Reading Practice 2nd-Book 2 (E)
222 카드 | CompassPublishing
to present reasons for or against an idea or point of view
My brothers are always arguing.
being likely true or possible
Kelly's argument was not too believable.
a person who is featured in a story, movie, or play
My favorite character in Alice in Wonderland is the Mad Hatter.
to become separated
They are divided into two groups.
each and every person
everyone was sleeping when I arrived home.
fall in love
to become enamored, a strong feeling of attraction
I fell in love with her after only a few dates.
in a lucky manner, where something good happens instead of something bad
I was late, but fortunately the meeting hadn’t started.
(of men) attractive
He’s the most handsome man I’ve ever met.
something that causes someone trouble or is difficult to deal with
problems in life cannot be avoided.
a job or function
It's been a pleasure to do business with you.
카드 소지자
As a special welcome to new cardholders, we extend a special money-saving offer.
expiration date
유효 기한
Check the expiration date on your passport.
the act of buying something
I need to get some money because later I am going to the shopping center to make some purchases.
a statement listing what you have purchased or paid for and the amount you paid
The rude taxi driver snapped when Alison asked for a receipt.
a person's name, written in a particular and unchanging way, such as on a check
My signature is very simple, anyone can copy it.
the whole amount
The total comes to fifty thousand won.
a group of things or people that have common features
There are many types of chocolate in the world.
a single book, newspaper etc
I sent her a copy of my new book.
a blank book in which one writes what one has thought or done each day
I keep a diary everyday.
after some amount of time
After a long journey, he finally arrived at his destination, tired and hungry.
events that happened in the past
Would you like to know about modern history?
the system of sending, collecting, and delivering letters and packages to people
She said the invitations are in the mail.
a box or container that items are placed in for mailing
My father has just sent me a package.
very likely
Tom probably will go to the party tomorrow.
the beliefs, attitudes, and ways of life of a particular group of people or society
It is important to learn about a country’s culture.
to position something in a raised position so that the top part is fixed and the bottom is unsupported and moves freely
I want to hang my favorite photo on the wall, but I don't have any.
a piece of curved iron nailed to the bottom of a horse's hoof to protect the foot
The large stadium, is in the shape of a horseshoe.
a device made of two long pieces of metal, wood or rope, connected by steps, that is used to reach high places
Lenny used a ladder to reach the windows on the second floor.
a coin equal to one CENT; (usually plural) there are 100 PENNIES in an American dollar
Every penny is precious.
a curved line of colors that appears in the sky when sun shines after or during rainfall
You can see the rainbow when the sun came out after the rain.
right away
You have to finish your homework right away.
belief, actions, or practice based upon faith in luck, MAGIC, and fear of the unknown
Bad luck on Friday the 13th is just a silly superstition.
stating the reason for or cause of something
We played inside because it is rain.
an organization for people interested in a particular activity or subject, or the place where such an activity is held
She is a member of a tennis club.
to express negative thoughts or emotions
Tom complained when David received more food than him.
to make a choice after thinking about something
Sue still hasn't decided what she will eat for dinner.
to have a different opinion about something
She often disagrees with my opinions.
treating all people the same way
The punishment was very fair.
a situation in which a group of people decides something by voting
We should take a vote on an issue.
a quantity of something
I drink a large amount of water every day.
relating to a formal, traditional, and serious style of music from Europe
I attended the symphony where I enjoyed classical music.
producing or causing a large amount of noise
I woke up from the loud noise coming from the construction site.
make up
Women make up 56% of the student numbers.
coins or bills used to buy things, usually earned by working
It's not good to borrow money.
involved in a tradition
She wore a traditional piece of clothing called a 'kimono'.
a wooden instrument with a long neck and strings stretched along it that is held on the shoulder and under the chin and played with a bow
She's gifted at playing the violin.
a man whose job is to bring the food to customers at their tables in a restaurant
waiter, could you bring me some water?
a feeling
I was overcome with emotion while watching the sad movie.
in an amount that is more than usual or to a great degree
The handler of elephants in the circus is highly skilled.
having advanced degree of intelligence
Even though she is only four years old, she is quite intelligent.
being used by or available to only a single person or group
The apartment building included a private elevator for the residents in the penthouse.
a group of animals that are largely the same, and can produce young with each other
Scientists have recently found a new species of frog.
a long and curved pointed tooth, for example of a ELEPHANT
Elephants tusks are long teeth.
to have a particular amount of weight
When I was in high school, I weighed 78kgs.
