중1 NE능률 영어교과서 영영단어(김기택, 2022) Lesson 6
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(adj) being part of the traditions of a country or group of people
The traditional Korean dress is called hanbok. 전통적인 한국 의상을 한복이라고 합니다.
(n) a device used to produce music
The children are learning to play different instruments in music class. 아이들은 음악 수업에서 다양한 악기를 연주하는 것을 배우고 있습니다.
(v) to send an object through the air by moving your arm forward and letting the object go
Throw the ball to me, please. 공을 내게 던져주세요.
(n) a thin piece of wood, plastic, metal, etc.
He used a wooden stick to reach the high shelf. 그는 높은 선반에 닿기 위해 나무 막대기를 사용했습니다.
(n) a person who entertains people by singing, acting, dancing, etc.
The performer played beautiful music on the piano. 연주자가 피아노로 아름다운 음악을 연주했습니다.
(n) the period of time before the present
The dinosaurs lived in the past. 공룡들은 과거에 살았습니다.
(adj) not heavy, having little weight or less than usual weight
The backpack is very light and easy to carry. 그 배낭은 매우 가볍고 들기 쉽습니다.
(adj) very good, excellent
The sunset was wonderful to watch. 일몰을 보는 것은 아주 멋졌습니다.
(n) the act of entertaining people by singing, dancing, acting, etc.
The children enjoyed the performance at school. 아이들은 학교에서 공연을 즐겼습니다.
(v) to have something such as clothes or jewelry on your body
She wears a pretty dress to the party. 그녀는 파티에 예쁜 드레스를 입고 갑니다.
(n) a particular time in history
The Renaissance was an important period in European history. 르네상스는 유럽 역사에서 중요한 시대였습니다.
(v) to get knowledge about something
She likes to study science at school. 그녀는 학교에서 과학을 공부하는 것을 좋아합니다.
(n) a person who tells people the news on radio or television
The reporter asked many questions at the press conference. 그 기자는 기자 회견에서 많은 질문을 했습니다.
(n) a set of letters in a fixed order used to write a language
The alphabet has 26 letters. 알파벳은 26개의 글자가 있습니다.
(n) a series of organized special events
The children are excited about the festival this weekend. 아이들은 이번 주말 축제를 기대하고 있습니다.
(n) something you do for pleasure or interest
Activity time is my favorite part of the school day. 활동 시간은 내가 가장 좋아하는 학교 시간입니다.
(v) to question or talk with someone in order to get information
I have an interview for a new job tomorrow. 내일 새 직장을 위한 인터뷰가 있습니다.
(n) a teacher in a college or university
The professor teaches math at the university. 교수님은 대학교에서 수학을 가르치십니다.
(n) a symbol used to write a language
The letter is the only thing I can't understand. 그 글자는 제가 이해할 수 없는 유일한 것입니다.
(n) a thing’s form, like a circle or square
The ball has a round shape. 공은 둥근 모양입니다.
(n) a person who serves in the army
The brave soldier marched in the parade. 용감한 군인이 퍼레이드에서 행진했습니다.
(v) to make or invent something
Artists create beautiful paintings. 예술가들은 아름다운 그림을 창작합니다.
(v) to make plans for something, such as clothing or a building
(n) plans or drawings showing how a product or building will look
The design of this building is very modern. 이 건물의 디자인은 매우 현대적입니다.
(n) a repeated design of lines, shapes, or colors
The pattern on the butterfly's wings is beautiful. 나비 날개의 무늬가 아름답습니다.
(n) the soft part inside your mouth that you can move for eating and speaking
He stuck out his tongue at his little sister. 그는 여동생에게 혀를 내밀었어요.
(n) something that you can hear
The dog made a loud sound when it barked. 개가 짖을 때 큰 소리를 냈습니다.
(adj) using a careful and logical way to study or understand something
Scientific experiments help us learn about the world. 과학적 실험은 우리가 세상에 대해 배우는 데 도움이 됩니다.
(v) to tell somebody about your thoughts, feelings, experiences, etc.
Let's share our toys with our friends. 우리 장난감을 친구들과 함께 공유해요.
(adj) hard to do or understand
It is difficult to learn a new language. 새로운 언어를 배우는 것은 어렵습니다.
(n) a military officer of very high rank
General Kim led the army to victory. 김 장군은 군대를 승리로 이끌었습니다.
(n) a fight between armies
The soldiers prepared for the battle. 병사들은 전투를 준비했습니다.
(v) to do something like sing or act to entertain people
The students will perform a play for their parents. 학생들이 부모님들을 위해 연극을 공연할 것입니다.
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