Reading for the Real world 2nd_Student-Book 3 (E)
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to switch from one belief system to another
She was Catholic, but she converted to Islam to marry her husband.
the quality of deserving trust
After getting caught lying on his resume, Hugh did not have any credibility with his co-workers.
a standard to make judgments or decisions
There were several criteria for judging the writing assignment that the teacher did not agree with.
to show something is not true
His theory of life on the sun was disproved by scientific evidence.
a scientific theory that states that plants and animals change slowly over time according to the environments they live in
Darwin is credited with the theory of evolution.
to make something smooth by rubbing a FILE on it
Linda often files her nails to keep them in a pleasant shape.
the use of dishonest ways to take something valuable from another person
The psychic was discovered to be a complete fraud.
an act intended to deceive or trick
The story about the unicorn found in Ireland was only a hoax.
any member of the family of primates that includes modern man and the extinct forerunners of man
Neanderthals and homo sapiens are both hominids.
to block someone's (or something's) path or progress
The skyscraper obstructs my view of the morning sun coming through my bedroom window.
a person who commits wrongdoing
The police caught the perpetrator and took him to the police station.
being of an early time period in the past
The campers built a primitive shelter to protect themselves from the snowstorm.
being important or well known
June is a prominent politician in her country.
a person who habitually doubts accepted beliefs
My dad is a skeptic so he really examines things before he accepts them for truth.
doubting or challenging claims or statements, particularly those that many people consider to be true
I was very skeptical of his professed faith, until I actually saw him serving the needs of the homeless.
the practice of growing food; farming
Some countries main source of income comes from agriculture.
to change something about a piece of clothing or make it different
When they edited the movie, they had altered the writer's original theme.
(with "to - infinitive") to want to achieve
Most college students aspire to become professionals once they graduate.
a serious and emotional debate which involves many people
Major controversy regarding his service records surrounds the new presidential candidate.
To make unstable
The spy's were trying to destabilize the enemy country.
to remove or destroy something completely
The government concentrated all their efforts to eradicate corruption.
the state of a FEMALE being able to produce young
As a woman gets older, her levels of fertility decrease.
a part of cell in a that controls the development and appearance of a living thing
If you do research in biology, in the end all humans are made up of genes handed down from their parents.
capable of causing INFECTION by the spreading of BACTERIA or a VIRUS to others
John was not able to leave the hospital because he was considered to be very infectious.
the act of coming between two or more parties in a situation or disagreement to try to change the result
The president said that he was opposed to military intervention.
to change only certain elements of something and leaving others unchanged
When she discovered her son had diabetes, she had to modify his diet drastically.
an insect or small animal that ruins plants or food supplies
Mosquitoes can truly be a pest after a humid rainy day.
left over after part or most is taken away
Their was a residue of dirt in the sink after he washed his shirt in it.
not being affected by something
The stain resistant shirt was worth every penny.
produced in large amounts and being the main or primary product
In order to remain healthy and in good shape, a staple diet of fruit, vegetables, and meat is required.
feeling anxious or fearful about future events
We were apprehensive for their safety.
to press tightly together
compress the layers of mud as tightly as you can.
to let electricity or heat travel through
Wood is a bad conductor of heat so that's why the handles of pots and pans are wooden.
the process or state of becoming smaller in length or size
When you exercise, there is a contraction of the muscle when you bend your arm.
to conclude something through reasoning
I deduced from your technical background that you know the latest computer programs.
to discover the existence of something
I could detect the smell of tobacco on his clothes.
to know and say who a person or thing is
She was identified by the tattoo she had on her shoulder.
to understand and explain the meaning of something
The archeologist interpreted the ancient manuscript.
to make someone feel afraid
Nancy was intimidated by the bigger opponent.
a device that is used to see if someone is telling the truth
Dan agreed to polygraph to prove his innocence.
the act of taking in and pushing air out of the lungs
The sick boy's respiration was slow and weak.
to bring something to an end
He was terminated by the company last week.
