[n] someone who starts a business, organization, or school
The company's founder started the business in his garage.
그 회사의 창립자는 자신의 차고에서 사업을 시작했습니다.
[v] to give somebody the idea for a story, play, painting, etc.
The beautiful sunset inspired her to write a poem.
아름다운 석양이 그녀에게 시를 쓰도록 영감을 주었어요.
come up with
to think of or produce something, such as an idea or answer
She came up with a brilliant idea for her science project.
그녀는 과학 프로젝트를 위한 훌륭한 아이디어를 생각해냈어요.
[n] a doctor who treats mental illness
The psychiatrist helped many patients with their mental health issues.
정신과 의사는 많은 환자들의 정신 건강 문제를 도와주었습니다.
[adv] in a very bad or serious way
The winter storm severely damaged many buildings in the city.
겨울 폭풍이 도시의 많은 건물들을 심하게 손상시켰어요.
[adj] having a medical condition in which one feels sad, hopeless, and lonely
She felt depressed after receiving the bad news.
그녀는 나쁜 소식을 받고 우울해졌어요.
[v] to have enough money to buy or do something Afford to buy a new car
새 차를 살 여유가 있다
[n] a system or method of traveling from one place to another Transportation is essential for moving people and goods in a city.
도시에서 사람과 물건을 옮기는 데 교통은 필수적이에요.
[n] medical care given for an injury or illness
The doctor provided treatment for the patient's illness.
의사가 환자의 질병에 대한 치료를 제공했어요.
[n] all the people or animals that live in a certain area, country, or place
The population of Seoul is over 9 million people.
서울의 인구는 900만 명이 넘습니다.
[adj] able to be easily used or obtained
The museum is accessible to people with disabilities.
박물관은 장애인들이 접근 가능합니다.
[n] the treatment of a physical problem or an illness over quite a long period of time Therapy can help people overcome their mental health issues.
치료는 사람들이 정신 건강 문제를 극복하는 데 도움을 줄 수 있습니다.
[n] a mental condition in which one is unable to live normally due to feeling sad, hopeless, and lonely Depression is a serious medical condition that affects many people.
우울증은 많은 사람들에게 영향을 미치는 심각한 의학적 상태입니다.
[n] the feeling of being very nervous or worried about something Anxiety can affect your daily life if not managed properly.
불안감은 제대로 관리하지 않으면 일상생활에 영향을 줄 수 있습니다.
[adj] admired due to one’s qualities, abilities, or achievements Respected scientists often make important discoveries.
존경받는 과학자들은 종종 중요한 발견을 합니다.
[v] to freely offer to do something without expecting any payment or reward
[n] someone who offers to work for an organization without pay, usually for a charitable or community cause
Many students volunteer to work at the animal shelter.
많은 학생들이 동물 보호소에서 자원봉사를 합니다.
[n] someone who is trained to give advice, especially about problems
The school counselor helped me choose my classes for next year.
학교 상담가가 내년 수업을 선택하는 데 도움을 주었어요.
[n] the ability to understand or be aware of another person’s experience, feelings, thoughts, etc. Empathy is important when helping a friend in need.
친구가 어려움에 처했을 때 공감하는 것이 중요해요.
engage in
to do or take part in something Engage in a new hobby to relieve stress.
스트레스를 해소하기 위해 새로운 취미에 참여하세요.
[adj] able to be trusted to act or work in the way one expects
My friend is very reliable and always keeps her promises.
내 친구는 매우 믿을 수 있고 항상 약속을 지켜요.
relate to
to understand and have sympathy with somebody or something
I can relate to how you feel about moving to a new school.
새 학교로 전학 가는 것에 대한 네 감정을 이해할 수 있어.
[n] a very difficult thing that you can do or achieve only by making a great effort
His life was a hard struggle with poverty.
그의 일생은 가난과의 고된 투쟁이었다.
[adv] extremely
The movie was incredibly exciting from start to finish.
그 영화는 처음부터 끝까지 믿을 수 없을 정도로 흥미진진했어요.
[adj] involving people that are close to and looking at each other
The teacher prefers face-to-face meetings with parents.
선생님은 학부모와의 대면 회의를 선호합니다.
[adj] able to be obtained, found, or used Available seats are limited, so book early.
이용 가능한 좌석이 제한되어 있으니 일찍 예약하세요.
[n] an idea or picture of something in your head
The doctor checked my vision during the eye exam.
의사가 눈 검사를 하는 동안 내 시력을 확인했어요.
[n] the amount of space between two points, places, or objects
The distance between Seoul and Busan is about 400 kilometers.
서울과 부산 사이의 거리는 약 400킬로미터입니다.
[v] to become or make larger in size, amount, or range
The company plans to expand its business to other countries.
회사는 다른 나라로 사업을 확장할 계획입니다.
[adj] injured by a weapon; emotionally hurt or damaged
The child's feelings were wounded by his friend's harsh words.
그 아이의 감정은 친구의 거친 말에 상처를 입었습니다.
be ashamed of
to feel embarrassed or guilty because of something you have done Be ashamed of your mistakes, but learn from them.
실수를 부끄러워하되, 그것으로부터 배우세요.
go through
to experience a difficult situation or period of time Going through difficult times can make us stronger.
어려운 시기를 겪으면 우리를 더 강하게 만들 수 있습니다.
pass away
to die
He had already passed away before she died.
그녀가 죽기 전에 그는 이미 돌아가셨습니다.
[n] the act or process of becoming physically or mentally well again
The patient made a full recovery after the surgery.
환자는 수술 후 완전히 회복했어요.
back on track
going in the right way as planned or expected after a problem or failure
The team is back on track after winning their last three games.
팀은 최근 3경기를 연속으로 이기면서 다시 정상 궤도에 들어섰다.
[adj] making you feel happy and satisfied because you feel you are doing something helpful, valuable, or important Rewarding work makes you feel satisfied and happy.
보람 있는 일은 당신을 만족스럽고 행복하게 만듭니다.