the period of time that someone spends doing something, such as a job
Her career in the medical field spanned over 30 years.
a game for two players where they move their pieces across a special board and try to take each other's pieces
I am just learning how to play chess, and so far I enjoy it.
a fellow student; a person in one's same class
Yesterday I visited my sick classmate.
in a formal manner
The professor was formally recognized for his contribution to physics in a ceremony.
a set of clothes that usually is made out of the same material and includes a JACKET and pants or skirt
Most men will wear a dark-colored suit to a wedding.
to place something on or over a part of the body as clothing
Byron was wearing a new coat.
to go from one place to another
We crossed the river in a small boat.
to see, feel, or do something, or to have something happen to you
It is important that you experience as much as you can in life.
go by
Time seems to go by quickly when you are busy.
being as one would expect; being usual or normal
The landslide that destroyed the village was a natural disaster.
to stop working; avoid activities
We should rest for a bit before we continue our hike up the mountain.
to go from one place to another place
To travel you need to have both money and time.
time off of work used for relaxation or travel
It's had to make time for a family vacation.
to do something that causes a change in someone's situation
Her lack of a college degree started to affect her self-esteem.
aware of
know about
Is something going on that I should be aware of?
to act in a particular manner
His child behaves well in school.
a choice made after giving consideration
He finally made a decision and ordered pizza.
to organize something such as a club, group, or government
The girls formed a singing group.
a way in which one usually behaves, often without thinking about it
He has a bad habit of picking his nose in public.
providing help
Your book was helpful for my report on Chinese characters.
something that is old, useless, or has no value; something that is thrown away
There’s nothing but junk on the TV.
(often with 'out of') to take something away from somebody or prevent them from getting something through methods that are not honest
Children need to know that it is wrong to cheat.
(informal) referring to someone or something that has desirable qualities, usually indicating admiration or acceptance
You look pretty cool with that new haircut.
being of very high quality
She speaks excellent French.
truthful and not misleading
Gary is a very honest person.
occurring immediately
The show was an instant success.
a person or group who sells something
My car was broken. I have to talk with the seller this morning.
(also Web site) a site on the Internet that gives information about a particular subject or person
This is my first website therefore it is very simple.
normal or typical
On average, I spend about three hours a day on homework.
basic, simple, or essential
I met some of my very first friends in elementary school.
the distance something is from the ground
The height of the mountain is like no other in this area.
listen to
to pay attention with the ear
My cousin loves to listen to country music.
one's state of mind or feeling at a particular time
He was in a bad mood after the party.
a person"s unique character; the way that a person usually acts
His peers chose him as having the best personality.
being more than two but not a large amount
I saw several styles of sunglasses at the store.
being wise and clever; done after much thought
A dolphin is an incredibly smart animal.
a person who is featured in a story, movie, or play
My favorite character in Alice in Wonderland is the Mad Hatter.
to attach something to something else
Before turning on the computer, you should connect the cord to the printer.
on the Internet
You can see if your friend is online when using instant messaging programs.
increase by adding
I've got a ton of homework to do. plus, I have my chores to finish.
the character that is played by an actor in a film or play
The soprano has the leading role in the opera.
involved in a tradition
She wore a traditional piece of clothing called a 'kimono'.
to be thankful or grateful for something or someone
I really appreciated the birthday card. I thought everyone forgot.
being unafraid or courageous
The brave firefighter went into the burning house to get the little girl.
a person whose job is stopping and putting out fires
Firefighters are true heroes.
being made or built using the newest methods or technology
The modern car is now equipped with a radio and air conditioning.
not one or the other of two people or things
neither Tom nor Nancy can make the meeting tonight.
something that a person owns
The park is private property and not open to the public.
put out
to be professinally displayed for the public
Throw water on the fire to put it out.
a person who takes something that belongs to another person or group without permission or authority to take it
The thief robbed our house then disappeared in the cover of the night.
to cut something into pieces with a knife or AX
The chef chopped the carrots and put them into the salad.
one of the food items used when making a meal or drink
Because she lacked several ingredients, the cake did not turn out very good.
a garden vegetable that has large thin leaves that are eaten raw, often in salads
Jill does not like to have any lettuce on her sandwich.
a thick dressing of egg yolks used for salads, sandwiches, etc.
People commonly mix mayonnaise with tuna to make tuna fish sandwiches.
a spicy yellow or brown condiment used to add flavor to food
mustard is a common thing people put on their hotdogs.
to become ready for a future activity, event, or purpose
It's easier to cook a dish if you prepare the ingredients earlier.
a flat piece of food that has been cut from a bigger piece of food
Cut the meat into thin slices.
an event at which a band, musician or singer performs for an audience
I enjoy experiencing live music at concerts.
