v. to respect and like someone or their behavior
I admire how well-spoken and modest he is.
나는 그의 좋은 말솜씨와 겸손함을 존경한다.
a. happening once a year
He is looking forward to the annual winter sale.
그는 매해 열리는 겨울 세일을 기대하고 있다.
v. to make a formal request for something such as a job, permission to do something, etc.
Why don't you apply for a job at the café down the street?
길 건너편 카페에 일자리를 구해보는 건 어때?
n. someone who competes in sports competitions, especially running, jumping, and throwing
Being an athlete requires hard work and a healthy lifestyle.
운동선수가 되는 것은 꾸준한 노력과 건강한 생활 방식을 필요로 한다.
n. a group of people who come to watch and listen to someone speaking or performing in public
The concert was packed with an excited audience.
콘서트는 기대에 찬 관객들로 가득 찼다.
n. a prize given to someone to reward them for something they have done
The movie has won a number of awards.
그 영화는 많은 상을 수상했다.
a. ready to face danger or challenges; showing courage
It was brave of her to speak out against injustice.
그녀가 불의에 맞서 목소리를 낸 것은 용기 있는 일이었다.
v. to take air into your lungs and send it out again
I tell myself to breathe in and out deeply when I feel nervous.
나는 긴장될 때마다 깊게 숨을 들이마시고 내쉬라고 스스로 되새긴다.
n. a part of the upper human body, between the neck and the stomach
Feeling anxious, she pulled her knees to her chest.
그녀는 불안감을 느껴 무릎을 가슴까지 끌어당겼다.
n. someone whose job is to help people in a shop
The clerk asked me if I needed help finding something.
직원은 나에게 뭔가를 찾는 데 도움이 필요한지 물었다.
v. to take part in a contest or game
She's hoping to compete in the London Marathon.
그녀는 런던 마라톤에 출전하기를 희망하고 있다.
n. the state of being awake and able to use your senses
The patient regained consciousness after the surgery.
환자는 수술 후 의식을 되찾았다.
n. the quality of being useful or suitable
We can’t ignore the convenience technology brings us.
우리는 기술이 가져다주는 편리함을 무시할 수 없다.
n. the quality of being brave when facing a difficult or dangerous situation
It takes courage to say no.
거절하는 데에는 용기가 필요하다.
n. a choice that you make after consideration
It was my decision to join the drama club.
연극 동아리에 가입하기로 한 건 내 결정이었다.
n. an explanation of the meaning of a word or phrase
The dictionary provides clear, simple definitions.
그 사전은 명확하고 간결한 정의를 제공한다.
v. to say something officially or publicly
Martin Luther King Jr. was known for delivering great speeches.
마틴 루서 킹 목사는 훌륭한 연설을 한다고 알려졌다.
a. including everything, everyone, or every part
The entire village was destroyed by the hurricane.
허리케인으로 마을 전체가 파괴되었다.
n. the feeling you have when you are worried that something bad might happen
His fear of heights made it difficult for him to ride roller coasters.
그의 고소공포증은 롤러코스터를 타는 것을 어렵게 했다.
n. a sudden, very clear memory of something that happened to you in the past
Seeing the old photograph gave her a flashback to her school days.
오래된 사진을 보는 것은 그녀에게 학창 시절을 회상하게 했다.
ad. by good luck Fortunately, no serious damage was done to the farm.
다행히 농장에는 심각한 피해가 발생하지 않았다.
v. to complete school, college, or university
My little sister will graduate from elementary school next week.
내 여동생은 다음 주에 초등학교를 졸업한다.
ad. without delay
I got into bed and immediately fell asleep.
나는 침대에 눕자마자 잠이 들었다.
n. a wound or damage to part of your body
He was lucky to escape injury.
그는 운 좋게도 부상을 면했다.
v. to make someone feel that they want to do something and can do it
My teacher's words inspired me to chase my dreams.
