On Point-On Point 1 (E)
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to guess to be the case, without proof
The Duchess assumed that Agatha and her husband would remain in England.
to add to something in a way that makes it better
She looked very nice, but still needed a few accessories to complement the outfit.
a serious disagreement or argument
The various conflicts around the world must be resolved through peaceful measures.
based on or following what is generally done or believed
They are planning on having a small conventional wedding.
relating to national and cultural origins
Singapore has four major ethnic groups.
to remove from consideration; leave out
Carol was excluded from the contest because her friend was a judge.
ready and able to change to adapt to different situations
The tree branch was so flexible it could be bent into a circle and not break.
something that gives certainty of the outcome in a situation
My new stove has a money-back guarantee if I'm not satisfied.
an organization in which people or things are ranked according to status, authority, importance, etc.
He rose quickly through the company hierarchy to become the CEO.
a single human being
I am part of this family, but I am also an individual.
taking everything into account
Even though the rent is cheaper, our overall cost of living is going to increase because of the location.
to become aware or conscious of something
I could perceive from the conversation that they did not like each other.
relating to the body rather than the mind
Football is a very physical sport.
having the possibility to become something in the future
Her work has a lot of potential to influence people.
a fundamental truth that is the basis for a system of beliefs or behaviors
One of the main principles of Christianity is to love others.
clearly defined or identified
I couldn't find the specific style that I was looking for.
not quite accurately or exactly; roughly
There are approximately three hundred million people living in America.
without stopping
The south-east trade blows almost ceaselessly for ten months of the year.
large in size, amount, or extent
Jeff had a considerable number of shells in his collection.
happening all the time over a certain period
The slaves moved in constant fear and hope.
to work together toward the same goal
In order for the group to succeed, we must all stop arguing and begin to cooperate.
without doubt; certainly
I will definitely be taking a refresher course next fall.
facts or information that show whether something is true
There was enough evidence for the judge to find her guilty.
money for a particular purpose
We are trying to raise funds for schools in impoverished neighborhoods in the inner city.
to agree or admit that something is true
The father granted permission for his daughter to marry the soldier.
as a result; for this reason
He was late to work again; hence, he was fired.
existing in something as a permanent, essential characteristic
There is nothing inherently wrong with adhering to specific practices and strategies.
belonging to something naturally
Stars, being intrinsically brighter, are not so limited.
to carefully look at something to find out the truth
The detectives investigated the crime scene.
related to interaction with others, especially to exchange information and meet new people
It's important for business people to circulate at a networking function in order to meet as many new contacts as possible.
to get something
It was difficult to obtain a passport for her husband because he was foreign born.
a government, especially an authoritarian one
The dictator’s regime held the people of the country virtually powerless.
one of two or more possibilities
She suggested an alternative plan.
a person with whom one works, especially in a profession or business
Marie Curie and her husband, Pierre, were colleagues who worked well together.
a part or element
Computers have many different components, so they are complicated to build.
to make or become less
As age progresses, the body slowly diminishes to a weaker state as well.
to set up firmly and permanently
We are planning to establish a factory in China.
a guess about the value, number, quantity, or extent of something
Can you estimate the world's population?
to include something as a necessary part or result
The procedure involved transforming her inner beauty as well as her physical appearance.
a relationship between two things or situations, especially where one thing affects the other
The police were having no luck trying to link together the clues about the murder.
a way of doing something, especially a systematic or common one
Everyone has a different method of doing their studies efficiently.
something treated as more important
An ambulance must have priority over other traffic.
the act of allowing something to move, act, or flow freely
A new release from J.K Rowling was published to the public.
a limit on something
After the recent bombing, many restrictions were placed on passengers.
a way or course to get from one point to another
I saw many new houses along the route to the city.
enough or adequate
The police struggled to garner sufficient evidence.
a general direction or pattern in which something is developing
The recent trend in developed countries is to have fewer children.
a machine used for carrying people or goods, especially on land, such as a car, truck, etc.
