Target Listening (Practice Test)-Practice Book 3 (E)
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to cause a change in or have an effect on something
The people were badly affected after the tornado ripped through their town.
occurring every year
Residents in the United States have to file their income tax report annually.
move toward
The man approached me and asked if I had any spare change.
a trained professional who designs buildings and is often in charge of their construction
Frank Lloyd Wright was a famous architect.
to seize by legal authority
Two teenagers were arrested for the crime.
an object that is made by a person, such as a tool or a decoration, especially one that is of historical interest
The museum contained many artifacts from the Han Dynasty.
a building or room where an audience can gather for a school assembly, concert etc
The auditions were held in the auditorium.
an advantage
There are many health benefits if you exercise.
a place where people are buried when they die
Most cemeteries are quite lovely in appearance.
to finish
Were you able to complete the entire survey?
as a result of something
I spent most of my money in the first week and consequently had to watch my pennies on the second.
a choice about something
The jury has reached its decision.
to leave, to go away
The plane departed on time this morning.
the place where someone is going
We had three more hours to travel before we reached our destination.
the front of one's home; the stairs leading up to a house
Dan is picking me up in five minutes, so I'm going to go sit on the doorstep and wait.
to meet with unexpectedly
I encountered many difficult challenges in the iron-man course.
a disaster resulting in death
The number of soldier fatalities during the war was great.
a sudden strong blast of wind
A gust of wind came down the hall and slammed the door shut.
an item in a recipe
Because she lacked several ingredients, the cake did not turn out very well.
a plant with large green leaves that is the basic ingredient of many salads
Jill does not like to have any lettuce on her sandwich.
a smaller version of something
I purchased a miniature souvenir of a Korean drum.
lacking in variety
The work in a factory is generally monotonous.
to get
It was difficult to obtain a passport for her husband because he was not born in another country.
on behalf
for the benefit of someone or something
on behalf of the organization, I would like to thank our special guests for joining us today.
to start; to come from
Burritos originated in Mexico.
differently or in another way
Protesters were executed, jailed or otherwise persecuted.
to crowd to uncomfortable or undesireable excess
In Tokyo, citizens really overcrowd subway trains.
personally, I would prefer that you didn't ask me how much I weigh.
the system of pipes and other equipment to carry water, wastes, etc., away
The plumbing in the old house needed to be modernized.
falling products of condensation in the atmosphere, such as rain, hail, or snow
The weather forecast is calling for an eighty percent chance of precipitation tomorrow.
the quality or condition of being rare
My sister is a homebody; it's a rarity to see her at an all night party.
regard as
to be looked upon as something particular
Dr. Campbell is regared as the top neurosurgeon in the country.
to break into small pieces
The explosion shattered all the windows in the building.
to put on view
The band will be showcasing only songs from their new album.
to cover a certain amount of years
His acting career spanned over two decades.
particular; precise
I couldn't find the specific style that I was looking for.
to clean especially a floor by moving or pushing something away
Will you please sweep the front porch for me?
happening now
Economic recovery is already underway.
to remove a group of objects from some place or vehicle
I'm moving into a new apartment, but I need someone to help me unload the truck.
the location of an event
The hockey arena will serve as the venue for tonight's rock concert.
unrealistic; apart from reality
Love is an abstract concept for many people.
to choose or take something as one's own
Their country decided to adopt the principles of free trade.
an exaggeration of one's worth or self-esteem
I don't like people who are arrogant and self-involved.
the powdery residue that remains after burning.
All the pieces of paper were burnt to ashes in the fire.
in the shape of a box
The first TVs were quite heavy and boxy.
break down
to wear into smaller pieces
Water is a strong factor which works to break down rocks and stone.
by a narrow margin
by a very small amount
He lost the election by a narrow margin.
packaged in a can
I don't have time to cook a meal tonight, so I will just eat canned tuna.
a state of interest and uncertainty
I expressed my concern about the girl's health.
to express pleasure to a person, as on a happy occasion
I’d like to congratulate you on your award.
Janice continuously lies about her importance in the company.
to be worthy of; to earn by merit
In this movie, the lead actor's performance is so good that he definitely deserves a top acting award.
an uncomfortable feeling
The doctor asked me if I was experiencing any discomfort, such as aches and pains.
having a sensation of whirling and a tendency to fall
When I got off the roller coaster, I felt a bit dizzy.
traditional beliefs of a certain area
The story of Paul Bunyan is a good example of American folklore.
a statement about what is going to happen
The weather forecast for the next three days is supposed to be warm and sunny.
a hardy plant whose pungent bulb is used in cooking
I like my food with a lot of garlic.
the act of installing something
Most if not all cable companies charge people for installation.
a person who instructs
The instructor was very kind and patient to his students.
to communicate with one another
The dog and cat were peacefully interacting, much to the surprise of their owner.
any aquatic plant of the genus Nelumbo, of the water lily family
The lotus has always been seen as a special flower.
a person, group, or company that produces goods
The manufacturer used lower quality cloth in the dresses and cheapened them.
condensed or diffused liquid
Although it was an extremely hot summer day, there was a lot of moisture in the air.
the introduction of harmful substances or products into the environment
Car exhaust emits a lot of pollution.
a post of employment
His new position came with many responsibilities.
freedom from anything that debases, contaminates, pollutes, etc.
