On Point-On Point 2 (E)
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to consider that something is likely to happen in the future; to expect or predict
Her mom didn't anticipate the bad news from her daughter.
to judge the nature, ability, or quality of something
Managers assess each employee’s performance to determine if they deserve a pay raise.
considered to be the complete or final version of something
This library has the definitive collection of books on ancient Egypt.
to differ from an established standard or course
Omar did not deviate from that line of conduct.
very active or quickly changing
The new, dynamic employee came up with a good way to juggle his work load.
about to happen in the near future
Some economists predicted that the forthcoming world economy would be severe.
not able to be imagined or understood; unbelievable
War between EU member states is now inconceivable.
deep understanding
Other students may have different insights that they can bring to the class discussion.
a careful examination
After we cleaned the house, Dad made an inspection to see if it was done properly.
the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles
Most people wanted him to run for office since he has a lot of integrity.
to make ideas, attitudes, or behavior part of one's own nature
She usually internalizes her anger and frustrations rather than telling her family why she is upset.
to set someone free from a situation in which their freedom is limited
liberate your mind from the illusions around you, and you will experience true happiness.
in the same way; also
Eating the right foods can benefit one’s brain. likewise, eating less has benefits.
in spite of that; nevertheless
nonetheless, they usually throw away a very nutritious part of the fruit―the peel.
in spite of
The bad weather notwithstanding, the event was a great success.
to try to do something, especially over a long period
Every country pursues its own interests.
the period of life in which one is fully grown or developed
adulthood is not as easy as most young people think it is.
to set aside resources for a purpose
The government allocated $100 million to aid the disaster relief effort.
a change made to something, usually in a small but significant way
There have been no alterations to your room.
a feeling that unites people
Afraid of the world that is portrayed on TV, people do not build bonds with their neighbors.
the ability to do something
The movie theater has a capacity of 100 seats.
a condition related to an event or action
There were many circumstances behind their success like hard work.
to consist of
This neighborhood is predominantly comprised of people who moved here during the 1960s.
an abstract idea; a general notion
I understand the basic concept of this theory, but not the details.
a result or effect
The consequences of her drinking was losing her children.
an aspect or feature
There are many dimensions to her personality.
something that is equal to something else in value, amount, function, meaning, etc.
1000 milliliters is equivalent to 1 liter.
to show as a sign or symptom; to demonstrate
He exhibited extreme anger to the new regulations.
to point out; to show
Our survey indicates that people worry about the economy the most.
limitless in space, number, extent, or size significant adj. great or important
Knowledge is infinite. There is always something.
The accident victim made significant progress in his physical therapy sessions.
having a basis in logic or fact; reasonable
The witness’s testimony was valid considering the evidence produced by the police.
general agreement
The consensus of the community members was that the city should build a new park.
the power or ability to make use of something
Waste disposal via landfill is not an efficient way to rid of garbage.
to pull or twist out of shape
Many cult and extremist movements usually come about because someone distorts a doctrine.
the act or process of completely removing or getting rid of something
He contributed a lot to the elimination of racism.
o consider something to be the same as or equal to another
You can equate five pennies to one nickel.
the space or equipment necessary for doing something
I strongly believe that 20 billion won is a reasonable price for a school equipped with modern facilities.
relating to the central government of a country
In 1862, the U.S.Department of the Treasury printed the first federal money.
lacking knowledge, information, or awareness
An ignorant person has not received very much education.
to prevent or get in the way of an action or process
Her lack of confidence inhibited her from getting a better job.
an instance of being hurt, harmed or damaged
Brain injuries are very dangerous and the reason people wear helmets.
the greater number
The majority of the school children were from single parent homes.
a set of rules that explains the correct way of doing things (usually in an organization)
There are very strict protocols about using nuclear weapons because they are so dangerous.
a supply of things (money, materials, etc.) that are available for use by a person or organization
Studying in the library is best because it is quiet and you have all the resources that you need.
a description of what could possibly happen
Reality shows place regular people in different scenarios so that audiences can watch how they behave.
something that can be used in place of something else
The substitute office worker really did a great job in Pete's absence.
a certain, usually large amount of something
The main difficulty with teaching is the volume of work.
