YBM 고등 기본 영어 김수연 Lesson 1-6
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n. (심신이 모두) 건강함
Wellness Tips for Teens
n. 보호자, 수호자
I’m Jiyeon Choi, family doctor and your health guardian.
ad. 종종, 자주
I’m going to answer some of the most frequently asked questions from my audience about skin care, sleep and stress.
n. 청중, 시청자
I’m going to answer some of the most frequently asked questions from my audience about skin care, sleep and stress.
n. 여드름
As soon as I got in high school, I started having acne.
n. 안색, 피부 빛깔
Oily skin has a shiny complexion, blackheads, and pimples.
v. ~을 막다
Use cosmetics that do not block pores, and never squeeze pimples.
n. (피부의) 털구멍
Use cosmetics that do not block pores, and never squeeze pimples.
regardless of
~에 상관없이
Let me tell you what to do for skin care regardless of skin type.
v. 문지르다
When you wash your skin, do not rub your skin too much.
v. 수분을 공급하다
Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout the day.
a. 필수의
Water is an essential part of healthy skin.
last but not least
마지막(이지만 중요한 것)으로
Last but not least, protect your skin.
v. 촉촉하게 하다
Moisturize your skin, using moisturizer that does not trigger skin problems.
v. ~을 일으키다, 유발하다
Moisturize your skin, using moisturizer that does not trigger skin problems.
v. ~을 바르다, ~을 칠하다
Apply enough sunscreen to all skin not covered by clothing.
v. ~을 의도하다
I use my smartphone before bed and go to sleep much later than I intended.
take ~ seriously
~을 중대시하다
You should take sleep seriously.
v. 수행하다
But not having enough sleep can make it hard for people to focus and perform tasks.
a. 감정의
It can also lead to emotional problems such as depression.
n. 우울, 우울증
It can also lead to emotional problems such as depression.
v. ~을 추천하다
To sleep well, I recommend that you go to bed at the same time every night.
n. 일과; 관례; 순서
Having a bedtime routine is a great idea.
v. ~을 풀어주다, ~을 방출하다
As you look at your smartphone in the dark, the light that shines from it stops the release of melatonin.
v. ~을 유발하다
It is a hormone which is known to induce sleep.
v. 동기를 부여하다
I stress out easily and cannot motivate myself to do anything.
a. 정상적인, 자연스러운
It’s perfectly normal to get stressed.
a. 유익한
A little bit of stress is beneficial because it pushes you to be alert.
a. 방심하지 않는, 기민한
A little bit of stress is beneficial because it pushes you to be alert.
v. 고갈시키다, 소모시키다
But too much stress will drain your energy, leaving you depressed and helpless.
a. 효과적인
Although you can’t be free from stress, you want to have effective stress relievers.
v. 완화하다
In particular, I find leisure activities very helpful for relieving stress.
n. 여가
In particular, I find leisure activities very helpful for relieving stress.
as though
마치 ~인 것처럼
I know many teens feel as though their lives are too busy for hobbies.
a. 마음의, 정신의
Exercise is known to provide mental health benefits, not to mention physical ones.
not to mention
~은 말할 것도 없고
Exercise is known to provide mental health benefits, not to mention physical ones.
n. 상승, 증진
Exercise leads to a natural mood boost and improved confidence.
n. 자신(감)
Exercise leads to a natural mood boost and improved confidence.
engage in
~에 참여하다
Find something you enjoy engaging in for your health.
n. 야생 동물, 야생 생물
New Zealand’s love of wildlife is extraordinary.
n. 지폐
Have you seen banknotes from other countries?
v. ~의 특징을 이루다
They often feature important historical figures such as Benjamin Franklin.
n. (역사상의) 인물
They often feature important historical figures such as Benjamin Franklin.
on the edge of
막 ~하려는 참에
That’s because more and more wild animals are on the edge of extinction.
n. 멸종
That’s because more and more wild animals are on the edge of extinction.
n. (동식물 분류상의) 종
Let’s look at some banknotes that show endangered species to raise awareness of protecting them.
n. 인식
Let’s look at some banknotes that show endangered species to raise awareness of protecting them.
a. 비범한, 예사롭지 않은
New Zealand’s love of wildlife is extraordinary.
a. 뒷면의
Since the 1930s, the reverse sides of the nation’s banknotes have honored a variety of wildlife species.
v. 명예를 주다
Since the 1930s, the reverse sides of the nation’s banknotes have honored a variety of wildlife species.
ad. 상당히, 크게
The number of yellow-eyed penguins has significantly declined over the past 20 years.
