something good that you have successfully done
Winning a gold medal is my greatest achievement.
a small, simple computer used to make mathematical calculations
We were allowed to use a calculator during our math exam.
someone who repairs devices
The engineer finished the difficult task.
to perform something better than someone else
He excels in mathematics.
a person who displays a very rare and high level of mental skill, ability, and intelligence
The boy genius is smarter than the teacher.
having the ability to think of or create new things
She made that robot? She is so inventive.
the work or art of using paints; a picture made with paints
Who drew that painting?
past tense of praise
I praised my dog for behaving well.
the specific area of one's field in which one works
Baking a cake is my specialty.
a special ability or cleverness
Singing is a natural talent for David.
the air around a PLANET
The Earth's atmosphere is comprised of many different gases.
a substance without a fixed shape that is like air
The gas formed when you boil water, is called 'steam'.
light wave
How fast are light waves?
a particular position or area
We went to our secret location for a picnic.
the act of combining two or more different things
The mixture of coke and lemonade, tasted quite nice.
one of the tiny pieces of matter that form an ATOM
There are a lot of dust particles in the air.
a curved line of colors that appears in the sky when sun shines after or during rainfall
The leprechauns claim there is a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow.
to separate and go in many different ways
The birds scattered in different directions when the boy ran towards them.
the fine, black powder produced during burning
His face was covered in soot from the fire.
day's end, when the sun goes down
If you go to the west coast at sunset, the view is amazing.
the temperature and overall atmospheric condition of a particular area at a given time weather in Korea is very cold in winter
to give a suggestion or an opinion regarding what someone should or should not do
The doctor advised the patient to stop eating chocolate.
to cause someone to worry
I am concerned about my report card because I failed two exams.
to not accept an invitation or offer
The machine kept declining my card, so I couldn’t buy the jacket.
to cause someone to feel courage, confidence or hope
Parents need to encourage children to play more sports and not just to study.
to state or show what you are thinking or how you are feeling
In drama class, the girl expressed the emotions beautifully.
a desire to be involved with something or to learn more about it
The interests of the child, should not be ignored.
to cause to take part in or to be mixed up in
Tom was involved in a car accident.
keep busy
바쁘게 지내다
We had to keep our dog busy while the guests entered our house.
experiencing good things, results, and successes as a result of chance alone
According to numerology, 17 is my lucky number.
to persuade or force someone to do something
Today, there are more students pressuring other students to act badly.
to end an action or activity
Sue quits every sport she plays after 2 days.
something that puts a person in a more successful position than others
Sue has an advantage over Tom because she has played this game before.
a group of people or things that share certain qualities
It's important to put the books under the correct category.
people and things that make up a business
I work at a steel company.
to express negative thoughts or emotions
Tom complained when David received more food than him.
a distinct, individual thing that is often part of a larger group, category, or list
There were many items for sale.
a person who writes news reports for newspapers, magazines, television, or radio
Lisa wants to be a journalist when she grow up.
a thin book with a paper cover usually sold weekly or monthly that contains pictures, articles, stories, and essays
My favorite magazine is 'Elle'.
the subject of a talk, written work, or thought
The theme song for the movie 'Lion King' is 'Circle of Life'.
the act of exchanging things
I traded my chocolate bar for a sandwich.
to go from one place to another place
I want to travel but I don't have enough money.
an experiment
When you begin a job, usually you are on a three month trial.
a narrow road or path between buildings
Never walk alone in a dark alley, it could be dangerous.
one who finds information or people, especial finding those who break the law
I want to be a detective when I grow up.
expensive and popular
Sue is going to a fancy dress party tonight.
an organized group of criminals
Being part of a gang doesn't mean you will be popular.
to ask
David inquired about the singing competition to the host.
to find more information
The detectives investigated the crime scene.
small, attractive objects that people wear to improve their appearance
My favorite jewelry is my ring.
a path or route that is quicker and shorter than the usual way
Taking shortcuts usually compromises quality.
someone you don't know
Don’t talk to strangers!
an animal that lives in water and has a hard shell covering a soft body
Is a turtle faster on the land or in the sea?
to make a high and often musical sound by forcing air through one's lips
Tom was whistling while he went walked to the park.
the very small creatures that sometimes cause disease in humans and animals; the plural form of BACTERIUM
There is bacteria everywhere, even if you have just cleaned it.
to hear and there in books or in the Internet
I had a browse through the book, and thought it looked interesting.
