고등 영어I YBM 박준언 레슨1-스페셜레슨
277 카드 | ybmadmin
v. 쫓다
I keep having dreams about getting chased or taking a test where I don’t know any answers.
n. 땀
I often wake up in a cold sweat in the middle of the night.
v. 고통을 겪다
Many teens suffer from a high level of stress, often without even knowing that they do.
v. 관리하다
To wisely manage your stress, you need to have a good understanding of the issue.
a. 유용한 정보를 제공하는, 유익한
Teens Today had an informative talk on stress and its management with a doctor specializing in mental health.
a. 정신의
Teens Today had an informative talk on stress and its management with a doctor specializing in mental health.
specialize in
~을 전공하다, 전문으로 하다
Teens Today had an informative talk on stress and its management with a doctor specializing in mental health.
n. 병, 질병
You need to understand that stress is not a disease.
n. 포식자
This involuntary response developed in our ancestors as a way to protect them from predators and other threats.
a. 원시의
In fact, stress is a natural alarm system in your brain and body, going back to the primitive days.
n. 응급, 비상
Your body turns on its emergency system, releasing into the blood the hormones that speed up your heart rate and prepare you to deal with the problem.
a. 무의식적인, 반사적인
This involuntary response developed in our ancestors as a way to protect them from predators and other threats.
n. 호르몬
Your body turns on its emergency system, releasing into the blood the hormones that speed up your heart rate and prepare you to deal with the problem.
n. 선조, 조상
This involuntary response developed in our ancestors as a way to protect them from predators and other threats.
n. 각성, 기민, 경계
A little stress prepares you to meet a tough situation with focus, strength, and alertness.
ad. 즉시
Many of your worries are not as instantly resolved as they were when you used to bump into tigers.
bump into
우연히 마주치다
Many of your worries are not as instantly resolved as they were when you used to bump into tigers.
n. 마감시한, 데드라인
Without stress, you would not be able to gather enough energy to meet deadlines.
v. 풀다, 해결하다
Many of your worries are not as instantly resolved as they were when you used to bump into tigers.
n. 생존
It was a matter of either death or survival, and then the crisis came to an end.
a. 안절부절못하는, 제대로 쉬지(잠들지) 못하는
You feel restless in your legs and have difficulty going to sleep.
n. 위기
It was a matter of either death or survival, and then the crisis came to an end.
get rid of
~을 없애다, 제거하다
Stress hormones burn away when you get rid of the stress source.
v. 질질 끌다
Skipping school may feel good at the time, but it will drag you into even deeper trouble afterward.
n. 학교 공부, 학업
When you plan your week, schedule time to get schoolwork done.
ad. 문자 그대로, 말 그대로
What the stress hormones really tell you to do is to literally move your body and run.
strike a balance
균형을 맞추다
To deal with stress, you need to strike a balance between work and play.
v. 기운을 되찾게 하다
If you do exercise, your body will be refreshed and ready to meet the next challenge.
v. (서로) 다르다
Teenage experiences vary, and everyone experiences different emotions and concerns.
n. 전환, 전이, 과도기
During this time of transition you live with a lot of uncertainties and imbalances, which create huge anxieties.
n. 불확실성
During this time of transition you live with a lot of uncertainties and imbalances, which create huge anxieties.
n. 불균형
During this time of transition you live with a lot of uncertainties and imbalances, which create huge anxieties.
ad. 종국에, 결국
Just keep in mind that whatever stresses you out now will eventually pass.
n. 산소
Taking a few deep breaths brings oxygen to your brain and helps you relax.
n. 미네랄
Under stressful conditions, the body needs vitamins and minerals more than ever.
v. 망설이다, 주저하다
Do not hesitate to ask for help from a trustworthy adult or a school counselor.
a. 믿을 만한
Do not hesitate to ask for help from a trustworthy adult or a school counselor.
v. ~을 함유하다, 포함하다
Gimchi contains a lot of spicy chili.
v. 유래하다
Chili peppers originated in South America.
n. 지방, 지역
Many of the foods we consume today originated in the same region and spread to the rest of the world.
n. 재료, 성분
Since chilies, in particular, are an essential ingredient for many spicy Korean dishes, you would hardly suspect that they originated in another country.