This river is known for its purity.
someone who sells buildings or land as their job
The realtor showed us some nice apartments by the lake.
to withstand something
This fabric resists stains.
fully completed; mature
Check to see if the tomatoes are ripe.
a three dimensional work of art that is carved in stone or wood, molded in a plastic material, and then cast in bronze
There was a statue in the middle of town dedicated to the all the people who lost their life during the war.
stick out
to extend
The puppy's head was sticking out of his carrying case.
pain in the stomach
Mona got a terrible stomachache after she ate the clams.
the way something is set up to operate
This script is nearly flawless in structure and story.
a material with particular characteristics,
A sticky substance was leaking from the tube.
tastes good; yummy
Mom cooked a tasty meal!
a building used for religious worship
We went to the temple to pray.
without limits or bounds
If you pay $20 you can have unlimited food at the new buffet.
the greatest
The situation required utmost sensitivity.
vending machine
a machine that sells things
My school is removing the junk food from the vending machines and replacing it with things like nuts, raisins, and whole-grain chips.
a woman supposed to have evil, magic powers
I always picture a witch with a pointy hat flying through the sky on a broom.
definitely, for certain
The girl was absolutely the fastest runner on the team.
a special interest or pursuit
My favorite activity during Physical Education class was playing tennis outside in the summer.
the persons from whom one is descended
His ancestors came to America on the Mayflower.
to state something publicly
Mrs. Jung will announce the winners of the contest.
to fasten; to join
I usually use a paperclip to attach two pieces of paper together.
terrible; very bad
Mike thinks that his new haircut is really cool, but most people think he looks awful!
a piece of paper used for the purpose of voting
The ballots had to be recounted after the national election.
membranous sac or organ serving as a receptacle for fluid or air.
Urine is stored in a person's bladder.
blood vessel
any of the vessels, as arteries, veins, or capillaries through which the blood circulates
blood vessels carry blood throughout the body.
a plan for spending money
I need to get a budget so I can save more of my money.
to make something break and open
The bomb burst as soon as the fuse shorted.
an animal native to Asia and Africa, with a humped back, used for transport
camels are often used as transportation in desert regions.
guaranteed; reliably endorsed
I received a certified check for $10,000 for winning the competition.
to cause or become blocked
The roads are clogged with holiday traffic.
difficult to do, deal with, or understand
Men are more complicated than they think.
the place where someone is going
We had three more hours to travel before we reached our destination.
a person who installs, operates, maintains, or repairs electric devices or electrical wiring
I called an electrician to re-wire the lights in the bathroom after I had remodeled it.
the act of emerging violently from limits or restraints
The area was evacuated due to the volcanic eruption.
a display
The exhibit at the museum will last for three more weeks.
to center one's attention on
Due to her sickness, she found it difficult to focus on her work.
a woman whose job it is to organize another person's house and deal with cooking and cleaning
Over time, a good housekeeper will become a part of the family.
to fill with air or gas
I inflated my tire this morning but it's already out of air.
to move skillfully
Helen maneuvered her way through the crowd to get close to the stage.
something that gets in the way and stops action or progress
Romeo and Juliet faced many obstacles to being together.
to come to mind
It never occurred to her to call her parents when her plane got delayed.
someone who takes part in an activity
Will the new participants wait for the next event to come up?
a formal or solemn written request
If you want to change a law, you can start by asking your neighbors to sign a petition.
exact; accurate
You need to follow the precise measurements of the recipe if you want your cake to turn out OK.
full of small thorns
The bush was filled with prickly branches.
a person who leads religious ceremonies
I was baptized by a priest at my local church.
to act in response to an influence
He reacted joyfully to the news of his new born baby.
the condition of not having enough
Currently in Beijing, teaching is a well-paid job because there is a shortage of English teachers.
a path with a hard surface beside one or both sides of a road, that people walk on
I like to keep the sidewalk in front of my house clear so people can pass by easily.
a mark representing a person's name, as written by that person
My signature is very simple, anyone can copy it.
to pass from the mind, memory, or consciousness
Did it slip your mind that you were supposed to pick me up from work today?
to say something to someone in order to have fun by embarrassing or annoying them
Never tease someone when they are upset.
a small sharp pointed growth on the stem of a plant
The stem of a rose has sharp thorns.
garbage or anything that is worthless
We piled the trash outside to be taken away.
the act of seeing
You can get a policy that covers vision for an additional thirty dollars per month.
to eject the contents of the stomach through the mouth
When some people are very sick, they vomit.
very eager to do something
Younger students seem more ambitious about learning English than older students.
to express approval; give praise
We applauded loudly after her motivating speech.
to reach or succeed in getting something
attaining the office of president was his goal in life.
loved very much
Ji-soo is my beloved wife.
odd, whimsical
Something bizarre happened this morning. I thought it was the weekend when it was clearly Tuesday.
a severe snowstorm
The blizzard that affected parts of the southwest was disastrous since citiznes were not accustomed to driving in so much snow.
