막 ~하려 하다
I was about to board a plane, and I was scared.
v. 탑승하다
I was about to board a plane, and I was scared.
v. 기다리다
I was afraid of what awaited me at my destination.
n. 목적지
I was afraid of what awaited me at my destination.
n. 고아원
We spent several weeks volunteering at a community center and an orphanage.
stick with
기억에 남다
It was our volunteering time that stuck with me.
a. 영감을 주는
The experiences were eye-opening, educational, and
n. 소유물, 소지품
It was eye-opening to see how few possessions they had, yet how much love and personal strength they had.
v. 목격하다, 경험하다
It was inspiring to witness their close family ties and endless
n. 긍정성
It was inspiring to witness their close family ties and endless positivity.
n. 감사
Volunteering gave me deep gratitude for the comforts and opportunities I used to take for granted.
ad. 문자 그대로
When I returned home, I literally hugged my toilet, and
I cried during my first hot shower.
n. 수도꼭지
I sometimes say a silent “Thank you” as I turn on the tap to get a drink of water.
take ~ for granted
~을 당연하게 여기다
Volunteering gave me deep gratitude for the comforts and
opportunities I used to take for granted.
ad. 압도적으로
The local people are welcoming, strong, and overwhelmingly
a. 시골의
Growing up in rural New York State, I had never before
experienced people so different from me.
n. 다양성
Volunteering abroad taught me the beauty of diversity.
a. 확신하는; 자신감 있는
Though I was happy to return home, I was confident it
would not be my last adventure.
n. 풍경
I knew I wanted to continue exploring, trying new foods, and discovering unique landscapes.
n. 중독자
It made me a travel addict.
n. 원칙
It has now been 10 years since I traveled to Tanzania,
and these principles still guide me.
a. 고마워하는
I do know I will be forever grateful I got on that plane.
v. 물려받다, 상속하다
If you want happiness for a year, inherit a fortune.
n. 재산, 거금
If you want happiness for a year, inherit a fortune.
v. 확신을 주다, 설득하다
Scientific research provides convincing data to support the evidence that giving is a powerful path to lasting happiness.
v. 활성화하다
Researchers have found that the areas in our brains that
feel pleasure become activated when we give.
v. 기부하다
Besides doing good, donating our money or time actually makes us feel good.
n. 느낌, 감동
This feeling is similar to a “runner’s high,” a term created for that feel-good sensation that rushes through your body after a run.
a. 부유한
Helping others may just be the secret to living a life that is not only happier but also healthier, wealthier, and more meaningful.
get along with
~와 잘 지내다
Have you ever known someone you just did not get along with?
have difficulty -ing
~하는 것에 어려움을 겪다
Maybe it was someone you had difficulty working with or it could have been someone you were always arguing with.
v. 무시하다
Should you ignore them, be extra nice to them, or stand up to them?
stand up to
~에 맞서다
Should you ignore them, be extra nice to them, or stand up to them?
n. 정치가
Benjamin Franklin was the American politician and inventor.
come up with
~을 떠올리다[생각해내다]
Benjamin Franklin, the American politician and inventor, came up with an answer more than 200 years ago.
deal with
~을 다루다[처리하다, 대하다]
Benjamin Franklin was a very smart man, not just in politics and science, but also in his ability to deal with people.
v. 일하다, 근무하다
Once, when Franklin was serving as a representative for the people of the state of Pennsylvania, a powerful opponent made a long speech criticizing him.
n. 대표자, (미국) 하원의원
Once, when Franklin was serving as a representative for the people of the state of Pennsylvania, a powerful opponent made a long speech criticizing him.
n. 적수, (경쟁에서) 상대
Once, when Franklin was serving as a representative for the people of the state of Pennsylvania, a powerful opponent made a long speech criticizing him.
v. 비판하다, 비난하다
Once, when Franklin was serving as a representative for the people of the state of Pennsylvania, a powerful opponent made a long speech criticizing him.
v. 위협하다
This speech was so powerful that it threatened Franklin’s political career.
ad. 결국
They eventually became friends and remained so for the rest of their lives.
v. 남다, 계속 ~이다
They eventually became friends and remained so for the rest of their lives.