v. 주장하다
Ask a Chinese or an Indian or a Mexican, and most will argue that chilies are native to their homeland.
in particular
Since chilies, in particular, are an essential ingredient for many spicy Korean dishes, you would hardly suspect that they originated in another country.
ad. 거의 ~ 아니다
Since chilies, in particular, are an essential ingredient for many spicy Korean dishes, you would hardly suspect that they originated in another country.
a. 원산의
Ask a Chinese or an Indian or a Mexican, and most will argue that chilies are native to their homeland.
v. 의심하다
Since chilies, in particular, are an essential ingredient for many spicy Korean dishes, you would hardly suspect that they originated in another country.
v. (먹거나 마셔서) 소비하다
Many of the foods we consume today originated in the same region and spread to the rest of the world.
n. 경로
Columbus set sail from Spain to find a new route to India.
v. 수입하다
Imported from South India and nearby islands, black pepper was an expensive spice.
shoot up
The Ottoman Empire effectively blocked routes to India, and the price of black pepper shot up.
n. 목적
The purpose of Columbus' journey was to find a way to safely bring black pepper from Asia and secure the kitchens of Europe.
v. 거래하다, 무역하다
As a result, European traders had to look for new ways to trade with India for pepper and other spices.
as a result
As a result, European traders had to look for new ways to trade with India for pepper and other spices.
n. 여행
The purpose of Columbus' journey was to find a way to safely bring black pepper from Asia and secure the kitchens of Europe.
v. 찾다
Columbus believed he had found the route to India that he was seeking.
instead of
~ 대신에
Instead of black pepper, he found other plants that he thought to be another type of pepper.
v. 확보하다
The purpose of Columbus' journey was to find a way to safely bring black pepper from Asia and secure the kitchens of Europe.
take over
The Ottoman Empire took over Asia Minor and the eastern Mediterranean.
v. 대변혁을 일으키다
When Portuguese traders carried chilies to other parts of the world, it revolutionized local kitchens.
a. 가치 있는
From a nutritional point of view, chilies are much less valuable than rice, corn, or potatoes.
in part
Chilies spread quickly, in part because they were easy to grow in a wide range of climates and conditions, which made them an abundant crop.
a. 전례를 찾기 힘든, 특출한
The speed of the chili pepper’s spread was exceptional.
a. 담백한, 평범한
By making even plain food rich in flavor, chilies were the one luxury item the poor could afford to eat every day.
a wide range of
광범위한, 다양한
Chilies spread quickly, in part because they were easy to grow in a wide range of climates and conditions, which made them an abundant crop.
a. 풍부한
Chilies spread quickly, in part because they were easy to grow in a wide range of climates and conditions, which made them an abundant crop.
v. ~할 여유가 되다
By making even plain food rich in flavor, chilies were the one luxury item the poor could afford to eat every day.
from a point of view
~ 관점에서
From a nutritional point of view, chilies are much less valuable than rice, corn, or potatoes.
a. 영양상의
From a nutritional point of view, chilies are much less valuable than rice, corn, or potatoes.
v. 변형시키다
Many local dishes were transformed into hot, spicy, and unique foods, thanks to chilies.
thanks to
Many local dishes were transformed into hot, spicy, and unique foods, thanks to chilies.
n. 관심, 주목
Columbus took other new crops that he expected would capture the attention of Europeans.
a. 보통의, 평범한
Chilies improved ordinary food by adding spice to them.
v. 밝히다, 드러내다
After it was revealed that potatoes grew well on poor soils and in hostile climates, their cultivation quickly spread to Northern and Eastern Europe.
a. 적대적인, 가혹한
After it was revealed that potatoes grew well on poor soils and in hostile climates, their cultivation quickly spread to Northern and Eastern Europe.
n. 재배
After it was revealed that potatoes grew well on poor soils and in hostile climates, their cultivation quickly spread to Northern and Eastern Europe.
a. 주된, 주요한
In Ireland, the potato became the staple food, with adults consuming an average of ten potatoes a day.
n. 추정
According to one estimate, the introduction of the potato was responsible for a quarter of the population growth in Europe, Africa, and Asia between 1700 and 1900.