the bottom part of a hat that sticks out all round
The brim of his hat was bent upwards.
a number of things of the same type fastened or closely grouped together
Shelly grabbed a bunch of bananas and put them into her shopping cart.
call on
to select someone to perform some task
My teacher always calls on students who don't raise their hands.
the seat of governmental power of a country or an individual state
The capitol of the state of New York is Albany.
a stick or sticks which you lean on for support when you have an injured leg or foot
When he broke his foot, he had to use crutches to get around.
the measurement of how hot or cold something is
The temperature fell 10 degrees last night.
divide up
to separate
Please divide up all the sheets of colored paper to the students.
to make an exact copy
Please duplicate all these questions for the next test.
an unexpected situation in which immediate action is necessary, often because there is danger
In an emergency, try to remain calm.
to show; to make visible
Parents should be wary of certain video games that expose young children to violent behavior.
the physical area
The apartment complex had a nice recreational facility including a weight room and indoor swimming pools.
to complete all the details of something
We finalized my work contract today.
having a lot of flavor or taste
All the interesting spices made the dish quite flavorful.
to fall down suddenly especially with noise
The tired puppy flopped down on his bed and fell asleep.
to require an interest or concern of someone or something
Tom didn't want to get involved in the argument between Maggie and Charles.
to give a reason to do something
motivating teenagers to do their homework and study hard is a challenge to most teachers.
to cut plants, such as grass or wheat, which have long thin stems and grow close together
I will mow the lawn this weekend.
the tendency to be hopeful and to emphasize or think of the good part in a situation rather than the bad part
Even after the divorce, the father remains optimistic that he can do a good job of raising his children alone.
a child whose parents have died
At the end of a war, there are usually many orphans.
to charge a purchaser too high a price
The restaurant overcharged me for my food so I made a complaint.
to pay more than what one is supposed to for something
My company overpaid me by $150 on my paycheck.
the small table or platform a speaker usually stands behind
As the audience applauded, Lisa strode onto the stage, accepted her award, and prepared to speak from the podium.
one of many round spots that form a pattern on cloth
Her black skirt had white polka dots all over it.
to make a revision in the appearance or function of
The hotel redesigned its entire lobby.
the place in which one lives
Her residence was located three blocks from the beach.
commonly; usually
You should routinely visit your doctor to make sure that you are not having any health problems.
discipline and training of oneself, usually for improvement
It takes a lot of self-discipline to be the very best at something.
to vouch for; to promise to help
My uncle's restaurant sponsored my baseball team.
the amount before tax is added
The subtotal for the item is only $15.45 but remember, this price doesn't include tax.
a particular characteristic that can produce a particular type of behavior
Being rude is not a positive trait.
not ordinary
Snow in southern California is very uncommon.
having a low level of economic productivity and technological sophistication within the contemporary realm of countries
Somalia is an underdeveloped country on Africa's eastern coast.
to be lead or guided out
The angry crowd was ushered out of the building by security.
any plant having a long, slender stem that trails or creeps on the ground or climbs by winding itself around a support
There were several bunches of grapes growing on the vine.
to cause someone to receive something
The drug was administered to the patient through his IV.
math that deals with general statements of relations and other symbols to represent specific sets of numbers, values, etc.
You need to know basic math skills before you can enroll in an algebra class.
amusement park
a large park equipped with recreational devices such as roller coasters, games, food, etc.
Our senior class is going to an amusement park to celebrate graduation.
descending or claimed from ancestors
His ancestral robe once belonged to his grandfather.
a group of things or people dealt with at the same time
I just made a batch of fresh-hot cookies.
a small compartment or boxlike room for a specific purpose
Let's go to the ticket booth to find out the start time of the movie.
short, stiff, course hairs of certain animals that are used in making brushes
Wash the paint off the bristles of your brush or they will become too stiff to use again.
of uneven surface; full of bumps
The road was very bumpy so the car ride was uncomfortable.
to try to be more successful than someone or something else
Both of his children try to compete for his attention.
to state formally that something is true
Mary contends that she was not the one who stole the books.
broken with separation of parts
I have to replace the cracked mirror in the bathroom.
to find problems or faults in someone or something
Never criticize others, as no one is perfect.
giving great pleasure or delight
Mark and Shelly spent a delightful afternoon in the park.
an immediate and very strong need
I desperately need a vacation.
a synthetic liquid or powder that is used to clean something, usually clothing
I put the detergent into the washing machine and pressed start.
feeling hopeless about something
Even if you fail something the first time, don't be discouraged.
dark or dim
I hope Saturday is not a gloomy day because I'm planing to go on a picnic.
to deal with; to take care of; to transport
I can't handle all of this work by myself. I need some help.
to be reluctant or wait to act because of fear or indecision
Don’t hesitate to ask for help.
a liquid injected inside the body especially for medicinal purposes
I received an injection of the flu vaccine yesterday.
jumping rope
an action performed by jumping over a revolving rope again and again
jumping rope is a great exercise for the heart.
lastly, the speaker came to the topic that most of the audience was interested in.
a person who rescues another from danger or some difficult situation
Martha has been a real lifesaver for the company thanks to her knowledge of computer software.
