Reading for the Real world 2nd_Student-Book Intro (E)
354 카드
to communicate with someone
I contacted all the investors by email.
to decide officially
It's difficult to determine if someone is telling the truth or not.
someone with special skill in a certain area and knows a lot about that area
I’d like to get an expert’s opinion.
to think about continually and be bothered by continually
A haunted house is difficult to sell.
to find more information
The detectives investigated the crime scene.
a specific way of doing something
Everyone has a different method of doing their studies efficiently.
dealing with, based on, or influenced by only facts and not feelings, opinions, or emotions
Multiple choice tests are more objective than essays because there is only one correct answer.
a set of actions that produce a particular result
To become famous is a long process.
an account of something which gives the necessary facts and information
Tom had to write an accident report when he burnt his hand on the oven.
the general opinion that people have about someone or something
She had a very bad reputation among her friends.
giving something great energy or sincerity
You can never tell when he's serious.
a building where horses are kept
The cowboy woke up early and went to the stable to get his horse ready for the days work.
being done completely, without missing any part or detail
Fiona did a thorough check of her essay before submitting it to her teacher.
a path, usually through a field or a forest
Sometimes the bushwalking trail is not very clear.
allowing to be seen through
Put your things in a transparent bad so they're easy to find.
to make something illegal or not allowed
My workplace banned all men from wearing earrings to work.
in a way that is difficult but still possible
I barely had enough change for the bus.
a product that is bought and sold
Money, gold, silver, wheat, corn are all important commodities.
an official legal agreement between different people, groups, companies, or organizations
You must sign a contract before you move into an apartment.
an emergency or disaster
The fire caused a major crisis in the hospitals; there was not enough room for all the victims.
in a sudden, extreme or severe manner
Our budget has been drastically reduced.
to make a general guess or judgment without using exact calculations regarding the value, quality, or nature of something
It is estimated that over 98% of people in Korea are literate.
happening soon
A strike by the workers is imminent.
complete control of a service or product
Men like John D. Rockefeller had a monopoly on all of the oil produced in America.
being extremely loved and emotionally valuable
She had lost her wedding ring which was precious to her.
to help increase the sales of something by advertising it
Advertisers work hard to find new ways to promote their products.
to openly and often violently rise up against a government
His speech is encouraging students to revolt against society.
being very firm or strict
He received a severe punishment for his crime.
a condition in which there is a lack of something necessary
Currently in Beijing, teaching is a well-paid job because there is a shortage of English teachers.
to increase in size or number
The union membership swelled.
to harm someone or something physically so that they are hurt or broken
Tom damaged the car by crashing into a tree.
to lessen in quality or value
Gold increases in value over time, however, appliances declines in value.
whole; all of
The entire building caught on fire.
the amount of money that you use to buy something
Will it cost you a great expense to travel to Hawaii?
to punish someone by making them pay money
I was fined for driving too fast.
to force a person to leave a job
I was fired from my job because of my poor performance.
not to allow someone to do something or something to be done
The children were forbidden from going into the forest without adult supervision.
an unhealthy condition of the mind or body
Mike couldn’t go to work for over a week because of his illness.
to add something to a group or total
The bill includes tax and service.
to stop or prevent an increase in size or amount past a certain point
My manager wanted to limit the number of hours I could work each day.
to persuade someone to do something
Her speech motivated me to hold onto my dreams.
an area that a country or nation is divided into
She and her husband are from the same province in China.
to behave in a certain way as a response to something
He reacted joyfully to the news of his new born baby.
expecting rules to be followed
The mother gave her son strict orders to be home by midnight.
to experience physical or mental pain or illness
He was suffering from an illness the doctors knew little about.
a person who has a strong or uncontrollable need for a substance or activity
I'm a caffeine addict. If I don't have my coffee in the morning, I can't function at work.
a particular situation or event that is an example of something
Detectives were finding this case difficult to solve.
causing a great deal of argument, discussion, or conflict
Abstinence is a very controversial subject among educators.
an act that is not legal
If you commit a crime, you will be punished.
to take part in a discussion or argument against another person in an organized event
The two candidates debate over national security.
a government that allows all of its people to vote for and choose their leaders
The United States government is setup as a democracy.