a. 독성이 있는
The tomato looked a lot like the fruit of certain poisonous plants that were well known to Europeans.
a. 장식용의
Tomatoes were at first grown only as a decorative plant rather than as a food.
n. 십 년
Several decades passed before tomatoes began to be consumed as a food.
according to
~에 의하면
According to one estimate, the introduction of the potato was responsible for a quarter of the population growth in Europe, Africa, and Asia between 1700 and 1900.
be responsible for
~의 원인이 되다
According to one estimate, the introduction of the potato was responsible for a quarter of the population growth in Europe, Africa, and Asia between 1700 and 1900.
n. 귀족
It was thought that the nobles got sick and sometimes died after eating tomatoes.
v. ~을 탓하다
No one at the time made the connection between the plate and the poison, so the tomato was blamed.
kick off
The invention of pizza in Naples in the 1880s kicked off the tomato’s popularity in Europe.
a. 상당한, 많은
Wealthy Europeans at that time ate off plates made of heavy metals including considerable amounts of lead.
n. 비난
The tomato was later cleared of its false charge.
n. 납
Wealthy Europeans at that time ate off plates made of heavy metals including considerable amounts of lead.
n. 대륙
Chilies, potatoes, and tomatoes spread to other continents and, when blended with local foods, created unique dishes.
n. 산성
Because tomatoes are high in acidity, when placed on such plates, the fruit would release the lead.
v. 혼합하다, 섞다
Chilies, potatoes, and tomatoes spread to other continents and, when blended with local foods, created unique dishes.
v. 금지하다
We argue that product placement in TV shows should be banned.
v. 불러일으키다
Product placement has pros and cons, stirring arguments over whether or not it should be kept under control.
v. 삽입하다
Product placement is a form of advertising that involves inserting products in movies or TV programs with the intention of promoting the products or brands.
under control
Product placement has pros and cons, stirring arguments over whether or not it should be kept under control.
pros and cons
장점과 단점
Product placement has pros and cons, stirring arguments over whether or not it should be kept under control.
n. 의도
Product placement is a form of advertising that involves inserting products in movies or TV programs with the intention of promoting the products or brands.
v. 주장하다
We maintain our position in order to defend the rights of the general public, mainly television viewers.
v. 옹호하다, 방어하다
We maintain our position in order to defend the rights of the general public, mainly television viewers.
v. 빼앗다
We offer arguments against product placement─the deprived choice of viewers and the problem of invisible marketing costs.
a. 보이지 않는
We offer arguments against product placement─the deprived choice of viewers and the problem of invisible marketing costs.
v. 무산시키다, 좌절시키다
Our first point in argument is that product placement defeats the very purpose of TV shows.
a. 주된
The primary purpose of dramas is to deliver a story, through which meaningful messages on society are delivered.
v. 전달하다
The primary purpose of dramas is to deliver a story, through which meaningful messages on society are delivered.
pop out
튀어나오다, 나타나다
With random commercial brands popping out to steal the focus from the plot, the show quality suffers.
a. 자동의
It was a product placement promoting an automatic pilot function of a new car.
n. 불합리
The absurdity of the scene, totally out of the context, ruined what emotional sincerity the characters retained up to that point.
v. 망치다
The absurdity of the scene, totally out of the context, ruined what emotional sincerity the characters retained up to that point.
n. 진정성
The absurdity of the scene, totally out of the context, ruined what emotional sincerity the characters retained up to that point.
v. 유지하다, 보유하다
The absurdity of the scene, totally out of the context, ruined what emotional sincerity the characters retained up to that point.
v. 박다, 끼워 넣다
Product placement is advertising embedded in the program.
v. 통합하다
Product placement is integrated in the show.
v. 홍보하다
The extra marketing costs are added to the product’s consumer price, with the products promoted by product placement becoming more expensive.
n. 내용
We prepared supporting arguments─the production funding in the new media environment and the better quality of program content.
n. 관점, 시각
We would like to approach the issue from a slightly different perspective, taking content creators and product companies into consideration.
take ~ into consideration
~ 을 고려하다
We would like to approach the issue from a slightly different perspective, taking content creators and product companies into consideration.
