중1 YBM 영어교과서 영영단어(박준언, 2022) Lesson 6
30 카드 | ybmadmin
[n]a record of financial transactions or personal information
Your account has been created successfully. 당신의 계정이 성공적으로 만들어졌습니다.
[n]helpful suggestion or recommendation given to someone
Advice from parents is often helpful. 부모님의 조언은 종종 도움이 됩니다.
[adj]sad or depressed
The sky looks blue today. 오늘 하늘이 우울해 보입니다.
[v]to use teeth to cut into something
The dog might bite you if you're not careful. 조심하지 않으면 개가 당신을 물 수 있습니다.
[n]pain in the head
I have a headache after studying for hours. 나는 몇 시간 공부한 후 두통이 있습니다.
[adj]not paying attention or not being careful
She was careless with her homework and made many mistakes. 그녀는 숙제를 경솔하게 했고 많은 실수를 했습니다.
[v]to share information or ideas with others
We need to communicate clearly with our friends. 우리는 친구들과 명확하게 의사소통을 해야 합니다.
[adj]feeling tired and uninterested because something is not exciting or entertaining
I am bored because there's nothing to do. 나는 할 일이 없어서 지루해요.
[prep]up to a particular time or point
Until we finish our homework, we can't watch TV. 숙제를 끝낼 때까지 우리는 TV를 볼 수 없습니다.
[adv]to a greater degree than expected; surprisingly
Even small children can help with simple chores. 심지어 어린 아이들도 간단한 집안일을 도울 수 있습니다.
[n]high body temperature due to illness
Fever is a sign that you might be sick. 열은 당신이 아플 수 있다는 신호입니다.
[n]movement of the body to express meaning or feeling
He made a friendly gesture by waving his hand. 그는 손을 흔들며 친근한 몸짓을 했습니다.
get along with
[v]to have a friendly relationship with someone
Get along with your classmates. 너의 반 친구들과 잘 지내세요.
[adj]not polite or respectful to others
It's rude to talk with your mouth full. 입 안에 음식을 가득 넣고 말하는 것은 무례합니다.
[n]state of being well in body and mind
Health is important for a happy life. 건강은 행복한 삶을 위해 중요합니다.
[adj]feeling shocked or amazed by something unexpected
He looked surprised when he saw the gift. 그는 선물을 보고 놀란 표정을 지었습니다.
[n]person who is unknown or unfamiliar
Be careful when talking to strangers on the internet. 인터넷에서 낯선 사람들과 대화할 때 조심하세요.
[v]to answer or respond to someone
Reply to your teacher when she asks a question. 선생님이 질문하실 때 대답하세요.
[v]to stop activity and relax
It's time to take a rest after playing. 놀고 난 후에 쉴 시간이에요.
[adj]feeling sad, disappointed, or worried
The boy was upset when he lost his toy. 소년은 장난감을 잃어버려서 속상했습니다.
[v]to give part of something to others or use something together
We share toys with our friends. 우리는 친구들과 장난감을 공유합니다.
[adj]easy to understand or do, not complicated
The math problem was very simple to solve. 그 수학 문제는 풀기가 매우 간단했습니다.
[n]a set of circumstances or conditions at a particular time
The teacher explained the situation to the students. 선생님이 학생들에게 상황을 설명했습니다.
[adj]feeling afraid or frightened
Scared children often sleep with a night light. 겁먹은 아이들은 종종 야간등을 켜고 잠을 잡니다.
[v]use time doing something or being somewhere
He likes to spend time reading books. 그는 책을 읽으며 시간을 보내는 것을 좋아합니다.
take care of
[v]to look after or care for someone or something
Take care of your little sister while I'm out. 내가 나간 동안 너의 여동생을 돌봐주세요.
[adj]unusual or unexpected in a way that is surprising or difficult to understand
Strange noises came from the old house. 이상한 소리가 그 오래된 집에서 났어요.
[adj]causing worry, anxiety, or tension
Stressful exams can make students feel worried. 스트레스가 많은 시험은 학생들을 걱정하게 만들 수 있습니다.
[adv]in a truthful and sincere way
Honestly, I don't like broccoli. 솔직히 말해서, 나는 브로콜리를 좋아하지 않아요.
[v]to send a written message using a mobile phone
She will text her friend about the party. 그녀는 친구에게 파티에 대해 문자를 보낼 것입니다.
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