the state of being correct or true
I question the validity of her statements.
a low point
We've been working hard to get out of the valley that we've been in for the last few months.
a change in something
Prices have not shown much variation this year.
to make something more difficult or harder to understand than before
The new rules will complicate the tax system even more.
something that is formed from a number of different parts
The composition of water is simply hydrogen and oxygen.
a statement that gives details about something or someone
I gave a good description of the car I saw speeding away from the accident.
an amount of money to be paid for services
Does your doctor charge an expensive fee for a visit.
to apply for
I'm going to file for the executive position at our headquarters.
to provide examples of something in order to make it easier to understand
Let me illustrate the point I just made.
to officially give, supply, or hand out something for use
All campers were issued a hat and a T-shirt.
being needed or required
He lacks the necessary skills for the job.
a legal right to an invention by a person or company that prevents anyone else from making or selling that product
I quickly applied for a patent on my new washing machine.
the usual or standard way in which something is done
I have to learn the procedure of shutting down an activating the security system.
(usually followed by "against" or "from" ) to defend against harm or danger
A parents job is to protect their children.
to refuse to take, consider, or believe something
I've decided to reject your offer for my home.
to name something individually
An optometrist specializes in taking care of people's eyes.
excite to action
Exercise stimulates the heart rate.
the act of a taking something without permission that belongs to someone else
The theft of the paintings was worth over $250,000.
to publicly support a belief or idea
advocating for the homeless was a passion for the new governor.
living or happening in the current time
I like contemporary styles because they are very innovative.
a state of flow and change
Our plans are in a state of flux at the moment.
to make something official, such as an agreement, plan or idea
Our monthly gatherings were very casual but they soon became formalized.
the state of being a male of a female
Which gender do you think is the most intelligent?
to enter for the purpose of taking control
Soldiers from the neighboring country invaded the town unexpectedly.
restricted in extent or amount
The mother was careful to only purchase the items they needed because they lived on a limited income.
a person who studies and teaches LINGUISTICS
Noam Chomsky is a well-known linguist who has does a great deal to advance that area of study.
in a style of laying down rules and laws
Most teacher's think the government's guidelines on homework are too prescriptive.
requiring a lot of thinking
There was a note of profound irritation in his voice.
to speak about someone or something
I was referred to Mr. Ortiz, the companies marketing supervisor.
first principles; basics
I learned the rudiments of Japanese grammar.
being difficult to notice, understand, or see
Her perfume was very subtle.
in English and many other languages, the letters a, e, i, o, u.
Learning vowel sounds is a basic part of phonics.
excited; disturbed
She became very agitated when her son failed to return home.
dread or fear of a bad outcome
The parents were filled with apprehension at the thought of their daughter starting school.
acknowledged; declared
The Government's avowed purpose is to reduce tax.
to send someone away
Romeo kills Tybalt, and he was banished from Verona.
to give something to honor someone
Shelia was bestowed with the title 'Queen for a Day'.
정중, 공손, 예의 바름, 예의 바른 말, 문명
They treated us with a warm sense of civility on our trip.
self-possession and control of emotions
He showed great composure after he was insulted in public.
expression of the face
Her countenance was full of worry.
to make a series of quick delicate movements up and down or from side to side, or to cause something to do this
Brightly colored flags fluttered in the breeze.
to ascribe or assign, giving a reason or responsibility for something
They imputed the error to the lawyer who was handling her case.
the state of being INFERIOR to something or someone else
She has a strong sense of inferiority because her sisters are so outstanding.
a question that someone asks in order to get information about something
The FBI made an inquiry regarding his past employment.
to cause anger or displeasure through one's words or actions
My uncle was offended when he saw the protestors burned the nation's flag.
a feeling of anger because you think you have been unfairly treated
After his plan backfired, his friend had a lot of resentment towards him.