a. 필연적인
Product placement is inevitable in the age of the new media environment.
n. 이익
The profit share from TV commercials is constantly declining.
v. 감소하다
The profit share from TV commercials is constantly declining.
v. 보상하다
Production companies and broadcasting networks are compensating for the loss by attracting more product placements.
a. 이상적인
From an idealistic point of view, the storytelling of TV dramas should not be interrupted by commercial advertising.
v. 방해하다
From an idealistic point of view, the storytelling of TV dramas should not be interrupted by commercial advertising.
a. 미용의
It was a product placement sponsored by a cosmetic company.
n. 고정 관념
The scene was the talk of the town for breaking a media stereotype of blind people.
v. 수립하다
The scene also succeeded in establishing the character in the story.
be the talk of the town
장안의 화제가 되다
The scene was the talk of the town for breaking a media stereotype of blind people.
n. 열풍, 흥청거림
K-dramas introduce Korean products to foreign consumers, which often results in global shopping sprees.
n. 인삼
A recent drama that became a huge hit in China was sponsored by a ginseng company.
n. 추출액, 추출 성분
The hero was frequently seen to drink ginseng extract from a small pouch.
n. 주머니, 파우치
The hero was frequently seen to drink ginseng extract from a small pouch.
result in
결과를 낳다
K-dramas introduce Korean products to foreign consumers, which often results in global shopping sprees.
out of stock
재고가 없는
The product became so popular among Chinese people that it instantly went out of stock.
n. 자산
The sharing economy is based on sharing assets or services, for free or for a fee, directly from and between individuals.
n. 수수료, 요금
The sharing economy is based on sharing assets or services, for free or for a fee, directly from and between individuals.
n. 풍경
The economic model is now transforming the landscape of the world economy.
along with
~와 더불어
There are five key concepts of the sharing economy, along with appropriate case stories.
cast light on
해결의 실마리를 던져 주다, 이해를 돕는 사실을 보여 주다, 조명하다
There are five key concepts of the sharing economy casting light on what the sharing economy is and how it works.
n. 진보, 발전
The advance of technology brought sharing into economy.
n. 접근
Easy access, made possible by Internet technology, is now as good as ownership.
a. 디지털 방식의
Thanks to the Internet and digital technology, now there is much more data about people and things.
v. 설치하다
Hyeonwoo needed to install a new lighting fixture on his ceiling.
a. 남는
Without the Internet, how can you know that somebody has a spare room to your taste in a simple family house?
n. 천장
Hyeonwoo needed to install a new lighting fixture on his ceiling.
v. 다운로드 하다, 내려 받다
All you need to do is to download an app.
n. 거처, 숙소
The sharing economy enables people to share cars, accommodations, and other items.
ad. 효율적으로
Resources are used more efficiently, which helps save on materials and energy.
a. 제한된
What the sharing economy aspires to is a more sustainable way of utilizing limited resources.
a. 충분히 이용[활용]되지 않는
The business model of a sharing economy instantly connects owners of underused assets with others willing to pay to use them.
v. 열망하다
What the sharing economy aspires to is a more sustainable way of utilizing limited resources.
n. 자원
Resources are used more efficiently, which helps save on materials and energy.
v. 사용하다
What the sharing economy aspires to is a more sustainable way of utilizing limited resources.
n. 배출
The sharing economy contributes to saving the environment since less car use means reduced CO₂ emissions.
a. 지속 가능한
What the sharing economy aspires to is a more sustainable way of utilizing limited resources.
n. 소유
The sharing economy is a powerful cultural trend in which people value experiences more than possessions.
v. 감상하다
There are many who appreciate artworks, but have no interest in owning them for good.
n. 예술품
There are many who appreciate artworks, but have no interest in owning them for good.
n. 저장
The artists' artworks might be in storage or waiting for their next exhibition.
a. 영구적인
He is not interested in permanent ownership of particular artworks.
n. 우울
When her husband passed away, she came down with depression.
n. 슬픔
Meeting new people from all over the world helped her recover from her grief.
a. 사교적인
For sociable souls, meeting new people is a big part of the charm.