spoken in a way that is not direct or clear
We took an indirect route to the party that made us late.
to damage or cause physical or emotional pain to someone or something
I was injured when I fell from the swing.
not sufficient
He provided me with insufficient information.
a place where people who are being charged with or being punished for a crime are held
The criminal has been sentenced to 30years in jail.
to get something through your efforts
It was difficult to obtain a passport for her husband because he was foreign born.
point of view
an opinion; a perspective
What is your point of view on this matter?
to have a necessity for something
This job requires experience in the same field.
a person who is tricked by another person
One of the victims lived to tell the story.
an opinion
His viewpoint on life was that you work hard, play hard and save hard.
to legally take in and raise another person's child as your own
My sister has adopted a baby from South America.
being related to the study of life and living things
Three of her children were biological and three were adopted.
a feeling of certainty in one's own capacity to succeed
She lacked confidence to pursue a career in medicine.
drop in
My aunt and uncle dropped in yesterday.
drop out
to stop attending a school before fi nishing
Danny dropped out of college but still became a success.
towards a place that is in front
She leaned forward to whisper something in my ear.
to be grateful
Joseph was our honored guest at the meeting.
a person whose job is to answer questions about laws, write legal papers and represent others in court
The skillful lawyer was able to present all the facts to the jury.
to show someone where something is by having them follow you there
I will lead the first group of tourists through the museum.
withoutknowing; innocently
I, perhaps naively, believed he was telling the truth.
such great value that no price would be high enough
Watching the children laugh and enjoy themselves was priceless.
to stop resisting; give in
The security guard relented and let them through.
being difficult to notice, understand, or see
The wife wanted a new oven and gave her husband subtle hints.
surprising because something was not expected
Her husband unexpectedly left the party.
work out
to perform physical exercises
At the end of the story, everything worked out for the best.
the act or ceremony of BURYING, often of the dead
Some cultures have a very positive view of burials.
a wooden box in which a dead body is put
The rich man was buried in an expensive coffin that had a gold interior.
the body of a human who is no longer living
Many corpses were found after the earthquake.
to be destroyed through a natural process
The old wooden house simply decayed after many years.
The distressing event made her feel depressed.
to hold someone closely
Upon my return after many years, my old high school friend welcomed me with a warm embrace.
to escape or run away
The girl fled from the house as it caught on fire.
a part that is broken off of something
That piece of wood was a fragment chipped off from the coffin.
the ceremony held for a person who has died
He wants a simple funeral when he passes away.
a hole in the ground in which you place a dead body
I visit my mother's grave every Sunday.
extremely unhappy
After her dog died, she felt miserable.
the regular beating of a heart, especially when it is felt at the wrist or side of the neck
My pulse quickened as I got on the rollercoaster.
with great speed
The river current is flowing rapidly.
interesting and unexpected, worthy of notice
She made a remarkable recovery from her surgery and was able to go back to work in just two weeks.
a grave or other place of burial
The heroes went into the vampire's tomb to destroy him.
a place where sports, performances, and other kinds of entertainment are watched
The sports arena was very large and could hold 5,000 people.
a person who travels in space
We are learning about famous astronauts in school this week.
very many
I have told you countless times not to do that!
able to adjust to new events or requirements easily
We need a piece of cable that is more flexible than this one.
a new invention or idea that is created
There have been many innovations thanks to plastic.
to set something up, such as a piece of EQUIPMENT or a computer program, so that it is ready to use
The technicians are here to install the new equipment in the machine room. Could you show them the way?
the physical substance, such as wood or metal, that something is made of
You can buy all the materials you need to make that dress at the fabric store.
being the first or happening first
As there are many pirated DVDs, it's difficult to find an original one.
a vehicle that travels in space
New spacecraft are being made that will take astronauts deeper into space.
involved in a tradition
She decided not to marry Tom because he was too traditional; he expected her to stay home, cook and have babies.
