Reading Practice 2nd-Book 1 (E)
226 카드 | CompassPublishing
to perform physical activities in order to make yourself healthier
How often do you exercise?
for example
예를 들면
We need more things to eat for example fruit, bread and cheese.
to cause an event, such as a meeting, sale or party, to happen at a specific place or time
When are you going to hold the meeting?
in fact
in reality or actuality
He said he was a lawyer but he was in fact a salesperson.
a social event often with food and drinks and dancing
Did you go to the party?
being liked or supported by a large number of people
Tennis is one of the most popular sports.
making one feel tired
Shopping can be tiring because you are walking all day.
to employ something for a purpose
Eric likes to use gloves when he works outside in the garden.
to be of importance or concern
It matters little to me if you want to quit.
a particular area in a city
My parents live in a nice neighborhood.
to get something
Did you receive my letter yesterday?
an expression on your face in which the corners of your lips are raised to show that you are happy or being friendly
He had a big smile on his face.
normally; regularly
Dinner at my house is usually at six o'clock.
a person who does work willingly and without being paid
We need volunteers to teach these students.
the particular method or style someone or something uses to perform an action or considers an issue
How many ways can you fold a paper crane?
to make something neat and orderly by organizing or removing its contents
I cleaned my room before going out with my friends.
not the same; other
Dogs and cats are very different.
to become full
Cheers filled the room when the team won the final game.
the taste of something, especially in food or drink
The flavor of this drink is a bit too sweet for me.
a deep, rounded, and usually metal container used for cooking
I put a pot under the leak in the ceiling.
to fill a person's glass or cup with a drink
She gently poured milk into her glass.
right away
immediately; at once
I'll pay you back right away.
a drink or medicine made with hot water and the dried leaves of particular plants
Do you take sugar in your tea?
something a person does to achieve a specific goal or to have fun
The club provides a wide variety of activities.
the amount of time a someone or something has been alive
He left school at the age of 18.
to exhibit objects so people can see or purchase them
He displayed his art pieces at the gallery.
a desire to be involved with something or to learn more about it
Her main interests are music and tennis.
kind of
a little
I’m kind of tired because I didn’t sleep much last night.
something that belongs to a larger group or structure
I am a proud member of my school's book club.
a large, printed notice or picture that is placed in an easily seen place to advertise something or to make the area appear more attractive
Jenny has a poster of clowns on her wall.
being very much like someone or something else
My sister and I have similar faces.
an event where people CELEBRATE something
The winning team had a celebration.
the time in the morning when it starts to become light
I'm really tired. I was out on the town until dawn.
a period of time when a person chooses not to eat
They went on a fast.
something a person says or writes while knowing that it is not true
You should not tell a lie.
to speak to God in order to express thanks or request advice or help
I’ll pray for you.
a member of one's family
Most of my relatives will attend our party this weekend.
day's end, when the sun goes down
If you go to the west coast at sunset, the view is amazing.
not the same; other
Dogs and cats are very different.
most preferred or liked
My favorite movie is "Gone with the Wind."
feel like
have an inclination for something or some activity
I feel like a new person.
enjoyable or entertaining
She’s really fun to be with.
being physically or mentally difficult to do, experience, or understand
This is a hard problem to solve.
the science or branch of knowledge dealing with measurements, numbers and quantities.
I was only an average student in math.
at the time or place directly following the present one
Please don't be late next time.
the people who live in a particular area
The two communities live together in peace.
toward or in the lower or central part of town
Most downtown areas are crowded with people and cars during the week.
complete with furniture
Do you have a fully-furnished studio apartment?
living room
the room of a house etc in which the occupants of the house usually sit during their leisure time.
I am decorating a Christmas tree in the living room.
in part; not completely
Today it will be cloudy and partly rainy in the afternoon.
for each or every
How much do you get paid per hour?
not related to a person's public position or job
She went to a private school.
the money that one pays for the use of someone else's property, such as an apartment, house, or car
rent is so expensive, I can never save money!
attractive in a pretty or endearing way
My new dress is very cute.
keep in touch
in communication (with)
I want to keep in touch with you but I don't know how.
out of, not in a building etc
Go outside and see if it’s raining.
a very young dog
The puppy is under the desk.
in an occasional manner
sometimes I don't want to go to school.
the season and period of time that comes after the spring and before the fall
It’s very hot here in summer.