a. 가상의
In the age of virtual everything, more and more things are possible without ever meeting face to face with other people.
pass away
사망하다 (완곡한 표현)
When her husband passed away, she came down with depression.
come down with
(병에) 걸리다
When her husband passed away, she came down with depression.
make friends with
~와 친해지다, 친구가 되다
She has made friends with many guests and stays in touch with some of them.
stay in touch
연락을 유지하다
She has made friends with many guests and stays in touch with some of them.
a. 무형의
An understanding of the intangible cultural heritage of different societies will promote cultural diversity.
n. 의식
The cultural heritage includes the living traditions of people such as oral storytelling, performing arts, rituals, and festivals.
be devoted to
~에 전념하다
That is why UNESCO is devoted to preserving important intangible cultural traditions around the world.
n. 유산
An understanding of the intangible cultural heritage of different societies will promote cultural diversity.
n. 다양성
An understanding of the intangible cultural heritage of different societies will promote cultural diversity.
related to
~와 관련된
The following cases of intangible cultural heritage are related to the lives of ordinary people.
n. 기념물
When we talk about a country’s cultural heritage, we tend to view it only as monuments such as the pyramids in Egypt.
v. 지정하다
The following cases of intangible cultural heritage, designated by UNESCO, share two common features.
a. 구두의
The cultural heritage includes the living traditions of people such as oral storytelling, performing arts, rituals, and festivals.
n. 특징
The following cases of intangible cultural heritage, designated by UNESCO, share two common features.
v. 융합하다
Flamenco is an artistic expression fusing song, dance, and musicianship.
a. 종교의
Flamenco is performed during religious festivals, rituals, and at private celebrations.
n. 음악적 기교
Flamenco is an artistic expression fusing song, dance, and musicianship.
play a role
역할을 하다
Sharp movements and facial expressions play a greater role in flamenco.
a. 감정의
Flamenco dancing is a very emotional dance style.
v. (날카로운 소리를 내며) 닫거나 열다
The dancers may clap their hands, tap their feet, snap castanets, or move their body suddenly to show the desired emotion.
n. 꼭두각시, 인형
Puppet shows have always been popular across the world.
v. 묘사하다
Karagöz depicts the history of Turkey and its people who have diverse social and ethnic backgrounds.
a. 그림자 같은, 아련한
The puppets are not clearly visible, rather, they are shadowy.
a. 민족의, 인종의
Karagöz depicts the history of Turkey and its people who have diverse social and ethnic backgrounds.
n. 모습, 형태
Puppet figures in the shadow theater are made of camel hide.
n. 주제
Other characters also appear depending on the themes of the play.
n. 면
Puppet figures are held on rods in front of a light to cast their shadows onto a cotton screen.
v. 강화하다
The traditional puppet theater strengthens the cultural identity of the Turkish people.
n. 막대기
Puppets are held on rods in front of a light to cast their shadows onto a cotton screen.
v. 조종하다
The puppets are manipulated by a puppet master.
n. 복장
When you travel to Mexico, you will easily come across a group of musicians wearing traditional local costumes.
a. 영웅적인
The performance includes typical songs with various themes, including love affairs and stories of heroic battles.
a. 민간의
The skill of playing mariachi is usually passed down from fathers to sons through performance at festivals and at religious and civil events.
v. 강조하다
Mariachi music emphasizes the value of respect for the natural heritage of the regions of Mexico.
n. 광대
Namsadangnori means a male traveling clown theater.
a. 쾌활한
The show fascinates the audience with lively music, cheerful dance, delicate acrobatic performances, and comic speeches.
come across
우연히 마주치다, 발견하다
When you travel to Mexico, you will easily come across a group of musicians wearing traditional local costumes.
date back to
~까지 거슬러 올라가다
Mariachi dates back to the beginning of the 19th century.
be made up of
~으로 구성되다
A traditional mariachi group is made up of two or more members, playing a wide range of songs on musical instruments.
n. 왕조
People generally agree that Namsadangnori began late in the Joseon Dynasty.
n. 구성 요소, 부품
Namsadangnori is comprised of six components: farmers’ music, a mask dance, tightrope walking, a puppet play, acrobatics, and plate spinning.