to make something more difficult or harder to understand than before
I think algebra is complicated.
a type of sweet, baked food that is mainly made of flour, sugar, butter and eggs and is usually flat and round cookies and milk are my favorite snack!
to form a layer over something
Mom covered the food so flies won't touch them.
a firm substance made from flour and water that is used to bake breads
Mixing dough in ice-cream is delicious!
the written or spoken information about how to do or use something
Read the instructions carefully.
a list of items needed and a procedure to follow in order to cook a particular dish
Following this recipe is difficult.
being easy to use, understand or do
Sometimes simple designs are better than fancy ones.
to move food or liquid around using a spoon or other objects
You must stir the pasta sauce slowly.
to state a particular idea or plan to be considered by other people
Tom suggested to eat something before the movie starts.
to be desirable to a person
Wrestling programs are more appealing to boys than girls.
an event at which a band, musician or singer performs for an audience
There are so many concerts I want to go to, but I cannot afford all of them.
poor or unacceptable delinquents behave badly because they want to have love and attention.
known by a lot of people; easy to recognize
I'm going to be a famous celebrity.
splendid; magnificent
With the renovations to the hotel, it has now become a grand property.
to compose without preparation
Tom had to improvise, when Sue forgot her lines in the school play.
to create or start something
Burritos originated in Mexico.
a harsh scraping sound
After spending 2 hours in Karaoke, David's voice became raspy.
무의미한 음절의 즉흥적인 노래
Do you know how to scat?
being very special or rare
Sue has a unique art style.
to make something illegal or not allowed
Smoking is banned in all indoor areas.
an imaginary creature that resembles a LIZARD, has wings and a tail, and breathes fire
Donkey, in the movie Shrek, is married to a dragon.
to keep or place someone or something in a separate situation or place from others
When you are isolated you begin to feel lonely.
a country governed by a king or queen
Which kingdom does Lord Nobevelle rule?
a point, line or amount beyond which one is not allowed to go
What are the speed limits on these roads?
to begin using the newest tools, methods, or technology
I want to modernize my grandparents' fashion.
a section of land above ground that is higher than a hill
Sue went to the mountains in the weekend to camp.
the total number of people who live in a particular area, such as a city or country
The population of Korea, is much bigger than Australia's population.
an official statement which explains how things must be done and what is allowed in a particular system or situation rules are there to make society more fair and safe.
being extremely little
The tiny mouse, had the heart of a lion.
involved in a tradition
Japan's traditional clothing is called a 'kimono'.
a form of theater that tells a story through music and dance, usually with a graceful and precise style of movement
Tom wants to learn ballet but feels embarrassed to learn with his friend Sue.
to take or receive something, belonging to another, with the promise of returning it
Thank you for letting me borrow your math book this week.
not unusual
Even a common cold is getting harder to cure.
being of a different place or country
There are many foreign foods at the international food festival.
to be without sufficient quantities of something or to have none at all
One of the toughest parts of isolation is a lack of an expressive exit.
the words and signs that people of a common nation or region use to communicate with each other
Learning many languages can be beneficial in life.
to give something to someone that you allow them to use, but which they must return to you after a period of time
Tom loaned money 3 months ago, but he still hasn't returned it!
in an exact and accurate manner
That is precisely the point I wanted to make.
an explanation for something
I don’t agree with the rationale for going to war.
stands for
…뜻하다, … 상징하다
NASA stands for National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
to legally take and hold a person believed to have committed a crime
Police arrested the suspect, but he escaped after 3 days.
a company or other organization formed for the making of profit
It is difficult to run a big business.
an event, such as a crime, that the police try to solve
Detectives were finding this case difficult to solve.
a reason given for doing something bad or not doing something you should have done
There is no excuse to have not done your homework, if you had time to watch television.
A headline is the title of a newspaper story.
When a major event takes place, all newspapers have the same headline.
the main office of any organization.