The ball is in the swimming pool.
an institution of higher learning where students work toward academic degrees and where research is conducted
Is there a university in this town?
any person
Is there anybody who can help me?
the part of something that faces forward; part that is seen first
The boy at the front of the line is leading the others.
a rush to do something very quickly
Howard is always in a hurry. He walks very quickly.
a long continuous mark on any surface
The people stood in a line to get on the bus.
the food that is prepared to be eaten in one sitting, such as for dinner
My mom cooks wonderful meals.
to move something forward or away, often by using one's hands
I like to push the cart at the supermarket.
in a rapid manner
She is a very smart student and learns quickly.
slow down
to become less active
You’re going too fast! slow down.
a certain amount of money that can be used for something, or a plan for how to use this money
I need to get a budget so I can save more of my money.
things made from cloth that people wear on their bodies, such as shirts and dresses
My clothes are dirty because I played soccer in the rain.
being costly; having a high price or value
Sue bought an expensive dress, but now she can't pay rent.
kind of
a little
I’m kind of tired because I didn’t sleep much last night.
look for
to try to find
I was looking for a scarf to buy as a present for my friend's birthday.
the amount of money one pays in order to obtain something
The price of my bag was 50 dollars.
a soft and strong cloth that is made from the threads of a special type of CATERPILLAR known as a SILKWORM
silk is very smooth.
a long, narrow strip of cloth, worn around a man's neck and tied at the front
He is not wearing a tie.
to create an effect or result
The storm caused a blackout in many towns.
a substance created through a chemical process
What kind of chemical do you use in pools?
to move through the air
Birds fly in the air.
needing to drink something
Singing a lot has made me thirsty.
a state of difficulty or stress
He hurts his leg during the game. He is in trouble.
in an unlucky manner
unfortunately we were not able to meet with him today.
to select; decide between several possibilities
Sometimes I wish people would choose my clothes every morning.
to make a person known to another
Tom introduced himself to the class.
a room or building where books and other similar materials are available for a person to use or borrow
Studying in the library is best because it is quiet and you have all the resources that you need.
such as
She likes sweets like chocolate, cookies, and so on.
an image of someone or something, such as a photograph, painting, or drawing
His house was filled with lovely pictures of various landscapes.
a person who reads written or printed materials
He's a great reader and often reads books till late at night.
something kept hidden
You shouldn't keep too many secrets from your husband or wife.
to use or have something that is used by others
I share my bedroom with my brother.
to be ended or made no longer valid
The party was cancelled due to the bad weather.
to end or complete something
If you finish your exam early, check over your answers.
get back to
~로 돌아가다
I will get back to my story after I answer his question.
to feel a severe, deep sense of dislike or anger towards someone or something
Jordan really hates being around dirty areas.
school work that teachers give to pupils to do at home
homework isn't much fun but you still need to do it.
being extremely angry or upset
I got mad at my sister for taking my cookie and eating it.
in very little time from now
I will be leaving home soon.
to live somewhere for a short amount of time
You should stay in the library and study.
to organize things or people in a particular way
You need to arrange with the problem quickly.
to take something or someone to a certain place
Can you remember to bring your car?
to do something special for a holiday or other event
Many people celebrate weddings with big parties.
the course on which someone or something is traveling
Which direction should we go from here?
to request something or ask someone to attend an event or go somewhere in a formal, polite manner
Did you invite John to your party?
a trip on a bicycle or a horse
I usually get a ride to school with my friend.
A swimsuit is a piece of clothing that is worn for swimming, especially by women and girls.
Jamie bought a new swimsuit for the beach.
to get information or find out if something is true or not
Will you check if the weather is nice?
to provide aid
Can you help me when I have problems with my homework?
a story represented in motion pictures, watched on a television or in a theatre
When I have time, I want to see the new Jackie Chan movie.
a collection of news, photographs, advertisements and other information that is printed on large sheets of paper and is usually released daily or weekly
I read about it in the newspaper.
a series of steps that have been organized to achieve a particular goal
There are no plans to build new offices.
to make a sound
His voice sounded strange on the phone.
the end of the week, usually between Friday evening and Monday morning
Have a good weekend!