a. 곡예의
The show fascinates the audience with lively music, cheerful dance, delicate acrobatic performances, and comic speeches.
v. 돌리다
Namsadangnori is comprised of six components: farmers’ music, a mask dance, tightrope walking, a puppet play, acrobatics, and plate spinning.
a. 종합적인, 포괄적인
This is why namsadangnori is considered a fun and comprehensive form of entertainment.
come into being
나타나다, 성립하다
It is not known exactly when namsadang entertainers and their performances came into being.
be comprised of
~으로 구성되다
Namsadangnori is comprised of six components: farmers’ music, a mask dance, tightrope walking, a puppet play, acrobatics, and plate spinning.
in addition to
~에 더하여
In addition to entertaining audiences, traditionally namsadangnori carried an important social message.
on behalf of
~을 대신하여
Through comic performances, the entertainers raised issues on behalf of ordinary people.
a. 화성의, 화성인의
Mars once had more water than the Antarctic Ocean and to this day some of it is locked up in Martian polar ice caps.
n. 우주선
In 1969, the spacecraft Apollo 11 landed humans on the moon for the very first time in history.
n. 지연, 연착
The delay has been because Mars is simply too far from Earth, and we have had only limited knowledge about it.
a. 산업화된, 선진화된
With many industrialized countries participating in those projects, scientists are making progress, but big challenges still remain.
n. 진전, 진보
With many industrialized countries participating in those projects, scientists are making progress, but big challenges still remain.
n. 항공학
A new generation of spacecraft is being designed and built at the National Aeronautics and Space Agency of the United States.
n. 행성
Even when the two planets are closest in their orbits, a round trip would take at least one year.
n. (천체·인공위성·우주선의) 궤도
Even when the two planets are closest in their orbits, a round trip would take at least one year.
v. ~을 시작하다; 쏘아 올리다
A company has come up with a plan to launch a one-way trip with four astronauts to Mars, with additional crews joining them every two years to form a colony.
n. 우주 비행사
A company has come up with a plan to launch a one-way trip with four astronauts to Mars, with additional crews joining them every two years to form a colony.
n. 승무원, 선원, 팀
A company has come up with a plan to launch a one-way trip with four astronauts to Mars, with additional crews joining them every two years to form a colony.
n. 식민지; 집단 거주지
A company has come up with a plan to launch a one-way trip with four astronauts to Mars, with additional crews joining them every two years to form a colony.
a. 아주 중요한, 없어서는 안 될
The most exciting finding about Mars is water, one of the most vital ingredients for life.
a. 북극의, 극지의
Mars once had more water than the Antarctic Ocean and to this day some of it is locked up in Martian polar ice caps.
ice cap
빙원, 만년설
Mars once had more water than the Antarctic Ocean and to this day some of it is locked up in Martian polar ice caps.
equipped with
~을 갖춘
Reaching Mars requires serious hardware including a powerful rocket equipped with extremely fast computers.
come up with
생각해 내다, 제시하다
A company has come up with a plan to launch a one-way trip with four astronauts to Mars, with additional crews joining them every two years to form a colony.
a. 복합의, 복잡한
On Mars, the challenge will be more complex than on the ISS.
a. 충분한
There would be enough plants to produce sufficient amount of oxygen.
n. 중력, 인력
On Earth, gravity drags bodily fluids downwards.
carbon dioxide
n. 이산화탄소
NASA plans to use specially designed machines to convert the carbon dioxide in the Martian air into oxygen.
n. 단백질
With proteins and carbohydrates from various sources such as insects and leaves, 3D food printers can print pizzas and bread.
n. 탄수화물
With proteins and carbohydrates from various sources such as insects and leaves, 3D food printers can print pizzas and bread.
convert ~ into …
A를 B로 전환하다
NASA plans to use specially designed machines to convert the carbon dioxide in the Martian air into oxygen.
n. 유동체, 액체
On Earth, gravity drags bodily fluids downwards.
n. 무중력 상태
In addition, weightlessness in space weakens bones and muscles.
a. 인공적인, 인공의, 인위적인
Astronauts on the ISS do a lot of exercise, with additional help from drugs and artificial gravity from a spinning device.