n. 자서전
In his autobiography, Franklin explained what happened.
n. 현상
Today this phenomenon is known as the Benjamin Franklin effect.
ad. 보통, 일반적으로
It is commonly thought that if you want people who do not like you to like you, you should do favors for them.
a. 효과적인
If you want to try to create a connection with someone who does not like you, asking that person to do you a favor is more effective.
n. 심리학자
To test this phenomenon, a psychologist performed an experiment and came to the same conclusion.
n. 실험
To test this phenomenon, a psychologist performed an experiment and came to the same conclusion.
v. 수여하다
The students took the tests and were all awarded the promised money.
be divided into
~로 나뉘다
They were divided into three groups.
run out of
~을 다 쓰다, ~을 다 써서 떨어지다
He explained that the study was in danger of running out of funds.
n. 기금, 자금
The construction has taken so long because of the lack of funds.
n. 기관, 단체
Group 2 was asked by a secretary to return some of the money to the institution because the budget was running low.
n. 예산
Group 2 was asked by a secretary to return some of the money to the institution because the budget was running low.
v. 평가하다
Afterward, all three groups were asked to rate how much they liked the researcher.
n. 인상
Have you ever changed your impression of someone?
refer to ... as ~
…을 ~이라고 부르다
It is because of what psychologists refer to as “cognitive dissonance.”
a. 인지[인식]의
It is because of what psychologists
refer to as “cognitive dissonance.”
v. 완화하다
If there is a conflict between our thoughts and our actions, we will change one or the other to relieve the conflict.
n. 갈등
There are times when people have conflict with each other on social issues.
v. 해결하다
Feeling anxious and unhappy, he had to find a
way to resolve his feelings.
v. 정당화하다
He justified doing the favor by telling himself that Franklin was not a bad person after all and convinced himself that he actually liked Franklin.
after all
He justified doing the favor by telling himself that Franklin was not a bad person after all and convinced himself that he actually liked Franklin.
v. 도전하다, 이의를 제기하다
In India, many traditions are today being challenged as a result of globalization.
as a result of
∙∙∙의 결과로서
In India, many traditions are today being challenged as a result of globalization.
n. 세계화
In India, many traditions are today being challenged as a result of globalization.
n. 관습, 관행, 실행
The practice of eating a home-cooked meal for lunch continues.
n. 배달
In Mumbai, many people who work in offices far from home rely on an express food delivery service run by dabbawalas
rely on
∙∙∙에 의지[의존]하다
In Mumbai, many people who work in offices far from home rely on an express food delivery service run by dabbawalas.
a. 전형적인, 대표적인
A typical scenario would have one person on a bicycle pick up a dabba by 9:00 a.m. from about thirty different addresses.
pick up
A typical scenario would have one person on a bicycle pick up a dabba by 9:01 a.m. from about thirty different addresses.
v. 할당하다, 부여하다
After collecting all of the dabbas assigned to him, he takes them to the nearest train station.
v. 싣다
Another person loads each dabba onto the right train, sending them off in different directions.
n. 방향
Another person loads each dabba onto the right train, sending them off in different directions.
v. 분배하다, 나누어주다
Finally, a fourth person picks up the boxes at the receiving station and distributes them, again by bicycle, to each customerʼs office, all by 12:30 p.m.
n. 절차, 방법
The empty dabbas are picked up and are returned to their original addresses, following the same procedure in reverse.
in reverse
The empty dabbas are picked up and are returned to their original addresses, following the same procedure in reverse.
v. 고용하다
The dabbawala service began around 1890, when a banker hired a young man to deliver a lunch box from his home to his Mumbai office.
v. 확대되다
When demand for the service expanded, a businessman started the lunch-delivery service in its present format.
a. 현재의
When demand for the service expanded, a businessman started the lunch-delivery service in its present format.