(formal) a feeling or attitude that someone has about something
Our sentiment toward the criminal was very low.
find out by examination
I was not able to ascertain what exactly he is going to do tomorrow.
to achieve a goal
When he attained his doctorate, he felt he had accomplished all his dreams.
to conclude something through reasoning
We cannot deduce very much from these figures.
deteriorating; wasting
Chris has a degenerative hip that limits his movement.
something that removes water or other liquids from some place by allowing water or liquids to flow through and away from it
The pipe carried the water to the sewer. My new car is a drain on my finances.
inspiring great interest or attraction
The tour offered a fascinating view of the city's history.
not thinking that you are better than someone else
John and Carole bought a humble house to start their family.
the ability to move with ease
Wearing high heels really limits a woman's mobility.
a determination to keep doing something even if it is difficult
Soldiers in the army need great persistence to endure the rigorous training.
(plural: phenomena) a fact or event that can be observed and studied
A man eating fire was a phenomenon that he had not seen before.
a person who studies and works in the field of PHYSICS
The physicist measured the velocity of the spacecraft that was heading to space.
to EMIT something like a wave
This special bulb radiates pure white light at a diameter of up to fifty meters.
to think or say something in order to help someone be calm and feel less afraid or worried about something
He reassured me that I would be one of the ones chosen for the project.
Building in this area of town is restricted.
almost being something without actually or completely being it
The virtual reality TV program was a big hit.
to leave a person who needs your help
The home was abandoned after the hurricane had damaged it beyond repair.
to provide a place for someone to stay or use
The restaurant was not set up to accommodate the physically disabled.
the specific use, or purpose, of a machine, idea, or discovery
After several applications of the ointment, the wound finally healed.
the act of finishing something
At the completion of my contract, I will move to another city.
to direct or control some process or procedure
Please remember to conduct yourself with dignity.
the act of helping a cause, person, or group by giving money, things, or services
His contributions to the arts was significant; he had created five art museums.
causing a great deal of argument, discussion, or conflict
Abstinence is a very controversial subject among educators.
a building, place or machine that is made for a specific purpose
The apartment complex had a nice recreational facility including a weight room and indoor swimming pools.
to promise to pay for something if another person fails to do so
I guarantee that you will be happy with car or I'll give you your money back.
a device used to send back information from outer space
The probe was able to take the long journey to Mars to investigate the planet.
to move someone to a higher position
We went to various record companies to promote our new song.
solar system
the sun and the eight planets that orbit it
Pluto is no longer considered a planet in our solar system.
to say something in speech or writing, usually in a formal way
Tom had to state his side of the story for the accident report.
a medicine or method to make someone healthier
The doctor offered his patient a cutting-edge treatment to alleviate the pain.
not being likely to happen or not likely to be the truth
It is very unlikely that he will be here much longer.
to push someone or something up from beneath them
The team's morale was boosted when it was announced that the striker was fit to play in the match.
to eat food or drink liquids
Her work consumed most of her time and energy.
occurring very quickly and suddenly
The explosive mixture is often used to destroy old buildings.
to produce
The auto factory was able to generate more cars this year than last year.
the amount of something that a person's body consumes
Nutritionists recommend a daily intake of about seventy-five milligrams of Vitamin C.
to make as large as possible
We have to maximize our time here, so lets visit all the famous sites.
relating to NUTRITION
Although cola may taste good, it has basically no nutritional value, since it is made mostly of sugar.
to control something with rules or laws
Many people do not like the idea of the government regulating banks.
to allow something to be printed or shared with the public
The police released the name of the suspect in the shooting.
a supply of something kept for future use if needed
We still have a lot of fuel in reserve.
the act of keeping or holding someone or something
Officials are focusing on job creation, not job retention.
side effect
an unpleasant effect of a drug that happens in addition to the main effect
One of the side effects of the drug is sleepiness.
an additional part that is added to something in order to improve or complete it
There are many wonderful nutritional supplements available on the market today.
a change from one state, movement, place, or subject to another
His transition from an hourly worker to a salaried one was smooth.