to keep, to carry on
He maintained his idea even though others disagreed.
to become conscious of someone or something by seeing, hearing, or feeling them
I noticed that my room didn’t look the same way as it did in the morning.
a person who is trained to assist a physician or give first aid, usually as part of a police or firefighting squad
paramedics reach their patients in fast-moving ambulances.
a paved surface, ground covering, floor
The pavement is covered with ice so be careful as you walk acorss it.
pay attention
to listen closely; to focus
It's very important to pay attention to what you're teacher is saying so that you understand everything.
a hairstyle in which the hair is tied up high at the back of the head so that it hangs down like a horse's tail
It was hot so Brenda pulled her hair up into a ponytail.
to add on top of something
I poured some juice into a glass.
to keep safe from destruction or injury
The conservation group wants to preserve the wetlands.
a way to solve a problem
I've found a solution to our lack of space problem.
characterized by violent weather
The stormy weather affected the cities along the eastern seaboard the worst.
doctor who performs surgery
It takes a very skilled surgeon to perform brain surgery.
existing as the only one or as the sole example
She always stands out in class; she has a very unique voice.
to use a vacuum cleaner to clean up an area
I have to vacuum up the living room since it is so dirty.
different and many
There are various books for each subject for sale.
a person harmed by a crime or event
One of the victims lived to tell the story.
beaten into a froth; foamy
The whipped cake batter looked a bit foamy.
a wild, uncultivated or uninhabited region
I used to enjoy camping in the wilderness. However, since the wolf attack, I prefer to stay in the city.
able to have or do
Some students can afford to eat out every day because their parents pay for their tuition.
having a condition that makes a one become ill or develop skin or breathing problems from food or certain substances
I am allergic many kinds of nuts.
a feature, part of something
The teacher liked most aspects of the students' project except the presentation.
a position or manner indicative of feeling, opinion, or intention toward a person or thing
Exercising in the morning can change your attitude for the rest of the day.
having no image
The TV went blank just as the movie was getting interesting.
to close and open one or both of the eyes rapidly
The brightness of the sun makes my blink my eyes.
by mistake
due to an error
He opened his sister's mail by mistake.
the covering that something has that makes it difficult to detect
The insect's camouflage prevented it from being eaten by other animals.
what a person does for a living
My writing career is starting to improve.
a distinctive trait or feature
The most interesting characteristic about basketball player Yao Ming is his unbelievable height.
a fold or ban serving as a trimming or a finish for the bottom of a sleeve
The cuffs of his white shirt were dirty from working at a desk that hadn't been cleaned.
unfair treatment because of race, sex, age, religion, etc.
After moving to a new country, she faced much discrimination because of her race.
to take focus from
The nice weather was distracting the students from studying.
causing one to feel happy and energetic
The whole group found white-water rafting to be an exhilarating experience.
almost impossible to believe, incredible
Her new movie is absolutely fabulous!
to put something like a picture, mirror, etc., into a board or case for enclosing
My dad framed my drawing and hung it in his office.
to break out of an egg
My daughter is going to hatch chickens for her science fair project.
uncontrollably emotional
We all laughed hysterically after we heard Jessica's joke.
occurring at the beginning
After the auto accident, the mother initially did not want her daughter to drive.
to search and examine thoroughly
The principle investigated why the student was absent from school.
an obvious place or boundary
The Eiffel Tower is a famous landmark in Paris.
life span
the amount of time that an organism lives
The life span of humans is gradually increasing with every generation.
a fish of the North Atlantic having wavy marks on the back
Mackeral is a commonly eaten fish.
a member of a band which plays traditional Mexican music
The mariachis perfomed a lovely song at the wedding.
any standard of comparison, estimation, or judgement
We are using measures that are consistent with the rest of the industrialized world.
to prevail over
I was not able to overcome my desire for dark chocolate.
a colorful pattern of curved shapes, usually on cloth
I bought my husband a new paisley tie.
a salary or wage check
Most employees work hard to receive their paycheck.
extremely fussy or choosy
Most children are picky when it comes to food.
a person whose job is to supply and connect, or repair water pipes, baths, toilets, etc.
You need a good plumber when you're building a house.
having an unborn baby in the body
I never want to be pregnant.
completely engrossed in thought
I was so preoccupied with the movie that I forgot to start dinner.
to have a strong similarity in appearance to something else
His painting resembles the same style as Jackson Pollack.
to have a definite form
In Japan, I bought a watermelon shaped like a square.
a tremble or quiver due to fear, cold, excitement, etc.
