[adj] using the right hand more naturally or easily than the left Right-handed people usually find it easier to use scissors designed for the right hand.
오른손잡이들은 보통 오른손용으로 설계된 가위를 사용하기 더 쉽다고 생각합니다.
[n] a physical or mental condition that limits one’s ability to act, move, think, or sense things Disability should not limit a person's opportunities in life.
장애가 사람의 인생 기회를 제한해서는 안 됩니다.
[n] the quality of being able to be easily entered, reached, or used by people with a disability Accessibility ramps make it easier for people in wheelchairs to enter buildings.
접근성 경사로는 휠체어를 탄 사람들이 건물에 쉽게 들어갈 수 있게 해줍니다.
[adj] available as a different choice
An alternative solution was needed when the first plan failed.
첫 번째 계획이 실패했을 때 대안이 되는 해결책이 필요했습니다.
[v] to notice or discover something, usually something that is not easy to see, hear, etc.
The dog's keen nose can detect hidden treats easily.
개의 예민한 코는 숨겨진 간식을 쉽게 감지할 수 있어요.
[v] to make sure that something occurs or is certain
We must ensure that all students have access to quality education.
우리는 모든 학생들이 양질의 교육을 받을 수 있도록 반드시 보장해야 합니다.
[n] a written or printed version of something, especially of recorded material
The teacher asked us to transcript the audio lecture for our homework.
선생님은 우리에게 숙제로 음성 강의를 글로 옮겨 적으라고 요청하셨어요.
[n] a piece of text that appears on the screen to describe spoken words or sound effects for people who cannot hear them
The movie had English captions for Korean viewers.
그 영화는 한국 관객들을 위해 영어 자막이 있었습니다.
[adv] used in negatives to say that something cannot be avoided Necessarily, we had to postpone the picnic due to the heavy rain.
어쩔 수 없이 우리는 폭우 때문에 소풍을 연기해야 했어요.
[v] to compare two people or things to show the differences between them
The black and white photo showed a strong contrast between light and dark areas.
흑백 사진은 밝은 부분과 어두운 부분 사이에 뚜렷한 대조를 보여주었습니다.
[v] to change or move something slightly, especially to make it more correct or suitable
The teacher asked students to adjust their desks before the exam.
선생님은 시험 전에 학생들에게 책상을 조정하라고 요청했어요.
[n] the act of moving around a website or computer screen
The ship's captain used navigation skills to guide the vessel safely through the storm.
선장은 항해 기술을 사용하여 배를 폭풍을 통해 안전하게 안내했습니다.
rely on
to need someone or something for support or help
We should not rely on others too much for our happiness.
우리는 행복을 위해 다른 사람들에게 너무 많이 의존해서는 안 됩니다.
make use of
to use someone or something for a certain purpose
We should make use of the library's resources for our research project.
우리는 연구 프로젝트를 위해 도서관의 자료를 활용해야 해요.
[n] a mark with one longer line and two short lines forming a point which is used to show a direction
The boy shot an arrow from his bow.
소년이 활에서 화살을 쏘았어요.
[adv] only for a certain amount of time; not permanently
He temporarily moved to a different city for work.
그는 일을 위해 일시적으로 다른 도시로 이사했습니다.
[n] a sign that shows the existence or state of something
The stock market is often used as an indicator of economic health.
주식 시장은 종종 경제 건강의 지표로 사용됩니다.
color blindness
a condition in which an individual is unable to see colors in a typical way Color blindness can make it difficult to distinguish between certain hues.
색맹은 특정 색상을 구별하기 어렵게 만들 수 있습니다.
tell ~ apart
to be able to see the differences between similar people or things
I can't tell the twins apart because they look so similar.
나는 쌍둥이가 너무 비슷해 보여서 구별할 수 없어요.
[adj] covered with or made of small round marks
The sky was dotted with stars on a clear night.
맑은 밤하늘에 별들이 점으로 흩뿌려져 있었어요.
[adj] without holes, spaces, or pauses
The ice cube is a solid form of water.
얼음 큐브는 물의 단단한 형태입니다.
regardless of
[prep] without being affected or influenced by any other events or conditions Regardless of the weather, we will have the picnic tomorrow.
날씨에 상관없이 우리는 내일 소풍을 갈 거예요.
[adj] including everyone and not limited to certain people
Our school promotes an inclusive environment where everyone feels welcome.
우리 학교는 모든 사람이 환영받는 포용적인 환경을 조성합니다.