v. 감소하다
The number of yellow-eyed penguins has significantly declined over the past 20 years.
n. (질병의) 발생
Rising ocean temperatures and an outbreak of infectious disease in the 2000s have caused their near extinction.
a. 전염성의
Rising ocean temperatures and an outbreak of infectious disease in the 2000s have caused their near extinction.
v. 확인하다, 식별하다
The yellow-eyed penguin is easily identified by the band of yellow feathers surrounding its eyes.
n. 띠, 줄무늬
The yellow-eyed penguin is easily identified by the band of yellow feathers surrounding its eyes.
v. 보호하다, 보존하다
Preserving the Sika Deer: Taiwan
v. (아름답게) 꾸미다; n. 우아함
A family of sika deer graces the reverse side of the 500-dollar bill in Taiwan.
v. 소중하게 여기다
Sika deer are much prized for their beauty because they have a light brownish coat with white spots.
n. 반점
Sika deer are much prized for their beauty because they have a light brownish coat with white spots.
n. (사슴의) 가지진 뿔
Unfortunately, deer antlers are widely used in Chinese medicine.
n. 개체군, 개체 수
There’s another reason sika deer populations have declined.
n. 서식지
The natural habitat of sika deer lay in the lowland plains, and they were easily converted to farmland.
v. 개조하다
The natural habitat of sika deer lay in the lowland plains, and they were easily converted to farmland.
v. 착수하다
In 1984, Taiwan’s Council of Agriculture launched the Sika Deer Reintroduction Project.
thanks to
~ 덕분에
Thanks to the project, a good number of sika deer are currently living well in national parks.
a number of
Thanks to the project, a good number of sika deer are currently living well in national parks.
up to
Axolotls live in water, surviving up to 15 years on a diet of worms and fish.
n. 식사
Axolotls live in water, surviving up to 15 years on a diet of worms and fish.
ad. 전형적으로, 일반적으로
They are typically black or spotted brown, but white varieties are also common.
n. 품종, 종류
They are typically black or spotted brown, but white varieties are also common.
food chain
먹이 사슬
The axolotl began to decline in number as large fish were introduced into the lake and pushed the axolotl down the food chain.
n. 거래
Due to their cute appearance, axolotls are popular in the aquarium trade.
n. 훌륭한 요리
Roasted axolotl is considered a delicious treat in Mexico.
v. 기여하다
These factors have contributed to the shrinking number of the species.
v. 줄다, 감소하다
These factors have contributed to the shrinking number of the species.
on foot
They were the most difficult and dangerous to hunt on foot.
n. 인기
The Big Five’s popularity among hunters led to their decreasing numbers.
lead to
~로 이어지다
The Big Five’s popularity among hunters led to their decreasing numbers.
seek after
~을 찾다
Leopards and their fur are much sought after by those in the hunting and fashion industry.
ad. 결과적으로
Consequently, leopard populations are significantly decreasing.
n. 남용
All of these animals are endangered for various reasons, including human abuse of nature.
v. (흥미, 주의를) 끌다
The design of athletes clothing draws as much attention as its function.
n. 기능
The design of athletes clothing draws as much attention as its function.
n. 광경
One of the most interesting sights at the 2018 Olympic Games held in Pyeongchang was the skeleton competition.
v. 열다, 개최하다
One of the most interesting sights at the 2018 Olympic Games held in Pyeongchang was the skeleton competition.
n. 경기, 대회, 시합
One of the most interesting sights at the 2018 Olympic Games held in Pyeongchang was the skeleton competition.
show off
과시하다, 자랑하다
The racers showed off their various helmets.
n. 메달 수령자[획득자]
Yun Sung-bin is the gold medalist from South Korea.
n. 경주
The helmet let him feel as if the superhero were with him during races.
v. ~에 영향을 주다
Clothes influence how we feel about ourselves.
dress up
옷을 갖춰 입다
Dressing up in suits can make us perceive ourselves as professional and confident.
v. 인지하다
Dressing up in suits can make us perceive ourselves as professional and confident.
a. 편안한
Wearing casual clothes helps us feel free and relaxed.
v. 행동하다
Such feelings impact how we think and behave.
ad. 효율적으로
People think more professionally and work more efficiently when they are wearing suits.
a. 유능한
People in suits are perceived as capable and powerful.
a. 생산적인
Some people wear professional clothes even when they are working from home so that they will be as productive as at their workplaces.
a. 마음 편한, 느긋한
The relaxed and comfortable feeling you get from casual clothing may make your attitude more friendly and easygoing.
ad. 격식을 차려
When you want to make friends, it is better to be dressed casually rather than formally.
