중1 NE능률 영어교과서 영영단어(김기택, 2022) Lesson 4
41 카드 | netutor
(adj) giving attention to what you are doing to avoid harm or danger
Please be careful when crossing the street. 길을 건널 때 조심하세요.
(adv) in a careful way
Carefully close the door when you leave. 나갈 때 문을 주의 깊게 닫으세요.
(n) the state of being safe
Safety is very important when riding a bicycle. 자전거를 탈 때 안전은 매우 중요합니다.
(n) something that might hurt you
Danger signs warn us about unsafe areas. 위험 표지판은 우리에게 안전하지 않은 지역을 경고합니다.
(n) a hard hat that is worn to protect your head
Helmets protect your head when you ride a bicycle. 헬멧은 자전거를 탈 때 머리를 보호합니다.
watch out for
to be aware of something dangerous
Watch out for cars when you cross the street. 길을 건널 때 자동차를 조심하세요.
(n) a paved path beside a road for people to walk on
People walk on the sidewalk to stay safe from cars. 사람들은 차로부터 안전하기 위해 인도로 걷습니다.
(adj) difficult to stand on, move on, or hold because it is smooth, wet, or icy
The floor is slippery when it's wet. 바닥이 젖으면 미끄럽습니다.
(adj) not safe
Dangerous animals live in the jungle. 위험한 동물들이 정글에 살고 있습니다.
slow down
to reduce speed
Slow down when you're riding your bicycle near the playground. 놀이터 근처에서 자전거를 탈 때는 속도를 늦추세요.
bike lane
a paved path beside a road for bikes
Cyclists should always use the bike lane when available. 자전거 이용자들은 가능할 때 항상 자전거 전용도로를 이용해야 합니다.
(n) a set of steps for going from one level to another
The children ran up the stairs to their bedroom. 아이들이 침실로 계단을 뛰어 올라갔습니다.
(v) to gain knowledge or skill in an activity or subject
Learn how to ride a bicycle. 자전거 타는 법을 배우세요.
(n) a shaking of the earth’s surface
An earthquake shook the city last night. 어젯밤 지진이 도시를 흔들었습니다.
(v) to lie down suddenly
The tired puppy dropped onto the soft carpet. 지친 강아지가 부드러운 카펫 위에 주저앉았습니다.
(v) to put something on top of something else
The umbrella covers us from the rain. 우산이 비로부터 우리를 가려줍니다.
look around
to turn your head to search for something
Look around the classroom to see your new classmates. 교실을 둘러보고 새 반 친구들을 보세요.
(v) to accept advice, instructions, etc., and do what you have been told
Follow your teacher's instructions carefully. 선생님의 지시를 주의 깊게 따르세요.
(n) a situation that is not planned and that causes injury or damage
Accidents can happen if we're not careful. 조심하지 않으면 사고가 날 수 있습니다.
(v) to take place or occur
Something happened to my bicycle. It won't move. 내 자전거에 무슨 일이 발생했어요. 움직이지 않아요.
(adj) happening often
Common animals in Korea include dogs and cats. 한국에서 흔한 동물로는 개와 고양이가 있습니다.
(n) a rest from working or studying
It's time for a break from studying. 공부를 하다가 쉬는 시간입니다.
(v) to hurt yourself or someone else
The boy injured his knee while playing soccer. 그 소년은 축구를 하다가 무릎을 다쳤습니다.
(n) a game in which two teams of players throw balls to try to hit each other
Let's play dodgeball during recess! 쉬는 시간에 피구를 합시다!
to try to hit each other
Your ankle connects your foot to your leg. 당신의 발목은 발과 다리를 연결합니다.
(v) to come down to the ground or the surface of something
The airplane will land at the airport soon. 곧 비행기가 공항에 착지할 것입니다.
(n) a structure made of materials, like brick or stone, that separates areas
The wall in my room is painted blue. 내 방의 벽은 파란색으로 칠해져 있습니다.
(n) the manner of doing something
There are many ways to solve this problem. 이 문제를 해결하는 방법은 여러 가지가 있습니다.
pick up
to lift something up
She picked up the toy from the floor. 그녀는 바닥에서 장난감을 집어 들었습니다.
(v) to hit or knock against something
I accidentally bumped into a table. 나는 실수로 탁자와 부딪쳤어요.
(v) to fall or flow out of a container
Spill the water slowly into the glass. 물을 천천히 컵에 따르세요.
(v) to fall or lose balance slightly
The wet floor made me slip and fall. 젖은 바닥 때문에 나는 미끄러져 넘어졌어요.
(v) to do what you promised to do or have been told to do
Keep your promise to your friend. 친구와의 약속을 지키세요.
(n) something such as a fact or a situation that supports what you say
This is an example of a simple sentence. 이것은 간단한 문장의 예입니다.
(n) the act of saying to someone that you will surely do something
I promise to do my homework. 숙제를 하겠다고 약속합니다.
warm up
to do exercises to prepare for some activity
Let's warm up before we start playing soccer. 축구를 시작하기 전에 준비 운동을 합시다.
(v) to have something in your hands, arms, etc.
He holds the book in his hand. 그는 책을 손에 들고 있습니다.
(n) a time during the year when schools are closed
It's summer vacation time! 여름 방학 시간이에요!
(adj) not in danger
It's safe to wear a helmet when riding a bike. 자전거를 탈 때 헬멧을 쓰는 것은 안전합니다.
(n) a specially marked place for people to walk across a street
Please crosswalk safely when you see the green light. 녹색 불이 켜지면 안전하게 횡단보도를 건너세요.
traffic light
a set of green, yellow, and red lights that controls when vehicles can move
The traffic light turned red, so we stopped our car. 교통 신호등이 빨간색으로 바뀌어서 우리는 차를 멈췄습니다.
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