Those who use the dabbawala service are mostly middle-class office workers who live in one of Mumbai’s suburbs.
n. 교외
Those who use the dabbawala service are mostly middle-class office workers who live in one of Mumbai’s suburbs.
a. 만원의, (사람들로) 꽉 들어찬
They have to leave for the office early in the morning, riding on a packed train.
a. 식단의
They often have dietary restrictions, depending upon their religion.
n. 제한, 규제
They often have dietary restrictions, depending upon their religion.
depending upon
∙∙∙에 따라
They often have dietary restrictions, depending upon their religion.
n. 종교
They often have dietary restrictions, depending upon their religion.
ad. 대략
Today approximately 5,000 dabbawalas cover 70 square kilometers in and around Mumbai.
v. (특정한 활동을) 하다
Dabbawalas conduct about 400,000 transactions daily.
n. 거래, 매매
Dabbawalas conduct about 400,000 transactions daily.
n. 갈등, 불화, 다툼
Dabbawalas even deliver in the pouring rain and during political strife.
ad. 거의 ∙∙∙아니다[없다]
Surprisingly, hardly any cases of late or mistaken delivery are ever reported.
n. 정확성
The dabbawalas are proud of their 99 99 percent accuracy rate, which means just one mistake in every six million deliveries.
∙∙∙을 고려할 때
It is an amazing record, considering that most of the dabbawalas are illiterate.
a. 글을 읽고 쓸 줄 모르는
It is an amazing record, considering that most of the dabbawalas are illiterate.
n. 부호화, 암호화
The secret to this error-free system is in a coding system.
a. 특정한
These codes tell the dabbawala where the food comes from and which railway stations it must pass through on its way to a specific office in Mumbai.
n. 조직
The dabbawala organization is an outstanding example of an efficient distribution system.
a. 뛰어난
The dabbawala organization is an outstanding example of an efficient distribution system.
a. 효율적인
The dabbawala organization is an outstanding example of an efficient distribution system.
n. 유통, 분배, 배분
The dabbawala organization is an outstanding example of an efficient distribution system.
operating cost
n. 운영비
The dabbawala organization is simple, relies on teamwork, has a low operating cost, and delivers almost 100 percent customer satisfaction.
n. 만족(도)
The dabbawala organization is simple, relies on teamwork, has a low operating cost, and delivers almost 100 percent customer satisfaction.
n. (큰 규모의) 기업[회사]
It is not surprising that business schools and large corporations around the world learn from the dabbawala system.
n. 혜택, 이점
Today, most people cannot imagine an efficient delivery system operating without the benefit of technology.
v. 입증하다
Dabbawalas demonstrate that with no form of technology, some of the old ways may still be the best ways.
v. 산업화하다
Most industrialized countries have produced a number of good architects.
n. 건축가
Most industrialized countries have produced a number of good architects.
v. 주장하다
Few countries can claim to have produced a great architect.
n. 당황, 당혹감
One country that can make that claim without embarrassment is Spain.
n. 정상, 산꼭대기, 정점
At the summit of the Spain’s architectural genius, stands Antoni Gaudi.
v. 매혹[매료]시키다
As a child, Gaudi was fascinated by the natural wonders of the surrounding countryside.
take an interest in
∙∙∙에게 관심을 갖다
Gaudi took an interest in architecture at a young age and studied architecture in Barcelona.
n. 건축(물); 건축 양식
Gaudi took an interest in architecture at a young age and studied architecture in Barcelona.
n. 건설, 건축(물)
Most of Gaudi's constructions use curved stones and animal- or plant-shaped designs.
a. 대담한; (색이) 선명한
Gaudi’s work is also known for its use of bold colors.
v. 장식하다
Gaudi decorated many of his buildings with colorful tiles.
v. 완성[완료]하다
Gaudi completed Parc Güell in 1914.
v. 감탄하다, 높이 평가하다
Parc Güell was built for Eusebi Güell, a rich businessman who admired Gaudi’s style.
n. 구조물
Parc Güell contains amazing stone structures, gorgeous tiles, and beautiful buildings.
n. 분수
Parc Güell is home to a famous dragon fountain, covered with beautiful colored tiles.
v. 개조하다, 보수하다
Casa Batllo is a house renovated by Gaudi between 1904 and 1906.
a. 원래의
Built in 1877, the original building was very different from what it is today.
v. 구매하다
When it was purchased by Joseph Batllo, he asked Gaudi to add his impressive touch to the design.