a pair of
two identical or similar things
I have a pair of red shoes.
in a line down the length of something
They are walking along the beach.
used to show that two objects, people, or places are being referred to, instead of only one
both women were French.
to move two or more people or things away from each other
It's good to keep the vegetables and meat separate in the fridge.
to use or have something that is used by others
I share my bedroom with my brother.
the part of something that lies to the left or right if its center
He crossed the bridge to the other side of the river.
to go somewhere for a short period of time
David went to visit his sick grandma at the hospital.
a fall of water from a height
Niagara Falls is one of the world's most famous waterfalls.
at a time
at the same time
Don't ask too many questions at a time.
comic book
a collection of stories told in drawings
We like to read comic books.
causing or intended to cause laughter
My new classmates are all very friendly and funny.
prefer to
to choose or want one thing rather than another
I prefer to stay home on a hot day rather than go out.
to give the use of something in return for payment
I rent a very large apartment in the city.
having to do with rent
Does this hotel have a car rental service?
to put, bring, take, give, or send something back to its original place
May I return these pants if they don’t fit?
causing fright or fear
The scary monster is living in my closet!
an object that is very old and is often valuable
My aunt collects antiques.
at least
no less than
This mall has at least two hundred stores in it.
to change or grow to a certain condition or thing
We became friends after working together.
to like; to have a good time
I enjoy playing tennis and squash.
an emotional state or reaction
I’m not feeling too well today. I'm sick.
a place where objects from the field of art, science, or history are displayed and shown to the public
The history museum is closed on Sundays.
the time that existed before now
In the past, there was no car.
take care of
to look after
They take care of my baby when I'm not home.
being worth a lot of money
Sue's necklace is very valuable. It was given to her by her mother.
back room
내실, 뒷방
He does his homework in the back room.
a job or function
It is difficult to run a big business.
school work that teachers give to pupils to do at home
homework isn't much fun but you still need to do it.
belonging to or made by a certain person or thing and no one else
He built his own house.
a place where a prepared meal can be purchased and eaten
We had a meal in a restaurant.
to eat or drink a little of something to test its FLAVOR
Did you taste her stew? It's really wonderful.
the end of the week, usually between Friday evening and Monday morning
Have a good weekend!
to telephone someone
I’ll call again later.
information that is left for or sent to someone else
Sue wrote a secret message to Tom.
a math problem that someone solves to show that they understand the math concept
She has a problem because she lost her purse.
a cause for feeling sad or disappointed
What a shame they couldn’t come.
feeling or showing sympathy or regret about something that one did or something that occurred
I’m sorry that your husband lost his job.
being unfortunate or unlucky
I failed the test, so I am unhappy.
expressing a need for action
I have an urgent massage for him.
the beliefs, attitudes, and ways of life of a particular group of people or society
It is important to learn about a country’s culture.
the usual or traditional way of doing things for a particular society or group of people
All cultures have different customs.
from the beginning to the end of something
I woke up many times during the night.
to be guided by something or someone
follow the signs to the concert.
hot temperatures, conditions, or weather
He could feel the heat of the sun on his back.
a set amount of time defined by the events that take place between the start and end
Two years is not a short period.
the time when one relaxes, sleeps, or is inactive
After playing with the kids, my father needed to rest.
a lot of
many of some thing or people
The shelf was filled with a lot of books.
known by a lot of people; easy to recognize
Elvis was a very famous singer.
the period of time during a person's existence and his or her experiences during this time
life is a great gift, you shouldn't waste a single day.
the force that is being put on something when it is pushed against something else
The pressure of the steam lifted the lid off the pot.
someone young who is naturally able to do something extremely well
The boy was called a soccer prodigy.
in a rapid manner
Firemen quickly put out a small fire.
being better, more important, or out of the ordinary
The boy received a special birthday cake, shaped like a pirate ship.
having lived for a short time or being in an early period of growth
The musician is a very young woman.
to give more information or comment on something already stated
You can add some salt and pepper if you like.
to get many versions or issues of a certain type of thing as a hobby
David likes to collect CDs.
attractive in a pretty or endearing way
My new dress is very cute.
a device or piece of equipment that does work using moving parts and uses electricity or other forms of power
The coffee machine needed repairs, so the coffee shop couldn't sell any coffee!
made of PLASTIC
The farmer is growing vegetables in a plastic greenhouse.
to become ready for a future activity, event, or purpose
It's easier to cook a dish if you prepare the ingredients earlier.
the product of things that happened before
His success is the result of years of hard work.
a quantity of something
I drink a large amount of water every day.
normal or typical
The average age of our students is 13.
having great meaning or influence
It is important that you remember the promises you make with others.