깨지지 않는, 해독되지 않은
Many liquids today come in unbreakable plastic bottles.
to use something for a given purpose
She utilized her negotiation skills to get the contract.
having to do with several different things or people various newspapers reported the crime differently.
way of life
how people live, what they do, their culture, beliefs and practices
She enjoys a calm and simple way of life.
something that you succeed in doing after hard work
It is a great accomplishment to have graduated first in your class.
capable of being paid for without difficulty
The houses in Texas are very affordable compared to other states.
something related to the aircraft operation aviation is an important part of a country's defense.
someone not in the military civilians do not have the same access to places that military personnel do.
to try to do something better than others who are doing the same thing, often in order to win something
The two boys competed in the marathon, to figure out who is better.
to become known or visible
The United States emerged from the Cold War as the world's foremost military superpower.
having been made for a single person
I will consider each individual case separately before I come to any conclusions.
to make someone have the desire to do something
The book was written to inspire all artist to pursue their dreams.
to start a new business or offer a new product for sale; to give a person a helpful start in business
The designer launched a new product at this year's fashion show.
to move or start one's business or home in a new place
I had to locate the school on the map before I could drive over there.
an amount that is most or more than half of a group of people or things
The majority of the school children were from single parent homes.
to move in the path of an ORBIT
The Earth orbits the sun every 24 hours.
to act as a pioneer
She pioneered new medical practices that focused on the needs of the patient.
a device sent into space that collects information or assists in communication
The communications satellite lost its signal with the Earth.
the stomach area of a person
Her pants fit too tightly around her abdomen.
to take air into and push it out of the lungs
It's important to breathe properly when doing yoga.
the ability to focus completely on a task
One of his difficulties in school was that he lacked concentration.
having to do with trade, industry, and money
The business closed due to economic reasons.
something popular for a short time
High-heeled shoes was a popular fad in the 70's for men.
a combination or mixture of separate things
His fusion of various international foods made his restaurant popular.
a way of moving or acting that is pleasing and beautiful
Emily moved with such grace on the stage.
having little or no fat; thin
A person who is lean is more attractive than someone who is too skinny.
to make as large as possible
We have to maximize our time here, so let’s visit all the famous sites.
the act of deep and quiet thinking
The Buddhist monk shared his meditations on modern life with temple visitors.
having or involving more than one of something multiple choice tests are a favorite of college students.
in an inexact or imprecise manner
We have roughly the same opinions.
to pull until tight
I tried to stretch out the shirt so that it would fit me better.
a general tendency
The recent trend in developed countries is to have less children.
notice or awareness given to a person or thing
The little girl raised her hand to get the teacher's attention.
the group of people watching or listening to an event
The audience applauded as the show came to an end.
something that physically blocks movement from one point to another
A barrier was erected to stop demonstrators getting too close to the American embassy.
(formal) in an opposite manner to something else
Children should respect their parents; conversely, parents should not aggravate their children.
to make a choice after thinking about something
Sue still hasn't decided what she will eat for dinner.
to say something openly or officially
After declaring his love for her, he got down on his knees and proposed.
to win a victory over someone or some group
They defeated the enemy after a lengthy battle.
to be worthy
In this movie, the lead actor's performance is so good that he definitely deserves a top acting award.
in a way that is much more than usual or expected
She was extremely upset when she did not receive the job offer.
to make something continue as it did before; to continue doing something in the same way
He maintained his idea even though others disagreed.
a contest between two or more people or teams
The boxing match will be between the former and current champions.
to show regard or admiration or feel for someone or something
I respect those who have given their lives so that we all could enjoy freedom.
money received as regular payment for work
His salary increased as his performance at work improved.
a person's position in society, a certain profession or organization in relation to others
Lawyers and doctors have more status than bus drivers.
not bent or curved
The path was straight. It led through the forest to the lake.
making or becoming suitable; adjusting to circumstances
Both sides reached an accommodation that will make everyone happy.
to move from a higher place to a lower one
Rain descends from the clouds above.
to state or show what you are thinking or how you are feeling
I am very thankful for all that you have done for me, and I cannot fully express my gratitude in words.
the special purpose for which a thing is made or used
The program included a function to enable the user to update the database.
to want someone or something to do or be something
Do you intend to stay overnight?
relating to a particular place one is living in, referring to or something is happening in
Our local fire station has just added a new truck.
a piece of writing or music that is of very high quality or the best
Falling water is considered to be Frank Lloyd Wright's masterpiece.
important, impressive
She received an award for her notable work in solving world poverty.
