중1 NE능률 영어교과서 영영단어(김기택, 2022) Lesson 7
37 카드 | netutor
(n) the natural world
The children learned about protecting the environment at school. 아이들은 학교에서 환경을 보호하는 것에 대해 배웠습니다.
global warming
the rise in the earth's temperature caused by the increase of some gases
Global warming is changing our planet. 지구온난화는 우리의 행성을 변화시키고 있습니다.
(v) to take something from place to place
Carry your umbrella with you today. 오늘은 우산을 가지고 다니세요.
(v) to change from ice to water
The ice cream will melt if you leave it in the sun. 아이스크림을 햇볕에 두면 녹을 것입니다.
(v) to create something new from something that has been used
We should recycle paper and plastic to help the environment. 우리는 환경을 돕기 위해 종이와 플라스틱을 재활용해야 합니다.
(v) to decrease in size or amount
We need to reduce our water usage. 우리는 물 사용량을 줄여야 합니다.
(n) the something measurement is in degrees of how hot or cold
The temperature today is very hot. 오늘의 온도는 매우 덥습니다.
(v) to increase in level, number, amount, etc.
The sun will rise in the east. 태양은 동쪽에서 올라올 것입니다.
polar bear
a bear that has white fur and lives in the Arctic
The polar bear lives in the Arctic. 북극곰은 북극에 살아요.
(n) an artificial material that has many uses and can be shaped into different forms when heated
(adj) made of plastic
Plastic bottles are bad for the environment. 플라스틱 병은 환경에 좋지 않습니다.
(n) the sea
The ocean is very deep and blue. 대양은 매우 깊고 푸릅니다.
(adj) severe in effect
Being late to school is a serious problem. 학교에 늦는 것은 심각한 문제입니다.
(n) dirt that plants grown in
The gardener dug in the soil to plant flowers. 정원사는 꽃을 심기 위해 흙을 팠습니다.
(adj) smaller in amount, or to a smaller degree
Less sugar is better for your health. 설탕을 더 적게 먹는 것이 건강에 더 좋습니다.
greenhouse gas
a gas, such as carbon dioxide, that causes the greenhouse effect
Greenhouse gases trap heat in the Earth's atmosphere. 온실가스는 지구의 대기에 열을 가두어 놓습니다.
take part in
to participate or be involved in
Take part in the school play to make new friends. 학교 연극에 참여해서 새 친구를 사귀세요.
size (v) to cause something to develop or increase in
We grow vegetables in our garden. 우리는 정원에서 채소를 기릅니다.
pick up
to lift somebody or something with your hands
Pick up your toys before dinner. 저녁 먹기 전에 장난감을 집어 치우세요.
(n) a piece of paper that shows that goods have been paid for
I got a receipt after buying groceries. 식료품을 산 후 영수증을 받았습니다.
(n) a tube used to suck liquid into the mouth
Straws are used to drink beverages. 빨대는 음료를 마시는 데 사용됩니다.
(prep) not having something
Without water, plants cannot grow. 물 없이는 식물이 자랄 수 없습니다.
(adj) about nature and how people interact with the world
The park is an environmental protection area. 그 공원은 환경 보호 구역입니다.
(n) something that makes our water, air, and land dirty
The city has a lot of pollution from cars. 도시는 자동차로 인한 많은 공해가 있습니다.
(v) to keep something safe
Protect your eyes when you go out in the sun. 햇볕에 나갈 때는 눈을 보호하세요.
(n) items that we throw away
(v) to use more of something than needed
We should not waste our food. 우리는 음식을 낭비하면 안 됩니다.
(n) a valuable or useful possession of a person, organization, or country
Resources are things we use every day. 자원은 우리가 매일 사용하는 것들입니다.
(n) a container for trash
The bin is full of paper. 쓰레기통에 종이가 가득 차 있습니다.
throw away
to put something in the trash because you don't need it anymore
Don't throw away your old toys; donate them instead. 오래된 장난감을 버리지 말고 기부하세요.
break down
(n) a distinct object or piece
The mechanic will break down the old car engine. 정비공이 오래된 자동차 엔진을 분해할 것입니다.
to make something separate into parts or change form in a chemical process
The store has many items for sale. 그 가게는 판매할 물건들이 많이 있습니다.
(adj) effective; helping to do or get what you want
This tool is very useful for fixing the car. 이 도구는 자동차를 수리하는 데 매우 유용합니다.
(v) to prevent the loss or waste of something
We should save water by taking shorter showers. 우리는 짧게 샤워해서 물을 절약해야 합니다.
turn off
to make something stop, like switching off a light
Please turn off the TV before you go to bed. 자러 가기 전에 TV를 꺼 주세요.
(n) a thing that controls the flow of water
Tap the faucet gently to stop the water flow. 수도꼭지를 부드럽게 두드려 물 흐름을 멈추세요.
(adv) as much as possible or in every way
The room was completely dark. 방은 완전히 어두웠다.
environment (adj) relating to or supporting the protection of the
The new car is very green and uses less fuel. 새 차는 매우 환경 친화적이며 연료를 적게 사용합니다.
(n) the act of taking letters, packages, or goods to businesses or homes
The pizza delivery arrived quickly. 피자 배달이 빨리 도착했습니다.
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