My workout will last for about an hour and a half.
violent, angry or threatening
The aggressive behavior of the child caused much concern for the parents.
to rise to a higher level of job
When the president of the company retired, the VP ascended to his position.
having a sharp point which curves backwards
We couldn't climb the fence because it was completely barbed.
a narrow gap in the surface of something
I put my hand in the crevice of the rock and pulled myself up.
an inhabitant; resident
The denizens of the local cafe come from all over the world.
confused as to time or place
After waking up from the car accident, he was very disoriented.
I was deeply disturbed and depressed by the news.
to attract someone by appealing to hope or desire
The smell of her food enticed me to have a taste.
continued or prolonged
Marcia is taking an extended vacation to recover from surgery.
to rest or move on a liquid without sinking beneath the surface
The children had a wonderful time watching their toy boats float along the river.
not appropriate in a particular situation
Roland made an improper comment about Heidi's dress.
a government official whose job it is to ensure that systems are operating properly and following rules
I turned down the regulator for the heating system.
in a manner that measures or compares something to something else
Students from wealthier families do relatively better than students from low income families.
having the necessary amount for a particular purpose or task
We had sufficient money to buy two pairs of tickets.
a substance that causes a chemical reaction to occur faster
The assassination of the dignitary was a catalyst for the war.
to solve a problem or difficulty successfully
Since her family moved frequently, she developed coping strategies for not getting depressed.
a group of officials, chosen or voted into office, who make laws, rules and decisions
After a long deliberation, the council decided to free the hostages.
The student's discontent was obvious to everyone.
to force someone to leave a certain area
The tenants were evicted from their home for not paying the rent.
(in science) the force that prevents motion between bodies in contact
When you rub two stones together, the friction causes a spark which can start a fire.
the traditional values, beliefs, and customs of a culture
His European heritage taught him to be chivalrous.
give a quality by example or teaching
The family decided to home school their children because they wanted to instill good moral values.
a large farm, usually in a hot climate, where CROPS are grown
The tobacco plantations on the east coast have been in operation for centuries.
prejudice or unfairness against people of one race by those of another
Despite its effort for multiculturalism, racism still exists in America.
move to a new place
I may have to relocate if my company assigns me to a new position.
a feeling or showing of great respect and loyalty
Mr. Scott was held in reverence for all the great work he did for the company.
to cause someone to be pleased or happy
The magazine article satisfied my curiosity about the group's religious beliefs.
conventional, fixed or settled
She gave stereotyped answers that the committee had been hearing all day.
(formal) following or happening after something else
You will have to pay $50 this first year and then $30 in the subsequent years.
to refer to something without mentioning it directly
His comment alluded to the fact that she did not attend university.
to happen to
A series of bad luck befell the small community.
persuaded; very sure
I am convinced that they are not telling the truth.
to make damp; to reduce the intensity of
dampen your shirt with water so the ink does not stain your shirt.
to preserve (a corpse) by the use of chemicals and oils
Today, most bodies are embalmed to preserve them for religious ceremonies.
to uncover something by DIGGING into the ground
The scientists excavated the area for dinosaur bones.
one that indicates orforeshadows what is to come; a forerunner
His election as general secretary was a harbinger of doom for the country.
to place a person in the ground after death
The queen was interred on a cool rainy day.
financial support or sponsorship
Our small market enjoys the patronage of many people in our community.
to take things from a place forcefully or unlawfully
The pirates plundered the small ship and then sunk it.
a serious illness that affects the lungs and makes breathing difficult
pneumonia is a serious condition that can cause death.
to revive
Joe and Cindy are trying to rekindle their relationship.
a vault for burial; a tomb
The king is buried in the royal sepulcher.
to experience something, especially something negative
She had to undergo surgery to remove the tumors.
to take something back that was given
I asked the principal to withdraw my nomination for student body president.
the beginning or first appearance of something important
Life in American was transformed by the advent of automobiles.
to calm
To assuage their fears, the captain told everyone that a rescue boat was on the way.
to take advantage of; to use for profit
England capitalized on Argentina's mistake and scored a goal in the final minute of the match.
a clear difference or lack of agreement between two different things which suggests that both cannot be true or correct
You said previously that you were against proposition 450, then you voted for it. That's a big contradiction.
a strongly held opinion about something
I have a strong conviction that this is the truth.
behavior that is good, moral and acceptable in society
He and his wife have always treated us with a great sense of decency.
to translate from a code into the original language or form.
