중1 지학사 영어교과서 영영단어(송미정, 2022) Lesson3
31 카드 | jihak_eng
[adj] feeling very upset or mad about something
The child was angry because his toy broke. 그 아이는 장난감이 부서져서 화가 났어요.
[v] to heat liquid until it becomes very hot and makes bubbles
You need to boil the water before making tea. 차를 만들기 전에 물을 끓여야 해요.
[n] a spicy food made with meat or vegetables in a sauce with many different spices
My mom made delicious curry for dinner. 엄마가 저녁으로 맛있는 카레를 만드셨어요.
[n] a container you eat from, or food that is cooked and ready to eat
The chef prepared a special dish for the guests. 요리사가 손님들을 위해 특별한 요리를 준비했어요.
[adv] doing something without much effort or trouble
She easily solved the math problem. 그녀는 수학 문제를 쉽게 풀었어요.
[adv] at last, after waiting or trying for a long time
We finally arrived at the destination after a long journey. 우리는 긴 여행 끝에 마침내 목적지에 도착했어요.
[n] a soft, white powder made from ground wheat, used to make bread, cakes, and other foods
We need flour to make the cake. 케이크를 만들려면 밀가루가 필요해요.
[v] cook food in hot oil
My dad likes to fry eggs for breakfast. 아빠는 아침 식사로 계란을 굽는 것을 좋아하세요.
[adj] feeling like you need to eat food
I feel hungry after playing soccer. 축구를 한 후에 배가 고파요.
[n] a type of pasta shaped like small tubes
She cooked macaroni and cheese for lunch. 그녀는 점심으로 마카로니와 치즈를 요리했어요.
[n] something special that seems impossible and makes amazing things happen
The children were amazed by the magic show. 아이들은 마술 쇼에 놀랐어요.
[n] food that you eat at a regular time of day, like breakfast, lunch, or dinner
We enjoyed a delicious meal at the restaurant. 우리는 레스토랑에서 맛있는 식사를 즐겼어요.
[v] to have or express a certain idea or meaning
What does this word mean? 이 단어는 무슨 뜻인가요?
[v] to change from solid to liquid because of heat
The ice cream will melt if you leave it out. 아이스크림을 밖에 두면 녹을 거예요.
[n] a list of food and drinks that you can choose from at a restaurant
The waiter brought us the menu. 웨이터가 우리에게 메뉴를 가져다 주었어요.
[n] a short amount of time, equal to 60 seconds
The class will start in five minutes. 수업이 5분 후에 시작할 거예요.
[v] to put different things together to make one thing
You need to mix the ingredients well. 재료들을 잘 섞어야 해요.
[adj] belonging to or done by yourself, not someone else
She wrote the story using her own imagination. 그녀는 자신의 상상력을 이용해 이야기를 썼어요.
[n] a flat, round cooking dish with a handle used to fry or heat food
My mom used a frying pan to cook eggs. 엄마가 계란을 요리하기 위해 프라이팬을 사용하셨어요.
[n] a food made from flour, water, and sometimes eggs, shaped into different forms like long strings or small shapes, usually cooked in boiling water
We ate pasta with tomato sauce for dinner. 우리는 저녁으로 토마토 소스와 함께 파스타를 먹었어요.
[n] a flat, round dish used for eating food from
Please put the food on this plate. 이 접시에 음식을 담아주세요.
[adv] truly or very much so
I really enjoyed the movie. 나는 그 영화를 정말 재미있게 봤어요.
[n] instructions that tell you how to make a certain food or dish
My grandmother gave me her secret recipe for cookies. 할머니가 쿠키를 만드는 비밀 레시피를 주셨어요.
[n] a small white grain we eat; the plant it comes from
Koreans eat rice with almost every meal. 한국인들은 거의 모든 식사에 밥을 먹어요.
[n] liquid or semi-liquid food added to dishes to give extra flavor
The chef made a delicious sauce for the pasta. 요리사가 파스타에 맛있는 소스를 만들었어요.
[n] something that is kept hidden or not told to others
She told me a secret that I can't tell anyone else. 그녀가 나에게 다른 사람에게 말할 수 없는 비밀을 말해줬어요.
[v] to give part of something to others or use something together with others
It's nice to share your toys with friends. 친구들과 장난감을 나누는 것은 좋은 일이에요.
[adj] easy to understand or do, not complicated
The math problem was very simple to solve. 그 수학 문제는 풀기가 매우 간단했어요.
[adj] different from normal and better or more important in some way
We had a special dinner to celebrate her birthday. 우리는 그녀의 생일을 축하하기 위해 특별한 저녁 식사를 했어요.
[v] to mix something by moving a spoon or stick around in it
You need to stir the soup while it's cooking. 요리하는 동안 수프를 저어야 해요.
[n] a small piece of helpful advice or information
The teacher gave us a helpful tip for the exam. 선생님이 시험을 위한 유용한 조언을 주셨어요.
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