중1 NE능률 영어교과서 영영단어(김기택, 2022) Lesson 8
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(n) a place where books or magazines are available for people to use or borrow
The library has many books to read. 도서관에는 읽을 책이 많이 있습니다.
(v) to give information about something to make it easier to understand
The teacher will explain the lesson to the class. 선생님께서 수업 내용을 학급에 설명해 주실 거예요.
(n) a long written story usually about imaginary characters and events
Novels are fun to read before bed. 장편 소설은 자기 전에 읽기 재미있습니다.
check out
to borrow a book from a library
Check out these books from the library. 도서관에서 이 책들을 대출받으세요.
(v) to give or send something back
The library asks us to return books on time. 도서관은 우리에게 책을 제시간에 반납하라고 요청합니다.
(n) a type of story that is set in an imaginary world
The children love to read fantasy books about dragons. 아이들은 용에 대한 판타지 책 읽기를 좋아합니다.
(n) an exciting and possibly dangerous activity, such as a journey or experience
Let's go on an adventure in the forest! 숲에서 모험을 떠나자!
(v) to take something from someone for a period of time
May I borrow your pencil, please? 연필 좀 빌려주시겠어요?
(adj) wanting to know about something
Curious children always ask many questions. 호기심 많은 아이들은 항상 많은 질문을 합니다.
(v) to decide between different things
Choose your favorite color for the drawing. 그림을 위해 좋아하는 색을 선택하세요.
(n) a long, flat board that is fixed to a wall or supported by a cupboard, used to store items on
The books are on the shelf. 책들이 선반 위에 있습니다.
(n) the name of a book, film, song, etc.
The title of the book is "The Little Prince". 그 책의 제목은 "어린 왕자"입니다.
(n) something learned through experience
The teacher taught us an important lesson today. 선생님께서 오늘 우리에게 중요한 교훈을 가르쳐 주셨습니다.
(n) a strong human feeling such as love, hate, or anger
Emotions can change how we feel and act. 감정은 우리의 기분과 행동을 바꿀 수 있습니다.
(n) ideas or beliefs about something
Everyone has their own opinion about the movie. 모든 사람은 그 영화에 대해 자신만의 의견을 가지고 있습니다.
(adv) in a correct and complete way
Exactly five people came to the party. 정확히 다섯 명이 파티에 왔습니다.
(n) a quantity of something
An amount of sugar is needed for this cake recipe. 이 케이크 레시피에는 일정량의 설탕이 필요합니다.
(n) a person who lives next to or near another person
Neighbors often help each other in times of need. 이웃들은 종종 어려울 때 서로 돕습니다.
(v) to give someone or something a specific name
They call him Mr. Kim at school. 학교에서 그를 김 선생님이라고 부릅니다.
(n) something that is a wrong action; not correct
Everyone makes mistakes sometimes. 모든 사람은 때때로 실수를 합니다.
(n) someone who has won a competition
The soccer team has a new champion this year. 올해 축구팀에 새로운 챔피언이 있습니다.
(n) a device or room that is used to keep things such as food and drinks cold
The refrigerator keeps our food cold and fresh. 냉장고는 우리의 음식을 차갑고 신선하게 유지합니다.
(v) to lift your foot and put it down in a different place, or to put your foot in or on something
He stepped on a toy and hurt his foot. 그는 장난감을 밟고 발을 다쳤어요.
(adj) difficult to stand on, move on, or hold because it is smooth, wet, or icy
The floor is slippery when it's wet. 바닥이 젖으면 미끄럽습니다.
(adj) almost in a particular state
The race was very close, with only seconds between the first and second place runners. 그 경주는 1등과 2등 주자 사이에 몇 초 차이밖에 나지 않아 아슬아슬했습니다.
(adj) worried about something, and unable to relax
He felt nervous before the big test. 그는 큰 시험 전에 불안해했습니다.
(n) the part of the body where food is digested
Stomachaches are common when you eat too much. 배탈은 너무 많이 먹을 때 흔합니다.
mess up
to spoil something or do something wrong
The children messed up the living room while playing. 아이들이 놀면서 거실을 엉망으로 만들었어요.
(n) a rubber bag that can be filled with air or gas and used as a decoration
The children played with colorful balloons at the party. 아이들은 파티에서 알록달록한 풍선을 가지고 놀았습니다.
(v) to have a feeling that you want to scratch
My arm itches after the mosquito bite. 모기에 물린 후 팔이 가렵습니다.
(n) a powder that is used to add a hot taste to food
Pepper adds spice to food. 후추는 음식에 맛을 더합니다.
run off
to leave quickly or suddenly
The dog ran off with my shoe. 개가 내 신발을 물고 도망갔어요.
(n) a raised area that actors and entertainers perform on
The actors performed on the stage. 배우들이 무대에서 공연했습니다.
(adv) very quickly and without warning
Suddenly, the sky turned dark and it started to rain. 갑자기 하늘이 어두워지고 비가 오기 시작했습니다.
(v) to make sounds with your voice, usually while you are smiling, because you think something is funny
Laugh with your friends when you hear a funny joke. 친구들과 재미있는 농담을 들었을 때 소리 내어 웃으세요.
(adv) in a manner that makes a lot of noise
He sang loudly at the concert. 그는 콘서트에서 크게 노래했습니다.
(adj) strongly experienced or felt and often lasting a long time
The ocean is very deep. 바다는 매우 깊습니다.
wake up
to stop sleeping; to become awake
I wake up at 7 o'clock every morning. 나는 매일 아침 7시에 일어납니다.
no longer
in the past but not anymore
I no longer want to play outside. 나는 더 이상 밖에서 놀고 싶지 않아요.
give up
to stop trying to do something
Don't give up when learning a new skill. 새로운 기술을 배울 때 포기하지 마세요.
클래스카드의 다양한 학습을 바로 체험해 보세요!
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