[n] the act of working with another to create or achieve something
The collaboration between the two groups was successful.
두 집단 사이의 협력은 성공적이었다.
[v] to give new life, activity, or success to something
The city plans to revitalize the old downtown area with new shops and restaurants.
시는 새로운 상점과 식당으로 오래된 시내를 재활성화할 계획입니다.
be known for
to be famous for something specific
You are known for your kindness and honesty.
당신은 친절함과 정직함으로 알려져있습니다.
[n] the style or method in which a building is designed and built
The museum has impressive architecture that attracts many visitors.
박물관은 많은 방문객을 끌어들이는 인상적인 건축 양식을 가지고 있습니다.
[n] a town or city where ships can load and unload goods
Ships dock at the busy port to load and unload cargo.
배들이 화물을 싣고 내리기 위해 분주한 항구에 정박합니다.
[adj] made for people to live in
The new residential area has many parks and playgrounds.
새로운 주거 지역에는 공원과 놀이터가 많이 있습니다.
[v] to leave someone or something with no intention of returning
The children were sad when their father abandoned the family.
아버지가 가족을 버렸을 때 아이들은 슬펐어요.
take over
to get control of something, especially by force
The new manager will take over the project next month.
새 관리자가 다음 달에 프로젝트를 인계받을 것입니다.
tear down
to completely destroy a building by knocking it down or breaking it
They decided to tear down the old building to make space for a new park.
그들은 새로운 공원을 위한 공간을 만들기 위해 오래된 건물을 허물기로 결정했습니다.
[n] the amount of money that is available for or assigned to a certain purpose Budget carefully to save money for your vacation.
여행을 위해 돈을 아끼려면 예산을 신중히 세우세요.
[v] to restore something old by cleaning, fixing, or rebuilding it
The old house needs to be renovated before we can move in.
그 오래된 집은 우리가 이사 가기 전에 개조되어야 해요.
[n] someone who makes a formal request for something, such as a job or course
The applicant was nervous during the job interview.
지원자는 면접 중에 긴장했어요.
[adv] judging from what is known or seen Apparently, it's going to rain tomorrow.
듣자 하니 내일 비가 올 것 같아요.
[v] to completely change or be changed in form, use, or appearance
The scientist tried to transform the chemical into a new substance.
과학자는 그 화학 물질을 새로운 물질로 변형하려고 노력했습니다.
[adj] used so much that it is badly damaged or no longer usable
These worn-out shoes need to be replaced soon.
이 닳아서 못 쓰게 된 신발들은 곧 교체해야 해요.
[adj] wanted and worth having due to its pleasing qualities
Living a healthy lifestyle is desirable for everyone.
모두에게 건강한 생활 방식은 바람직합니다.
[n] a place where ships are made or fixed
The workers built large ships at the busy shipyard.
노동자들은 바쁜 조선소에서 큰 배들을 만들었습니다.
turn to
to go to someone or something for help or advice Turn to your friends when you need help.
도움이 필요할 때 친구들에게 의지하세요.
[adj] of first importance, rank, or value
The primary goal of our project is to help the environment.
우리 프로젝트의 주된 목표는 환경을 돕는 것입니다.
[adj] using or featuring a new method, approach, or idea
The company introduced an innovative product that changed the market.
그 회사는 시장을 변화시킨 혁신적인 제품을 소개했습니다.
[v] to officially decide to give something, such as a contract
The school will award prizes to the best students at the end of the year.
학교는 연말에 가장 우수한 학생들에게 상을 수여할 것입니다.
[n] a legal agreement by which someone pays to use and own a building, land, or piece of equipment for a certain period of time
The company signed a lease for the office space.
회사는 사무실 공간에 대한 임대차 계약에 서명했습니다.
[n] a layer of stone or concrete that supports a building from underneath
The new building has a strong foundation that will last for many years.
새 건물은 오랫동안 지속될 튼튼한 기초를 가지고 있습니다.
[v] to create an object of higher value from an old or used object of lesser value Upcycling old jeans into a trendy bag is a creative way to reduce waste.
낡은 청바지를 세련된 가방으로 업사이클링하는 것은 쓰레기를 줄이는 창의적인 방법이에요.
[n] a track made for people to walk or travel on
She decided to choose a different path for her career.
그녀는 자신의 경력을 위해 다른 계획을 선택하기로 결정했습니다.
[v] to make pure by removing harmful, dirty, or unwanted substances
The water filter will purify the dirty water.
필터가 더러운 물을 정화할 것입니다.
[n] an act of working together with another or others, especially toward a common purpose Cooperation is key to success in team projects.
팀 프로젝트에서 협력이 성공의 핵심이에요.
[adj] essential; absolutely necessary or important to the existence or success of someone or something
Exercise is vital for maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
운동은 건강한 생활 방식을 유지하는 데 필수적입니다.
[n] someone or something that gives one the desire, enthusiasm, or idea to do something
Her grandmother's courage was a great source of inspiration for her.
그녀의 할머니의 용기는 그녀에게 큰 영감의 원천이었습니다.