to act in a particular manner
His child behaves well in school.
a group of people with something in common such as career, religion or other interests
Everyone in our small community gets together once a year.
deal with
to handle or manage difficult situation
I don't like dealing with rude customers at the cinema.
to interpret words or actions incorrectly
Don't misunderstand me--I am grateful for all you've done.
인터넷 에티켓
The word "netiquette" means online etiquette.
showing respect and consideration for the needs or feelings of other people
He is always polite to his teachers.
a set of spoken or written words that express a complete statement, question or command
It is hard to construct a good sentence.
a radio or television advertisement
The movie on TV continued after the commercial break.
present progressive of freeze
It's so cold that I'll be freezing.
to act the part of a character in a play or movie
Nicole played the main character in that movie.
pants that usually end at the knees
He was wearing a T-shirt and shorts.
describing that which is very bad
The food was bad and terrible.
present progressive of warn
If you wear light clothing, you'll catch cold. I'm warning you.
to do something that causes a change in someone's situation
This injury won't affect his life.
the people who live in a particular area
The two communities live together in peace.
the act or process of expressing one's thoughts or feelings
They walk around with serious expressions on their faces.
to become better
Students can improve by studying hard.
in need
needing soimething, especially because one is poor
The poors are in need of food and water.
focusing on the bad aspects of someone or something
The most negative problem of the program is its high cost.
pick up
to lift up, to collect something or someone from a certain place
Please pick up your pencil.
believing that good things will happen or focusing on the good qualities of someone or something
She has a very positive attitude to life.
the standard or value of something
These are very good quality shoes.
someone you don't know
A stranger is someone you don’t know.
an organized society where technology and culture are highly developed
It seems that civilization is improving every year.
a plant grown for use as food or products
When are you going to plant the crops?
present participle of farm
The land in this area is good for farming.
the information, skills and understanding obtained through education and experience
People shared their knowledge of farming and other things.
to allow someone to use or have some of something that belongs to you
I brought some cookies to share with you.
scientific knowledge applied in useful ways or the equipment based on this technology keeps changing every six months.
to give something in return for something else; to exchange something
Tony traded his bike for a skateboard.
a grain that is turned into flour in order to make food; the type of plant these grains grow on
That bread is made of a mix of wheat and oatmeal.
demanding effort; difficult
Though we may fail, it is worth challenging.
for sure
definitely; certainly
No one really knows for sure what is going to happen tomorrow.
longing for home and family when you are away
After traveling for a month, I began to feel homesick.
on the other hand
from another side or aspect
Donald is quite short. on the other hand, his sister Donna is not.
a move up to a higher position
They had a big party to celebrate his promotion.
an act, system, or business of moving people or goods from one place to another
If you don't have a car you can always use public transportation.
having a particular value, usually in money
I think the hard work will be worth it.
at least
no less than
The doctor told me to take the pills at least twice a day.
except; excepting
I´m tired, besides, I am sleepy.
to express negative thoughts or emotions
It's not polite to complain about the food at someone else's house.
to think with care
You should consider it carefully.
a choice made after giving consideration
He finally made a decision and ordered pizza.
a bad part of a person's personality or behavior
It’s my fault that we were late.
a meeting at which one or more people talk to someone to determine whether or not that person is suitable for a job or position
How was your interview for a new job?
to leave a job, school or thing permanently, often without fully completing it
He quit the job because of his health.
not being nice or friendly; being harmful
He's very unfriendly and I'm afraid to talk to him.
to use something important or valuable in a manner that is not efficient, necessary, or effective
Nobody ate that big cake. What a waste!
to get many versions or issues of a certain type of thing as a hobby collecting old coins is a popular hobby.
the copies of a certain book, magazine, or other text printed or released at the same time
The stamp is a special edition.
a container for a letter or card
On the envelope, he looked closely at the stamp.
a very small insect that moves by jumping and eats the blood of humans and animals
Some flea markets are community events.
disappointed or annoyed because something cannot be done
She felt angry and frustrated with the lack of progress.
dealing with hardships or inconvenience calmly and without anger
You have to stay calm and patient.
a member of one's family
A few close relatives are living near L.A.
the buying and selling of goods and services; business
The commerce between Asia and Europe is very good.
the act or process of trying to win or be better than others at something
I finally won at the ski competition.
the knowledge that you gain by living life and meeting new people
My experience at Disneyland was unbelievable!
advantage; benefit
In business, you have to learn the ABC's of profit and loss.
commonly referred to by a certain name or term
These are the so-called "brick and click" companies.