The vehicle turned at such a high speed that it skidded over to the other side of the road
correct in all details; exact
If the scale is accurate, then the package weighs six pounds.
someone who publicly recommends or supports something
He was an advocates of health care reform to make it more affordable for the poor.
as far as one knows or can see
apparently it is going to rain today.
tame and kept by people
domestic phonecalls are cheaper than international phonecalls.
to create the first version of something written
Committee had been formed to draft the new constitution.
an area of land or property
He lived on his father’s estate in the country.
related to the process by which living organisms have developed from earlier forms
evolutionary changes have altered the way the surface of the Earth looks.
n activity or purpose of a person or thing
This phone has many useful functions.
certain to happen; unavoidable
Many historians believe the civil war was inevitable when the population of the United States divided.
necessary to make a whole complete; essential or fundamental
He grew up in a farming community and within a very large family, so living simply was integral to his life philosophy.
the quality of being supported by reason; reasoning
Use logic when trying to figure out problems.
in spite of that; all the same
This is the years most important test. nevertheless, he decided not to study for it.
not influenced by personal feelings or opinions in thinking about the facts
Multiple choice tests are more objective than essays because there is only one correct answer.
earliest in time or order of development
When children begin to speak a primary language that their elders do not, people from different generations cannot communicate.
unwillingness to do something
Some people show reluctance when asked to move for work.
coming afterwards; following
Her health dramatically declined in subsequent years.
to leave empty or unused, intending not to come back
They are abandoning the old building because it is very dangerous.
a settled way of thinking or feeling about someone or something
Exercising in the morning can change your attitude.
lasting only a short time
A fearful idea now made my heart beat faster, and for a brief moment.
to be a part of a whole
A bowl of granola fruit and yogurt constitutes a healthy breakfast.
the state of being quite different from something else
The contrast between Western Europe and America is particularly sharp.
the central or most important part of something
The core of the problem is that he is very lazy and does not like to work hard.
the shared history, set of beliefs, and way of life of a particular group of people
Ancient Mexican culture is renowned for its architecture.
without being affected by; in spite of
He decided to buy the computer despite the high price.
clearly; obviously
Most ancient buildings are evidently sturdy if they are still standing in modern times.
of extreme force, degree, or strength
They should be providing the most intense scrutiny on our behalf, so the public can see the other side of things.
action or influence between two or more people
Children need interaction with others their age to help them develop their social skills.
to cause to continue
He maintained his idea even though others disagreed.
of lesser importance, seriousness, or significance
Sue survived the accident with minor injuries.
to say something in reply
The teacher asked a question, but the student did not respond.
an idea to account for a situation or justify an action
Some hypotheses become theories after they are tested many times.
by way of; through; by means of
We arrived in the city from the airport via the train.
treatment for or against a thing, person, or group, usually in an unfair way
Employers must consider all candidates impartially and without bias.
in a systematic or consistent way
Times are consistently changing due to technological advances.
clearly and in detail
The mother explicitly told her children to clean their room, but they did not obey.
uncovered or unprotected, especially from the weather
Young people who are exposed to the negativity of the world usually become very cynical towards others.
a circumstance, fact, or influence that contributes to a result or outcome
When choosing a job, there are many factors to consider, such as salary and location.
a thing that motivates or encourages one to do something
The chance of winning a prize was incentive to get people to play the game.
an event or occurrence, especially a dangerous or exciting one
There was a strange incident in the supermarket today.
money received, especially on a regular basis, for work, etc.
I need a bigger income to afford a bigger house.
relating to the treatment of illness and injuries
If you often have awful headaches, you should get medical help.
showing good progress, gain, or improvement
The musician received a positive response from the public.
coming before in time
Ron had to wait since he arrived prior to the scheduled meeting time.
to return to a normal state
My injuries are healed, so I have physically recovered, but mentally I am still afraid to drive.
to refuse as not good enough
The name and address fields are required. If you do not fill them in, your application will be rejected.
a supply of things (money, materials, etc.) that are available for use by a person or organization
Studying in the library is best because it is quiet and you have all the resources that you need.
to continue to live or exist, usually in spite of danger or difficulty
Saltwater fish can only survive in water in which the salinity is high, like the water in the ocean.