The blast of cold air gave me a shiver.
a very tall building
Because there is so much land in Texas, you do not see many skyscrapers.
solar panel
a bank of solar cells used for collecting sunlight and using it for energy
Many newer homes have solar panels on their roofs to take advantage of the sun as a source for free energy.
a storm with thunder and lightning and heavy rain
Hurricanes and thunderstorms can cause very bad flooding.
not reasonable or believable
His ideas are interesting but they are also unrealistic.
wedding reception
a reception for wedding guests held after the wedding
In North America, a wedding reception lasts all evening with lots of dancing and eating.
to blame
I have been accused of stealing money from our investors.
adrenaline rush
a feeling of excitement
Skydiving gives me an incredible adrenaline rush.
the condition of being alert; attentiveness; the ability to respond quickly
The alertness of the guards is important in keeping the fortress safe.
apparently it is going to rain today.
lacking moisture, parched with heat
The desert is naturally an arid habitat.
something arranged in a particular way
The arrangement of the furniture was not to my mother's liking.
causing annoyance or worry
A bothersome mosquito kept me awake all night.
a small electronic or mechanical device that can solve mathematical problems
We were allowed to use a calculator during our math exam.
capable of being collected
The attic was filled with collectible items that could be worth money in the future.
to make sure something is right by checking it again
You need to confirm whether you want to attend the party or not.
very crowded
The congested roads made for slow travel.
a large landmass
Asia is the largest continent.
to overwhelm
Steven was devastated when he found out his pet died.
a portion of drug or other consumable
The dosage for a child is half a cup.
a feeling of discontent or covetousness with regard to another's success, possessions, etc.
A feeling of envy came over me when I saw her beautiful new home.
the ability to produce offspring or new plants
They decided to adopt a child because they had problems with fertility.
having a pleasant scent or aroma
The fragrant air was due to his massive flower garden in the backyard.
exactly alike
James and John are identical twins.
a note or message that formally asks someone to attend an event
I received an invitation to their wedding.
to take hostage and demand money
The boy was kidnapped last night.
to go down into, or stay in, a position where one or both knees are on the ground
The pastor asked the congregation to kneel.
an animal, such as a kangaroo or an opossum, whose female members have a pouch to carry their young in
marsupials are found in Australia.
a person whose job it is to fix and repair engines of vehicles and other machines
Reggie has been going to the same mechanic for ten years.
a tool for making very small objects look large
A scientist uses a microscope to look at bacteria.
a tooth having a broad biting surface adapted for grinding
I had to have one of my molars removed because it was loose.
to disagree or oppose to something
I did not object when I was asked to stay late at work last night.
overpowering in effect or strength
The soldier experienced overwhelming joy at seeing his newborn child for the first time.
a paying guest
Our small store has lost many patrons to the large mall.
a fact, event, or image that strikes one's attention and attracts interest
A man eating fire was a phenomenon that he had not seen before.
too soon
The baby was born prematurely and had to be placed in an incubator for six weeks.
to wind something in on a reel; pull something in
It was very difficult for me to reel the fish in all by myself.
a person who represents the interests of others in an assembly or meeting
The ambassador was too busy to meet with us, but she's sending a representative from her staff.
the opinion that people in general have about someone or something,
Carrie worked hard to create a good reputation for herself.
a little
I am slightly tired from that long walk.
to scatter a few bits or drops of something over a surface
I sprinkled a little bit of powdered cheese over my pizza.
to position yourself close to the ground balancing on the front part of your feet with your legs bent under your body
I usually squat a few times in the morning to stretch my leg muscles.
a thin, sometimes flexible string
It's impossible to sew if there are knots in the thread.
to prosper; to develop vigorously
Their business continued to thrive while many others went bankrupt.
not following a system of accepted beliefs which control behavior
His unethical behavior will make him a bad choice for president.
very large
We bought the painting for a whopping price of two million dollars.
to make beautiful
Her house was adorned with Christmas decorations.
correct, suitable
The mother didn't allow her children to watch the TV program because it wasn't appropriate for them.
acceptance as satisfactory
I am waiting on his approval of the program.
to try; to make an effort to do
He attempted to solve the riddle.
a large outdoor shopping area
I was overwhelmed by the selection of goods at the bazaar.
to annoy or bother
My dog likes to bug me by biting my toes when I'm trying to do my homework.
to make a sharp sound like an insect
The chirping of the crickets filled the night air.
to think closely and with great attention
He tried to concentrate on the exam, but he couldn't stop thinking about the pretty girl sitting next to him.
a person who buys goods or services for personal needs
She was a consumer of fine wines and always went to great lengths to purchase quality wines.
a pilot who is second in command of an aircraft
Having a copilot on an airplane is important just in case something happens to the pilot.
personal devotion or commitment to something
The teacher had great dedication to her students.
to sterilize something
The dentist disinfected her tools before using them.
something disturbed, unrest
There was a loud disturbance coming from the attic.
in baseball, the area where the manager and players sit
I had the chance to go to the dugout and get some autographs from the players.
to color something, usually cloth, hair, etc.
Holly dyed her blonde hair black.
to decorate cloth with patterns or pictures
I am embroidering this handkerchief for my mother.
the outer layer of the skin
The epidermis is covered with pores called stomata.
a biofuel made from crops
Some farmers grow crops to specifically create ethanol. Ethanol is generally made from corn in the Midwest.
a member of the cat family
A housecat is a domesticated feline. The tiger is the largest feline species.
arena for sports and recreation
They’re in the gymnasium for basketball practice.
dampness, amount of moisture in the air
The heat and humidity leave you soaked with perspiration.
common sense
He has belief in his daughter's good judgment.
the two bean-shaped organs in the back part of the abdominal cavity that form and excrete urine, regulate fluid and electrolyte balance, and act as endocrine glands.