춤, 춤추기
There was music and dancing till two in the morning.
a long, thin musical instrument which is played by blowing into a hole at one end
The flute is difficult to play.
an activity which helps people learn something
How many piano lessons do you have a week?
a play with music in which all the words are sung
The singing in an opera tends to be very dramatic.
the feeling that is experienced when food or drink is put into the mouth
The taste of the lemon is quite tart.
involved in a tradition
Japan's traditional clothing is called a 'kimono'.
belonging to the distant past, especially thousands of years ago
The ancient Egyptians used hieroglyphics as their written system of language.
in or to a different or additional place
They couldn't find what they were looking for and decided to go elsewhere.
in fact
in reality or actuality
Monica isn't guilty of the crime. In fact, she was not even in the city when it occurred.
the act of getting minerals out of the ground
Salt mining is the country's biggest export.
being able to control or influence people, events, or things
Tornado storms, hurricanes, and earthquakes are very powerful natural disasters.
the governing body of a country or area
He helped sever the link between church and state.
to be all the way around something
Tall trees surround the lake.
existing with opposite sides far apart from each other
Everything was covered with a thick layer of dust.
a suggestion or an opinion regarding what someone should or should not do
Take my advice: Always wear a helmet when you ride your motorcycle.
of great size or area
The blue whale is a huge creature.
to require something important
Can I borrow your book? I really need it.
on the other hand
from another side or aspect
Donald is quite short. on the other hand, his sister Donna is not.
something kept hidden
Real friends don’t keep secrets from each other.
knowing that something is correct
Are you sure you don't want to come to the party with me?
with, or doing something with, each other
Let's sing together!
to know the meaning of the words that someone is saying or the language that he or she is speaking
Can you understand French?
undisturbed; without wind or storm
After the rain, the day was cool and calm.
calm down
cool it down
It was hard for me to calm down after seeing the awful car accident.
having nothing inside
When I arrived, the classroom was empty. The professor must have canceled class.
the unpleasant feeling that occurs when a person is aware of or expects danger
Sue has a fear of heights.
to stop thinking about or considering someone or something
Don’t forget to brush your teeth before you sleep!
displaying a kind, careful, and peaceful nature
He is very gentle with his children.
being easy to see or understand
A group of children was in plain view of everyone.
to hit something or someone lightly
Thomas tapped me on the shoulder.
깔개, 덮개
I need a covering for my chair.
a machine or device with a frame that combines and spins threads in order to produce cloth
From their looms, the artisans were able to create lovely pieces of cloth.
the physical substance, such as wood or metal, that something is made of
You can buy all the materials you need to make that dress at the fabric store.
the standard or value of something
Their products are of very high quality.
a thick piece of material that covers part of a floor
This rug is very old and dirty.
a soft and strong cloth that is made from the threads of a special type of CATERPILLAR known as a SILKWORM
Nylon has more uses than silk ever did.
hard tree material cut in pieces used for burning in fires or making things like furniture
He chopped some wood for the fire.
a small, white flower that has a yellow center
That daisy in your garden is very lovely.
the work of looking after a garden
Lena's hobby is gardening.
to put seeds or trees in the ground so that they can grow
My brother and I planted a tree in the park today.
a piece of land that is usually small and used for a specific purpose
We're going to buy a hundred acres of land and divide it into plots to sell individually.
a small object produced by a plant, from which another plant can grow
If you care for the seed and give it water, it will become a flower!
things or people that one sees
The Great Wall of China is a wonderful sight.
the surface material of the earth in which plants set roots
Good soil is important for growing crops.
to express information by writing, speaking or making gestures
It is easy to communicate with people if you speak the same language.
being partially or completely unable to hear sound
Listening to very loud music can make a person deaf.
the look on a person's face that reveals his or her emotions
I could tell that it was bad news due to the sorrowful expression on her face.
for example
예를 들면
We need more things to eat for example fruit, bread and cheese.
the rules of a language that describe its structure and how words are formed into sentences
Using proper English grammar is difficult because of all the exceptions and rules.
the words and signs that people of a common nation or region use to communicate with each other
Learning many languages can be beneficial in life.
입으로 말하는, 구어의
Contractions are common in spoken English.
all of the words that make up a particular language
It is important to have a good vocabulary when discussing in depth topics.
to do something for a certain reason
The girl’s life was saved because the doctors acted so promptly.
an area of land ruled by its own leaders and government
Many soldiers take pride in serving their country in the military.
get around
to go around somewhere
I was able to get around the security system and enter the building.