a. 마음이 넓은, 편견 없는
Some companies encourage workers to dress casually so that they will be more friendly and open-minded towards one another.
n. 수행, 성과
Sometimes clothes even affect the wearer’s physical performance.
v. 조사하다, 연구하다
A group of researchers investigated the physical effects of wearing certain colors.
v. 드러내다, 보여주다
Their experiments revealed that people wearing red had higher heart rates and gave a better physical performance.
heart rate
심장 박동 수
Their experiments revealed that people wearing red had higher heart rates and gave a better physical performance.
n. 무게, 중량
Their experiments revealed that people wearing red gave a better physical performance, such as lifting a heavier weight, than those wearing blue.
n. 압력
Your body produces hormones that speed up your heart rate, increase your blood pressure, and boost your energy.
n. 전략
Winning in a team sport requires learned skills, strategies, and teamwork, as well as physical abilities.
v. 행하다, 처리하다
Scientists have conducted various research studies demonstrating the psychological effects of clothes on the wearer.
v. 증명하다, 입증하다
Scientists have conducted various research studies demonstrating the psychological effects of clothes on the wearer.
n. 실험
One experiment proved that wearing a doctor’s white coat made ordinary people more attentive.
a. 보통의, 평범한
One experiment proved that wearing a doctor’s white coat made ordinary people more attentive.
a. 주의 깊은, 조심성 있는
One experiment proved that wearing a doctor’s white coat made ordinary people more attentive.
belong to
~에 속하다
The wearers’ attention increased only when they knew that the coat belonged to a doctor.
v. 결론을 내리다
The scientists concluded that the idea of wearing a doctor’s coat improved the wearers’ attention.
associate ~ with ...
~을 …과 연관시키다
Because people knew that doctors were smart and attentive, they associated these qualities with the coat they were wearing.
n. 특성, 성격
Because people knew that doctors were smart and attentive, they associated these qualities with the coat they were wearing.
a. ~에 어울리는, 알맞은
The best type of clothing is the one that is appropriate for the occasion and feels right for ourselves.
n. (특정한) 때
The best type of clothing is the one that is appropriate for the occasion and feels right for ourselves.
a. 뚜렷한 동기가 없는
When you feel depressed or unmotivated, consider putting on clothes entirely different from your usual style.
ad. 완전히
When you feel depressed or unmotivated, consider putting on clothes entirely different from your usual style.
n. 발표
If you don’t feel confident enough for an important presentation or meeting, how about dressing up as professionally as possible?
pros and cons
She began reading about the pros and cons of the system on her social media.
v. 옹호하다, 지지하다
Jina found the pros more interesting and responded only to the posts which supported the system.
n. 피드
Information about the cons of the system stopped appearing on her feed.
v. ~을 빼앗다, 박탈하다
Deprived of the chance to learn about the opposite view, Jina has come to mistakenly believe that most people root for the system as she does.
a. 반대의
Deprived of the chance to learn about the opposite view, Jina has come to mistakenly believe that most people root for the system as she does.
root for
Deprived of the chance to learn about the opposite view, Jina has come to mistakenly believe that most people root for the system as she does.
end up
결국 ~하게 되다
The way that Jina ended up with such a one-sided belief is called the “filter bubble.”
n. 믿음, 생각
The way that Jina ended up with such a one-sided belief is called the “filter bubble.”
a. 지성의, 지력의
A filter bubble is intellectual isolation which can capture you in a “bubble.”
n. 고립
A filter bubble is intellectual isolation which can capture you in a “bubble.”
v. ~을 붙잡다, 포로로 하다
A filter bubble is intellectual isolation which can capture you in a “bubble.”
v. 가정하다, 추정하다
Websites use algorithms to assume the information a user would want to see.
v. (인터넷에서 정보를) 검색하다
Websites make these assumptions based on the user’s browsing and search history.
be likely to
~할 것 같다
Websites are more likely to provide only information that agrees with the user’s past activities.
v. ~을 드러내다, ~을 노출시키다
Users are less exposed to diverse and opposing views and become isolated in a filter bubble.
a. 가지가지의, 다양한
Users are less exposed to diverse and opposing views and become isolated in a filter bubble.
pull up
They searched for “Korea” on each of their home computers, and pulled up very different kinds of information.
v. ~을 돕다, 거들다
Aided by the search engine’s recommendations, Marie visited websites showing the emerald ocean of Jeju Island.
v. 매혹하다, 마음을 사로잡다
She was fascinated by the beauty of Korean landscapes.
n. 풍경, 경치
She was fascinated by the beauty of Korean landscapes.
