중1 YBM 영어교과서 영영단어(김은형, 2022) Lesson 3
26 카드 | ybmadmin
[n]a short period of rest or pause during work or activity
We have a break after math class. 우리는 수학 수업 후에 쉬는 시간이 있습니다.
[n]room for broadcasting or recording
The TV show was recorded in a studio. TV 쇼는 방송실에서 녹화되었습니다.
[v]to finish or stop
The movie will end at 9 PM. 영화는 오후 9시에 끝날 것입니다.
[v]to use or experience something with others
I like to share my toys with my friends. 나는 내 장난감을 친구들과 함께 나누는 것을 좋아합니다.
go well
proceed successfully or favorably
Everything goes well when we work together. 우리가 함께 일할 때 모든 것이 잘 됩니다.
thanks to
[prep]because of; due to the help or actions of
Thanks to my friend, I learned how to ride a bike. 친구 덕분에 자전거 타는 법을 배웠어요.
[adj]extremely good or wonderful
The fireworks show was fantastic! 불꽃놀이 쇼는 굉장했어요!
[adj]different; one more; an additional
Would you like another cookie? 다른 쿠키를 드시겠습니까?
school nurse
[n]person responsible for health care in a school
The school nurse helped the student who fell on the playground. 보건 교사가 운동장에서 넘어진 학생을 도와주었습니다.
[n]pain in the stomach or belly
I have a stomachache after eating too much candy. 사탕을 너무 많이 먹어서 배가 아파요.
take care of
[v]to look after or care for someone or something
Take care of your little sister while I'm out. 내가 나간 동안 네 여동생을 돌봐주세요.
lunch staff
[n]employees who work in a school cafeteria or dining hall
The lunch staff prepares delicious meals for students every day. 급식실 직원들은 매일 학생들을 위해 맛있는 식사를 준비합니다.
[v]to get ready for something
I prepare my backpack for school every night. 나는 매일 밤 학교 갈 가방을 준비합니다.
make one's day
to make someone very happy or pleased
Your smile made my day. 당신의 미소가 나를 기쁘게 했어요.
be full of
to contain a large amount of something
The garden is full of beautiful flowers. 그 정원은 아름다운 꽃으로 가득합니다.
[adj]extremely good or beautiful
Wonderful flowers are blooming in the garden. 정원에 아주 멋진 꽃들이 피고 있어요.
[n]area of land used for a specific purpose
The children played soccer in the field. 아이들이 현장에서 축구를 했습니다.
[adj]not interesting; not exciting; causing tiredness
The math class was very boring today. 오늘 수학 수업은 매우 지루했어요.
[adj]used at the beginning of a letter to address the person you are writing to
Dear John, I hope you are well. 존경하는 존에게, 당신이 잘 지내고 있기를 바랍니다.
[v]to perform music on the street for money
Busk in the park to earn some money. 공원에서 길거리 공연을 하여 돈을 벌어보세요.
[adj]very surprising or impressive
Amazing animals live in the jungle. 놀라운 동물들이 정글에 살고 있습니다.
[n]doctor for animals
The vet gave my dog a checkup. 수의사가 내 강아지를 검진했어요.
[n]a long, thin stick or rod, often used for support or as a tool
The pole is used to hang the flag. 깃발을 거는 데 막대기가 사용됩니다.
[n]customs or beliefs passed down from generation to generation
People celebrate traditions during holidays. 사람들은 휴일에 전통을 기념합니다.
[n]public recognition and praise for achievements
Fame can come from doing good things. 명성은 좋은 일을 하는 것으로부터 올 수 있습니다.
[v]to cook food in an oven using dry heat
The children bake cookies with their mother. 아이들은 엄마와 함께 쿠키를 굽습니다.
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