NE능률 공통영어1 영영단어(오선영, 2022) Lesson4
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[v] to record or take a picture with a camera
The photographer tried to capture the beauty of the sunset. 사진작가는 일몰의 아름다움을 정확히 포착하려고 노력했어요.
grab hold of
to get or catch someone’s attention or interest
Grab hold of the railing when you climb the stairs. 계단을 올라갈 때 난간을 잡으세요.
[v] to communicate or express a thought, feeling, or idea, with or without using words
The teacher tried to convey the importance of studying to her students. 선생님은 학생들에게 공부의 중요성을 전달하려고 노력했습니다.
[adj] hard to understand or explain
The city's traffic system is very complex. 도시의 교통 체계는 매우 복잡합니다.
[v] to cause something to happen or start, especially suddenly
The news story sparked a heated debate among the citizens. 그 뉴스 기사는 시민들 사이에 뜨거운 논쟁을 촉발했다.
[n] the production of things by using machines and factories
The car industry is growing rapidly in many countries. 자동차 산업은 많은 나라에서 빠르게 성장하고 있습니다.
steel mill
a factory that makes steel
The workers at the steel mill produce tons of metal every day. 제철소의 노동자들은 매일 수 톤의 금속을 생산합니다.
regard A as B
[v] to consider or think of someone or something in a certain way
Many people regard her as a great leader. 많은 사람들이 그녀를 훌륭한 지도자로 여깁니다.
[adj] relating to the production, trade, and usage of goods and services
The country's economic growth has been steady for the past five years. 그 나라의 경제 성장은 지난 5년 동안 꾸준했습니다.
[adj] having a high chance of happening or being true
Likely rainfall tomorrow means you should bring an umbrella. 내일 비가 올 가능성이 있으니 우산을 가져가는 게 좋겠어요.
[n] a bright fire or light that does not last long
The emergency flare lit up the night sky, helping rescuers locate the lost hikers. 비상용 불꽃이 밤하늘을 밝혀 구조대원들이 길 잃은 등산객들을 찾는 데 도움을 주었어요.
made completely wet by oil
The oil-soaked rag was a fire hazard in the workshop. 기름에 흠뻑 젖은 걸레는 작업장에서 화재 위험이 있었어요.
[prep] in a lower position or under someone or something
The book was hidden beneath the bed. 책은 침대 아래에 숨겨져 있었습니다.
[n] a piece of writing on a certain topic in a printed or online newspaper or magazine
The newspaper article about climate change was very informative. 기후 변화에 관한 신문 기사가 매우 유익했어요.
[v] to have something as an important part by giving attention to it
This movie features a famous actor in the lead role. 이 영화는 유명한 배우를 주연으로 특별히 포함하고 있어요.
[n] the hot, bright gas of a fire
The flame of the candle flickered in the wind. 양초의 불꽃이 바람에 깜빡거렸어요.
put out
to make something stop burning
Put out the campfire before you leave the site. 캠프장을 떠나기 전에 모닥불을 꺼주세요.
[n] a strong effect that someone or something has on another
The new policy had a significant impact on the local economy. 새로운 정책은 지역 경제에 큰 영향을 미쳤습니다.
[n] knowledge or understanding of a certain fact, subject, or situation
Awareness of environmental issues is growing among young people. 환경 문제에 대한 의식이 젊은이들 사이에서 증가하고 있습니다.
[n] a level of quality that is required or considered acceptable
The company set a high standard for quality control. 회사는 품질 관리에 대한 높은 기준을 설정했습니다.
[v] to start or create something that is meant to last for a long time
Established in 1945, Seoul National University is one of Korea's top universities. 1945년에 설립된 서울대학교는 한국의 최고 대학 중 하나입니다.
[n] the official approval of something, such as a law
The narrow passage led to a hidden garden. 좁은 통로가 숨겨진 정원으로 이어졌어요.
[v] to make known or reveal something that is usually bad
The reporter decided to expose the scandal to the public. 그 기자는 그 스캔들을 대중에게 폭로하기로 결정했다.
[adj] cruel, severe, or unkind
The teacher's harsh words made the student feel sad. 선생님의 가혹한 말씀이 학생을 슬프게 했어요.
[n] a sudden, great change in the way people live or think
The French revolution changed the course of European history. 프랑스 혁명은 유럽 역사의 흐름을 바꾸었습니다.
[v] to pay someone for work or to do a job
Employing skilled workers is essential for a company's success. 숙련된 근로자를 고용하는 것은 회사의 성공에 필수적입니다.
go on strike
to stop working so that one’s employer accepts one’s demands
The workers decided to go on strike for better wages. 노동자들은 더 나은 임금을 위해 파업하기로 결정했습니다.
[v] to make known secret or hidden information to others
The detective worked hard to reveal the truth about the crime. 형사는 범죄에 대한 진실을 드러내기 위해 열심히 일했습니다.
[n] a group of people that were chosen to make decisions or act on something
The school committee met to discuss the new lunch menu. 학교 위원회가 새로운 점심 메뉴에 대해 논의하기 위해 모였습니다.
[adj] involving the examination of something to discover the truth
The investigative reporter uncovered a major scandal at city hall. 수사 전문 기자가 시청의 중대한 스캔들을 밝혀냈다.
[v] to act like something is true when you know that it is not
Pretend to be asleep when your parents come to check on you. 부모님이 당신을 확인하러 오시면 자는 척하세요.
[n] an agreement in which one gives money to a company so that the company can pay for some kind of future loss
The high cost of insurance made him reconsider buying a car. 높은 보험료 때문에 그는 차를 사는 것을 재고하게 되었다.
[n] someone whose job is to ensure that official standards are met through critical examination
The inspector checked the safety of the building carefully. 감독관이 건물의 안전을 신중히 점검했어요.
take advantage of
to unfairly use someone or something for one’s own benefit
Take advantage of the nice weather and go for a walk. 좋은 날씨를 이용해서 산책을 가세요.
[adj] unable to protect oneself or to act without support from others
Helpless animals need our protection and care. 무력한 동물들은 우리의 보호와 보살핌이 필요합니다.
[v] to twist and cross long pieces of material to make cloth, a carpet, a basket, etc.
She learned to weave colorful patterns into the fabric. 그녀는 천에 화려한 무늬를 짜는 법을 배웠어요.
[n] the tools, machines, etc. that are needed for a certain activity or purpose
The students need equipment for their science experiment. 학생들은 과학 실험을 위한 장비가 필요해요.
[adj] causing great sadness, often relating to death or suffering
The tragic accident left everyone in shock. 그 비극적인 사고는 모든 사람들을 충격에 빠뜨렸어요.
can't help but
to not be able to do anything else but
I can't help but smile when I see cute puppies. 귀여운 강아지들을 볼 때 나는 웃지 않을 수 없어요.
[n] an event where objects such as paintings or photographs are shown to the public
The art exhibition featured paintings from local artists. 예술 전시회에는 지역 예술가들의 그림이 전시되었습니다.
[v] to legally or officially say that something is not allowed
The school decided to ban cell phones during exams. 학교는 시험 중 휴대폰을 금지하기로 결정했습니다.
[n] the group of people chosen to create laws for a nation, especially the US
The U.S. Congress meets in Washington D.C. 미국 의회는 워싱턴 D.C.에서 모입니다.
[adj] not allowed by law
The police arrested him for his illegal activities. 경찰은 그의 불법적인 활동으로 그를 체포했습니다.
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