[v] to save someone or something from an unpleasant, harmful, or dangerous situation
The firefighters rescued the cat from the burning building.
소방관들이 불타는 건물에서 고양이를 구조했어요.
[v] to put something in a dangerous situation, in which it could be lost, destroyed, or damaged Risk your health by eating too much junk food.
과도한 정크푸드 섭취로 건강을 위태롭게 할 수 있습니다.
[adj] so valuable that its cost cannot be calculated
The ancient artifact was considered priceless by historians.
그 고대 유물은 역사학자들에 의해 대단히 귀중한 것으로 여겨졌다.
[n] a state of complete destruction
The earthquake ruined many buildings in the city.
지진이 도시의 많은 건물들을 파괴했어요.
[n] a collection of historical records or documents that give information about a place, organization, or group
The museum has an archive of historical documents.
박물관에는 역사적 문서들의 기록 보관소가 있습니다.
[n] someone who studies and specializes in a particular subject
The scholar spent many years studying ancient history.
그 학자는 고대 역사를 연구하는 데 많은 해를 보냈습니다.
[n] someone who studies or writes about history
The historian spent years researching ancient civilizations.
역사학자는 수년간 고대 문명을 연구했습니다.
[n] the act of damaging something to the point of no longer existing, or no longer being usable or fixable
The earthquake caused widespread destruction in the city.
지진으로 도시에 광범위한 파괴가 발생했습니다.
[n] something, such as a large building, that is easily recognized, especially one that will help you to know where you are
The Eiffel Tower is a famous landmark in Paris.
에펠탑은 파리의 유명한 랜드마크입니다.
[v] to successfully get someone to do, accept, or agree to something through reasoning or argument Persuade your parents to let you go to the party.
부모님을 설득해서 파티에 갈 수 있게 해보세요.
[n] a group of soldiers trained to fight in a war
The strong wind forced the trees to bend.
강한 바람이 나무들을 구부리게 했어요.
[v] to attack a place or people with a weapon that blows up and is used to hurt, damage, or kill
The enemy bombed the city during the night.
적군이 밤에 도시를 폭격했어요.
[adj] having great importance
The new policy will have a significant impact on our economy.
이 새로운 정책은 우리 경제에 중요한 영향을 미칠 것입니다.
[v] to clean and repair something so that it returns to its original condition
The team worked hard to restore the old building to its original condition.
팀은 그 오래된 건물을 원래 상태로 복원하기 위해 열심히 일했습니다.
[v] to move away from a place or an enemy in order to escape from fighting or danger
The army had to retreat from the battlefield due to heavy losses.
군대는 큰 손실로 인해 전장에서 후퇴해야 했습니다.
against the clock
as fast as possible due to the extremely limited amount of time Against the clock, we rushed to finish our project before the deadline.
시간을 다투며 우리는 마감 시간 전에 프로젝트를 끝내기 위해 서둘렀다.
[n] a group of things, often of the same kind, that have been gathered
The museum has an impressive collection of ancient artifacts.
박물관에는 인상적인 고대 유물 수집품이 있습니다.
in charge of
having control of or overall responsibility for In charge of the school festival, Sarah worked hard to make it a success.
학교 축제를 맡아서, Sarah는 그것을 성공시키기 위해 열심히 일했습니다.
set off
to cause something, such as a bomb, to explode or blow up
The hikers set off early in the morning to reach the mountain peak.
등산객들은 산봉우리에 도달하기 위해 이른 아침에 출발했습니다.
[n] a substance that can be made to burst or shatter in a violent way
The explosive was carefully handled by the bomb squad.
폭발물은 폭발물 처리반에 의해 조심스럽게 다루어졌습니다.
[adj] causing great suffering or loss
The concert was a disastrous failure, with many technical problems.
그 콘서트는 많은 기술적 문제로 인해 처참한 실패였습니다.
[n] a way of earning the money needed to live Livelihood is an essential concern for many families in rural areas.
농촌 지역의 많은 가정들에게 생계는 필수적인 관심사입니다.
seal off
to block or close an area or place so that no one can enter or leave
The police had to seal off the area after the accident.
경찰은 사고 후 그 지역을 봉쇄해야 했습니다.
[v] to forcefully get through or into a tight place
The crowd squeezed into the small concert hall.
군중들이 작은 콘서트홀에 비집고 들어갔어요.
[v] to move or transfer someone or something from one place to another, often by using a vehicle
The company uses trucks to transport goods across the country.
회사는 트럭을 사용하여 상품을 전국으로 수송합니다.
[adj] not enough
The teacher said our homework was insufficient and asked us to do more.
선생님께서 우리의 숙제가 불충분하다고 말씀하시고 더 하라고 하셨어요.
[n] the amount of something that is available to be used
The factory needs to supply more parts to meet the demand.
공장은 수요를 충족시키기 위해 더 많은 부품을 공급해야 합니다.
[n] an important task that a person or group is responsible for Mission accomplished! We finished the project on time.
임무 완수! 우리는 제시간에 프로젝트를 끝냈어요.
[v] to do or complete something successfully, especially through hard work
She was able to accomplish her goal of learning French in one year.
그녀는 1년 만에 프랑스어를 배우겠다는 목표를 완수할 수 있었다.
[v] to recognize someone or something and say or prove who or what they are
The police asked witnesses to identify the suspect from a lineup.
경찰은 목격자들에게 용의자 라인업에서 용의자를 확인해 달라고 요청했습니다.
[n] the place or point where something is created or begins
The origin of this ancient tradition remains a mystery.
이 고대 전통의 기원은 여전히 미스터리로 남아있습니다.
[adj] showing that one has firmly decided to do something out of a strong desire to do it, and that one won’t stop for anyone or anything Determined to win the race, Sarah practiced every day.
우승하기로 단단히 결심한 Sarah는 매일 연습했어요.
[adj] numerous or too many to be counted
There are countless stars in the sky on a clear night.
맑은 밤하늘에는 셀 수 없이 많은 별들이 있어요.
[n] an action or service that helps to cause something to exist, occur, or develop Contribution to the community is important for social development.
사회 발전을 위해 공동체에 대한 기여가 중요합니다.