The spy decoded the message and sent his findings back to headquarters.
in a sudden, extreme or severe manner
The new reforms by the popular president drastically improved the everyday life of the people.
to remove or destroy something completely
The government concentrated all their efforts to eradicate corruption.
to help something, such as an idea, feeling, or skill grow or develop
We must foster the growth of the smaller nations.
to remain in the mind of a person in a manner that causes worry, sadness, and pain
The memory of the earthquake continued to haunt her for many years.
(with "the") a group of people of high social class
The nobility needs to do a better job of helping the less fortunate.
to change something slightly in order to make it better
The sculpture looked very good, but his professor asked him to refine the facial features.
a tax that a government collects on imported goods
The government imposed a large rice tariff on all rice imports in order to collect lots of revenue.
to negatively affect the REPUTATION of someone or something
His time in jail had tarnished his good reputation.
a person who studies ANTHROPOLOGY
The anthropologist found traces of an ancient tribal civilization in Africa.
the act or process of taking control over an area and sending people to live there
The African continent was subject to colonization by Europe.
to think about someone or something in a certain way
My doctor considers regular exercise to be the best way to stay in good health.
a discussion between people who have conflicting ideas about a subject being discussed
There was big debate over who would have custody of the child.
to receive or obtain a pleasant feeling from something
Can you tell me where these plants were derived from?
to decide officially
It's difficult to determine if someone is telling the truth or not.
to stop being VISIBLE
The rainbow disappeared when it started to rain again.
pain, difficulty, loss, and suffering
His family was killed in a car accident. We should try to help him through this hardship.
living or growing naturally in an area without having been brought over from somewhere else
The Aborigines are indigenous to Australia.
the process of traveling from one region to another
There was a mass migration of hurricane victims into the neighboring states.
a group of people who share certain physical features or the same skin color; a group of people with the same cultural history and language
A person should be judged by their abilities not their race.
to bring back; recover
After the war, many countries were able to reclaim the land they lost.
to return something or someone to the nation of one's birth
repatriation of all illegal immigrants is a very controversial topic.
the act of keeping or holding someone or something
The retention rates at our company are very high.
the quality of being characteristic of everyone
Freedom is a universality idea that touches every part of the globe.
something that is believed to be true but without any supporting evidence
My assumption is that the dogs escaped by jumping over the fence.
to invent a new word that becomes popular and that people start to use
Many ancient cultures coined money for buying and selling.
the most important part of something
The core of the problem is that he is very lazy and does not like to work hard.
relating to democracy
Many countries are trying to change to a more democratic form of government.
complete control, supremacy
His domination of the sport was recorded in the history books.
to place an object in some other substance
The piece of glass was imbedded in her foot.
domination; dominion; control
The three nations competed for regional hegemony.
to proclaim; to announce
The sound of the rooster's crow heralded a new day.
a set of ideas or beliefs that are shared by a group of people
I do not follow my parent's ideology.
a POLITICAL system in which one rich or powerful country controls or influences other countries
There is no room for imperialism in this modern age.
being or happening inside of something
Ralf is suffering from an internal struggle that only he can solve.
the societal and cultural factors that influence a person's life
I'm involved in a study of the cultural milieu of Salvador Dali.
