[n] a small group of musicians who play popular music together
The band performed their new song at the concert.
밴드가 콘서트에서 새로운 노래를 연주했어요.
[n] a special event where musicians or singers perform music for an audience
We attended a concert of our favorite singer last weekend.
우리는 지난 주말에 가장 좋아하는 가수의 콘서트에 참석했어요.
[adj] not the same as other things or people
There are many different types of music to enjoy.
즐길 수 있는 다양한 종류의 음악이 많이 있어요.
[adj] not hard or difficult to do
The math homework was very easy for me to complete.
수학 숙제는 내가 완성하기에 매우 쉬웠어요.
[n] a type of music with a strong beat and words that are spoken fast, often with dancing and graffiti art
My brother loves listening to hip-hop music.
제 동생은 힙합 음악 듣는 것을 좋아해요.
[n] an Irish team sport played with sticks and a ball Hurling is a traditional Irish sport played with sticks and a ball.
헐링은 스틱과 공을 사용하여 하는 전통적인 아일랜드 스포츠예요.
[adj] exciting or fun to learn about or pay attention to
We learned about an interesting topic in science class today.
오늘 과학 수업에서 흥미로운 주제에 대해 배웠어요.
[n] a game or contest between two people or teams
The football match was very exciting to watch.
축구 경기를 보는 것은 매우 흥미진진했어요.
[n] a special name given to someone, usually shorter or funny, instead of their real name
My nickname at school is “Sunny“ because I always smile.
학교에서 제 별명은 항상 웃어서 “써니“예요.
[adj] connected to or using the internet
I took an online course to learn a new language.
새로운 언어를 배우기 위해 온라인 강좌를 들었어요.
[v] to ask for food or things you want to buy
We decided to order pizza for dinner tonight.
우리는 오늘 저녁으로 피자를 주문하기로 결정했어요.
[adj] different or not the same as this one
There are many other books you can read in the library.
도서관에는 읽을 수 있는 다른 책들이 많이 있어요.
[n] a picture taken with a camera
I took a photo of the beautiful sunset at the beach.
해변에서 아름다운 일몰의 사진을 찍었어요.
[n] a thin, stretchy rope tied between two points that people walk or balance on for fun or exercise
Walking on a slackline requires good balance and concentration.
슬랙라인 위를 걷는 것은 좋은 균형감과 집중력이 필요해요.
[n] a long, thin piece of wood or other material
The hockey player used his stick to hit the puck.
하키 선수가 스틱으로 퍽을 쳤어요.
[v] to tell someone an idea or plan that they might want to think about or do
Can you suggest a good movie for us to watch?
우리가 볼만한 좋은 영화를 제안해 주실 수 있나요?
[n] a hot drink made by pouring water over dried leaves, often served with milk or sugar
I like to drink a cup of hot tea in the morning.
아침에 뜨거운 차 한 잔을 마시는 것을 좋아해요.
[adv] at that time, after that, or next
We went to the park, and then we had ice cream.
우리는 공원에 갔고, 그다음에 아이스크림을 먹었어요.
[pron] asking for information specifying one or more people or things from a definite set Which book do you want to read first?
어떤 책을 먼저 읽고 싶나요?