amputations.
resistance to or protection against a specified disease
Vaccination provides immunity from many debilitating diseases.
to insert a substance such as a medicine or poison into a body via a syringe or teeth (for animals)
The doctor must inject the patient with medicine.
to disregard someone or something; not to give someone or something proper care
Be sure not to neglect your parents when they are old.
the act of keeping something bad or dangerous from occurring
Taking aspirin is a prevention for heart attacks.
a long line which is a different color from the areas next to it
The zebra has stripes.
When something is toxic, it is poisonous. Toxic things are very dangerous.
Please check the label to see if the product is toxic.
If something is typical, it is normal for a certain type of thing.
Barking is typical behavior for dogs.
a poisonous substance that is produced by some animals and insects
Snake venom is very strong and can even kill people.
a person who has been hurt or killed by another person
How many victims were there?
the right to use or do something
All the students have free access to public libraries.
the state of being possible to use or obtain
The advent of microprocessors transformed the world with the availability of personal computers.
a group of people who live together
The kids from my community usually play together.
to attach something to something else
We were connected to our main branch in Hong Kong so we could have a voice conference.
someone who repairs devices
The engineer finished the difficult task.
inspiring great interest or attraction
The dog that can sing was very fascinating!
a machine that produces electrical power
When there was a blackout, we had to use the back up generator to keep the lights.
hard to believe they are true
I have an incredible story to tell you about my vacation.
to say, write, or otherwise express good things, respect, and admiration for someone or something
The Woman praised the Cat three times.
a natural object in space that moves in a circle around another object, such as a moon
You can see picture taken with the satellite on Google.
To conceive something means to be able to imagine or believe it.
The child could not conceive the actual size of the Earth.
of or belonging to the present
Do you have your current school ID?
an important part of something
Rolling hills are a lovely feature of the countryside I was visiting.
fuel efficient
using less fuel than other vehicles of the same kind
We bought a fuel efficient car in order to reduce the amount of money.
To launch something means to make it go into motion.
The boat launched from the dock and floated down the river.
the state of owning or having a legal right to something
I claim ownership of the vehicle after I buy it.
dirty things or bad chemicals put into the environment
Cars are the main cause of air pollution.
to buy something
When you purchase something, make sure its something you need.
A revolution is a change to the political system by a group of people.
The revolution in Russia led to the creation of the Soviet Union.
a thing that moves people or things to another place
A ferry is a vehicle that takes people from one island to another.
a period of time when something or someone stops an activity before continuing again later
I need some break; I am so tired.
an agreement that requires both parties in an argument to give up something they wanted
They reached a compromise that allowed the boy to play his drums one day a week.
a government that allows all of its people to vote for and choose their leaders
democracy had its beginnings in ancient Greece.
to travel to a place in order to learn more about it
Jeremy found a hidden cave and decided to explore it.
not to remember something
Upon meeting Mr. Willoughby, the sisters were sure to forget all about Colonel Brandon.
to gather crops from the fields after they are fully grown to be used, eaten, or sold
In the late summer we harvest the rice.
the process of entering another country in order to live
She was waiting in the line for immigration services.
relating to the country as opposed to the city
Since schools are rare in some small African villages, the purchase of school tents allows children that live in rural villages to go to school.
to use time in order to do something
Whales go very far to spend time with other whales.
전통의, 전통적인
Every country has a traditional form of music.
If something is ethnic, then it is related to a group with a similar culture.
Many sections of the city are home to different ethnic communities.
The European Union was formerly called the European Community.
an amount of money designated for a specific purpose
We are trying to raise funds for schools in impoverished neighborhoods in the inner city.
to come out of an egg
The children watched as the egg hatched.
a person who cares for a herd
The sheep herder put the sheep into a group.
an example of something
I have never experienced an instance of hate. Have you?
a business that is formed for a particular purpose
The new organization is called YouthPartnersNET.
an object which is used for smoking tobacco
Some people use pipes to smoke tobacco.
a large type of deer that lives in the northern parts of the world
Santa's reindeer is going to the cart on Christmas.
a person who has been chosen to act or speak for another person or organization
The ambassador was too busy to meet with us, but she's sending a representative from her staff.
a dependence on a behavior or sub-stance that a person is powerless to stop
Some people have a gambling addiction, which can result in a complete loss of finances.
An attorney is one who gives others advice about the law.
The attorney appeared in front of the judge for me.
To brew coffee or tea means to pour hot water over it.
Please brew a fresh pot of coffee.
in addition to what has recently been said
The flower is not pretty. furthermore, it smells bad.
not greatly affected by something
My insensitive attitute made her cry.
lay off
to dismiss an employee temporarily due to a slack in business
The cabinet company was forced to lay off ten employees because of the economic downturn.
owned, shared, or enjoyed by two or more people or groups at the same time
mutual consent means that both people agree.
the process of helping someone
The rehab for his neck injury is going well.
a building or structure that protects or covers people or things
The shelter fell down.
change something dramatically
Water pumps can transform communities.
to flower; to produce flowers
The fruit trees blossomed in April.
in an ordinary manner
In the past, people from Asia were commonly referred to as 'Orientals.'
a plant that is harvested to produce food
The country farm had a large corn crop planted in the field.
extremely good tasting
Mom made a delicious pie for dessert.
part of plants that is eaten but cannot be DIGESTED by the body
Most vegetables contain fiber.
