v. 제공하다, (음식을) 차려 내다
French fries, which are often served with fast foods, are one of the best known American side dishes.
instead of
∙∙∙ 대신에 Instead of French fries, the French have traditionally enjoyed roasted potatoes with chicken.
v. (오븐이나 불에) 굽다
Instead of French fries, the French have traditionally enjoyed roasted potatoes with chicken.
ad. 비교적, 상대적으로
The potato has become such an important part of Western food culture that it is hard to believe that it has had such a relatively short history in Europe.
a. 낯선, 익숙하지 않은
At first, European did not like this unfamiliar and alien food.
a. 생경한, 이질적인, 외래의
At first, European did not like this unfamiliar and alien food.
n. 악마
Some believed that potatoes were created by devils.
ad. 꾸준하게, 지속적으로
The potato gradually but steadily spread across Europe, as people learned how it could help them in times of war, bad weather, and desperate hunger.
a. 절망적인, 필사적인
After a series of desperate attempts, one man eventually found that Paris green, a toxic chemical used for making green paint, killed the beetles.
a. 보통의, 평균적인
The average European not only often went hungry, but sometimes even starve to death.
starve to death
굶어 죽다
The average European not only often went hungry, but sometimes even starve to death.
n. 기근
The new variety of rice contributed to ending famine in this region.
n. 10년
Many countries sufferred nationwide famines at least once every decade.
n. 영양(분)
Throughout Europe, potatoes quicly became the main source of nutrition for the majority of common people.
n. 대다수, 대부분
Throughout Europe, potatoes quicly became the main source of nutrition for the majority of common people.
take over
v. 점령하다, 차지하다
By the end of the 18th century, potatoes had taken over most European farms, and famine had become a rare and unusual incident.
a. 드문, 희귀한
By the end of the 18th century, potatoes had taken over most European farms, and famine had become a rare and unusual incident.
n. 사건, 사고, 일
By the end of the 18th century, potatoes had taken over most European farms, and famine had become a rare and unusual incident.
v. ∙∙∙를 먹이다
At long last, Europe was able to feed itself.
a. 값싼, 비싸지 않은
Thanks to the fact that the potato was inexpensive and nutritious, many Europeans escaped famines, and the populations in European nations increased rapidly during the 19th century.
v. 벗어나다, 탈출하다
Thanks to the fact that the potato was inexpensive and nutritious, many Europeans escaped famines, and the populations in European nations increased rapidly during the 19th century.
n. 경작물, 농작물
It was easier to grow potatoes than many other crops, so fewer people were needed for farming.
v. 제조하다
People who no longer worked on farms came to the cities and became factory workers, which enabled new manufacturing industries to grow more quickly.
v. 모험하다
With the larger populations and more advanced technologies, European nations became powerful enough to venture into other parts of the world and colonize them.
v. ∙∙∙를 식민지로 만들다
With the larger populations and more advanced technologies, European nations became powerful enough to venture into other parts of the world and colonize them.
n. 영향
The impact of the potato in Europe was not entirely positive.
ad. 지나치게, 과도하게
Because the people of Ireland were excessively dependent upon the potato for food, when a potato disease hit Europe in 1845, it led to a disastrous situation.
v. ∙∙∙에게 영향을 주다
Many countries were affected, but Ireland suffered the most.
wipe out
휩쓸다, 완전히 파괴하다
In two months, a potato disease wiped out almost half of the potato crop in Ireland.
v. 이주하다
By 1852, two million Irish people had fled Ireland, and almost three-quarters of them had migrated to the United States.
a. 치명적인, 죽음의
Irish famine was one of the deadliest famines in history.
n. 결과
Despite the terrible outcome of the potato disease in Europe, it was perhaps less important in the potato's history than the Colorado potato beetle was in North America.
n. 딱정벌레(와 비슷한 곤충)
In the 1860s, the potato beetle was carried by horses and cows from Mexico to the state of Colorado in the United States.
n. 증기선
In Colorado, potato beetle attacked potatoes and spread quickly when potatoes were shipped to other parts of the country on trains and steamships.
a. 취약한, 영향받기 쉬운
American farmers had only planted a few varieties of potatoes, and the potatoes that they planted were extremely vulnerable to the pest.
a. 무방비의, 방어할 수 없는
Farmers were practically defenseless against the potato beetle.
n. 해충
A farmer accidentally found a chemical material that kills pests.
n. 화학 물질
Chemists decided to try other chemicals for other problems.
