NE능률 공통영어2 영영단어(오선영, 2022) Lesson1
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[v] to come or join together for a shared action or purpose
The leaders of different countries united to solve global problems. 여러 국가의 지도자들이 세계적인 문제를 해결하기 위해 연합했습니다.
[adj] causing a feeling of interest, admiration, or respect
The new museum was very impressive with its huge dinosaur skeletons. 새 박물관은 거대한 공룡 뼈대로 매우 인상적이었습니다.
[n] the quality of being full of energy or life
Vitality is essential for living a healthy and fulfilling life. 생명력은 건강하고 충만한 삶을 살아가는 데 필수적입니다.
[adv] without a specific goal, method, or pattern
The teacher handed out test papers randomly to the students. 선생님은 학생들에게 시험지를 무작위로 나눠주었습니다.
[n] the state of officially belonging to a particular country
A person's nationality is often shown on their passport. 사람의 국적은 보통 여권에 표시됩니다.
[n] the words of a song
The singer wrote beautiful lyrics for his new song. 가수는 새 노래를 위해 아름다운 가사를 썼어요.
[adj] existing online or on computers rather than physically
The company held a virtual meeting with employees from different countries. 회사는 여러 나라의 직원들과 사실상의 회의를 열었어요.
to one’s surprise
used to say that someone feels surprised about something
To one's surprise, the lost cat returned home after a week. 놀랍게도, 잃어버린 고양이가 일주일 만에 집으로 돌아왔다.
[adv] in a way that shows a strong desire to have or do something
Eagerly awaiting her birthday, Sarah counted down the days. 생일을 열렬히 기다리며 사라는 날짜를 세어 내려갔어요.
[v] to unexpectedly experience or be faced with something, especially something difficult or unpleasant
I encountered an old friend at the supermarket yesterday. 어제 슈퍼마켓에서 옛 친구와 우연히 마주쳤어요.
[adj] suitable for one’s needs, plans, and activities and causing little trouble
The new app makes online shopping very convenient. 새로운 앱은 온라인 쇼핑을 매우 편리하게 만들어요.
out of sync
not moving or happening together at the same time and speed as someone or something else
Their dance moves were completely out of sync with the music. 그들의 춤 동작은 음악과 전혀 동시에 이뤄지지 않았어요.
[v] to plan or invent something by combining and applying ideas or principles
The scientists devised a new method to purify water. 과학자들이 물을 정화하는 새로운 방법을 고안했어요.
[v] to put together separate parts to create something, such as a toy or machine
The students assembled in the gymnasium for the school announcement. 학생들은 학교 공지사항을 듣기 위해 체육관에 집합했어요.
when it comes to
used to identify the specific topic that is being discussed
When it comes to studying, I always try my best. 공부에 관한 한, 나는 항상 최선을 다해요.
take turns
to do something one after another so that the responsibility or opportunity is shared
Take turns reading the story aloud to the class. 이야기를 반 전체에 소리 내어 읽는 것을 교대로 하세요.
put on hold
to pause something temporarily, planning to continue it later
Put on hold your plans for the weekend; we need to finish this project first. 주말 계획을 보류하세요; 우리는 먼저 이 프로젝트를 끝내야 합니다.
[n] the act of communicating with or reacting to someone or something
Interaction between students is important for group projects. 학생들 간의 상호 작용은 그룹 프로젝트에 중요해요.
[n] something that causes suffering, pain, or loss
Hardship often makes people stronger and more resilient. 어려움은 종종 사람들을 더 강하고 탄력적으로 만듭니다.
in person
with one’s physical body rather than indirectly
If I meet you in person, I will ask you many more questions. 만약 당신을 직접 만난다면, 저는 더 많은 질문을 할 거예요.
클래스카드의 다양한 학습을 바로 체험해 보세요!
궁금한 것, 안되는 것
말씀만 하세요:)
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