[prep]from one side to the other side of something Across the street, I can see a big park.
길 건너편에 큰 공원이 보입니다.
[v]to gain knowledge or skill by studying or practicing Learn how to ride a bicycle.
자전거 타는 법을 배우세요.
[adj]relating to Brazil or its people Brazilian coffee is famous around the world.
브라질 커피는 전 세계적으로 유명합니다.
[adj]big in size or amount
The large elephant drinks a lot of water.
큰 코끼리는 물을 많이 마십니다.
[n]a land with its own government and borders
My country is South Korea.
제 나라는 한국입니다.
[n]dense forest with heavy rainfall in tropical areas
The rainforest is home to many colorful birds.
열대 우림은 많은 색깔의 새들의 서식지입니다.
[n]the state of the air and sky, such as temperature, rain, or wind
The weather is sunny today.
오늘 날씨가 화창합니다.
[adj]having a comfortable temperature that is not too hot or cold
The warm blanket made me feel cozy.
따뜻한 담요는 나를 포근하게 만들었어요.
[adj]pleasantly cold or refreshing
It's cool in the shade under the big tree.
큰 나무 아래 그늘에서는 시원합니다.
capital city
[n]main city of a country where the government is located Capital city Seoul is very big.
수도 서울은 매우 큽니다.
[n]a festive celebration or parade with music, dancing, and colorful costumes
The children enjoyed the colorful carnival in town.
아이들은 마을의 화려한 카니발을 즐겼습니다.
[n]a public celebration with people marching and often including music and decorated vehicles
The parade was colorful and exciting.
그 퍼레이드는 화려하고 흥미진진했습니다.
[adj]having many bright colors
The garden is full of colorful flowers.
그 정원에는 형형색색의 꽃들로 가득합니다.
[adj]very tasty or enjoyable to eat
The cake smells delicious.
그 케이크는 아주 맛있는 냄새가 납니다.
[n]a special celebration or event with music, food, and activities
The city holds a big festival every summer.
도시는 매년 여름마다 큰 축제를 엽니다.
[adj]liked or admired by many people Popular movies often have many fans.
인기 있는 영화들은 보통 많은 팬들이 있습니다.
[v]to ask for forgiveness or explain why something happened
Please excuse me, I need to go to the bathroom.
실례합니다, 화장실에 가야 해요.
[n]a diagram showing information as lines or shapes
The teacher drew a graph on the board.
선생님께서 칠판에 그래프를 그리셨습니다.
[adj]most important; principal
The main color of the flag is red.
국기의 주된 색깔은 빨간색입니다.
[n]wet, soft earth or dirt
The children played in the mud after it rained.
비가 온 후 아이들이 진흙 속에서 놀았습니다.
[n]large and grand house where a king or queen lives
The king lives in a beautiful palace.
왕은 아름다운 궁전에 살고 있습니다.
[n]fine, dry particles of a substance
The baker added powder to the cake mix.
제빵사는 케이크 반죽에 가루를 넣었습니다.
[v]to send an object through the air with your hand Throw the ball to me, please.
공을 저에게 던져주세요.
[n]buying and selling goods or services between people or countries Trade between countries helps their economies grow.
국가 간의 거래는 그들의 경제 성장을 돕습니다.
[n]freedom to do what you want without restrictions Liberty is an important right for all people.
자유는 모든 사람에게 중요한 권리입니다.
[n]a carved or sculpted figure of a person or animal
The museum has a beautiful statue of a lion.
박물관에는 사자의 아름다운 조각상이 있습니다.
[n]a tropical fruit with a rough yellow skin and sweet yellow flesh Pineapples are sweet and juicy tropical fruits.
파인애플은 달콤하고 즙이 많은 열대 과일입니다.
[n]a fast Brazilian dance
People love to dance the samba at carnival celebrations.
사람들은 카니발 축제에서 삼바를 추는 것을 좋아합니다.
[n]a small guitar-like instrument with four strings
The girl plays the ukulele at the beach party.
소녀는 해변 파티에서 우쿨렐레를 연주합니다.
[n]an open public area in a town or city, usually surrounded by buildings
The children played in the square after school.
아이들은 방과 후 광장에서 놀았습니다.