having the desired effect or result
Parker was a very rich and successful business.
involved in a tradition
Hanbok is a traditional clothes in Korea.
a state of difficulty or stress
I have trouble paying attention in class.
a person living in a different country than the one in which he or she was born and who is not a legal citizen
An alien comes from another planet.
to cause physical harm to a person or damage a place or thing
Suddenly, the lion attacked the deer.
being interested in something and wanting to learn more about it
Most children are very curious about dinosaurs.
to some degree; somewhat
Hurry up! We'll have to leave fairly soon.
excellent; very good
The writer wrote fantastic stories about aliens living on Mars.
an entry into a place for the purpose of taking control
The robber made an invasion upon the bank.
land on
arrive on the ground
In 1997, the spaceship Pathfinder landed on Mars.
the fourth planet from the sun; the “red" planet mars is the fourth planet from the sun.
a massive round object in space which moves around a star
What is closet planet to Earth?
a rocket or vehicle that can fly through space
In 1997, the spaceship Pathfinder landed on Mars.
having empty spaces which need to be filled in with data
My computer broke down last Sunday. The screen went blank!
run on or by computers
People are shopping in an electronics store.
someone who is opposed to another; someone who tries to harm another
They will do a battle with the enemy.
the ones which belong to me
Egg salad sandwiches are my favorite.-- Really? mine, too!
a feeling of happiness or enjoyment
It is my pleasure to help you.
in an unlucky manner unfortunately, I have no money with me.
to be functioning properly
My computer isn't working.
an unusual experience that is possibly dangerous
The explorer had a great adventure.
a place where wine and other ALCOHOLIC drinks are sold
The bar was crowded with people who were watching the game on a Friday night.
an agreement in which one of several possible agreed results, often involving payments, is chosen by an uncertain event
He bet two pounds on the horse.
the top officer of a ship or a plane
The captain of the 'Titanic' sank with his ship.
a large and heavy box that is used for storing things
I found a treasure chest by luck.
in a careful manner
Keep quiet. Now, you listen closely.
a person who works on a boat or ship
The sailors were on a cruise.
a collection of valuable things, often stored or hidden
Pirates are always looking for treasure.
existing in reality; in fact; really actually, I prefer using a phone card.
the act of choosing something from several options
Picking a university is a difficult choice.
someone who works in the same office as another worker
He is a colleague from work.
to continue doing something; not to stop
You should keep on trying; don’t give up.
to do something repeatedly in order to improve a skill
If we practice hard, we will improve.
to use money in order to buy something
I spend most of my free time watching rented videos.
someone who takes part in an activity or sport for pleasure, not as a job
He is an amateur golfer in his spare time.
to make something whole or fill in what is missing
In golf, it’s called completing a Grand Slam.
popular at a certain time
Those sunglasses are very fashionable.
to make something better
I need to improve my English.
in a row
lined up one after another in a straight, singular column
She was absent from class for three classes in a row.
to contain something as a part or member
Does this computer include a mouse and a mouse pad?
being very important or large
Doing homework is a major part of learning.
playing a sport or doing an activity as a job
Doctors, lawyers and engineers are all professional careers.
a sports contest in which players or teams play multiple games until there is one winner
Tiger won 10 tournaments that year.
causing pain to others
Cinderella had a very cruel step-mother.
wisdom or knowledge usually received from an experience
It was an important lesson for her to learn.
belonging to or made by a certain person or thing and no one else
It's alright to be your own person. You don’t have to follow what other people do. Everybody has different tastes.
to understand or sense something
He realized how difficult it was.
(of machines) to recognize the presence of something
When animals are in danger, they can sense it before it happens.
a room devoted to reading and studying
My dad has a study in our home where he does some work.
the type of things a person likes or prefers
My taste in clothes is different from Sue's. She likes fancy skirts but I like jeans.
a building where machines are used to make large amounts of products
The company has two factories.
to force a person to leave a job
Melissa fired all of the company's managers.
look over
to review something
Make sure you look over your test before you hand it in.
being the most important or largest
What is the main aim of the program?
separable elements of cars and machines
That part belongs to the engine.
pick up
to meet; to give a ride to someone
I need to pick up my sister at the airport.
the act of transporting goods
The goods are ready for shipment.
a hole or rip in something after it has been damaged
I noticed there was a tear in his sleeve.
to give more information or comment on something already stated
Can you add some sugar to my coffee?
to organize things or people in a particular way
He arranged newspapers into a neat pile.
a public sale where goods are sold to the person who offers the highest price for them
At the auction, the highest bid for the picture was $200.