relating to living things
These organic vegetables have a better taste than the factory-cleaned brand.
the particular ideas of an individual philosopher
His philosophy in life is to do what you can and leave the rest to God.
a basic rule forming the basis for other theories
One of the main principles of Christianity is to love others.
a particular reason why something is done; a desired result
The purpose of this meeting is to determine the products we will sell during the holiday season.
to refuse to take, consider, or believe something
I do not reject his story, I just question some of the details.
normal or good
The standard work hours are 9 to 5.
the environment and objects that are all around a person or thing
An animal brought up in its natural habitat is always aware of its surroundings.
being possible to use or obtain
Most breakfast foods are only available during the morning hours.
an organized society where technology and culture are highly developed
It seems that civilization is improving every year.
to state something unproven to be true
She claimed she graduated from Harvard University, but no one believed her.
the act of finding someone or something for the first time
With the discovery of penicillin, many lives have been saved.
very large; unusually large
The stadium was enormous; it can seat 90,000 people.
the point, level or limit to which something reaches
The extent of the damage caused by the fire was not known.
a book or story including ideas , people and events that are not real
Sue prefers fiction over biographies.
the entire group of individuals who are born in and live during roughly the same time
Her big nose was a family trait that was passed down from one generation to the next.
the words and signs that people of a common nation or region use to communicate with each other
Learning many languages can be beneficial in life.
a story which is told and generally believed but can not be proven
The story of Robin Hood is a legend that most people was based on a real person.
to refer to something briefly; to write or speak about something briefly
She mentioned that she wanted to have a romantic dinner on her anniversary.
having happened before the present time or event
I received more information at the previous parenting conference than at this one.
something that shows that something else exists or is true
It is not wise to accuse someone of wrong-doings without proof.
having the shape of a RECTANGLE
We used rectangular bricks to build a sturdy wall.
a small sign that shows that someone or something has been in a place
The illegal funds were traced back the Asia.
the practice of taking ACTION to change a government or society
In my community, political activism, both for and against the government, is high.
a representative
He became the country's newest ambassador to Germany.
belief, goal or organization that people support
Finding a cure for cancer is a popular cause in most parts of the world.
a person, usually an entertainer, who is known by many people; a famous person
With his success in the movie, Charles became a celebrity overnight.
not to be the same
The brothers differ in personality only.
the state of being well-known
Her fame grew after her award-winning novel.
an attitude of kindness or friendliness
The prime minister went on a goodwill tour of Asia.
related to improving people's lives
Her humanitarian efforts were recognized by the United Nations.
the act or process of joining in to a particular activity, situation, or condition
He denied any involvement in the crime.
having very little food or money; poor
There are millions of poor and needy people in United States.
to help increase the sales of something by advertising it
Advertisers work hard to find new ways to promote their products.
to give information about someone or something to the public
The media tried to publicize the president's minor mistake in pronunciation.
honest in one's thought and action
She felt regret for her actions and gave each child a sincere apology.
to send or set a person in a particular place or position
She was stationed at the company's worst branch to help it improve.
to direct or control some process or procedure
The scientist will conduct research on the matter of gravity.
to keep doing something without stopping
It's better to continue what you are doing to the end, than quitting halfway.
the comparison of different people or things, often in order to identify or place emphasis on the differences between them
The contrasts in the two art pieces shows the techniques of the old and the modern.
a person whose job is to judge the quality of something
While fans raved over his new album, music critics called it repetitive and predictable.
the beliefs, attitudes, and ways of life of a particular group of people or society
Because America is a land of immigrants, its culture is difficult to define.
able to express emotion easily; tending to feel emotion as a reaction to things
She gave an emotional speech about her dead mother.
a helpful act of kindness
He gave her many complements in hope of winning her favor.
the entire group of individuals who are born in and live during roughly the same time
Her big nose was a family trait that was passed down from one generation to the next.
the money that one earns from work, business, or property
I need a bigger income to afford a bigger house.
to like someone or something more than other things or people
I prefer chocolate cake over vanilla.
the manner in which people, groups or countries behave toward one another
Sue has a good relationship with Tom. They are best friends.
to keep money so that you will have it later
We all need to learn to save money wisely.
someone you don't know
Don’t talk to strangers!
