중1 NE능률 영어교과서 영영단어(김기택, 2022) Lesson 5
32 카드 | netutor
(v) to have the same opinion
Agree with your parents about your bedtime. 당신의 취침 시간에 대해 부모님과 동의하세요.
(n) a building where historical or artistic objects are displayed
The children visited the museum to see dinosaur bones. 아이들은 공룡 뼈를 보기 위해 박물관을 방문했습니다.
(n) a picture made with paint
The children made a beautiful painting in art class. 아이들은 미술 수업에서 아름다운 그림을 그렸어요.
(adj) not fun or interesting
Boring movies make me sleepy. 지루한 영화는 나를 졸리게 만듭니다.
(adj) unusual or not familiar
Strange noises came from the attic at night. 밤에 다락방에서 이상한 소리가 들렸어요.
(adj) having a lot of different colors
The garden is full of colorful flowers. 정원에는 형형색색의 꽃들이 가득합니다.
(n) a container used for decoration or for holding flowers
The flowers are in a beautiful vase. 꽃들이 아름다운 꽃병 안에 있습니다.
(adj) being good at making up new and interesting things
Creative children often come up with unique ideas. 창의적인 아이들은 종종 독특한 아이디어를 생각해냅니다.
(n) something that covers part or all of the face to decorate or hide it
The children wore funny masks at the Halloween party. 아이들은 할로윈 파티에서 재미있는 가면을 썼습니다.
(n) a large printed image or notice that you put on a wall to advertise something
The teacher put a poster on the classroom wall. 선생님이 교실 벽에 포스터를 붙였습니다.
(n) a public show where people display artworks, inventions, or special items for others to see
The museum has a new exhibition of dinosaur fossils. 박물관에 새로운 공룡 화석 전시회가 있습니다.
(adj) being happy and positive
Cheerful children were playing in the park. 발랄한 아이들이 공원에서 놀고 있었어요.
keep a diary
to regularly record events in a diary
I keep a diary every night before bed. 나는 매일 밤 자기 전에 일기를 씁니다.
(v) to record somebody or something with a camera
The photographer will film the wedding ceremony tomorrow. 사진작가가 내일 결혼식을 촬영할 것입니다.
(adj) happening fast, or taking only a short amount of time
Quick foxes can catch rabbits easily. 빠른 여우들은 쉽게 토끼를 잡을 수 있습니다.
(n) a picture or painting that an artist creates of themselves
The artist painted a self-portrait in front of the mirror. 화가는 거울 앞에서 자화상을 그렸습니다.
(n) a picture you take of yourself, usually with your phone
Taking a selfie is fun at the beach. 해변에서 셀피를 찍는 것은 재미있습니다.
(v) to use colors to make a picture on paper or canvas
She likes to paint pictures of flowers. 그녀는 꽃 그림을 그리는 것을 좋아합니다.
(n) the point in time at which something happens
The moment I saw the puppy, I knew I wanted to adopt it. 내가 그 강아지를 본 순간, 입양하고 싶다는 것을 알았습니다.
(adj) like something else
The two sisters look very similar. 두 자매는 매우 비슷해 보입니다.
(adj) particular or known but not named
Certain animals sleep during the day. 특정 동물들은 낮에 잠을 잡니다.
(n) the act of showing your feelings with your face
She had a happy expression on her face. 그녀의 얼굴에는 행복한 표정이 있었습니다.
bring back
to cause somebody to think of something from the past
The old photo brings back happy memories. 그 오래된 사진은 행복한 추억들을 떠오르게 합니다.
(adj) very happy
Joyful children played in the park. 기뻐하는 아이들이 공원에서 놀았습니다.
(n) the time when you are young, like when you’re a teenager
The children enjoyed their youth playing in the park. 아이들은 공원에서 놀며 어린 시절을 즐겼습니다.
(adj) belonging or relating to a particular person
Personal belongings should be kept safe. 개인 소지품은 안전하게 보관해야 합니다.
(adj) as much or as many as you need
Enough food was prepared for the party. 파티를 위해 충분한 음식이 준비되었습니다.
(v) to rub or spread something on a surface
Apply the sunscreen to your skin before going outside. 밖에 나가기 전에 선크림을 피부에 바르세요.
(adj) different from other things
Unique fingerprints help identify people. 고유한 지문은 사람들을 식별하는 데 도움이 됩니다.
(v) to talk or write about your thoughts or feelings
She expressed her love by giving flowers. 그녀는 꽃을 주면서 사랑을 표현했습니다.
(n) an object made by an artist such as a sculpture or painting
The museum displays beautiful artwork. 박물관은 아름다운 미술품을 전시합니다.
take a break
to stop doing something, usually to rest
Let's take a break and eat some snacks. 잠시 휴식을 취하고 간식을 먹읍시다.
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