The mafia's headquarters is yet to be found.
a place where people who are being charged with or being punished for a crime are held
The criminal has been sentenced to 30 years in jail.
the leader of a republic
The president is selected through an election process.
to ask a person questions as a way of gaining information about something, often done in a formal or official manner
Authorities questioned the neighbors, but no one had any information.
surprised or stunned
People were shocked when the media announced that the mass murderer was only 13 years old.
not true; not genuine, can be deliberate or based on wrong information
to have respect for someone due to their positive qualities or actions
Johnny Depp is whom I admire.
being satisfied and not wanting more
Tom is content with his B in science.
being alike in quality, value, purpose or degree
1000 milliliters is equivalent to 1 liter.
being costly; having a high price or value
Sue bought an expensive dress, but now she can't pay rent.
to finish or provide something successfully
David fulfilled his dream, when he became a famous singer.
something that is owned by a person, a group, or a business
I need a new apartment. Is the property on George Street available?
real estate
Real estate businesses or real estate agents sell houses, buildings, and land
Sue needs to move to a new apartment, so she calls the real estate to make an appointment.
occurring only a short time ago recent changes in the weather is the result of global warming.
someone who does research work
The researchers realized that the monster never existed.
time off of work used for relaxation or travel
It's had to make time for a family vacation.
an electronic machine that can store and process large quantities of information
John's computer is broken.
to transfer data or programs from a server or host computer to one's own computer or device
Although it is possible to download music files, it is illegal to do so.
in a way that does not require monetary charge
Lots of places advertise free membership but there are always hidden fees.
most current
I have bought the latest computer game.
the state of being a member of some group or organization
A membership with the club allows you to enjoy more benefits.
on the Internet
You need a computer to go online.
to offer or give something that is wanted or needed
The school will provide the stationary needed.
being free from limits, restrictions or rules
If you pay $20 you can have unlimited food at the new buffet.
a particular type of thing or person
There is a variety of chocolates at the supermarket.
one or more pages that are connected to the Internet
This is my first website therefore it is very simple.
different from the first
Sue went and bought another cake.
to express negative thoughts or emotions
You can stand here and complain, or you can go out and do something about it!
a statement of how much a job or task will cost to complete
Can you estimate the world's population?
a copy of something that is made to trick people into believing it is real
The criminal was caught selling fake diamonds.
being sincere with regards to a person's actions or character
The baby's smile was so genuine, it made me smile for no reason.
the physical substance, such as wood or metal, that something is made of
You can buy all the materials you need to make that dress at the fabric store.
a small bag that is attached to the inside of clothing or another, larger, bag and serves to hold things
The cat forgot her pocket that held her money.
a math problem that someone solves to show that they understand the math concept problems in life cannot be avoided.
a set of spoken or written words that express a complete statement, question or command
It is hard to construct a good sentence.
thinking or feeling that something is wrong or that someone has done something wrong
People who walk around in dark areas, with black clothes and a cap, look suspicious.
thrown away
The teddy bear was thrown away by the owners when one arm came off.
the ORGAN inside the head that controls all of the body's functions
A chicken's brain is the size of a pea.
having a great amount of intelligence or talent
The brilliant child was moved up to a higher English class.
being finished
I bought a new stamp, and now my stamp collection is complete.
the result of an action
The consequence of not studying for an exam is failing.
to express a negative opinion
The judge criticizes the competitors to help them improve.
the result of a game or contest that ends without a winner
Both teams in the basketball game were so good that it ended in a draw.
inspiring great interest or attraction
The dog that can sing was very fascinating!
the act or process of improving something
We need to make an improvement on our behavior.
defeat by using one's intelligence
Can you outsmart the computer?
a set of actions that produce a particular result
To become famous is a long process.
to cause physical harm to a person or damage a place or thing
The soldiers will attack if you threaten them.
to hide something from view by making it look like its background
The chameleon camouflaged with the tree, to hide from its predators.
the act or means of keeping something safe
The defense force protects our country.
someone who is opposed to another; someone who tries to harm another
It's not good to have enemies, you should try to be friends with everyone.
all the things that affect the health, growth or progress of something
The environment is very fragile right now, we all must look after it.
to leave a place, particularly when someone or something is keeping you there
We have to escape tonight from prison.
being needed or required
It is not necessary to go to school on Sunday.
a feeling of physical or mental hurt or suffering
I fell over and felt great pain in my leg.
a substance that can cause sickness or death when it is consumed by a person or animal
Romeo drank the poison.
the act or state of continuing to exist, especially when facing difficulties
It is our job to ensure the polar bears' survival.
to change something completely in appearance, structure, or character, usually making it better
In the movie I watched last weekend, cars transformed into robots!
a bad event that often happens suddenly and mistakenly
There a many accidents in this area, so be careful.
to have respect for someone due to their positive qualities or actions
My mum is the person I admire the most.
a building commonly used for events such as concerts or lectures
The auditions were held in the auditorium.