(with "for" or "on") to expect an event to happen
A meeting has been planned for early next year.
to like someone or something more than other things or people
Tom prefers to go home late than to go to school early.
the amount of rain that falls in an area
There has been below average rainfall this month.
the temperature and overall atmospheric condition of a particular area at a given time
weather in Korea is very cold in winter.
paintings, drawings, or other expressive works that are considered beautiful or valuable
Sam and Mary saw paintings at the art museum.
a period of time when something or someone stops an activity before continuing again later
I need some break; I am so tired.
to clean, paint, or apply something with a BRUSH
You should brush your teeth after every meal.
a group of students who meet, learn, and are taught together
I was late for a class.
occurring, used, or done every day
There is a daily bus that stops here at 10:30 am.
a particular area in a city
My parents live in a nice neighborhood.
the usual order or manner in which tasks or activities are performed
It is routine for us to eat at least three meals a day.
wake up
to stop sleeping
David needs to wake up earlier.
to get many versions or issues of a certain type of thing as a hobby
David likes to collect CDs.
a container for a letter or card
Don't forget to write your address on the envelope before you mail it.
referring to each person or thing within a group or a series
She knows every student in the school.
an activity a person does for pleasure or relaxation when not at work
My brother's hobby is writing short stories.
a small piece of paper that you must buy to stick on a letter that you mail
Put a stamp on your postcard before you mail it.
to make an attempt
What are you trying to do?
creating feelings of enjoyment and delight
If something is very good, you can say that it is wonderful.
basic, simple, or essential
I look like an elementary school student.
a structure, often decorative, from which a jet or stream of water issues
I threw a coin into the fountain and made a wish.
next to
My alarm clock is next to my bed.
a public piece of grassy land, in or near a city or town, used as a place in which to exercise or play
The park has many pine trees in it.
an animal, such as a dog or cat, that a person lives with and cares for
I have a monkey for a pet.
a large, natural, and continuous flow of water that extends across large distances of land
Although it's fun to play in the river, you must be careful.
A street is a road in a city, town, or village, usually with houses along it.
There are many cars on the street.
a large store that sells food and other products
What do you want to buy at the supermarket?
any object or matter when it is not important what specific object or matter is being referred to
I am so hungry, I could eat anything.
to be thankful or grateful for something or someone
I really appreciated the birthday card. I thought everyone forgot.
to take something or someone to a certain place
Can you remember to bring your car?
to have or hold something on or near your body
I carry my books to school with me everyday.
a small piece of metal which is used as money
His pocket was heavy because it was filled with coins.
give out
to share something
Do you have any samples to give out?
a distinct, individual thing that is often part of a larger group, category, or list
There were many items for sale.
the number reached after adding or counting something
The total comes to fifty thousand won.
Children is the plural of child.
children in general are fond of candy.
the main or largest meal of the day, typically served in the early evening
When do you have dinner?
a group of people who are related to each other, especially parents and their children
All my family enjoy skiing.
a room that often contains a desk and chair where business is done
Are you going to the office today?
in an occasional manner
sometimes I don't want to go to school.
to use time in order to do something
I'm going to spend the weekend with Jody.
a system of trains in a city that runs under the ground
The subways in Tokyo are always very crowded.
a person who purchases goods or a service from a store
Not many customers came today.
an agreement between people that benefits each one, often in business
He got a great deal on his new car.
cooled in with pieces of ice
It's cool. I would like to drink iced coffee.
a mixture of raw vegetables, most commonly CUCUMBER, LETTUCE and tomato, served with a dressing
I am trying to lose weight so I usually have a salad for dinner.
a dish made mostly of liquid that also contains meat or vegetables, usually served hot
I like to eat chicken soup when I am sick.
to eat or drink a little of something to test its FLAVOR
Did you taste her stew? It's really wonderful.
a female who serves people with food etc at table
The waitress is busy at another table.
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