basic or fundamental
By trying hard in school, I will reach my ultimate goal of becoming a doctor.
not based on a particular instance; theoretical
Love is an abstract concept for many people.
to have an effect on
The family environment affects the personality of the child.
to help to cause or bring about
Many elements contributed to her promotion, the main factor being her ability to work under severe pressure.
to get something from a source
Some medicines are derived from plants, so people think they are better for your body.
the surroundings or conditions within which something lives, exists, or operates
Trees, mountains, and rivers are part of the environment.
the state of being male or female
Other questions include a person’s age, gender, and nationality.
the effect or influence of one person, thing, or action, on another
My grandmother had a great impact on my life.
to cause to be alone or apart from others
The teacher isolated the bad child from the class before talking with her.
to watch and check the progress or quality of something over a period of time
In a hospital, doctors use many machines to monitor your heart and blood pressure.
a length or portion of time
World War II was a difficult period in world history.
of first importance; main
Dirty air is a prime cause of illness.
an action or feeling in response to a situation or event
The director's goal is to get a positive reaction from the audience to his or her movie.
mental or emotional strain; stress
My shoulders are feeling tense.
to move from one place to another
The family transferred the groceries from the shopping cart to the car.
relating to seeing or sight
A film depends greatly on visual and other nonverbal elements that are not easily expressed in writing.
in contrast to; in comparison with
My sister loves horror movies, whereas I prefer comedies.
a part or feature
The book has many different aspects available for discussion.
a class or division with shared characteristics
A popular category of apps include those used for entertaining and educating kids.
to make something more clearly understandable
I had to clarify my main point to the puzzled
not easy to analyze or understand; complicated
The map was very complex and difficult to understand.
(plural n.: criteria) a principle or standard for judging or deciding something
What criterion are you using to evaluate the interviewees?
very important; a matter of success or failure
Technology is crucial in helping students get ready for the future.
a possible explanation based on limited information
Scientists first make a hypothesis and then test it with an experiment.
to find out or show who or what a person or thing is
Even the youngest baby can identify its mother by her voice.
willing or likely
I'm inclined to agree with your policies, but I have a few questions before I give my full support.
experienced or done by each of two or more parties toward the other(s)
The two lovers had a mutual affection for each other.
easily perceived or understood; clear
The most obvious risk of global dimming is a modern ice age.
without method or conscious decision
The researcher randomly asked people on the street to take a survey.
a person who lives somewhere permanently or for a long time
The apartment building included a private elevator for the residents in the penthosue.
social position
Lawyers and doctors have more status than bus drivers.
to cause to continue
Carrying capacity is the number of individuals that the local resources can sustain.
the health, happiness, and fortunes of a person or group
Having plenty of clean water is necessary for the welfare of people.
a society of experts in a field
To join the police force, Maria had to go to a police academy.
to get a desired result by effort, skill, etc.
If you can achieve this, your parents will be proud of you.
to regard something as being caused by something else
He attributed his success to the moral values his mother had taught him.
knowing or sensing a situation or fact
The good doctor was aware of the patient's problems before the patient spoke.
very large
The earthquake was so powerful that it triggered the formation of an enormous tsunami.
to have as an important part
This radio station is popular because it always features one local band's music.
against the law
It is illegal to smoke in our restaurant.
being able to understand difficult ideas and to think clearly
Dolphins are one of the most intelligent marine
Fresh fruits are a major source of vitamin C.
to control or influence something in a clever or unfair way
Further, story editors manipulate speech and video to create the illusion of reality.
the scientific study of the human mind
Her major is psychology.
based on reason or logic
I made a very rational argument, but she wouldn't believe me.
to control by rules and regulations
A water plant called the sacred lotus regulates its temperature in order to benefit insects that it needs to reproduce.
to investigate the opinions or experience of a group of people by asking them questions
The architect surveyed the property before designing a building.
to cause something to happen
The Stock Market Crash triggered the Great Depression.
unable to be argued against
When you are wealthy, it is an undeniable truth that you can buy happiness to a certain degree.
to mention as an example
The student used many resources to write his paper and had to cite all of their names at the end.