n. 해골
From the outside, Casa Batllo looks as if it was made from skulls and bones.
n. 기둥
The “skulls” are in fact balconies and the “bones” are supporting stone columns between the windows.
remind A of B
A에게 B를 생각나게 하다
Indeed, the design of the green and blue tiles on the wall reminds people of the sea, while the curved window frames were inspired by ocean waves.
v. 영감을 주다
Indeed, the design of the green and blue tiles on the wall reminds people of the sea, while the curved window frames were inspired by ocean waves.
n. 천장
Everything is curved, including the walls, the ceilings, and the wooden doors.
n. 기념일
It is expected that the church will be completed in 2026, on the 100th anniversary of Gaudi’s death.
a. 불완전한
Despite its incomplete state, Sagrada Familia’s incredible design draws an estimated 2.5 million tourists every year.
n. 상태
Despite its incomplete state, Sagrada Familia’s incredible design draws an estimated 2.6 million tourists every year.
a. 믿을 수 없는, 놀라운
Despite its incomplete state, Sagrada Familia’s incredible design draws an estimated 2.7 million tourists every year.
catch one's eye
눈(길)을 사로잡다
When you step inside the church, the large columns supporting the ceiling immediately catch your eye.
n. 채광창
Between the columns are skylights to let natural light in.
v. 여과하다
The colorful stained glass windows filter the sunlight and project red, blue, and green light all over the interior space.
v. 변형[변모]시키다, 탈바꿈하다
The tree-like columns and the different light at different times of the day transform the inside of the church into a stone forest.
n. (나라∙기업) 유산
All are recognized as important works of architecture, and seven have been named UNESCO World Heritage Sites.
a. 비범한, 보기 드문
These extraordinary works show how important Gaudi was to the development of modern architecture in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
a. 상상의, 상상력이 풍부한
Even today his imaginative, creative, unique architecture characterizes the city of Barcelona.
a. 독특한, 특이한, 유일무이한
Even today his imaginative, creative, unique architecture characterizes the city of Barcelona.
v. ∙∙∙의 특징이 되다
Even today his imaginative, creative, unique architecture characterizes the city of Barcelona.
v. 수반하다
In 2011, an earthquake and its accompanying tsunami destroyed Japan’s Fukushima nuclear power plant.
n. 쓰나미, 지진 해일
In 2011, an earthquake and its accompanying tsunami destroyed Japan’s Fukushima nuclear power plant.
a. 핵의, 원자력의
The resulting nuclear disaster released large amounts
of radioactive material into the surrounding area.
n. 재난, 재앙
The resulting nuclear disaster released large amounts
of radioactive material into the surrounding area.
v. 방출하다, 해방하다
The resulting nuclear disaster released large amounts
of radioactive material into the surrounding area.
a. 방사능의
The resulting nuclear disaster released large amounts
of radioactive material into the surrounding area.
n. 정부
Since it was impossible for humans to work in this environment, the Japanese government considered sending in robots to
handle the situation.
v. 다루다, 처리하다
Since it was impossible for humans to work in this environment, the Japanese government considered sending in robots to
handle the situation.
up to
(능력 등이) ~에 미치는[부합하는]
The robots the Japanese were using were not up to the task.
ad. 몹시, 극단적으로
Eventually, humans had to do most of the extremely dangerous work.
v. 재개하다, 갱신하다
Since then, there has been renewed emphasis on developing robots that can serve in dangerous situations.
n. 강조
Since then, there has been renewed emphasis on developing robots that can serve in dangerous situations.
in response to
~에 대응하여 In response to Japan’s nuclear disaster, the 2015 DARPA
Robotics Challenge was created to speed up the development of robots.
speed up
In response to Japan’s nuclear disaster, the 2015 DARPA
Robotics Challenge was created to speed up the development of robots.
n. 대회, 경쟁
The competition attracted 25 teams from around the world.
n. 차량, 운송 수단
The vehicle is designed to drive across rough terrain.
v. 위치를 알아내다
It can locate the nearest food trash can.