수동성, 비활동, 무저항, 복종
I was surprised at the dog's level of passivity.
a large amount of something
University offers a student a plethora of study options.
without fully realizing
An unwitting citizen was tricked into helping the thieves escape.
additional notes or information found in the back of a book or other writing
Look at the book's appendix for where you can find the word. I had my appendix removed before I exploded.
a natural gift that allows a person to learn rapidly or master a skill
Her aptitude for math made her a good candidate for the math contest.
suitability; existing together with something
The compatibility between dogs and cats is very low.
including most or all aspects of something
The company offered comprehensive training for everyone that was hired.
being important or serious
It is absolutely critical for an astronaut to have enough oxygen in space.
to prove or make something clear by reasoning or evidence
I am going to demonstrate how the product works.
a statement that gives details about something or someone
Did you write your description of your room for class yet?
a businessperson who develops a new business
Juliet was a young entrepreneur with big ideas.
to imagine or picture in one's mind
I did not envision so much trouble when I decided to take this job.
to form an idea or judgment about the value of something
My boss had to evaluate all the workers in the office today.
related to managing people in a business, or the job of managing people
This floor is exclusive to our executive employees.
the mental drive in a person that makes him or her do something
What is your motivation for joining the air force.
continuing to do something despite challenges or difficulties
The boys persistent requests for ice cream finally wore his father down.
the state of being near or close to something
The proximity of the hotel to major shopping areas is about 10 minuets on foot.
one of the parts that something is divided into
What section of your textbook are you studying now?
(usually plural) something of value that is owned by a person or company which may be sold for money
Sarah has been an incredible asset to our bank.
to discuss the price, amount or other details of a sale
We bargained on the price of the car.
something that is as good or better than something else
Our company offers employees competitive pay.
to grant a title, degree, or award
We conferred to get an idea of each other. Jay was conferred with the title of King of Saxony.
the quality of deserving trust
Barry has a great deal of credibility when it comes to finance.
to make things distinct from one another
I can't differentiate Japanese and Chinese people.
to make something certain
To ensure your comfort, pillows and blankets have been placed on every seat.
to start a new business or offer a new product for sale; to give a person a helpful start in business
We are going to launch our new product line next week.
the way in which one sees or understands something
Her perception of politics is really quite unusual for someone her age.
praise for doing something well
This company always gives its employees the recognition that they deserve.
being peaceful or relaxing
I enjoyed a restful night's sleep.
a set of numerical data
The statistics show that teenagers are less likely to attend lectures than those over 20.
an officially registered name or symbol that identifies a company or product
You cannot use the trademark of another company as your own.
언어로, 말로, 용어상으로, 구두로, 축어적으로
She verbally described her dream home to me.
시각적으로, 눈에 보이게, 시각 교구를 써서, 겉보기로는, 외관상은
Books for children have to be visually very exciting.
the quality of being accessible, or of admitting approach
The accessibility of her stories means more people will be able to enjoy them.
the gathering of something over a period of time
The accumulation of snow on the ground happened very rapidly.
a dependence on a behavior or sub-stance that a person is powerless to stop
Some people have a gambling addiction, which can result in a complete loss of finances.
having difficulty to stop or control doing something
She has a compulsive need to eat chocolate every day.
an illness in which something in the body or brain does not function properly
The people who worked in the factory suffered from many disorders.
to bring someone or something into a dangerous situation
The American buffalo is endangered. It may be completely wiped out.
a source of pleasure or satisfaction
My grandfather received a lot of gratification from taking walks early in the morning.
done or happening without any delay
The immediate reaction of the crowd was one of laughter.
a sudden desire to do something that is not planned or considered carefully
I had a sudden impulse to buy that $300 bag.
to have or do things that you don't normally let yourself have or do
He was on a diet of vegetables only, but one day he indulged in a small bowl of ice cream.
idea or habit that controls the mind
Her obsession with cats was the cause of their divorce.
being common; occurring across a large area or group of people
Physical and mental abuse is very prevalent in homes where the parents are addicted to drugs.
to think about something and guess what is possible or likely
Since she never talks, we can only speculate what she is thinking.
a sign in the body or mind that appears to suggest that one has an illness
An early symptom of a cold is a sore throat.
a sudden thought or desire
You must learn to control your whims to buy things you don't need.
a robot in a human form
The sci-fi movie was about an android that fell in love with a human.
to be aware of something that might happen
Her mom didn't anticipate the bad news from her daughter.
