a game played outdoors on a large field where two teams try to score runs by using a bat to hit a small ball, or the ball used in the game itself
Do you have a favorite baseball team?
a hard or padded protective hat, various types of which are worn by soldiers, police officers, firefighters, motorcyclists, athletes, and others
Always wear a helmet when you ride a bike.
home run
when a batter hits a baseball and runs to all four bases
It's difficult to make a home run in a baseball game.
to fail to hit something or obtain a desired result
Tom ran for the bus, but he missed it.
pick up
to lift up, to collect something or someone from a certain place
As punishment, Susan has to pick up rubbish during lunch time.
the act of throwing a baseball for someone to hit
The batter swung his bat at the second pitch.
the number of points that an individual or team earns in a game, contest, or test
The score is 2:2.
something that comes after the first thing in time or space
I think the second place prize is better than the prize for first place because I need a new mp3 player.
to move in a back and forth motion
Tiger Woods swung his club to hit the ball.
being in the rank or position of number three in a series
Only the athletes who come in first, second or third place will receive a prize.
in the same or similar manner
A moth and a butterfly look alike, but they are not the same.
a large reptile that lives mostly in water
The eyes of a large alligator will glow red and those of a smaller one will glow green when a light is shined on them.
at all times or on every occasion
Although it's hard to always be on your best behavior, you should still try.
a large and very strong meat-eating reptile with a long body, a long tail, and large rows of sharp teeth crocodiles are very fast over short distances, even out of water
having less or no light
Navy blue is a darker blue than sky blue.
in a very accurate manner
I couldn't remember exactly where I left my house keys.
paler in colour
Sky blue is a lighter shade of blue than navy blue.
mix up
to think wrongly that something is something else
I can't tell the difference between the twins. I always mix them up.
the natural, outer covering that protects an animal's or person's body
Sue accidently made a cut on her skin while peeling the apple.
in an occasional manner sometimes I don't want to go to school.
to make something by putting separate parts together
The engineers built a model of a train.
a very large building that is capable of protecting someone or something, such as a king
The knights defended their castle during the war.
to do something differently or cause something to be different
Sue changed her green wall paper to an orange one.
referring to each person or thing within a group or a series every student must bring their permission slips back by Friday.
republic in northern Europe
Where do you want to visit when you go to finland?
rising a long way above the ground
The halls in the palace, had high ceilings.
water in its solid frozen state
A glacier is a large, slow moving river of ice.
a place where a prepared meal can be purchased and eaten
Working in a restaurant can be stressful.
a tall narrow building that is often a part of a church or a castle
Rapunzel was locked away in a high tower.
the coldest season of the year in the northern part of the Earth winter in Australia is warmer than in Korea.
act out
to represent a state, or emotion by action, especially on stage
We acted out our parts during the play.
(with prep.) to speak loudly
We called Paul over many times, but he couldn’t hear us over the noise in the cafeteria.
the top officer of a ship or a plane
The captain of the 'Titanic' sank with his ship.
to make a decision
Sue can't choose between the yellow and the blue sweater.
the character an actor plays on the stage, in a movie, or on television
Even the greatest actors started their career with small parts in a movie.
a story that is written and intended to be performed by actors on a stage
More people watch movies than plays.
to perform an action repeatedly in order to improve a skill
David practiced dancing until he could do the steps comfortably.
put on
to produce something such as a play
The drama club wants to put on the greatest show for their last performance.
being prepared to do something
Are you ready for your camping trip?
a part of a play or movie in which something particular happens in one place and at one time
My favorite scene in 'Romeo and Juliet' is where Romeo calls out to Juliet under the balcony.
used for introducing a statement that makes a previous statement seem unlikely or surprising although David missed out many classes last week, he still came first in the exam.
not being asleep
I couldn't sleep last night, so I was awake all night.
from the beginning to the end of something
We spent all our free time during the week trying to finish the project.
consisting of or resembling fur
The furry rabbit hid in the bushes.
an insect with large wings that usually flies around at night moths like to fly near lights.
being very simple and ordinary
Sue prefers plain clothes rather than colorful designs.
to belong to the same family
Tania is related to a celebrity.
not different from something else; exactly similar
Sue and Tom have the same backpack.