cosmic radiation
n. 우주 방사선
One great threat to our body on Mars is cosmic radiation.
magnetic field
n. 자기장
When we are outside the protection of Earth’s air and magnetic field, we are exposed to cosmic radiation.
v. ~을 드러내다, 노출시키다
When we are outside the protection of Earth’s air and magnetic field, we are exposed to cosmic radiation.
n. 피난처
The plan proposed so far is to build shelters beneath the surface of Mars.
n. 탐험, 탐사
Experts mention two kinds of benefits Martian exploration may bring: practical benefits and a sense of our shared destiny as the human race.
n. 운명, 숙명, 필연
Experts mention two kinds of benefits Martian exploration may bring: practical benefits and a sense of our shared destiny as the human race.
the human race
n. 인류(ㅇㅇㅇ)
A sense of our shared destiny as the human race can be understood when considering the increasingly exhausted resources on Earth.
v. ~을 자극하다, 격려하다, 활발하게 하다
Space travel stimulates industry and draws people into careers in science and engineering.
n. 협력, 협동
Space exploration is a collaboration between countries to cover its high cost.
v. ~을 감소시키다, 고갈시키다
A sense of our shared destiny as the human race can be understood when considering the resources that are being depleted on Earth.
n. 인류
Martian exploration is not an easy but a worthy dream for humanity.
draw ~ into ...
A을 B에 끌어들이다
Space travel stimulates industry and draws people into careers in science and engineering.
appeal to
~에 호소하다, ~의 관심을 끌다
That’s why dreams and passion appeal to humanity.
a. 규율이 안 잡힌, 버릇없는
Undisciplined both in the classroom and on the court, the basketball team register disappointing seasons year after year.
v. 등록하다, 기록하다
Undisciplined both in the classroom and on the court, the basketball team register disappointing seasons year after year.
n. 계약
The first thing he does to carry out his plan is having the players sign contracts, his idea of inspiring discipline and commitment.
n. 헌신
The first thing he does to carry out his plan is having the players sign contracts, his idea of inspiring discipline and commitment.
v. 남용하다, 오용하다
You will have my respect until you abuse it.
n. 불신
Students look at each other with a look of disbelief.
carry out
The first thing he does to carry out his plan is having the players sign contracts, his idea of inspiring discipline and commitment.
n. 열, 줄
You will attend all your classes and you will sit in the front row of those classes.
ad. 마지못해, 내키지 않아하며
The players reluctantly sign the contract and start to practice under Carter’s direction.
v. 집행하다, 시행하다
Carter decides to enforce the contract.
a. 불패의
The Richmond Oilers begin to write a new history for themselves: an undefeated season.
n. 토너먼트, 승자 진출전
As a result, they are invited to a tournament during the Christmas holidays.
now that
이제 ~이므로
Now that his plan on the court is on track, Carter checks his plan in the classroom.
keep up with
~에 뒤지지 않다, 따르다
Some rarely attend classes, and others who attend do not make an effort to keep up with the class.
a. 학업의, 학구적인
The players' academic progress reports have been waiting on Carter’s desk.
n. 체육관
Lock the gymnasium and cancel the players' scheduled games until they achieve the target grades.
a. 미완의, 불완전한; n. 불완전 이수
We have eight players getting “incompletes” based on attendance.
v. 지키다, (법을) 유지시키다
Some of you have upheld this contract.
a. 혹독한
Carter tells the disappointed players to accept the harsh reality of their lives and come up with a vision for their future.
n. 감옥
If they do not go to college, they go to prison.
v. 체포하다
In this county, 33 percent of black males between 18 and 24 get arrested.
v. 비난하다
Despite media reports that criticize the lock up of the gym, there are growing voices that approve of Carter’s effort.
v. ~을 찬성하다, 승인하다
the gym, there are growing voices that approve of Carter’s effort.
v. 요구하다
Parents demand that the gym be opened and the basketball team resume playing.
v. 다시 계속하다
Parents demand that the gym be opened and the basketball team resume playing.
n. 상대, 맞수
Unfortunately, their first opponent is the number one team in the state.
n. 장학금
The Richmond Oilers won five college scholarships and six members of the team went on to college.
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