The two kidneys are found opposite from each other among the abdominal region.
to come into sight or to appear
The dark rain clouds loomed overhead.
a Muslim temple or place of worship
My Muslim friends go to a mosque to pray.
render inactive
Water can neutralize the effects of some poisons.
a choice
She had no other option but to get a divorce.
at ease in talking to others
Dana is outgoing and likes to be around other people.
to hear something without the speaker's knowledge or intention
I overheard from Andy that you were going to Europe this weekend.
to be extremely happy
My son was overjoyed when he received a puppy for his birthday.
strong devotion to some activity
She has a passion for tennis; she is a natural.
to renew something
After many attempts at fixing the leak, the owner decided to renovate the building.
an act of leaving or time when one leaves the workforce and stops work
After his retirement, he was able to play a lot of golf.
run errand
to go on a short journey to either take a message or to deliver or collect something
My mother had me run an errand to the store for milk.
to become very weak or die because there is not enough food to eat
There are many children who are starving in the world.
an amount or quantity of something that is available to use
We ran out of supplies halfway through the night.
to disturb or annoy by persistent irritating or provoking
My brother always teases me about the way I look.
a light to be carried in the hand consisting of some flammable substance
We made torches so we could see inside the huge cave.
to make sounds similar to a bird
A group of baby birds were twittering in their nest as their mother started to feed them.
to become unsteady
His courage wavered when he saw the massive size of his opponent.
to gather up or collect
The snow accumulated rather quickly during the blizzard.
the aromatic inner-bark of a tree found in East India that is used as spice
Julie likes to sprinkle a little cinnamon on her cappuccino.
a place where people can buy food or drink at an event like a ballgame or concert
I'm going to the concession stand for a hotdog, do you want anything?
a group of plants raised by a farmer
If there is not enough rain, the farmers' crops will die in the fields.
to take away or out
The government automatically deducts taxes from your salary.
when a person, vehicle, etc., leaves
My departure is scheduled for 3:35pm.
able to be thrown away
I usually use disposable razors because they are cheap and convenient.
a gift given to a cause or charity
Charity is defined as generous donations given to aid the poor.
flour or meal combined with water, milk, etc., in a mass for baking into bread, cake, etc.; paste of bread
The baker rolled the dough to make his bread.
a thing that does not follow the general rule
The plural in English is formed by adding -s or -es.However, there are some exceptions, like the plural of foot, which is feet.
causes death
Taking the wrong drugs can be fatal.
solidly; strongly
He firmly asked to be released from his work contract.
the finely ground meal of grain
I bought some flour so I could make my own bread at home.
grocery store
a place where people go to buy a variety of fresh or pre-packaged foods
Our local grocery store has an excellent selection of international foods.
to give a promise of satisfaction
We guarantee that you'll love our new aromatherapy products.
a single thing
Could you make an individual copy of this report? It seems that I lost the previous one you gave me.
an item in a recipe
Because she lacked several ingredients, the cake did not turn out very well.
a creature without a backbone
The common earthworm is an example of an invertebrate.
a soft, jelly-like marine creature with an umbrella-like body and trailing tentacles
Be careful because a jellyfish can give a person a painful sting.
to work something like dough or clay into a uniform mixture by folding, pressing, and stretching
The baker kneaded the bread before he could bake it.
animal skin treated in order to preserve it, and used to make shoes, bags, clothes, etc.
She is wearing her favorite black leather jacket.
used to emphasize what one is saying
I was literally awestruck by the news.
to propose someone for appointment or election to an office
Joan was nominated for treasurer at her high school.
going in a northerly direction
I got on the first northbound bus to return home.
something that is in its own individual pot
I saw some lovely potted plants at the florist today.
to ban; outlaw
He prohibited his son from going to the party because of his poor grades.
a piece of land or real estate
The park is private property and not open to the public.
an extensive, continuous part of a surface, space, or body
There are not many regions in the world that produce oil.
a belief in, or the worship of, a god or gods
I don't belong to any religion.
a list of people's names
I'm sorry, you're name is not on the roster for this class. Are you sure you're in the right room?
to set or keep apart from something else
It's good to keep the vegetables and meat separate in the fridge.
a literary work, movie, ect. that is complete, but continues the narrative of a preceding work
I hope the writer will come out with a sequel.
to divide into smaller parts
The class split into two groups.
a part of a plant that is just beginning to grow
Dad, will the sprouts come out from the ground tomorrow?
student council
committee of students in a high school or university that oversee student affairs
student council is always involved in arranging the fall dance.
a long, flexible arm or leg on a squid or octopus
An octopus has eight tentacles that are lined with suckers.