to keep doing something without stopping
The rain continued to fall all day long.
a series of items, written, stated , or memorized in order
I made a list of toys I wanted for christmas.
having to do with people as a general whole
A public toilet needs to be used cleanly.
a place
I sometimes shop at an online auction site.
to produce books, articles or other DOCUMENTS as a job or regular activity
Will you write down your number for me so I can call you later?
to make something illegal or not allowed
The city will ban all smoking in public.
the smallest part of a living thing that can function independently
Every living thing has a copy of its DNA in each cell.
to make an exact copy or replica of a living thing
They’ve been trying to clone a human for years.
a discussion between people who have conflicting ideas about a subject being discussed
The two candidates debate over national security.
being morally bad or wrong
Others are worried it may be used for evil purposes.
a part of cell in a that controls the development and appearance of a living thing
When someone is good looking, people usually say that they have good genes.
to become involved in someone's concerns or activities without being wanted or invited
Don't interfere in my private life.
a particular reason why something is done; a desired result
What is the purpose of the advertisement?
a state or quality in which people or things are not like each other
She can never tell the difference between the twins.
the process of choosing someone for office
The man is voting in the election.
a person who does not tell the truth
After the election, they do whatever they want. Politicians are just a bunch of liars.
make a decision
decide or arbitrate
We have to make a decision by Friday.
a person who works in the government, usually after being ELECTED by members of a country or community
The politician was campaigning during an election.
the state of matching reality
Do you know the truth of the scandal?
to express an opinion or choice by raising one's hand, casting a vote, or speaking
Who are you going to vote for during the presidential election?
account number
Numbers, letters, or alphanumeric code assigned to every significant customer, supplier, and lender for ease of reference in an organization's accounting records.
I can order them for you, if you give me your account number.
the amount of money that you have to pay for something such as a service
That store charges an extra amount for home delivery.
the amount of space between two points
The distance between Newcastle and Sydney is about 160 km.
owed to a person as a right
The assignment is due tomorrow.
the distance from one end of something to the other
The river is 300 miles in length.
the act of giving money for something
The payment will come due next month.
the current price for something
The rate is 50 dollars a day.
a group of products made by a specific producer
I don’t like the Starbucks brand of coffee.
the people who live in a particular area
The two communities live together in peace.
to cause someone to feel courage, confidence or hope
My teacher always encourages me to do my best.
the natural world in which plants and animals live
Trees, mountains, and rivers are part of the environment.
not to allow someone to do something or something to be done
My doctor has forbidden me sugar.
to prohibit
Photography is strictly forbidden in the museum.
involving, or done by, two or more nations
English is an international language.
to put seeds or trees in the ground so that they can grow
My brother and I planted a tree in the park today.
the standard or value of something
This paper is very poor quality. It's very hard.
to send used things to be turned into new materials
Did you recycle the trash?
a chemical substance that tastes sour and can sometimes burn the things that it touches acid rain is very bad.
to cause someone to feel ill or in mild pain
Stop bothering me!
a person who uses strength or power to harm or intimidate those who are weaker.
Greg is such a bully at school.
(with "after") to run in an attempt to catch someone or something
My pet dog likes to chase cats.
the scientific study of the structure of substances and of the way that they react with other substances
We do experiments in chemistry class each week.
a scientific test that is performed to study something and see how it reacts to different conditions
The scientists did experiments on many small animals.
not to notice or consider someone or something
Just ignore them and go on.
not being kind to anyone or anything
The old lady is very mean. She never smiles.
to be whatever is left over or behind after the larger part of something is gone
My e-mail address will remain unchanged.
to be present
He could not attend class because he was sick.
a store or hotel's customers
When there is no client, I usually shut up the shop early.
being secret, private, or personal
Can you give us any more details?--I’m afraid I can’t. It’s confidential.
to put money or valuable items in a bank
Millions were deposited in Swiss bank accounts.
the mark left by your finger
There's a fingerprint on one of the glasses.
the act of being invited or politely inviting someone to attend an event, perform an action, or go somewhere
He gave his friends his birthday invitations.
the main house or mansion on an estate
The lord of a manor has a lot of servants.
the act or process of writing or saying something formally, officially, or publicly
The police asked me to make a statement.
an area behind or near the house
We have a flower garden in our backyard.
a fellow student; a person in one's same class
Yesterday I visited my sick classmate.
the state of being with another person rather than alone
She enjoys her own company when she is travelling.
a device that is used for creating music
A musician is playing an instrument.
causing feelings of sadness because one is alone
She was lonely without her friends.
a small animal that has short fur, a big tail, and lives in trees
A squirrel has a big tail.
to state a particular idea or plan to be considered by other people
He suggested a hike, and we agreed that.
the tools, supplies, or materials needed to perform a task or activity
It doesn't work! I think our equipment’s too old.
a material used to produce heat or power when burned
My car ran out of fuel.