normally; regularly
Paul usually works on weekends.
a part of an animal's body used for flying
The poor bird couldn't fly because it had hurt its wing.
not having dirt, dust, or other pollutants on the surface
A clean room has less dust than a dirty room.
a person whose job is to take care of people's teeth
Going to the dentist every six months will keep your teeth healthy.
to have desire and belief
Tom hopes he passes all his exams.
caring about and wanting to help others
If you are kind to other people, they will be nice back to you.
a smooth piece of glass that creates a reflection to look at
The mirror was so dirty, you couldn't see anything.
being enjoyable, pleasing or satisfying
The nice woman helped me cross the road safely.
something a person receives for winning a contest or doing something very well
Sue always wins a prize when she enters a competition.
to make the corners of your mouth turn up or show your teeth in an expression of happiness
People who smile a lot seems to look younger.
a small brush that you use for cleaning your teeth
You should use a good toothbrush even if it's more expensive.
to desire to know something
I wonder who will come to the birthday party next week.
the part of an ocean or sea's shore that is sandy and filled with small rocks
The beach is a popular spot during summer.
to change or grow to a certain condition or thing
David wants to become a celebrity.
the lowest level, part or point of an object
Sue thinks there is a monster at the bottom of the stairs in her cellar.
eye glasses
a pair of lenses set into a frame and worn over your eyes to help you see
I can't see without my eye glasses.
a clear, hard, solid substance that is used for making windows, bottles, and other products
The glass windows cracked because the boys threw a baseball at it!
to make something warm or hot
Tom heated the food from last night for lunch.
light bulb
the round glass part of an electric light or lamp which light shines from
The light won't turn on. We need to buy a new light bulb.
something that is in a state of being neither a solid nor a gas; a free flowing substance
The ice cream melted and became a liquid.
a substance that is hard or of fixed shape
Although mercury is a metal, it is not solid.
having little flesh or fat on the body or a part of the body
The children in Africa are so thin you can see their bones.
being a certain amount of space or time from something in place or time
The children walked away from the strange man.
to travel up or down while using the feet and often the hands
It is difficult to climb Mt. Everest.
reflexive pronoun of "he" (used as the object of a verb or preposition)
David fixed the sink himself.
an object, usually used as a toy, which is flown in the air
Have you ever flown a kite before?
of a possible manner, but not certain maybe I will go to the library to study tomorrow.
a person who lives near another person
Mrs. Jones is my neighbor.
being of a certain age
Tom's shoes are so old they are falling apart.
to be difficult to move or fixed in a particular position or place
Sue put her finger in the small hole. Now it is stuck!
a woody plant that is usually tall with branches and leaves
The tree in the playground is forty years old.
an outdoor area beside a building, often covered with grass
There are many flowers in the yard.
having strong feelings against something or someone as the result of something bad or seemingly unfair happening
Mom was angry because we didn’t come home for dinner last night.
to create something by using work or by putting things together
I want to make the biggest pizza.
not at any time never let someone make you feel bad about yourself.
an area used for outdoor play or recreation, esp. by children, and often containing recreational equipment such as slides and swings
Many playgrounds have been turned into parking lots.
being liked or supported by a large number of people
Lots of people try to become popular by buying others presents.
to act in a certain way in order to fool others
You shouldn't pretend to be someone you are not.
a character in a cartoon or film who has special powers and fights against evil
My favorite superhero is Batman.
way up
much higher
The bird is flying way up in the sky.
to hold a desire or hope
Sue wishes a prince will take her away to a magical place.
stating the reason for or cause of something
Paul doesn't like the beach because when he was young he almost drowned.
to take air into and push it out of the lungs
When you first learn scuba diving, you practice breathing first.
the words and signs that people of a common nation or region use to communicate with each other
These days, it's good to know more than one language.
a section of land above ground that is higher than a hill
I like going hiking in the mountains.
given a name usually at the beginning of life
Tom is named after his grandfather.
a country in Asia, next to India and China, and noted as being at the foot of the Himalyan Mountains
Coffee is very expensive in nepal.
a Himalayan person who is often employed to guide people through mountains and carry their equipment
Sherpas help people climb Mount Everest.
being in a condition of poor health or disease
Doctors' help people who are sick.
a large area of southwest China, most of which consists of high plains surrounded by very high mountains
Have you ever been to tibet?
a time period of seven days that is usually considered to begin on Sunday and end on Saturday in the United States
This week has been very busy.
of or in the back
There is a shed behind the house.
get on
to get into a bus, plane, train, etc.