a minor change or addition made to a formal document after it has been written
There are twenty-seven amendments to the constitution of the US
to tell someone that something will happen or that something is true in a strong and definite way consume
The boss assured his employees that no one would get fired.
to use, spend, or waste something
In fact, one country, the US, consumes nearly 25% of all oil.
a company or person who supplies products to stores and other businesses
She is a distributor for the Coca Cola company.
an effort to start doing something to solve a problem
The student took the initiative to learn Chinese before going on his exchange program to China.
different from what is usual or expected; strange
He is a very odd-looking person.
something produced by a person, machine, or industry
The boss hired more workers to increase the factory's output of products.
something that is acquired by paying money for it
We are now seeing how social referrals affect purchase intent and actual purchase of products and services.
relating to the quality of something rather than its amount
Quantitative changes eventually brought about qualitative changes.
involving or causing major change
revolutionary discoveries in science is helping people to live longer lives.
not involving anyone or anything else; only
Diamond and graphite are both composed solely of carbon, but their differing crystal structures make them polymorphs.
possible or imagined
His conclusion was only theoretical and not meant to be publicized.
a very small amount of something
He spoke without a trace of bitterness.
the carrying of people, goods, or materials from one place to another
Using mass transit is one way to cut down on one’s carbon footprint.
to break or fail to follow a rule or agreement
Critics of the law have argued that it violates children's civil rights.
able to be seen
Jaffers seized his handless arm and then caught the stranger by his invisible throat.
to enter; to make use of
You can access your new bank account on the Internet.
The movie was quite funny, albeit not very realistic.
the power to give orders and make decisions
She had complete authority over her servants.
an advantage or profit gained from something
The benefit of a big family is that you always have someone to talk to when you are sad.
to organize something, usually a research study, and carry it out
The scientist will conduct research on the matter of gravity.
showing wide variety; very different
Our school is diverse because many foreigners study here.
of or relating to the whole world; worldwide
These global changes will affect people living in every part of the world.
a general rule, principle, or piece of advice
The teacher did not have specific guidelines for the students to follow which caused some students to be very confused.
to explain or make something clear by serving as an example
I don't think you understand. Let me tell you a story to illustrate my point.
to cause a process or action; to start something
You have to turn the switch on to initiate the computer system.
something new and original, especially a new product, idea, method, etc.
There have been many innovations thanks to plastic.
a means of doing or expressing something
His brother wore a small while his other brother wore a large. He wore a medium.
to happen at the same time or in a similar way
It parallels advocacy in so far as it tends to involve a process of negotiation.
to say that something will likely happen in the future
It is difficult to predict who will win the election.
to accept or yield to someone's rule, decision, etc.
She submitted to her mother’s wishes and did her homework.
to undergo a significant change
In the movie I watched last weekend, cars transformed into robots!
the majority or greater part of something
The bulk of the population lives in cities.
to fall down or fail
The bridge collapsed under a heavy snow.
a useful or valuable thing, such as water or time
Diamonds have become a valuable commodity
to give a quality or characteristic to someone or something
I will have to confer with my wife before I can purchase a new car.
to bring different people or things into a relationship for efficiency or harmony
She coordinated her schedule to fit that of her husband.
a series of events that are regularly repeated in the same order
The children made posters showing the cycle of the seasons in a year.
to give a lot of one's time or resources to someone or something
I know a father who devoted himself earnestly to photographing the birth of his first and only child.
to be the most important or noticeable person or thing in something
The bigger, stronger kids dominated the basketball game.
to be greater in number or size
I was given a ticket for exceeding the speed limit.
to make use of or get benefit from something or someone, usually in an unfair way
Some textile factories exploit children and make them work under deplorable conditions.
continuing to do something despite difficulty or opposition
To succeed in business, you need to be very persistent and ambitious.
a fact or situation
The wrapping of Christmas presents is a fairly recent phenomenon in American life.
present as the strongest or main element
Fatique is the predominant reason for her absence from class.
a book, journal, etc. made for sale to the public
The government banned publication of his book.
by that means; as a result of that
He didn’t score a goal, thereby ending his chance at setting a record.
to make use of
We utilized all the resources for our profit.
a way of doing or thinking about something
Albert Einstein had a different approach to studying mathematics.