The ISS is an important step in humankind’s entry into the space age.
to put something or someone in the position of something or someone else
I replaced my old pillow with a new one.
a machine designed to fly outer space
Spacecrafts can travel through space.
a stopping place for trains or buses where passengers can get on or off
The spacecraft is due to dock at the space station Monday.
the quantity of something that is available for use
They purchased fresh supplies at very high prices.
a branch of mathematics in which letters are used to represent numbers in solving for unknown variables
My algebra class is hard for me.
the study of living things
She studied marine biology in college.
a period of time when something or someone stops an activity before continuing again later
I'm so tired. I really need a break from work!
present progressive of draw
Improve your drawing and painting.
to cause someone to feel courage, confidence or hope
My teacher always encourages me to do my best.
a scientific test that is performed to study something and see how it reacts to different conditions
The scientists did experiments on many small animals.
a written or printed list of things, such as a list of events and their times
Let me tell you about my daily schedule.
to speak to someone in an angry or harsh way in order to give them negative criticism
Mother scolded the girl because she didn’t clean her room.
a state or quality of having a range of different things and ideas
There is a diversity of opinion about what to do.
the imaginary line equal in distance from the North and South Pole that runs across the middle of the Earth
It is often very hot near the equator.
a very small animal with six legs, and sometimes with wings
My sister is afraid of insects so she won’t go camping.
a substance that is given to a person to relieve pain or cure sickness
The doctor told me to take medicine for one week.
rain forest
a forest in a tropical area which receives a lot of rain
The Amazon is the world’s largest rain forest.
the surface material of the earth in which plants set roots
Good soil is important for growing crops.
a group of animals that are largely the same, and can produce young with each other
Scientists have recently found a new species of frog.
a measure of hotness or coldness
The temperature in the desert is very high during the day.
a collection of valuable things, often stored or hidden
Pirates are always looking for treasure.
in an unlucky manner unfortunately, I won't be able to attend the meeting.
a person who commits a crime
The criminal was caught selling fake diamonds.
the tools, supplies, or materials needed to perform a task or activity
It doesn't work! I think our equipment’s too old.
not real; made to look like something real
My hand bag was made from fake alligator skin.
the use of dishonest ways to take something valuable from another person
She was charged with credit card fraud.
something a person is expected to do; a responsibility
The Secret Service’s first job was to stop people from making fake money.
happening, used, or done outside a building
People are sitting at an outdoor cafe.
(usually followed by "against" or "from" ) to defend against harm or danger
The soldiers fought in a war to protect their country.
a dark shape that appears on a surface when light is blocked
You can see your shadow when it is sunny.
Please turn off the TV. It's past your bedtime.
an institution where students can study a particular subject or profession and get a degree at the end of their studies college can help you get a better job.
grow up
to get older
When I grow up I want to be a writer.
to give an answer without knowing whether it is correct
Can you guess what color I like?
to feel a severe, deep sense of dislike or anger towards someone or something
I hate going to school so early in the morning.
sound broadcast from somewhere that can be heard using an electronic device
I’ll still call you on my police radio.
an imaginary creature that resembles a LIZARD, has wings and a tail, and breathes fire
Donkey, in the movie Shrek, is married to a dragon.
to receive an income for work that you do
I need to earn some money.
being very hard to believe
The incredible cake was made by a 10 year old.
martial art
any of several forms of fighting and self-defense that are practiced as sports
I'll teach him martial arts.
a person very skilled in an art, science, etc.
A master of taekwon-do can fight very well.
being unique or thinking differently from others
His essay was full of original ideas.
to have someone play an important role in a movie, play, etc.
During his short life, he starred in many movies and TV shows.
an opportunity or time during which something can be done
You will have another chance next time.
an act that is not legal
If you commit a crime, you will be punished.
a decrease in the regular price
That store was selling everything at a discount.
look for
to try to find
Can you help me look for my wallet?
run away
to flee or escape
If you see a tiger, you have to run away.
to take something that does not belong to you without permission, illegally, or wrongfully
Thieves will steal anything.
take off
to remove
Please take off your shoes! They are dirty!
a person who takes something that belongs to another person or group without permission or authority to take it
At Kyp’s house, the thieves planned their crime.