지루함, 권태, 지루한 일
I was filled with boredom on the long drive back home.
to make an exact copy or replica of a living thing
Scientists in Korea have cloned a dog.
to give (a person or place) a name or nickname
Because of his size, he's been dubbed "Big Man".
to ward off (off)
She managed to fend off her family's awkward questions.
very modern
The architect designs projects with a futuristic quality to them.
coming without invitation or welcome
The police were asking very intrusive questions about his life.
to copy a person's words or actions, often in a funny manner
The baby mimicked every sound the dog made.
the first sample product
Before an actual car model is put into mass production, companies create a prototype to see how well it might do on the market.
simple, basic
He has a rudimentary knowledge of the language and is only able to order food at restaurants.
at exactly the same time as something else
Her mother is amazing; She is able to teach her children, take care of the farm, and write a novel simultaneously.
a person who follows next in order
The king chose his nephew as his successor.
of or relating to a process of combining two or more artificial substances
Many of the clothes are made from synthetic materials.
appealing to or designed for high-income consumers; upscale
Her clothing store is aimed at the upmarket crowd.
to lessen the severity of something
The drugs did not alleviate her pain; in fact, it made them worse.
a substance in the body that fights disease
If your body did not produce antibodies, you'd always be sick.
a substance that causes the production of antibodies in the body
antigens help us fight illnesses naturally.
a test that checks the safety and efficiency of medicines
A clinical test was performed to test the strength of the new pills.
not alike; cannot be compared
The cultures were so disparate that he found it hard to adapt from one to the other.
(usually followed with "to") not being affected by disease or sickness
I am immune to negative comments because I have faith in what I'm doing.
the act or state of becoming INFECTED with a disease
The infection had spread to all over her body; Surgery was her only option.
to take a long time doing something
The idea of switching jobs lingered in his mind after the bad experience with his employer.
a substance that is given to a person to relieve pain or cure sickness
I need to take this medication after meals.
not used by anyone
The 3.5-inch floppy disk is fast becoming obsolete. You won't be able to buy them for much longer.
that which lessens pain or discomfort
The boy was given a mild palliative for his sore throat.
an official note written by a doctor that states what medicine a patient should receive
Many of the attendees wanted to know the prescription for success.
to occur again repeatedly
I dreamed about a tidal wave last night. This dream seems to recur whenever I am stressed out.
a medicine used to treat a minor pain or illness
The remedy for her sickness was quite simple; she just needed to rest.
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I like my sweater but it is a bit scratchy to my skin.
to change something about a piece of clothing or make it different
When they edited the movie, they had altered the writer's original theme.
to begin to happen or to come from
If any problems should arise, don't hesitate to call me. Here is my phone number.
a state in which a disease spreads quickly and affects many people
The country is facing a new flu epidemic.
having a weakness, error or mistake
That newspaper often gives faulty information.
the scientific study of how a living thing's appearance, growth, and develop are determined
genetics is teaching us so much about our bodies and how we can detect some defects.
germ line
a lineage of cells from which gametes are derived, also known as germ track
We learned about the germ line today in biology.
being the one and the same person, place, or thing
James and John are identical twins.
causing swelling and pain
She had an acute inflammatory reaction to the drug.
to control someone and make him or her do what you want, often in a dishonest manner
The child knew how to manipulate the adults to get what she wanted.
the act of controlling someone in a dishonest way
There has been so much manipulation of the case, no one really knows what happened.
(formal) someone who gets or receives something
Who was the recipient of this years' scholarship?
sickle cell
a medical condition, given from parent to child, in which the blood cells are curved in shape, and which causes pain and fever
sickle cell is very common with black people around the world.
the body of an organism as contrasted with its germ cells
Dr. Clark gave a lecture about the significance of the soma.
of the body; bodily; physical
somatic illnesses are caused by our own body.
the quality or degree of being poisonous
We bought a pesticide with low toxicity to humans.