relating to formal music in the European tradition, including opera and symphony
classical music and jazz both aim to provide a depth of expression and detail.
causing or likely to cause public disagreement
The president has made several controversial decisions that many people do not agree with.
a formal discussion on a particular topic in which opposing arguments are put forward
The two candidates debate over national security.
the branch of knowledge concerned with wealth
I have to study for an economics exam tomorrow.
to make sure that a rule or law is followed
We strictly enforce all rules in my home.
to develop slowly, especially from a simple form to a more complex one
There are some scientists that say humans evolved from monkeys.
a plan or method for doing, making, or achieving something
This formula is used to calculate the area of a circle.
exactly alike in every way
Being a clone means that she is identical to her mother.
to contain something as part of a whole; to include
Music has been incorporated into drama for thousands of years.
the act of getting involved in order to change the course of events
The intervention by UN troops failed to prevent fighting from breaking out.
not logical or reasonable
I had to withstand my irrational boss for two entire years.
extent or degree
Modern history has a wide scope.
relating to or involving careful choice
Neither sect was supposed to interfere in mortal affairs, a fact they selectively ignored.
to experience or be subjected to something, often something difficult or painful
A caterpillar undergoes a transformation when it turns into a butterfly.
by which
The mayor had a new bridge built whereby the citizens could cross the river.
to happen at the same time as something else
The daughter often accompanied her mother to the meetings.
to change something slightly in order to achieve the desired result
Don adjusted his tie before he met the young woman.
relating to moods, feelings, and attitudes
Mosso, the Italian psychologist, consists in recording the physical phenomena which are observed to accompany modifications of the affective consciousness.
as a matter of chance
coincidentally, we both arrived at the party wearing the same costume.
to do something wrong or illegal
You must be ready to deal with the consequences if you commit a crime.
to show or state the truth of something that was previously believed or suspected
Winning the game confirmed that James was a good player.
opposite in nature, direction, or meaning
Everyone thought the team would win, but contrary to expectations, they lost the championship.
to come to a conclusion by reasoning
I deduced from your technical background that you know the latest computer programs.
based on observation or experience
A scientific fact is a theory that has been proven in empirical experiments.
to gradually destroy
Wind, sand and water have eroded the rocks in this area.
an unfair or unwelcome demand or burden
The imposition of these taxes was bitterly resented in the colonies, where it quickly crystallized public opinion round the principle of " No taxation without representation."
not consistent; not able to go together
As in Einstein’s formulation, the two theories were mutually incompatible.
an organization, particularly one with scientific, educational, or social goals
He works for a research institute.
a good reason for doing something
While there is no justification for any other belief.
to stop an action from happening; to keep under control or within limits
I could hardly restrain my laughter.
to make something known to others
When are you going to reveal your secret?
able to change to cope with to new conditions
The adaptable child coped with changing to a new school well.
something, such as a wall, etc., that encloses or limits something or someone
Let's confine today's discussion to this matter.
to be composed or made up of something
The writings consist of doodles, fables, and even jokes!
to cause to change in form, character, or function
The timber was sold on the open market and the soil converted to crops and pastureland.
an organization, usually one that benefits society through its activities
Our foundation was established to help students pay for university.
a person who starts a company, organization, etc.
He is the founder of this company.
to move from one specific part of something to another
Birds migrate when the climate begins to change.
a person who is in a place
The occupants of the apartment upstairs are very quiet.
a flat or curved part, usually rectangular, that serves as a wall, surface, etc.
One of the glass panels in the back door was cracked.
a period or stage in a process
As children grow, they go through many different phases before becoming adults.
to present or constitute something, usually something dangerous or difficult
Smoking poses a threat to our health.
a commonly accepted way of doing something
The researcher was meticulous in following the research procedure.
expected to become something particular in the future
I interviewed prospective employees all day today, and I’ve narrowed them down to five.
not likely to change or fail
He was happy to find a stable job that paid well.
to add to something in order to make it complete or better
The wife supplemented their income by babysitting.
someone who freely offers to do something, usually without being paid
The Ghana Network of volunteer Service is looking for volunteers who are open-minded, sociable, and committed.
payment for work done
My compensation for doing this work was only $40.