Many companies are dumping toxic wastes into the ocean which is killing the fish.
the poisonous fluid that some animals secrete into the bodies of their victims
Some snakes release a poisonous venom into your system when they bite.
move about aimlessly
The monk wandered over the countryside acquiring knowledge.
odd; strange
I'm from Seoul so it's weird when I go to Australia and have to drive on the opposite side of the road.
to change something to make it more suitable to different conditions
Some wild animals have adapted to living in human environments.
a formal request to an authority for something
I need to submit my job applications this week.
correct, suitable
The mother did not allow her children to watch TV programs that were not appropriate for them.
relating to water
He thoroughly enjoys all types of aquatic sports.
a hole in the ground dug by an animal usually to live
I saw a burrow in the forest that was the home of a rabbit.
the lower muscle of the legbetween the knee and the ankle
During the race, I felt a tightening in my calf, so I stopped running immediately.
an organized event where people try to win a prize
The competition was going to be held Saturday afternoon at the school playground.
a channel smaller than a river
You can walk across the creek because it isn't too deep.
to give as security or in part payment
I had to put down a 50% deposit on for my suit before the tailor would begin making it.
unhappy because someone or something was not as good as you hoped or expected
She felt disappointed because everyone at school forgot her birthday.
drop by
to visit someone
I’ll drop by on my way home.
to avoid something; to get away from something
The thief was able to escape from the police.
to figure the amount or extent of
It is estimated that over 98% of people in Korea are literate.
a display
The exhibit at the museum will last for three more days.
to come to an end
My driver's license will expire next month.
to reach, stretch or continue, to offer or give
I extended my hand over the table and grabbed the piece of paper. She extended me an invitation.
something that has an effect on something else
When choosing a job, there are many factors to consider, such as salary and location.
easily annoyed and complaining
Belinda is very grumpy when she doesn't get enough sleep.
the great tendon behind the leg and below the buttocks
Bending over at the waist and touching your toes is a good way to stretch your hamstrings.
to cause a person a painful loss of pride, self-respect, or dignity
I was humiliated by the way my husband acted at the restaurant.
in charge of
having the care or supervision of
The human resources director is in charge of hiring new employees.
to have as a part
The bill includes tax and service.
a highway serving two or more states
Interstates allow vehicles to move quickly from one point to another.
a convergence of streets, highways, or roads
If you follow this road, it will take you to the main junction.
a person or company that puts together events
The organizer arranged for our annual meeting to take place in an outdoor venue.
a suit of clothes for a particular event or activity
The outfit she chose for the dance was so lovely.
not completely or wholly
When he had partially recovered from his broken leg, he stopped using a wheelchair and began using crutches.
an official plan or course of action
It’s the store policy not to accept returns.
the possibility of being or doing something
This company has the potential of making a lot of money.
having high value or regard
Few youth from our high school gained entrance into the prestigious college.
an infectious disease of dogs, cats, and other animals, transmitted to humans by the bite of an infected animal
Collin was bitten by a stray dog so he went to the hospital to get treated for a possible case of rabies.
a chair with a back and a footrest adjustable up or down to the comfort of the user
My dad enjoys taking a nap in his recliner on weekend afternoons.
to give a new surface to wood, furniture, etc.
My dad refinished our old picnic table and now it looks new.
stand out
to be noticeable
Eric stands out because he is so tall.
to present a proposal, application, or other document to a person or body for consideration or judgment
I have yet to submit my written report.
to expand; to grow bigger
The union membership swelled this month when 100 new employees joined.
to pass a card with a magnetic strip through an electronic device that reads it.
Can you swipe your credit card one more time?
under construction
in the process of being completed
The sky scraper has been under construction for the past three years.
not clearly; not precisely
The press wasn't happy because he vaguely answered any of their questions.
a written guarantee given to the purchaser of a new appliance, automobile, etc. that the manufactuer will fix or replace the item for free for a stated period of time
The warranty on my flat screen TV is for one year.
an ability or permission to enter somewhere
Jack was allowed admission into the private club.
the cost of a ticket on an airplane
airfare always seems to be more expensive in the summer than in the winter.
to believe or take for granted
Since all the lights were out, we assumed no one was home.
inspiring extreme wonderment and awe
Our department did an awesome job on our project.
an injury that results from contact with another object and is usually dark in color
After hitting my knee against the desk, I got a bruise.
When the fire alarm rang, there was much confusion in the room.
the residence or office premises of a counsel
You should get in touch with the country's consulate that you are intending to visit for information.
to communicate with
I contacted all the investors by email.
to cause someone to believe something is worth doing or true
I tried to convince my mother to allow me to marry the prisoner.
a person employed by a newspaper, a TV station, etc. to report on a news event
The correspondent was live from the war zone.
sad and gloomy
The depressed boy laid on his bed all day and thought about his sick dog.
registration in a class or school
Due to increased tuition fees, overall enrollment dropped by 12 percent over the past year.
a pair of plastic sandals for use around water
You should wear flip flops when you use a public shower, so you don't get a foot fungus.
hang out
to spend free time with friends
Jessie and David like to hang out around the beach.
a person who writes about or studies the past
The well known historian will be featured in a documentary about Ancient Egypt.
jump off
to get off quickly
We jumped off the subway and hurried up the stairs.
someone who studies the processes that cause particular weather conditions
The meteorologist forecasted five days of severe thunderstorms.
however; despite what might be expected
The report isn't due until the end of next week. nonetheless, I think we should finish it as soon as we can.