a particular area or place and the people who live there
The on-line community has been made possible with the development of the Internet.
to give attention or mental effort to something
If you concentrate on something, or concentrate your mind on it, you give all your attention to it.
related to meetings, communication, or relationships
Who's our contact person at the laboratory?
clearly different from something else that is similar
That girl has distinct pink hair.
a part or aspect of something
Every element in an ecosystem depends on every other element.
to make it possible for someone or something to do something
Reading will enable you to improve your vocabulary.
to make certain that something is true or will happen
I will ensure the continued development of our company.
the act of concentrating interest or activity on something
By changing the focus or context of a task, we can get renewed energy even when we feel that we are completely out of energy.
to start acting according to a certain decision, plan, agreement, etc.
The school implemented a new uniform policy for its students.
developed physically; fullgrown
The little girl was very mature for her age and used very good manners.
to reduce something to the smallest amount possible
Governments can minimize the burden of rising oil prices by issuing checks to the poor.
a particular attitude toward or way of thinking about something
Her perspective of the situation was very different than mine.
to strengthen or support
They put heavy objects behind the gate to reinforce it from the invaders.
an area or field of activity
We learned about just a few of the factories within the manufacturing sector.
something that does not actually exist but is made to look real using a computer
I like to play virtual combat games on my computer.
to learn or develop a skill or quality
I acquired the right to fire anyone who brings down the company.
having no clear meaning, or having more than one possible meaning
The man's instructions were ambiguous, so I did not know what to do.
a written or spoken agreement that is meant to be legally binding
Most people have to sign a contract when they go to work for a company.
a period of ten years
Computers have developed remarkably over the past decade.
to clearly show the existence or truth of something
Escape artist Harry Houdini often demonstrated his ability with daring escapes.
special importance given to something
The emphasis of his speech was on the need for better safety regulations in the work place.
morally good or correct
Taking a bribe is not ethical.
in the end; after a long time
Tom and Piney will find out the truth about us all eventually.
in addition; besides
The flower is not pretty. furthermore, it smells bad.
the group of people born and living at about the same time
Many generations of families have immigrated to the United States from that country.
the main methods of mass communication (i.e., television, radio, newspapers, and the Internet)
Newspapers and radio are two kinds of media.
a series of actions taken to achieve something
Their process of lawmaking is unfair because the people have no say into what laws are made.
appropriate for or closely connected to a particular topic, situation, etc.
The thirty-year-old book about politics is still relevant to our society today.
to depend on with trust or confidence
He knew he could rely on his brother for help with his homework.
the function of a person or thing in a particular situation
The soprano has the leading role in the opera.
a place, person, or thing from which something comes
A flashlight is a source of a beam of white light.
suitable or proper in the circumstances
Sandals are appropriate foot-wear for the beach.
to succeed in doing something that one desires and has worked for
Some experiences can be enjoyable if we have worked hard to attain them.
having the ability to do something particular
I don't think Harland will be capable of taking care of my child.
the sharing of information, news, etc.
Deaf people communicate with sign language.
a period of severe unhappiness and low spirits
She suffered from depression after the death of her parents.
to unexpectedly experience something, usually something difficult or unpleasant
We encountered some problems when we were studying.
a person who has extensive knowledge of or skill in a particular area
He's a medical expert.
to make something
The body naturally generates a lot of heat.
of secondary or minor importance
The cost of running an awareness campaign is marginal compared to the money it will save.
a person's or group's characteristic attitude or way of thinking
In general the trait of Speranski's mentality which struck Prince Andrew most was his absolute and unshakable belief in the power and authority of reason.
to give someone a reason to do something; to cause someone to have interest in doing something
She was motivated to do her best work from the man's nice words.
a theory or attitude that guides behavior
His philosophy in life is to do what you can and leave the rest to God.
related to something else in size or amount
It is probable that the wind pressure is not strictly proportional to the extent of the surface exposed.
formal study in order to establish facts and reach new conclusions
research shows second hand smoking is also bad for health.
sure to remain safe and unharmed
Is your house secure against burglary?
not complicated and easy to do or understand
The teacher’s grading system was straightforward and fair.
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