an idea or opinion; a way of thinking about something
A conception of something is an idea that you have of it in your mind.
to cause someone to believe something is true
His words convinced people to fight for what they believed in.
occurring in cycles; returning and happening again and again
Life is a cyclical process.
to give something special importance; to draw attention to something
The teacher emphasized the importance of doing homework every day.
to improve the quality, value, or extent of something
It rewards insects with a stable environment that enhances their ability to eat, mate, and prepare for flight.
relating to the management of money, especially by governments or companies
Poor management gave the company financial problems.
not enough for some purpose
My test scores were inadequate.
to give one's time, resources, effort, or energy to something, expecting a positive result
If you invest in my business, I can promise a good return.
work, especially hard physical work
A lot of labor is needed when constructing a building.
something that is usual, typical, or standard
Parent-infant ‘co-sleeping’ is the norm for approximately 90 percent of the world’s population.
a rule or procedure
The company may change its policy on set working time.
failing to follow the commonly accepted standards of behaviour
But I would be presumptuous to tell them what to say.
to treat something as more important than other things
Make lists of what to do and prioritize your tasks.
to make a plan designed to achieve a particular goal
So, we need to strategize and figure out how we are going to approach this.
common in a large area or among a large number of people
The disease was widespread and everyone at school
to fit the wishes or needs of someone
The restaurant was not set up to accommodate the physically disabled.
in a way that is acceptable in quality or quantity
Most plants need plenty of sunshine to grow adequately.
in basic or important ways
The current system needs to change fundamentally.
the ideas and way of thinking that is typical of a group, social class, etc.
The ideology of our modern culture is very different today than it was just 100 years ago.
to combine one thing with another so that they become a whole
Traditional television is integrated as it contains images, sound and text.
to make as large as possible
You should exercise regularly to maximize a healthy lifestyle.
a head of a government department (in certain countries)
The six foreign ministers posed for photographs.
the smaller number or part, especially one that is less than half of the whole
Hispanics now represent the largest minority in the United States.
the way something turns out; a result
It is only the first half of the game. The outcome is still unknown.
a person who actively does something like an art, discipline, or profession, especially medicine
Another name for a doctor is a medical practitioner.
to say that something is not allowed
Schools prohibit smoking because it is bad for peoples’ health.
unable to bend or change; not flexible
Societies often have rigid rules about the way that people are supposed to act.
a fact or piece of information from a study of a large amount of numerical data
The statistics showed that we did just as well this year as last year.
to cause something to pass from one place or person to another
Email is transmitted all over the world at the push of a button.
having no equal; exceptional
As a research tool, this 11th edition is unparalleled - even today
to be different from something else of the same type
Clearly, his debt to culture will vary with the nature of his education.
to associate or connect one thing, idea, etc. with another
During treatment, sensors are attached to the skin.
to follow rules, standards, or laws; to act as others do
Larger groups also put more pressure on their members to conform.
imagination or original ideas
The teachings out of school are strong on creativity.
to discover or notice something, especially something that is hidden or difficult to find
I could not detect any sound in the dark cave.
having a tendency to do something; likely or inclined
You're most welcome to join us if you feel so disposed.
a feeling that makes one selfconscious and unable to act in a relaxed and natural way
Your inhibitions can keep you from trying new things.
in every case or on every occasion; always
The termination of such interactional sequences invariably originates from the human.
to name or describe something in a specific way
Every shirt in the store needs to be labelled.
a person whose behavior or views are different from common ideas or ways of behaving
The reckless behavior of the nonconformist could be dangerous to an individual's well being.
an idea or belief about something
This notion turned up repeatedly in nineteenth-century American writing.
the act of trying to obtain or accomplish something
In pursuit of the fox, the cat fell into the river.
to repeat or copy out what someone else has said or written
It is a good idea to quote other authors as a way of supporting your argument.
being quite different from what is usual or traditional; innovative or progressive
His radical departure from his hypothesis made people wonder what was going on.
able to find quick and clever ways to overcome difficulties
After his boat sunk, Matt was resourceful enough to build a raft.
to be the cause or basis of something
At all events, two quite distinct views seem to underlie the opening books of the Old Testament.
to form a mental image of something; to imagine
Closing my eyes helps me to visualize where I left my keys.
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