강변, 강기슭
The riverside was covered in wild flowers and tall grass.
to keep money so that you will have it later
We all need to learn to save money wisely.
the present, former or future LOCATION of something, such as a building
The Great Wall of China is one of the world's most important historical sites.
the vehicles or number of vehicles in a particular area or on a particular road
The traffic moved slowly along the road.
a person who comes to a place to see someone or something
We had so many visitors to the restaurant today.
a machine that does a particular job
No one knew how to work the device because there was no switch to turn it off or on.
figure out
to discover, solve, or understand
I've been trying to figure out the answer to this question all day.
relating to, affecting, or involving the entire world
global news and information is becoming easier to obtain.
someone who takes a long walk, often in a rural area, for exercise or enjoyment
A hiker is walking on the footpath.
a particular position or area
We went to our secret location for a picnic.
a natural object in space that moves in a circle around another object, such as a moon
You can see picture taken with the satellite on Google.
a specific purpose for which something may be employed
There are many uses for computers.
full of, having, or covered with clouds
Even though it was a cloudy day, we still had a nice time at the park.
the state of something
The apartment was in good condition when we moved in.
at the present time; now
Tom is currently involved in a movie project.
a prediction of some future event or condition
The weather forecast for the next three days is fine.
in part; not completely
Today it will be cloudy and partly rainy in the afternoon.
having lots of sunlight
The patio is very sunny today.
the temperature and overall atmospheric condition of a particular area at a given time
weather in Korea is very cold in winter.
weather forecast
a prediction about the weather
The weather forecast calls for sunshine and blue skies on Saturday.
definitely; without doubt
I certainly know Jane, but not Heather.
the act of choosing something from several options
My first choice was salad, and my second choice was chicken.
a person who purchases goods or a service from a store
Not many customers came today.
extremely good tasting
Wow! This spaghetti is delicious.
containing or tasting like SALT
He is not supposed to eat salty food.
used to emphasis the degree of something
There was a terrible fire that destroyed 2,000 homes.
a plant that is raised and eaten as food
vegetable soup is actually very delicious.
not hard to do
Spaghetti is easy to prepare.
to make contact with a person or object quickly and with a lot of force, often using a hand
He hit the nail squarely on the head with the hammer.
an empty space in something
Who dug that hole in the garden?
to contain something as a part or member
The bill includes tax and service.
being liked or supported by a large number of people
Everyone tries to be popular in school, however students should try to be equals.
(British English) to hit a ball into a particular table pocket during games such as pool, BILLIARDS, and SNOOKERS
He potted the black to take a 7-3 lead.
an effort or concern for doing something the right, safest, or best way
Please take special care not to damage the wall while you are taking the bed up the stairs.
to get information or find out if something is true or not
Tom was told to check if he packed enough clothes.
to have desire and belief
Jenny hopes to become an astronaut some day.
to respond by speech, writing or action
I asked her what she does, but she didn't reply.
to go from one place to another place
To travel you need to have both money and time.
the state of matching reality
She was looking for truth inside all of the deception.
creating feelings of enjoyment and delight
That was such a wonderful film! The plot was interesting, and the actors were great.
a damaging statement intending harm to others
The attack on the young couple was in all of the newspapers.
a very large building that is capable of protecting someone or something, such as a king
There are many castles in Ireland.
being physically relaxed and at ease
The beds at that hotel are surprisingly comfortable.
to keep something safe from attack or danger
It was the responsibility of the knights to defend the castle.
someone who is opposed to another; someone who tries to harm another
Nature is sometimes our worst enemy.
to be of importance or concern
It matters little to me if you want to quit.
the state or act of defending something or someone from harm or danger
Helmets are used as protection against concussions and other brain injuries.
such as
~와 같은
I need materials such as bandages, tape and scissors.
suited to a person's comfort or ease of use
Because both parents work, it is convenient for the family to eat fast food.
involving danger, harm, or death
It is dangerous to drive in a car without wearing a seat belt.
an attitude or belief about something
I strongly disagree with her opinion.
to place a request for a product or food or drink
What did you order for dinner?
indicates that there will be a bad result if something is done, not done, or done improperly
Press the blue button, otherwise, press the yellow.
to give the use of something in return for payment
I rented a studio downtown so I could focus on my sculpting.
being the cause of something that has occurred
Sue was responsible for feeding her pets on time.
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