Many of the messages were abusive and used extreme language
My supervisor can be quite abusive when he gets angry.
a choice between two or more possibilities
There must be an alternative to children eating junk food all the time.
a statement made as if it were fact
He made the assertion that it would not rain tomorrow.
a place where one is kept in custody or confinement
He is being held in detention until his trial.
being more than needed or allowed
Mona talks excessively in class.
being extremely dirty
Since he never cleaned, his room was filthy.
not good, big or strong enough for a particular purpose
My test scores were inadequate.
prevailing; normal or standard
mainstream music tends to sell better than music that is experimental.
the state of being fully grown or developed, either physically or mentally
He lacks maturity for his age and does not have many friends anymore.
(always followed by a noun) relating to, or provided by, a parent
You need to use parental control when it comes to the movies you allow your children to watch.
a difficult situation
Everyone felt sorry for the young girl's plight.
to bring someone or something back to a former working or healthy status
I am going to the hospital to rehabilitate my ankle after the operation.
to be different or to change and become different
The level of attendance at school will vary depending on the state of the weather.
the act of abolishing a system or practice or institution (especially abolishing slavery)
Many people risked their lives to fight for abolition of slavery.
to state that someone has done something wrong
They were accused of not locking the doors at the end of the evening.
(n. detention) to hold; to keep in one place for a time
I was detained at the US/Mexico border while officers verified I was a US citizen.
to use something
We employed the help of a gardener to trim our bushes.
to establish a rule or apply a penalty, usually by an authority
Some countries are imposing economic sanctions on the nation to pressure them to comply with international standards for human rights.
to bring (something undesirable) upon oneself; to result in
Her family did not have much money, so she incurred a lot of debt while attending university.
to command; to order as by law
There is a new mandate that prohibits smoking in public places.
a law; a statute
There is a new city ordinance that forbids any excessive noises after 10pm.
a narrow strip of land projecting from the mainland into a sea or lake
The southern landmass of Florida is a peninsula to the United States.
an assumption, often not fully established
presumption of innocence is a legal right that Americans have.
a law or rule that controls or limits the speed, size, amount, or number of something
There were too many restrictions to be able to get the job done.
a willingness to let people do, say or believe what they wish, without judging or challenging them
The doctors were surprised at her high tolerance for pain.
to be involved in buying and selling of illegal goods or services
He was arrested for trafficking.
an official authorization for some action or decision
Before a police officer can enter your home, they need a warrant.
to exercise (authority or influence, for example); to carry out
He wields great power as the principal of the school.
the variation in an environment based on the number of different types of life found there
The city wanted to increase its level of biodiversity.
a piece of cloth or material that hangs over something in order to shelter it
The adults put up a canopy over the picnic area to protect the children from the hot sun.
to form something
Giving advice to young teens constituted most of his time at work.
the process of removing the trees from an area
deforestation is destroying large areas of rain forest.
(technical) the relation between the mass and size of a substance
The density of a bowling ball is higher than a basketball.
to reduce the amount or number of something
Because hunters killed so many buffalos all at once, the buffalo population was depleted to near extinction.
Overwhelming because it is tragic or shocking
The devastating news caused her mother to have a heart attack.
the process of something changing from a liquid into a gaseous state
evaporation is the process in which water is transformed from its liquid state to vapor state.
the state that happens when every animal or plant of a certain type is dead
The extinction of the dinosaur happened million of years ago.
being the best or most desirable
To get optimum results from your digital camera, you should read all of the instructions.
to free a person or thing from a limited or locked place, such as a prison, a CAGE or a container
After catching 30 fish, the fisherman released them back into the ocean.
to make something stronger, fresher, or like new
After 25 years of marriage, the couple renewed their vows at a small ceremony in Hawaii.
capable of being used without being destroyed or damaging the environment
Solar power is sustainable energy because it will always be available, while oil is not because supplies may be depleted.
with great urgency; critically; pressingly
Help is urgently needed to save the town from the flood.
plants that grow in a specific area or plants in general
The vegetation in the forest was rich and abundant.
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