n. 물질
Scientists began to do research and discover chemicals and substances that were effective for many different agricultural problems.
a. 농업의
The major agricultural product of this region is corn.
ad. 겉보기에는, 표면적으로
Often, the course of history is changed by seemingly insignificant things.
a. 중요하지 않은, 사소한
Often, the course of history is changed by seemingly insignificant things.
v. (다른 대상을) 완전히 가리다, 집어삼키다
Some sinkholes are large enough to swallow
entire buildings.
n. 가구, 비품
Seeing that Jeff and all his furnishings had
vanished into the earth, Jeremy desperately tried to rescue him.
v. 사라지다
Seeing that Jeff and all his furnishings had
vanished into the earth, Jeremy desperately tried to rescue him.
ad. 필사적으로, 절망적으로
Jeremy desperately tried to rescue him.
v. 붕괴하다, 무너지다
In 2010, in Guatemala City, an area
approximately 20 meters wide and 30 meters deep collapsed, killing 15 people.
n. 표면
A sinkhole is caused by a collapse of the land
v. 달라지다, 다르다
Sinkholes vary in size from 1 to 600 meters deep.
n. 통로
It is said that the ancient Maya believed
sinkholes were passageways to the world of the dead.
a. 파괴적인
Not all sinkholes are dangerous, destructive,
and ruinous.
a. 파멸을 가져올, 파괴적인
Not all sinkholes are dangerous, destructive,
and ruinous.
v. 끌다, 유혹하다
Some sinkholes attract tourists who are
interested in the mystery of nature.
a. 주목할 만한, 유명한
Some notable sinkholes include Sima
Humboldt in Venezuela and Xiaozhai Tiankeng in China.
v. 형성되다, 형성시키다
Sinkholes can form underwater.
ad. 물속에서, 수면 아래에서 Underwater sinkholes are called blue holes.
a. 멋진, 장관의
The Great Blue Hole in Belize is one of the
most spectacular.
ad. 전형적으로, 일반적으로
Sinkholes typically occur in areas where the
rock beneath the surface soil is limestone, carbonate rock, or sandstone.
wear away
마모시키다, 닳다
Soft rock is easily worn away by water.
v. 스며들다, 배다
When rainwater seeps down through surface
soil, it eventually reaches the bedrock below.
n. 기반암 Bedrock is the rock in the ground that supports all the soil above it.
v. 침식하다
Rainwater erodes the bedrock, creating cracks underground.
n. 균열
Rainwater erodes the bedrock, creating cracks underground.
ad. 서서히
As the process continues, the soil above is
gradually washed into the cracks.
n. 요인, 원인
The most common factor that triggers a
collapse is a change in underground water levels.
ad. 극적으로, 인상적으로
A sudden heavy rain can add dramatically to the weight of the surface soil.
bring about
초래하다, 일으키다
Heavy weight on soft soil can bring about an unpredictable collapse.
ad. 간접적으로
Most sinkholes we are seeing these days are indirectly related to human activities.
v. 유발하다, 일으키다
The most common factor that triggers a collapse
is a change in underground water levels.
n. 지하수
Sinkholes may occur because of the removal of groundwater.
a. 도시의
Many sinkholes have opened up in urban areas around the world, sometimes resulting in tragic accidents.
result in
~을 야기하다
Many sinkholes have opened up in urban areas around the world, sometimes resulting in tragic accidents.
v. 기울어지다
If you live in an area where sinkholes have happened before, look around for possible warnings, such as leaning trees.
ad. 올바르게, 적절히
If you live in an area where sinkholes have happened before, look around for possible warnings, such as doors or windows that don’t close properly.
n. (특정한) 장소
If you live in an area where sinkholes have happened before, look around for possible warnings, such as rainwater collecting in unusual spots.
n. 부주의
Sinkholes caused by human carelessness can often be prevented.
prior to
~보다 앞서
Thorough soil testing prior to construction is the best way to prevent the formation of a sinkhole in the middle of a city.
v. 유지하다, 관리하다
Thorough soil testing and maintaining the underground water and plumbing systems are the best ways to prevent the formation of a sinkhole in the middle of a city.
a. 널리 퍼진, 광범위한
Sinkholes are not widespread events like hurricanes or earthquakes.
v. 국한시키다
Sinkholes are not widespread events. They are very localized.
v. 무시하다
We should not ignore the possibility of sinkholes.
n. 가능성
We should not ignore the possibility of sinkholes.