a look or examination
We took a survey to see how kids reacted to the new standard.
to determine something's price or importance
Most people do not truly value the work of a woman in the home.
related to school or learning
I received an academic scholarship for my good grades.
to do something that causes a change in someone's situation
Her lack of a college degree started to affect her self-esteem.
an attitude that tends to cause one to judge a group or make decisions unfairly
The government has accused the media of bias.
the legal right to be responsible and care for a child
After the divorce, the mother received custody of the children.
a condition or situation where people all have the same rights or status
Many minorities, such as African Americans, have fought for equality so they can be treated the same as any other people.
being alike in quality, value, purpose or degree
1000 milliliters is equivalent to 1 liter.
maternity leave
출산 휴가
I took maternity leave so that I could prepare for my new baby.
a series of actions by a group of people to achieve a goal
The environmentalist movement has gained so much momentum that some have dubbed it the latest religion.
not to notice or see something, often something important
I think there is one key fact that you have overlooked.
a point of view; a way of looking at something
Her perspective of the situation was very different than mine.
the number of times some even occurs in a certain amount of time
Crime rates have declined in recent years.
to make the situation fairer
You need to redress the problem with Mom before you move away.
to name or state something clearly
His mother never specifies what she needs; I always have to guess what she wants.
a technique used for treating someone or something
We want to ensure equal treatment for everyone.
wanting or being able to use physical force to hurt someone or damage something
Many families are torn by violent behavior.
to give someone a job
We employed the help of a gardener to trim our bushes.
to make a general guess or judgment without using exact calculations regarding the value, quality, or nature of something
It is estimated that over 98% of people in Korea are literate.
having to do with money
Schools are getting expensive for one person to pay for their own. So try looking for financial help.
the special purpose for which a thing is made or used
The program included a function to enable the user to update the database.
involving many countries
Bill Gates is the founder of a multinational corporation.
the act of doing one's work or completing an activity
The performance of the sports player was poor after he sprained his ankle.
something that is repeatedly and regularly done in a particular manner, often as a social or religious custom
Asian business practices differ slightly from North American ones.
the standard or value of something
Their products are of very high quality.
to make something smaller in size, amount, or level
I would like to reduce the amount of coffee I consume each day.
well defined and clearly stated
The specific type of chocolate he likes is only found in Europe.
a group of people who work for a company or business
We had a new member join our staff at the museum today.
a paper copy of something spoken or recorded
I need to send a copy of my university transcripts to my new employer.
to move from one place to another
We transferred the file from David's computer to Sue's computer.
the money that a person earns that is based on the hours, days, or weeks that they worked
The employees were not satisfied with their wages.
to have enough money to purchase something
I could not afford the tennis racquet I wanted so I decided not to buy anything at all.
to make an application or request
His daughter is applying for admission next year.
a certain amount of money that can be used for something, or a plan for how to use this money
I need to get a budget so I can save more of my money.
an amount of money that is owed to another
During college she had incurred a lot of debt.
to lessen in quality or value
Gold increases in value over time, however, appliances declines in value.
the use of dishonest ways to take something valuable from another person
He was charged with fraud for his illegal business in Chicago.
the money that is paid by a person who borrows money to the lender in exchange for being able to borrow
If you only pay the interest on your credit card you will never get out of debt.
to control a business or group of people and tell people what to do
My mother manages over fifty employees at the auto factory.
extremely good; excellent
He has an outstanding electric bill that he must pay before his power can be turned back on.
to have a commitment to pay for something
I still owe my brother lunch since he helped me move into my new apartment.
money that a company or person makes after all costs are paid
She made a big profit selling Christmas decorations.
to understand or sense something
When it started to rain, he realized that he should have brought his umbrella.
to give a certain impression of something
He's almost 40, but he seems so much younger.
An undergraduate is a student at a college who is studying for a bachelor's degree.