not to satisfy
David was disappointed because he couldn’t enter the competition.
not convenient: causing difficulty, discomfort, or problems
The new arrangement of the furniture is very inconvenient.
causing someone to feel excitement or want to know more about something
Have you read any interesting books?
being connected; being of the same family
I am related to my teacher. She is my aunt.
a written or printed list of things, such as a list of events and their times
The doctor has a full schedule this week.
a particular area of study within the field of science, such as physical science science is my weakest subject.
one of two main parts of an academic year at many schools and colleges
This semester I am doing a lot of sports.
a journey or visit to a place
I took a trip to Hollywood last month.
a violent fight between two or more groups of armies or people that is usually part of a broader conflict
The battle ended with many deaths.
the unpleasant feeling that occurs when a person is aware of or expects danger
Sue has a fear of heights.
(before a noun) being part of a LEGEND
The legendary sword 'Excalibur', was pulled out by King Arthur.
the principal land of a country, region
Stuffed steamed bean curd dim sum is a specialty of mainland China.
relating to or involving the ARMED forces
You need to be healthy to enter the military.
a collection of MYTHS, especially the MYTHS dealing with the beliefs of a particular culture or group of people
My favorite Greek mythology is 'Hercules'.
expecting a baby
I never want to be pregnant.
a long, loose fitting piece of clothing that is worn to display high rank or importance
The King's robe was made with expensive silk.
to move one's throat as if taking in food or drink, particularly when worried or afraid
It was hard to swallow because I had a cold.
the success of winning against someone or something else
The war ended with no victory.
the quality of having a lot of knowledge and experience
I don't believe wisdom comes with age.
according to
as stated or reported by according to the news, it will rain tomorrow.
an announcement, picture, or commercial intended to convince people to buy a product or to receive a service
The advertisement for fast food is effective on both children and adults.
a formal, written request for something
This application form is very confusing!
the act of helping someone
We dialed 119 for assistance, but they took a long time.
a list of items that are available for purchase, usually in the form of a book
We checked the catalog to see the prices of items.
to cause someone to worry
Sue's English teacher is concerned because Sue hasn't been coming to class.
without any delay, delay or distance immediately, the children ran outside when the lunch bell rang.
a message written on paper and often mailed
Yesterday, I received a letter from my friend in America.
to be unable to find something
I misplaced my assignment, so I have to start from the beginning.
to say something in speech or writing, usually in a formal way
Tom had to state his side of the story for the accident report.
to use something important or valuable in a manner that is not efficient, necessary, or effective
Faster! said David," We have no time to waste."
the smallest part of a living thing that can function independently
All organisms are made of cells.
the green coloring matter of leaves and plants, essential to the production of carbohydrates by photosynthesis chlorophyll is good for your body.
being somewhat wet, but not very wet
Put a damp cloth on your forehead. It will make you feel better.
to separate something into two or more sections
We divided the cake into 8 pieces.
the power or strength to work or act
Popeye gets his energy from spinach.
fixed to
…의 고정 시키다
The wardrobe is fixed to the wall, so we can't take it to our new house.
to make a large amount of products in a factory
The company that manufactures cars, makes a lot of pollution.
a living thing that grows in soil and has leaves and roots
I don’t know whether I should buy a plant or a flower.
the part of a plant or tree that grows under the ground, obtains water from the soil, and holds the plant or tree in place
The plant grew new roots after we placed it in water.
a small object produced by a plant, from which another plant can grow
The flower was once a seed.
the place or person from which something necessary or desired comes
Oranges are a good source of vitamin C.
to express regret for a fault, mistake or error
Tom apologized to Sue for being late.
to be thankful or grateful for something or someone
I really appreciated the birthday card. I thought everyone forgot.
a good or advantageous thing
There are many health benefits if you exercise.
a nice remark given to someone
David was showered with compliments after his performance on stage.
to make something happen at a later time than was planned
The plane was delayed due to the bad weather.
to put a fence or wall around something; surround something completely
The fence encloses the pig sty.
more, additional or extended further down the road there is a flea market.
to let a person know something or give a person information about something
It was Tom's responsibility to inform the school before he went overseas.
접대하다, 주문을 받다
Although Sue was in line first, the people before her were served first.
a group of parts that form a working whole
Chaos was caused when terrorists hacked into the country's defense systems.
not being able to do something
If you are unable to attend the meeting, make sure you call two hours before.