NE능률 공통영어1 영영단어(오선영, 2022) SpecialLesson
12 카드 | netutor
[n] a way of thinking, behaving, or doing something that has existed for a long time among a particular group of people
The school follows many traditions during graduation ceremonies. 학교는 졸업식 동안 많은 전통을 따릅니다.
[adv] only or completely
The decision was made purely based on the facts. 그 결정은 순전히 사실에 근거해서 이루어졌습니다.
[v] to show something is true or real through evidence or argument
He had to prove his innocence in court. 그는 법정에서 자신의 무죄를 입증해야 했다.
[adj] normal or usual, and not special or unique in any way
The museum visit was an ordinary school trip for us. 박물관 방문은 우리에게 평범한 학교 소풍이었어요.
[adv] in a way that is only just possible with difficulty
Barely anyone showed up for the meeting. 모임에 거의 아무도 나타나지 않았어요.
[n] someone whose job is to do housework for someone else, especially in the past
The king had many servants to take care of his palace. 왕은 궁전을 돌보는 많은 하인들을 두고 있었습니다.
pass by
to go past someone or something
The old lady passed by the park every morning. 노인은 매일 아침 공원을 지나갔어요.
[v] to see or recognize someone or something suddenly or by looking hard
He spotted a rare bird in the park. 그는 공원에서 희귀한 새를 발견했어요.
compared to
measured or judged against another thing or person by looking at similarities or differences
Compared to last year, the weather this summer is much hotter. 작년과 비교하여 올해 여름 날씨가 훨씬 더 덥습니다.
[adj] not realizing or having knowledge of something
Unaware of the danger, the child approached the wild animal. 위험을 알지 못한 채, 그 아이는 야생동물에게 다가갔다.
in remembrance of
the act of remembering and honoring someone who died or a past event
The school held a ceremony in remembrance of the former principal. 학교는 전임 교장 선생님을 추모하여 기념식을 열었습니다.
[v] to fall down or become unconscious due to being weak or sick
The old building collapsed during the earthquake. 오래된 건물이 지진 중에 붕괴되었어요.
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