Being an undergraduate student at Nottingham University was one of the best times of my life.
pressed closely together
My dad thinks that driving compact cars can help the environment.
suited to a person's comfort or ease of use
The delivery service in Korea, is very convenient and fast.
a machine that does a particular job
No one knew how to work the device because there was no switch to turn it off or on.
the production of different kinds of products on a large scale, often done in factories
In order to increase the city's revenue, they need to attract more industry.
a method of expressing ideas or feelings
She represented the tragedy through the medium of dance.
consisting of or being present in large numbers
The man had numerous wives in many different countries.
able to be moved around with ease
The mother bought each of her children a portable CD player.
a section or part of a larger thing or area
A significant portion of his salary goes to charity.
남몰래, 은밀히, 개인으로서, 내밀한 이야기지만, 개인적으로는
I spoke privately to Mr. Jones about my grade.
having to do with people as a general whole
A public toilet needs to be used cleanly.
a number or set of events or actions that each occur one after another
Michael gave a series of lectures at the local university.
to make a noise or motion that tells someone to do or start something
The referee's assistant signaled that the player was off-side and the goal was disallowed.
relating to human society and the way it is lived and organized
Most schools organize social events for the students.
stand for
Her three chevrons stand for her rank of sergeant.
a place to keep things you will use later
She put all the baby clothes in storage because she was planning on having more children.
to keep
I've stored all the information on a hard disk so we can use it later.
someone who ADMINISTERS or manages something
Sara works as a school administrator.
relating to the buying and selling of products
The program is now available for commercial sale.
not unusual
Even a common cold is getting harder to cure.
to think with care
She considered becoming a doctor, but she decided against it because she couldn't stand blood.
to help a cause, person, or group by giving money, things, or services
During Christmas, citizens are urged to contribute something for the needy.
capable of producing the wanted result without wasting resources such as time, money or energy
After fixing refrigerators for 20 years, he was very efficient at what he did.
relating to concepts or questions of what is right and wrong
The committee is in place to ensure the ethical
to take advantage of or treat someone badly in order to get something good for yourself
Some textile factories exploit children and make them work under deplorable conditions.
figure out
understand the meaning of
I've been trying to figure out the answer to this question all day.
to inform; to communicate specific information
Please notify me when your father gets home.
to repair a hole in something by covering it with something else
I patched the hole in my tire. I was able to patch the two wires together.
to connect two or more things, or show how things are connected
I find it difficult to relate to my parents. It's like they can't even understand me.
a part or piece that something is divided into
Does the restaurant have a non-smoking section?
behaving in a way that does not meet moral standards
His unethical behavior will make him a bad choice for president.
the way a person looks to others
The actors appearance on stage caused everyone to stand up and applause.
a good or advantageous thing
The new department store brought many benefits to the city.
(usually followed by "of") to be made of something
The holiday package consists of accommodation, meals and spa vouchers.
a collision
I took a crash course in Chinese over the summer.
to not satisfy someone by failing to do something
David was disappointed because he couldn’t enter the competition.
having or showing much energy
The energetic puppy wanted to play all evening long.
without any delay, delay or distance immediately, the children ran outside when the lunch bell rang.
not patient; not wanting to wait
The impatient child cried because he wanted to leave .
being harmful, unwanted or unhelpful
The candidate received a negative response for changing his views.
being easy or likely to be sensed or noticed
There has been a noticeable improvement in his grades.
appropriate for a particular purpose
He showed proper behavior during the wedding.
to get rid of something such as a pain, worry or a BURDEN
Exercise is an effective way to relieve the stress of university life.
how you feel about yourself and your abilities
All the compliments she received raised her self-esteem.
the worry experienced by a person in particular circumstances
Too much stress always gives me a headache.
of a limited amount of time
Joe temporarily left the office. He'll be back in a moment.
to determine something's price or importance
Most people do not truly value the work of a woman in the home.
to take in a liquid or other substance
A sponge is used to absorb water and liquids.
normal or typical
Many people think that the Sydney Opera House is special, however when I saw it, I thought it was average.
a disease caused by uncontrolled cell growth
Smoking causes lung cancer, so its better not to smoke.
belief, goal or organization that people support
Finding a cure for cancer is a popular cause in most parts of the world.
to have an item that holds something inside of it
Each box contains all the ingredients you need for making a delicious cake.
all the things that affect the health, growth or progress of something
The family environment affects the personality of the child.
to leave something uncovered that is usually covered
Children that have been exposed to different situations tend to be more mature.
one of the food items used when making a meal or drink
Because she lacked several ingredients, the cake did not turn out very good.