v. (지붕, 파이프 등이) 새다
The tasks were opening a door, closing a leaking valve, climbing stairs, and so on.
v. 길을 찾다, 항해하다
This small box on wheels could navigate, scan and move
a. 거친
They practiced outdoors, in good weather and bad, and on rough terrain.
n. 지형
They practiced outdoors, in good weather and bad, and on
rough terrain.
v. 붙이다
HUBO had wheels attached to its knees and feet.
v. 무릎을 꿇다
The key to HUBO’s success was its ability to move from a standing position to a kneeling position.
ad. 결단성 있게, 단호히, 확실하게
When kneeling, HUBO was able to use these wheels to
move around quickly and decisively.
v. 마주치다, 맞닥뜨리다
It was able to drive a vehicle fast and when it encountered a barrier, it was able to turn the vehicle smoothly to avoid it.
n. 장벽
It was able to drive a vehicle fast and when it encountered a barrier, it was able to turn the vehicle smoothly to avoid it.
ad. 점진적으로, 서서히
As the series of eight tasks became progressively more
difficult, HUBO’s performance on the tasks reflected the
growing difficulty.
v. 반영하다
As the series of eight tasks became progressively more
difficult, HUBO’s performance on the tasks reflected the
growing difficulty.
n. 시도, 노력
On the fifth task, for which it had to use a drill to cut through a wall, HUBO failed on its first attempt.
ad. 동시에
Generally speaking, it was difficult for a robot to hold a drill
in the right position and simultaneously press an on/off button.
v. 누르다
Generally speaking, it was difficult for a robot to hold a drill
in the right position and simultaneously press an on/off button.
n. 시도, 시험
On the second trial, however, HUBO successfully completed
the task.
v. 구부리다, 숙이다
Other robots had difficulty doing this because they had to bend their bodies forward to see over their knees to scan the stairs.
v. (자세히) 훑어보다
Other robots had difficulty doing this because they had to bend their bodies forward to see over their knees to scan the stairs.
a. 불편한, 어색한
This awkward move caused them to lose their balance.
v. 회전하다
Earth rotates around the sun.
n. (각도의 단위인) 도
HUBO climbed the stairs backward with its upper body rotated 180 degrees.
v. 막다
That way, the robot’s knees did not block the camera’s view of either the feet or the floor.
set off
v. 출발하다
After scanning the stairs, the robot set off to climb to the top, completing the task effortlessly.
ad. 손쉽게, 어려움 없이
After scanning the stairs, the robot set off to climb to the top, completing the task effortlessly.
v. 개선하다
The KAIST team had already built four HUBOs and had been improving them for years.
ad. 야외에서
They practiced outdoors, in good weather and bad, and on rough terrain.
call upon
They will be called upon to perform complicated tasks that will be too dangerous for humans.
a. 복잡한
They will be called upon to perform complicated tasks that will be too dangerous for humans.
n. 여주인공
In the early part of the novel To Kill a Mockingbird, the heroine and her brother are told by their father never to kill a mockingbird.
n. 죄, 죄악
“Shoot as many bluejays as you want, but remember that it’s a sin to kill a mockingbird.”
v. 당황[난처]하게 하다 Puzzled, the heroine asks Miss Maudie, her kind and clever neighbor, why she should not kill a mockingbird.
sing one's heart out
가슴이 터지도록 노래 부르다, 열창하다
Mockingbirds only sing their hearts out for us.
a. 결백한, 무죄인
In To Kill a Mockingbird, there are characters like mockingbirds, who are innocent and harmless.
a. 무해한, 악의 없는
In To Kill a Mockingbird, there are characters like mockingbirds, who are innocent and harmless.
a. 불공평한, 부당한
The author Harper Lee shows how an unfair society harms innocent people and prevents others from helping them.
ad. 참혹하게, 무참히
She grew up in Alabama and saw many African-American people treated cruelly and unfairly.
n. 비판, 비평
Her criticism against racism and her wish for a more fair and understanding world are well expressed in this book.
n. 인종차별(주의), 인종적 편견
Her criticism against racism and her wish for a more fair and understanding world are well expressed in this book.