When something is native, it is originating in a certain place or area.
Avocadoes are native fruits of Mexico.
at first; at the beginning
This restaurant was originally a clothing store.
to prepare for a special process
It takes us about a month to process the documents in the city hall.
a particular type of thing or person
There are variety of animals in the zoo.
a sharp-tasting liquid, made especially from sour wine
Some servants get some water and vinegar instead of standing there looking at her.
permission to enter something, such as a play or sporting event
Jack was allowed admission into the private club.
being possible to use or obtain
No more computers are available in the library.
speak to someone in order to congratulate them
I patted him on the back and said, 'congratulations!'
a school building where students live
I will move into the dormitory at the beginning of the school year.
the management of a supply of money
You must take care of your finances by yourself now. Don’t overspend!
social group of men with the same interests; brotherhood
The fraternity club houses are located across the street.
a set of rules or ideas that a particular group or organization uses to guide their actions
This company has a strict policy of equal opportunity employment. We never discriminate in our hiring practices.
to say someone or something has good qualities and perform well at something
The waiter recommended the sirloin steak.
social club for females; sisterhood
The sorority members love to dress up when they are hanging out.
An undergraduate is a student at a college who is studying for a bachelor's degree.
She was excited to finish high school and enroll as an undergraduate in the fall.
If something or someone is awesome, they are impressive or frightening.
The huge military plane was an awesome sight.
not being simple
The process of creating each pot is complex.
a group of people who run a city or town
The council met to discuss the new laws for the city.
a discussion of issues and viewpoints
A debate on religion was held in the main auditorium on campus.
in a DESPERATE way
I desperately need some cash but I can't find an ATM.
a machine that does a particular job
The hospital bought a new device for measuring blood sugar.
a very smart person
Since she was a genius, she easily passed all of her school exams.
small enough to be used or operated while being held in the hand
The handheld PlayStation Portable, or PSP, is already a success, playing music and video in addition to games.
plug in
to connect up by inserting its plug into a socket
Can you plug in the electric fan?
to find the correct answer to a problem or mystery
We have to solve this math problem.
to gather together
Once the ground is completely full, water starts to collect above.
to stop being VISIBLE
My best friend suddenly disappeared from the party.
A hectare is a unit of measure equal to 10, 000 square meters.
His family farm covered many hectares.
a house or home made by bees for bees
He's building a hive so that he can keep bees.
a very small creature
That cat has mites in its ears.
Nectar is a sweet liquid produced by flowers that bees and other insects collect.
Bees use nectar to make their honey.
an area near a house or farm where fruit trees are grown
They went into the orchard to pick apples.
a fine, usually yellow powder that is produced by plants and is moved by insects or wind to other plants of the same type for the purpose of producing seeds
Bees are attracted to a plant's anther, where they find pollen for food.
to put pollen on the part of a plant that will help make a new plant
Some plants need outside help to pollinate the flower, but others do it themselves.
If something is reproductive, it has to do with a living thing producing young.
The reproductive system of a plant is simple.
to love; to honor greatly
Marilyn Monroe was so beautiful that the world adored her.
to state or show whether or not something is true
Can you confirm the letter was sent?
a car that has a top that can be folded down
On nice days I like to take a drive in my convertible and let the wind blow in my hair.
the external area
The celebral cortex covers the other part of the celebrum.
a belief or hope that something is going to happen
With high expectation comes great disappointment.
to be able to name it
I used the file to identify his name.
having great power over others
Cleopatra’s alliances with both men were based on her influence and charm.
the physical substance, such as wood or metal, that something is made of
You can buy all the materials you need to make that dress at the fabric store.
to buy something with money
She purchased new shoes.
how good it is
The quality of his car is very good.
the outside covering of tree trunks, branches, and roots
The bark of the tree was brown and very rough.
something that is put into a book to show the place where you stopped reading
She placed a bookmark before having a dinner with her friends.
a container for a letter or card
She is sticking a stamp on envelope.
a container used to shape a material into a certain form
Sculptors poured metal in a mold and made some little statues.
fiber from wood that is used to make paper
For example, this book is made from paper, which came from the wood pulp of trees.
A rag is a small towel.
Please use a rag to clean the dust off the table.
to cause someone to remember something that they have forgotten
We never have to remind it to beat.
to eliminate something; get rid of something completely
I removed the mud from my shoes.
being covered in or made of a substance that can attach to different surfaces
After eating candy, their hands were sticky and needed to be washed.
to inflict, deliver, or deal
When the ball struck the pins, they all fell over.
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