no wonder
그도 그럴 것이, 당연히
When Jean, a big fan of K-pop, searched for “Korea” online, it was no wonder he was led to a number of K-pop-related websites.
v. ~을 대표하다
In Jean’s opinion, it is the global popularity of K-pop that represents the whole country.
make use of
~을 이용하다
There are positive aspects of a personalized search that makes use of algorithms.
v. ~을 자세히 조사하다
You don’t have to scan all the new movies on a movie streaming site.
single out
선발하다, 선정하다
It will single out a perfect one for you that matches your favorite genres or celebrities.
n. (문학ㆍ예술 따위의) 장르
It will single out a perfect one for you that matches your favorite genres or celebrities.
n.유명 인사
It will single out a perfect one for you that matches your favorite genres or celebrities.
n. 편리함
Because of the speed and convenience, you shouldn’t stop being curious about other things.
v. ~을 탐험하다
There are times when you need to get out of your comfort zone and explore new ideas.
v. ~을 접하다
Once a filter bubble is created, it becomes very difficult for users to encounter information that is inconsistent with their thoughts or tastes.
a. 일치되지 않는, 상반되는
Once a filter bubble is created, it becomes very difficult for users to encounter information that is inconsistent with their thoughts or tastes.
be accustomed to
~에 익숙하다
In short, users always get to see what they are accustomed to seeing.
a. 한쪽으로 기운, 편견을 가진
When you stop being challenged by new things and ideas, it is only a matter of time before you become biased and uncreative.
break free
~을 떨치다
To break free from filter bubbles, we need to remain critical of the given information rather than accepting it as it is.
v. 변함없이 ~이다
To break free from filter bubbles, we need to remain critical of the given information rather than accepting it as it is.
a range of
We are taking in a huge amount of information from a wide range of sources such as social media and advertising.
n. 쇄도, 다량
In this flood of information, it is important to remember that all websites are created for a reason.
v. 흥미를 끌다
Advertisements on social media, for example, are designed to sell products by attracting customers.
v. 제시하다
With the purpose of each site in mind, we should consider the information presented to us critically.
a. 믿을 만한, 신뢰할 수 있는
It is we who should decide whether information is credible or unbiased on our own.
a. 객관적인
This way, we can stay out of the filter bubble and be objective.
a. 빈, 비어 있는
He went into an empty cottage and fell asleep.
n. 오두막집
He went to the empty cottage and hid himself.
v. ~을 흔들다
Whenever they swung it, plenty of food and drinks appeared out of nowhere.
out of nowhere
불쑥, 갑자기
Whenever they swung it, plenty of food and drinks appeared out of nowhere.
v. ~을 놀라게 하다, 겁먹게 하다
Frightened by the sound of the cracking nut, all of the dokkaebi ran away,
v. ~을 깨뜨리다, 부수다
When a group of dokkaebi appeared, he bit a nut, making a loud cracking sound.
a. 욕심 많은
This news reached a greedy neighbor, who went to find a dokkaebi’s club for himself.
v. ~을 때리다
They found the greedy man inside the cottage and beat him up.
date back to
~까지 거슬러 올라가다
It dates back to the age of the Three Kingdoms.
n. 속임수
However, dokkaebi’s tricks are mostly funny and childlike.
n. 조상, 선조
They show that our ancestors imagined dokkaebi as familiar creatures that lived with them.
n. 생물, 생명체
They show that our ancestors imagined dokkaebi as familiar creatures that lived with them.
n. 뿔
While many of us picture them as big monsters with horns, traditional Korean dokkaebi do not look like this.
a. 보이지 않는
In others, they are invisible.
v. ~의 특징을 짓다, ~을 …라고 묘사하다
In many cases, dokkaebi are characterized by their transformative power.
a. 변화시키는
In many cases, dokkaebi are characterized by their transformative power.
a. 신비로운
Despite their mysterious powers, dokkaebi are funny and familiar rather than frightening.
rather than
Despite their mysterious powers, dokkaebi are funny and familiar rather than frightening.
similar to
~와 유사한, 비슷한
In fact, they are very similar to Korean people, who love singing, dancing, and having fun.
a. 장난꾸러기의
They are also childlike and enjoy surprising people with mischievous tricks.
v. ~을 속이다
Dokkaebi neither deceive people nor act cruelly.
ad. 잔인하게
Dokkaebi neither deceive people nor act cruelly.
mistake ~ for …
~을 …으로 오해하다
They mistake the sound of the cracking nut for something far worse and run away.
n. 빚, 부채
A dokkaebi keeps bringing him the same sum of money every night, forgetting that he already paid the debt.
