NE능률 공통영어1 영영단어(오선영, 2022) Lesson1
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[v] to gain knowledge of something, especially for the first time
I discovered a new species of butterfly in the Amazon rainforest. 저는 아마존 열대우림에서 새로운 종류의 나비를 발견했어요.
[n] something difficult that tests someone’s ability
[v] to test the skills or abilities of someone or something by presenting the difficulties
The students accepted the teacher's challenge to read 10 books in a month. 학생들은 한 달 동안 10권의 책을 읽으라는 선생님의 도전을 받아들였습니다.
[n] one half of the school year
The semester starts in September for most universities. 대부분의 대학교에서 학기는 9월에 시작합니다.
[n] something that makes someone feel safe, relaxed, and free from stress
The new sofa provides great comfort for our living room. 새 소파가 우리 거실에 큰 편안함을 제공합니다.
[n] a task or piece of work that is given to someone
The teacher gave us a difficult assignment for homework. 선생님께서 숙제로 어려운 과제를 주셨어요.
[v] to include someone or something as a part of an activity, situation, or event
The project will involve several teams working together. 이 프로젝트는 여러 팀이 함께 일하는 것을 수반할 것입니다.
give it a try
to make an effort to do something
Let's give it a try and see if we can solve this puzzle. 한번 해보고 이 퍼즐을 풀 수 있는지 봅시다.
[n] something that is liked more than another thing
The students were asked about their preference for school lunch options. 학생들은 학교 급식 메뉴에 대한 선호도를 물어봤습니다.
[n] a situation that makes it possible to do something
Opportunity only knocks once, so be ready to grab it. 기회는 한 번만 찾아오니 잡을 준비를 하세요.
[adj] causing a feeling of embarrassment or nervousness
The situation became awkward when no one spoke for several minutes. 아무도 몇 분 동안 말을 하지 않아서 상황이 어색해졌어요.
[adj] very interested in and completely focused on something
She was completely absorbed in her book and didn't hear the doorbell. 그녀는 책에 완전히 빠져 있어서 초인종 소리를 듣지 못했어요.
[adj] making someone feel pleasure by providing a need or want
Satisfying a customer's needs is crucial for any business. 고객의 요구를 만족시키는 것은 모든 사업에서 중요합니다.
[v] to direct someone’s focus away from something
The noise from the street distracted him from his homework. 거리의 소음으로 인해 그는 숙제에 집중할 수 없었다.
[v] to succeed in dealing with a problem
Overcome your fear of public speaking by practicing regularly. 정기적으로 연습하여 대중 연설에 대한 두려움을 극복하세요.
[n] a feeling of being physically or mentally uncomfortable
Discomfort can be felt when wearing new shoes for too long. 새 신발을 오래 신으면 불편함을 느낄 수 있어요.
come across
to find someone or something by chance
I came across an old photo album while cleaning my room. 방을 청소하는 동안 오래된 사진첩을 우연히 발견했어요.
[v] to confidently tell something to someone so they feel sure
I can assure you that the project will be completed on time. 당신에게 그 프로젝트가 제시간에 완료될 것이라고 장담할 수 있습니다.
sign up
to write your name on a form to officially agree to do or join an organized activity
Sign up for the cooking class before it's full. 요리 수업이 꽉 차기 전에 등록하세요.
[n] someone whose job is to teach something
The instructor explained the lesson clearly to the students. 강사가 학생들에게 수업을 명확하게 설명했어요.
[adv] in a correct or acceptable way
Properly brushing your teeth can prevent cavities. 이를 제대로 닦으면 충치를 예방할 수 있어요.
manage to
to succeed in doing something, especially something difficult
He managed to finish the project before the deadline. 그는 마감 시간 전에 간신히 프로젝트를 끝냈어요.
[n] a strong feeling of joy and enthusiasm
The children felt great excitement before the school trip. 아이들은 수학여행 전에 큰 흥분을 느꼈어요.
[n] an experience that is exciting, unusual, and possibly dangerous
The children went on an exciting adventure in the forest. 아이들은 숲에서 흥미진진한 모험을 떠났어요.
[n] the part of the face that is above the eyebrows and below the hair
He felt his forehead to check if he had a fever. 열이 있는지 확인하기 위해 그는 이마를 만졌어요.
[n] a feeling of worry, or something that causes someone to feel worried
Concern for the environment is growing among young people. 환경에 대한 우려가 젊은이들 사이에서 증가하고 있습니다.
[adv] in general; as a whole
Overall, the movie was entertaining despite some flaws. 전반적으로, 그 영화는 몇 가지 결점에도 불구하고 재미있었다.
[n] a response, such as a feeling or action, to an event or situation
The scientist observed the chemical reaction closely. 과학자는 화학 반응을 자세히 관찰했습니다.
[n] a certain way of thinking about or looking at something
Perspective is important when looking at a problem. 문제를 볼 때 관점이 중요합니다.
[adj] having the ability or skills necessary to do something
Capable students can solve difficult math problems quickly. 능력 있는 학생들은 어려운 수학 문제를 빨리 풀 수 있어요.
클래스카드의 다양한 학습을 바로 체험해 보세요!
궁금한 것, 안되는 것
말씀만 하세요:)
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