v. 번역하다, 해석하다
This novel has been translated in 40 different
a. 혹독한, 가혹한
To Kill a Mockingbird is the story of a young girl growing up in a southern town during the 1930s, when African-American people were facing severe discrimination.
n. 차별, 편견
To Kill a Mockingbird is the story of a young girl growing up in a southern town during the 1931s, when African-American people were facing severe discrimination.
n. 세대, 시대
The same families have been doing the same things for generation after generation, and Atticus is a lawyer just like his father was.
a. 유령[귀신]이 나오는, (귀신 등이) 붙은
Scout, Jem, and their friend Dill are fascinated by the haunted house in their neighborhood.
v. 찌르다
Boo is known as a “Monster” for stabbing his father in his leg when he was a boy, but no one actually witnessed the accident.
act out
실연해 보이다, 연기하다
While children are acting out the story of Boo's life one day, Atticus stops them.
n. 애정, 애착
Despite the children’s playful actions, Boo shows signs of affection for them.
v. 변호하다, 방어하다
Atticus agrees to defend an African-American man named Tom Robinson, who has been accused of attacking a young white woman, Mayella Ewell.
be accused of
∙∙∙으로 고소당하다, ∙∙∙으로 비난 받다
Atticus agrees to defend an African-American man named Tom Robinson, who has been accused of attacking a young white woman, Mayella Ewell.
v. 공격하다, 폭행하다
Atticus agrees to defend an African-American man named Tom Robinson, who has been accused of attacking a young white woman, Mayella Ewell.
v. 약자를 괴롭히다
Jem and Scout are bullied by other children because of this.
n. 증서, 단서
Atticus provides clear evidence that Tom never attacked Mayella.
ad. 그럼에도 불구하고 Nevertheless, the all-white jury decides that Tom is guilty.
n. 배심, 배심원
Nevertheless, the all-white jury decides that Tom is guilty.
a. 유죄의, 죄를 범한
Nevertheless, the all-white jury decides that Tom is guilty.
n. 불의, 부당, 불공평
Both Atticus and his children are shocked by the injustice of what has happened to Tom.
v. 유죄를 선고하다, 유죄 판결을 내리다
Despite the fact that Tom has been convicted and is now dead, Bob Ewell feels that he has been insulted and tries to take his revenge.
v. 모욕하다, 욕보이다
Despite the fact that Tom has been convicted and is now dead, Bob Ewell feels that he has been insulted and tries to take his revenge.
n. 복수, 보복
Despite the fact that Tom has been convicted and is now dead, Bob Ewell feels that he has been insulted and tries to take his revenge.
n. 판사, 법관
He threatens Tom’s wife, tries to break into the judge’s house, and finally attacks Jem and Scout as they walk home from a Halloween party.
v. 구하다, 구조하다
A strange man comes to rescue them.
a. 부상당한, 다친
Scout and the wounded Jem are brought back to their house by Boo.
n. 보안관, 치안 담당자
When the sheriff arrives, he discovers that Ewell was stabbed to death during the fight.
v. 기소하다, 고소하다
He does not charge anyone with murder.
n. 살인, 살해
He does not charge anyone with murder.
n. 조사, 수사
He knows that any further investigation will harm Boo.
v. 후회하다, 유감스럽게 생각하다
When Boo disappears into the house, never to be seen again, Scout thinks about all the things he has done for her and Jem and regrets that they have never given him anything in return.
in return
답례로, 대가로
When Boo disappears into the house, never to be seen again, Scout thinks about all the things he has done for her and Jem and regrets that they have never given him anything in return.
n. 현관
Standing on the porch of the Radley house, Scout sees the village as Boo has always seen it.
n. 관점, 시각
Scout imagines seeing herself and her brother from Boo’s perspective and finally understands what her father meant when he told her to put herself in other people’s places.
a. 다양한
The various events that she experienced taught Scout how unjust and ugly the adult world was.
a. 부당한, 불의의
The various events that she experienced taught Scout how unjust and ugly the adult world was.
n. 동정, 공감
The various events taught her the importance of sympathy, understanding, and a sense of justice.
n. 정의, 공정
The various events taught her the importance of sympathy, understanding, and a sense of justice.