[v] to recognize the value, quality, or importance of something
I really appreciate your help with my homework.
숙제를 도와주셔서 정말 감사합니다.
[v] to create or make something
This factory produces cars for export.
이 공장은 수출용 자동차를 생산합니다.
[n] a structure built by a bird for its eggs and young
The bird built a cozy nest in the tree.
새가 나무에 아늑한 둥지를 지었어요.
[n] a part of a tree that grows out from the main body and can support leaves and flowers
The tree has many branches spreading out from its trunk.
나무는 줄기에서 뻗어 나온 많은 가지들이 있어요.
[adj] relating to a city or town
The city has many urban areas with tall buildings.
도시에는 높은 건물이 있는 도시 지역이 많이 있습니다.
[n] a period of a thousand years, which is traditionally calculated from the birth of Christ
The new millennium began on January 1, 2000.
새로운 천 년이 2000년 1월 1일에 시작되었습니다.
[n] a long period of little to no rain, resulting in a lack of water
The drought lasted for several months, causing crops to fail.
가뭄이 몇 달 동안 지속되어 농작물이 시들었어요.
[v] to become worse in strength, quality, or condition
As people age, their physical strength often declines.
나이가 들면서 사람들의 체력이 종종 쇠해집니다.
[n] someone or something that is likely to cause danger or damage
A threat can make people feel scared and unsafe.
협박은 사람들을 두렵고 불안하게 만들 수 있어요.
[n] someone who lives in a particular place
The resident complained about the noise from the nearby construction site.
그 주민은 근처 공사장의 소음에 대해 불평했습니다.
[n] the act of using or eating something, such as a resource or food
The consumption of electricity increases during summer due to air conditioning.
전기 소비량은 에어컨 사용으로 인해 여름에 증가합니다.
[n] something that is produced and sent out into the air, such as gas, heat, or light
The factory's emission of pollutants was reduced by new regulations.
새로운 규제로 인해 공장의 오염물질 배출이 감소했습니다.
[adj] needing or having much effort and a strong wish for success or achievement Ambitious students often set high goals for themselves.
야심 있는 학생들은 종종 자신에게 높은 목표를 세웁니다.
[adj] designed to respond to the user’s actions and orders
The museum has many interactive exhibits for children.
박물관에는 어린이들을 위한 많은 상호작용 전시물이 있습니다.
[n] a sign or object that has a certain meaning in a particular context
The flag is a symbol of our country.
국기는 우리나라의 상징입니다.
[v] to represent or show something without using words
The test results indicate that she has improved significantly.
시험 결과는 그녀가 크게 향상되었음을 나타냅니다.
[n] a group of similar individuals that can produce young animals or plants together Species of animals can adapt to their environment over time.
동물의 종은 시간이 지남에 따라 환경에 적응할 수 있습니다.
[n] a group of people that are chosen to manage and make rules for an area
The city council voted on a new parking law.
시의회가 새로운 주차법에 대해 투표했어요.
[adj] surprising or not considered as a possibility
The unexpected storm caught everyone by surprise.
예기치 않은 폭풍이 모든 사람을 놀라게 했어요.
[n] a fact or event that can be observed and studied, especially one that is not well understood
A solar eclipse is a rare phenomenon that many people want to see.
일식은 많은 사람들이 보고 싶어 하는 희귀한 현상입니다.
[v] to cause people or things to divide into parts or groups
The teacher asked us to separate the class into small groups.
선생님께서 우리에게 수업을 소그룹으로 나누라고 하셨어요.
[n] the state of being liked, supported, or enjoyed by many people Popularity among teenagers often depends on social media presence.
십대들 사이의 인기는 종종 소셜 미디어 존재감에 따라 달라집니다.
[adj] able to continue without completely using up resources or harming the environment Sustainable farming practices help protect the environment.
지속 가능한 농업 방식은 환경을 보호하는 데 도움이 됩니다.
[adj] done by everyone in a group Collective decision-making is important in a team.
단체 의사 결정은 팀에서 중요합니다.
[n] everyone born and living at around the same time
The younger generation often embraces new technology quickly.
젊은 세대는 종종 새로운 기술을 빨리 받아들입니다.
environmentally friendly
[adj] causing little to no harm to the environment, or being good for the environment Environmentally friendly products help reduce pollution.
환경친화적인 제품은 오염을 줄이는 데 도움이 됩니다.
[v] to find out the size or amount of something
The scientist used a ruler to measure the length of the specimen.
과학자는 자를 사용하여 표본의 길이를 측정했습니다.
[v] to watch, check, or keep track of something for a certain purpose over a period of time
The police monitor suspicious activities in the city.
경찰은 도시의 의심스러운 활동을 추적 관찰합니다.
on track
acting or continuing in a way that will likely lead to success
The project is on track to be completed by next month.
그 프로젝트는 다음 달까지 완료되도록 착착 진행 중입니다.