a pleasant means of amusement, recreation, or sport
Fishing is one of my grandfather's favorite pastimes.
the top of a mountain
When the explorer reached the peak of the mountain, he planted his country's flag.
to delay an event and plan or decide that it should happen at a later date or time
After postponing having children, the couple realized they were now too old to have children.
to say what will happen in the future
It is difficult to predict who will win the election.
the head of a school; the person in charge of a school
Sue was sent to the principal's office, for not attending her classes.
an amount of variation
Rainfall in the forest falls within the range of 2.4 to 5.6 inches a month, depending on the season.
to lessen or decrease
I would like to reduce the amount of coffee I consume each day.
a letter of recommendation
I need references for my grad school application. I'm going to ask my thesis adviser and two other professors.
in a relative manner
Students from wealthier families do relatively better than students from low income families.
to use something again
As a child, I wore reusable diapers.
to equal something
His accomplishments rival those of his father.
the place or setting where something occurs or is displayed
The crime scene was blocked off with police tape.
burning; very hot
The scorching heat of the sun made travel difficult.
a scratch
After climbing the tree, I had a few scrapes on my arms.
a machine that uniformly shreds paper documents no longer needed
A shredder is a machine for shredding things such as documents or parts of bushes that have been cut off.
clothing for the lower part of the body
I bought a new pair of black slacks to go with my brown jacket.
the sound recorded on a motion-picture film
The soundtrack to the movie is available at your nearest music store.
to go beyond in amount, extent, or degree
His accomplishments surpassed those of his father.
switch on
to turn on
When I got to the office, I switched on my computer and got to work.
a small pin that that is used to secure something to a wall, bulletin board, etc.
I used thumbtacks to put up my flyer about next week's party.
to help; to try to cure or take care of
She is being treated in the hospital. A full recovery is expected.
any of the instruments in an orchestra that are played by blowing into them, such as the clarinet, bassoon, and oboe
woodwind instruments use vibrating air to produce many different musical sounds.
something that really exists
Many people thought that the city of Troy was fictitious, but in all actuality, it is real.
further along in progress than others
They developed an advanced form of communication.
air conditioning
a system for cooling air
It is impossible to survive summer with no air conditioning.
to draw by appealing to the emotions or senses
The warmth of her eyes really attracted me to her.
a person or thing ready for something
She is the next candidate for the promotion.
catch up with
to come up to or reach
I had to stay late at school so I had to catch up with my friends at the mall.
to cut something into pieces with an ax, knife or other sharp instrument
The chef chopped the carrots and put them into the salad.
given free as a gift or courtesy
Guests to the hotel enjoy complimentary coffee and tea in the lobby.
a mixture of various decaying organic substances, as dead leaves and manure
My father uses compost to fertilize his garden.
to believe after examining facts
From the empty cage and the feathers on the floor, Dave concluded that the cat had eaten the bird.
a written, legal agreement
The contract with Daisy Office Cleaning expires soon.
the benefits given through insurance
coverage for this policy includes six visits to the physician each year with a co-pay of twenty-five dollars.
at this time
She currently works as a journalist.
the time by which something must be finished
The journalist typed all night to finish the article before the 9:00 a.m. deadline.
giving or capable of giving joy or pleasure
Mona and I had an enjoyable chat over coffee.
the development of living things
The evolution of the computer happened very rapidly.
Rolling hills are a lovely feature of the countryside.
figure out
to understand
It was difficult to figure out where the faint noise was coming from.
an explosive device for producing a display of colorful light in the sky
People often use fireworks to celebrate an event.
a refrigerator
I opened the fridge but nothing was in it!
an accumulation of something
After digging up the ground, there were large heaps of dirt everywhere.
in advance
before an event
The festival tickets are cheaper if you buy them in advance. Let's go buy them now.
to connect or position in preparation for use
The technicians are here to install everyone's computer to the new copier.
a statement of something that must be done, or an explanation of how to do or use something
Read the instructions carefully.
to come to shore
The Vikings were the first Europeans to land in North America.
providing nourishment to a high degree
My mother was always preparing nutritious meals for me.
grown without man-made chemicals
With all the hormones that are placed in our foods, many people are switching their choices to organic meats and vegetables
not public
I had a private meeting with the CEO of the company.
undertaken or engaged in as a means of livelihood
William is a professional writer.
an idea that states that people are attracted to others who are similar to themselves
When others are attracted to people like themselves, is an example of self-similarity.
one by one
My friends all arrived separately.
to protect something
She held her hand up to shield her eyes from the sun.
within a small amount of time
The show will start shortly so let's take our seats.
shuffle through
to look quickly through something
I shuffled through my records looking for my birth certificate.
The significance of the new drug was not realized until they started experimenting.
a chosen focus of work or study
Orthopedic Surgery is a specialization in medicine.
period of time
Before becoming a famous actor, he worked as a waiter for a spell.
stand for
to represent
The FBI stands for the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
Statue of Liberty
statue in the middle of New York harbor often seen as a symbol of freedom
No visit to New York City is complete without a trip to the Statue of Liberty.
normal, standard
He looked like a typical tourist with his camera and baseball cap.
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