to determine the size or amount of something or someone
The mathematics class measured the volume of the lake.
the act or result of releasing dirty or dangerous substances into an environment
Cities generally have more pollution than the rural areas.
expecting a baby
I never want to be pregnant.
something that is made or grown, often in large amounts, in order to be sold
Popular products are produced more often.
to show that something is true or correct by providing evidence
After being framed, it was difficult for the man to prove his innocence.
to make something smaller in size, amount, or level
I would like to reduce the amount of coffee I consume each day.
to cause someone to remember something that they have forgotten
Tom always needs to be reminded about his homework.
to ensure that a rule is followed
He police officer was responsible for enforcing the law.
to do something that was promised or required
In order to fulfill the requirements for your degree, you must take a speech class.
not to notice or consider someone or something
Just ignore my sister when she bothers you.
not allowed by the laws or rules
It is illegal to operate a vehicle while under the influence of alcohol.
a person who comes to a different country in order to live there
Many immigrants in the United States came to realize the American dream.
relating to the law
After her car accident, she needed some legal advice.
to move from one region to another
Birds migrate when the climate begins to change.
something that is owned by a person
She lost all her possessions during the fire.
the act of keeping something bad or dangerous from occurring
Taking aspirin is a prevention for heart attacks.
the state of being economically successful
The country's future prosperity depends on the education of its children.
to offer or give something that is wanted or needed
The school provided the students with new text books.
to make someone suffer for doing something wrong
It is necessary to punish the child when they cause trouble, however, it should never be too severe.
the possibility or chances that something bad or undesirable will happen in the future
There is great risk of becoming addicted to gambling.
continuing without stopping or changing over time
The steady snowfall pleased the children because they could soon make a snowman.
to tell someone about something bad or dangerous
The siren will warn citizens if there is an emergency.
violent, angry or threatening
The aggressive behavior of the child caused much concern for the parents.
one's feelings about something or someone; one's state of mind
Exercising in the morning can change your attitude
something that physically blocks movement from one point to another
A barrier was erected to stop demonstrators getting too close to the American embassy.
a state or feeling of love and concern toward someone or something
Marriage is a life long commitment.
being related to competition
My friend is so competitive that he gets very upset when he loses.
the state of being a male of a female
Many countries still discriminate based on gender.
to discover who a person or thing is
After looking through the pictures, she was able to identify the man who stole her purse.
being unable to be seen
The monster was invisible, nonetheless, the little girl was still terrified of it.
양육하는, 돌보는
These delicate plants need careful nurturing.
relating to a job that requires special skill or education
Doctors, lawyers and engineers are all professional careers.
the process of improving or moving toward a goal
A great deal of progress has been made in the field of genetics over the past fifty years.
to print a written work and make it available to read
That book was first published in 1980, but it is still popular today.
money received as regular payment for work
His salary increased as his performance at work improved.
to break into small pieces
The explosion shattered all the windows in the building.
to act toward someone in a particular way
You must treat your pets with kindness.
the powder that remains after something that has been completely burned
The volcano covered the city in a layer of gray ash.
to give something to honor someone
The queen bestowed a medal to the soldier for his bravery.
undisturbed; without wind or storm
After the rain, the day was cool and calm.
a terrible event
Earthquakes, tsunamis and typhoons are considered natural disasters.
the overall number of jobs in an economy
He was laid off from his job and is not looking for employment.
(for a VOLCANO) to shoot out or spill hot rocks, smoke, and fire
The area was evacuated because of the possibility that the volcano would erupt.
to move people from a dangerous place to somewhere safe
Please help the people evacuate from the burning building.
to give someone or something food
Please remember to feed the dog before you leave for school.
by, to, or for most people
He is generally considered to be the father of jazz music.
involving danger, risk, and potential damages
Drinking too much alcohol can be hazardous to your health.
someone or something that lives in an area or place
The inhabitants of the east coast enjoy four distinct seasons.
to free someone from a duty or responsibility
Plants release the oxygen that we need to breathe.
the highest part or top point of a mountain
We climbed to the summit of the mountain.
a mountain through which hot liquid earth can move though and come out of the top
The Hawaiian Islands were made from volcanoes.