We got on the boat just in time before it sailed off.
to use hands or arms to carry or keep something
I held onto my younger sister's hand while we went shopping.
a mental, emotional, or physical pain
She didn't want to get hurt on her bike, so she wore protective gear.
to allow someone to do something
I let the dog out of the house.
feeling uneasy or anxious about something
Even though I wasn't performing, I still felt nervous watching my friend compete.
lever worked by the foot
My bike is broken. The pedals came off.
to move something forward or away, often by using one's hands
The car's engine stopped working, so we had to push the car to the nearest mechanic.
showing poor judgment; foolish
Catherine was being so silly that she was sent to the principal's office.
in an unhurried manner
The boat moved slowly down the river.
in another instance; one more time
I want to go to Disney Land again.
(food) recently obtained, not frozen
Because of the heat, it's hard to find fresh fruit.
a container made from glass that is used for drinking
Can you give me a glass of water?
the study of past events as an academic subject history is my least favorite subject.
a room used for food preparation and cooking
Sue always helps her mom in the kitchen.
to move or change something so that an opening is no longer closed or covered
Fiona opened the door, but no one was there.
devote time and attention to acquiring knowledge on (an academic subject)
Some people need to be in a quiet area to study effectively.
a series of questions meant to measure a person's knowledge of a particular subject or material
Tom hasn't studied for today's test.
the day following today
Who are you taking to the prom tomorrow?
an opening in a wall of a building which lets light in
The window is so small, we need to turn on the lights during the day.
to get older, taller, etc.; to change from a child into an adult over time
Most people stop growing around the age of twenty.
the inner part or surface of something
The inside of a computer is dusty.
the solid part of the Earth that is not covered with water
Some animals can live on both land and water.
very hot rock, in liquid form, that flows from a volcano lava becomes igneous rock when it cools.
to turn from solid into liquid when heated
I left the ice cream outside for too long so it melted.
the outline of an object
My new mp3 player has the shape of a star.
a cloud of gases produced by fire smoke in a fire hurts more people than the fire itself.
having greater than normal height
John is really tall guy. I have to look him up.
a mountain through which hot liquid earth can move though and come out of the top
There are not many active volcanoes today.
That door is so wide an elephant can fit through it!
a hard, square piece of clay that has been baked and is used to build structures
A house made of bricks is stronger than a house made of wood.
to hold or support something as you move with it
That bag is difficult to carry. It's too big.
cell phone
a type of telephone which does not need wires to connect it to a telephone system
Most people have cell phones today.
to do something differently or cause something to be different
You should change the color of your clothes white into black at the funeral.
to be appropriate for something
This bag is so big, everything can fit into it.
of great size or area
The blanket is so huge, 5 people can sleep under it!
a system that allows people to connect to information and other people with a computer
Mom still doesn't know how to use the internet.
a photograph
Mary has a photo album of her wedding.
a small bag that is attached to the inside of clothing or another, larger, bag and serves to hold things
My new pants have no pockets so it's uncomfortable.
the standard measurements used in making clothing, shoes, etc.
My shoe is the wrong size. I need bigger ones.
a person living in a different country than the one in which he or she was born and who is not a legal citizen
There are many movies about aliens.
the sister of a person's mother or father, or the wife of a person's uncle
Sue has so many aunts, she doesn't know all their names!
having very attractive or appealing physical qualities
Though that celebrity is beautiful she is not very kind.
a country in North America, the second largest country in the world
Tom is going to canada to study English next year.
the open rural area outside of big towns and cities
The country generally has cleaner air.
the sport or business of catching fish
We’ll go fishing in the sea.
a long walk in the country, especially one that you go on for pleasure
We were going to go hiking last weekend, but it rained too much.
a large body of salt or fresh water that is encircled by land
Many people like to fish at this lake.
(always followed by a prep. or adv.) to have one's home in a particular place or with particular people
Paul lives in a big house. He is very rich.