선생님의 말씀은 내가 꿈을 쫓도록 영감을 주었다.
n. a person whose job is to connect telephone calls
The operator helped connect my call to the right department.
교환원은 내 전화를 적절한 부서로 연결해 주었다.
n. the feeling you have when part of your body hurts
I was given medicine to ease the pain from my broken arm.
부러진 팔의 통증을 완화하기 위해 약을 처방받았다.
n. a person who is trained to do medical work, but who is not a doctor or nurse
Shortly after the call, the paramedics rushed into the house.
전화 통화 직후, 구급대원들이 집으로 달려갔다.
v. to do something difficult and useful
A computer can perform many tasks at once.
컴퓨터는 동시에 여러 가지 일을 수행할 수 있다.
v. to stop something from happening or someone from doing something
Seat belts help prevent serious car accidents.
안전벨트는 심각한 자동차 사고를 예방하는 데 도움이 된다.
a. open to people in general
The public library is a great place to study.
공공도서관은 공부하기 좋은 곳이다.
n. the regular beat of the heart as it sends blood around the body
After running, I could feel my pulse racing in my neck.
달린 후, 목에서 맥박이 빨리 뛰는 것을 느낄 수 있었다.
v. to get back something that you have lost
He must rest and regain his strength.
그는 쉬면서 체력을 회복해야 한다.
a. connected in some way
Much of the crime in this area is related to drug abuse.
이 지역의 범죄는 대부분 약물 남용과 관련되어 있다.
a. frightened of something
I've always been scared of wild animals.
나는 항상 야생 동물을 무서워했다.
n. boundary lines of a playing field or court
While I was injured, I had to watch games from the sidelines.
내가 다쳤을 때, 사이드라인에서 경기를 지켜봐야 했다.
a. happening or done quickly and unexpectedly
News of his sudden death came as a great shock.
그의 갑작스러운 사망 소식은 큰 충격으로 다가왔다.
n. something that is done to cure an illness or injury
The vet gave my dog treatment to help him recover.
수의사는 내 개가 회복할 수 있도록 치료를 해 주었다.
a. very useful or important
A lot of valuable advice can be found in this book.
이 책에서는 귀중한 조언을 많이 찾을 수 있다.
come across
to meet or find someone or something by chance
She came across some interesting information during her research.
그녀는 연구하는 동안 흥미로운 정보를 발견했어요.
deal with
to be about something
English linguistics deals with the structure, history, and evolution of the English language.
영어학은 영어의 구조, 역사, 그리고 진화를 다룬다.
instead of
in the place of someone or something
Why don't you go for a walk instead of watching TV?
TV를 보는 대신 산책을 하는 게 어때?
make a fool of
to do something stupid or embarrassing
She made a fool of herself by confidently sharing incorrect information.
그녀는 자신 있게 잘못된 정보를 공유함으로써 스스로를 웃음거리로 만들었다.
make up one's mind
to make a decision
He hasn’t made up his mind yet about which university to attend.
그는 어느 대학교에 다닐지 아직 결정을 못 했다.
put one's mind to
to decide you want to achieve something and give it all your attention
If you put your mind to saving money, you'll be able to afford that trip.
돈을 아끼려고 마음을 먹는다면, 그 여행 비용을 감당할 수 있을 거야.
shut out
to prevent someone or something from entering a place
The blinds shut out the daylight.
블라인드는 햇빛이 들어오는 것을 차단했다.
sign up for
to put your name on a list for something because you want to take part in it
I decided to sign up for the competition.
나는 대회에 신청하기로 결심했다.
take over
to take responsibility in place of somebody else
A new teacher is going to take over our history classes.
새로운 선생님이 역사 수업을 맡게 되었다.
take the lead
to take a position that is ahead of others
Our soccer team was about to take the lead when the time ran out.
우리 축구팀이 선두를 차지하려던 순간 경기 시간이 다 되었다.
track and field
sports such as running, jumping, and throwing
My favorite Olympic sport is track and field.
내가 가장 좋아하는 올림픽 종목은 육상이다.