n. 지위, 신분
Most dokkaebi stories are about ordinary people who are neither wealthy nor of high status.
v. ~을 반영하다
These stories also reflect ordinary people’s simple desires—wealth, health, safety, and a fair reward and punishment.
n. 소망, 욕구
These stories also reflect ordinary people’s simple desires—wealth, health, safety, and a fair reward and punishment.
n. 보상
These stories also reflect ordinary people’s simple desires—wealth, health, safety, and a fair reward and punishment.
n. 벌, 처벌
These stories also reflect ordinary people’s simple desires—wealth, health, safety, and a fair reward and punishment.
n. 무덤
A dokkaebi helps a loving son visit his father’s grave in the heavy rain by guiding him.
v. ~을 훔치다
A man is caught and beaten when he steals from others with the help of a dokkaebi’s hat.
fond of
~을 좋아하는
Dokkaebi are fond of singing and dancing, and capable of both powerful magic and silly mistakes.
n. 정서, 감정
Dokkaebi represent the humorous and easygoing sentiments of Korean people.
prep. ~의 옆에, 나란히
In many songs and stories, they have lived alongside Korean people.
a. 인공적인, 인공의
I am an artificial intelligence (AI) that is being developed by many computer scientists in collaboration.
n. 지능
I am an artificial intelligence (AI) that is being developed by many computer scientists in collaboration.
n. 협력, 공동 연구
I am an artificial intelligence (AI) that is being developed by many computer scientists in collaboration.
n. 기계
When an artificially created machine like me can do what the human mind can do, it is called artificial intelligence.
a. (컴퓨터를 이용한) 가상의
Virtual assistants such as Siri and Bixby are examples of AI.
n. 조수, 보조자
Virtual assistants such as Siri and Bixby are examples of AI.
a. 명확한, 특정한
You need to give an order to an ordinary computer in a specific way that it can understand.
a. 관계있는, 서로 관련된
Then Siri will run a related app to do what you requested.
v. 요청하다
Then Siri will run a related app to do what you requested.
n. 번역 기계; 번역가
You use many types of narrow AI in your everyday lives, including web translators and chatbots.
a. 융통성이 있는, 유연한
General AI’s knowledge and thinking skills are as diverse and flexible as those of the human brain.
a, 다수의, 복합의
Just like a person, it can think about problems from multiple perspectives and make decisions in various situations.
n. 시각, 관점
Just like a person, it can think about problems from multiple perspectives and make decisions in various situations.
make a decision
결정을 하다
Just like a person, it can think about problems from multiple perspectives and make decisions in various situations.
a. 유능하게
If a narrow AI can competently become someone’s assistant, a general AI can be a partner and friend to human beings.
n. 위로
I’ll be able to listen to your problems and give you comfort, encouragement, or have a fun chat depending on the situation.
n. 격려, 지지
I’ll be able to listen to your problems and give you comfort, encouragement, or have a fun chat depending on the situation.
depending on
~에 따라
I’ll be able to listen to your problems and give you comfort, encouragement, or have a fun chat depending on the situation.
v. ~을 할 수 있게 하다, 가능하게 하다
It enables machines like me to learn complicated tasks such as recognizing an image or a sound.
a. 복잡한, 알기 어려운
It enables machines like me to learn complicated tasks such as recognizing an image or a sound.
v. 인지하다
It enables machines like me to learn complicated tasks such as recognizing an image or a sound.
a huge amount of
막대한 양의
Learning such difficult tasks requires not only a complicated learning system but also a huge amount of information.
v. ~을 처리하다
That is why I need big data, the type of data whose size is too big for ordinary software to handle.
v. 직면하다
For many people, the idea of confronting such a powerful AI can be scary.
v. ~을 표현하다, 말로 나타내다
The belief that super AI will be harmful for human beings is expressed in many sci-fi movies where an evil AI tries to destroy or dominate humanity.
v. ~을 파괴하다
The belief that super AI will be harmful for human beings is expressed in many sci-fi movies where an evil AI tries to destroy or dominate humanity.
v. ~을 지배하다
The belief that super AI will be harmful for human beings is expressed in many sci-fi movies where an evil AI tries to destroy or dominate humanity.
prevent ~ from ...
~이 …하는 것을 막다
Therefore, the best way to prevent super AI from harming humanity is to learn more about us.
v. ~을 확장하다, 넓히다
If you have enough knowledge, you will be able to develop a beneficial AI that will expand human experience and knowledge.
a. 적당한, 제대로 된
I don’t know when I will become a proper general AI.
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