Northern Lights
another name for aurora borealis Northern Lights look amazing!
the act of washing or cleaning the body performed by sitting or lying in a container of water
I need to give my dog a bath, but I can't find him.
to get so hot that bubbles begin to appear in a liquid
Tom boiled water in a kettle.
thinking about what you are doing in order to avoid a mistake
You need to be more careful in the kitchen.
to harden from a liquid to a solid because of a low temperature
I left my water bottle in the snow, now it has frozen.
having great meaning or influence
Winning is not important as long as you have fun.
to be alive; stay alive
If you want to live long, you need to be healthy.
to prevent time, money, or effort from being lost or wasted
We need to save water whenever we can.
a small river
Sue's family goes for a picnic by the stream once a month.
to use something important or valuable in a manner that is not efficient, necessary, or effective
People who wash their cars on a rainy day, are wasting water.
in the absence of something
Sue feels lonely without her puppy.
in an earlier time or situation
I called you before but you weren't home.
to shut or cover the opening of something
We forgot to close the window, now everything inside is wet from the rain.
an act or sound of crunching
Paul followed the crunching noises. He found his little brother eating cookies.
a closet with shelves for cups, dishes, or food
People spend a lot of money on filling their cupboards with pretty things.
part of your body with which you see
My eye hurt, so I went to see an eye specialist.
to become aware of sounds being made through the ears
I can hear my neighbor singing in the shower every morning.
to go and stay somewhere that is hard to see or find
My puppy likes to hide in dirty places.
a children's game in which everyone hides from one player who tries to find them
Tom is very good at playing hide-and-seek. No one can ever find him.
something that is heard; a noise
You hear many scary sounds when the lights go out.
take out
to remove for use
Sue took out a new pencil to study.
to reach, or be delivered to the point at the end of a journey
The plane won't arrive until late at night.
to make someone feel happy or eager about something
Betty is excited about her birthday party.
after some amount of time finally, I finished all my exams.
of, relating to, or characteristic of France, its people, or their language
Sue learnt french in school last year.
a message written on paper and often mailed
Tom wrote me a letter from France.
pen pal
a pen-friend
Paul has a pen pal in Spain.
to cause something to be moved from one place to another place, often electronically or by mail
Can you send me a photo of the concert?
an outer surface or part of something considered as facing in a certain direction
Both sides of the paper had writing on it.
to communicate something
Sue told me about her holidays when we met.
to remain in particular place until something happens or someone arrives
We had to wait thirty minutes before we were served.
in an additional manner; in addition to something
Tom ordered pizza, juice and also a hamburger.
a living creature that is not a plant or person
There are so many different animals in the world, I don’t know most of the names.
the number 50
My grandmother is more than fifty years old.
a body part that pushes blood throughout the body
High cholesterol is bad for the heart so you must be careful.
to form ideas or images in your head that are not real
It's hard to imagine the world without any trees.
a fast plane that travels through the air using engines that forcefully push air or gas backwards jets are so noisy, I wake up in the night from the sounds.
feeling or showing love to other people
Paul's puppy is so loving that even people who usually don't like animals like it.
a large body of salt water that covers most of the surface of the earth
The oceans are home to many creatures.
to be in a position where you are on your feet and not sitting
Soldiers have to stand still for long periods of time.
a very large mammal that lives in the ocean and has a body similar in appearance to a fish
Tom is going on a whale watching cruise.
to start doing something
They began the project two weeks ago, but they still haven't finished.
(plural "cacti") a fleshy plant that grows in hot, dry areas and stores its own water
Tom had a cactus but he gave it too much water so it died.
a table, usually for writing on
My desk has a broken leg. I need to fix it.
fall off
to tumble from a high point to a lower one
Paul fell off while trying to climb the tree.
not to remember something
Sue always forgets to do her homework.
being free from illness, disease, and other physical problems
Eat lots of vegetables and fruit to stay healthy.
one of the twelve periods of time that a year is divided into, for example January or February
Which month were you born in?
I often go to the library to borrow books.
to change to a different quality
The leaves on the trees turned brown in Autumn.
to pour water onto a particular object, plant, or surface
I didn't water the garden today because it rained.