중1 지학사 영어교과서 영영단어(송미정, 2022) Lesson4
17 카드 | jihak_eng
[n] helpful ideas or suggestions given to someone about what they should do
I asked my teacher for advice about my future career. 나는 선생님께 미래 직업에 대한 조언을 구했어요.
[n] a large piece of soft cloth used to keep you warm in bed or when sitting
I covered myself with a warm blanket on the cold night. 추운 밤에 따뜻한 담요로 몸을 덮었어요.
[n] the main leader of a group or village
The chief of the village called a meeting to discuss the drought. 마을의 촌장이 가뭄에 대해 논의하기 위해 회의를 소집했어요.
[n] something you do or live through that teaches you something new
My first experience of riding a roller coaster was exciting. 롤러코스터를 처음 타본 경험은 흥미진진했어요.
[adv] treating everyone in the same way, without being unfair to anyone
The teacher tried to grade the tests fairly for all students. 선생님은 모든 학생들의 시험을 공정하게 채점하려고 노력했어요.
[v] to give food to someone or an animal
I feed my dog twice a day. 나는 하루에 두 번 개에게 먹이를 줘요.
[adj] a small number of things or people, not many
There were only a few students in the library today. 오늘 도서관에는 학생들이 몇 명밖에 없었어요.
[n] one of two equal parts of something
I ate half of the pizza and saved the rest for later. 나는 피자의 절반을 먹고 나머지는 나중을 위해 남겼어요.
[v] to not have something anymore because you can't find it or it's gone
I hope I don't lose my new pencil case. 새 필통을 잃어버리지 않았으면 좋겠어요.
[n] a sweet, juicy tropical fruit with yellow-orange flesh and a large seed inside
The mango was sweet and juicy. 망고는 달콤하고 즙이 많았어요.
[n] a living thing that grows in the ground and has leaves, stems, and roots; [v] to put seeds or young plants into the soil to grow
I watered the plant in my room every day. 나는 매일 내 방에 있는 식물에 물을 주었어요.
[v] feel sad or sorry about something you did or didn't do
I regret not studying harder for the test. 시험공부를 더 열심히 하지 않은 것을 후회해요.
[n] a statement that tells you what you should or should not do
The most important rule in the classroom is to respect others. 교실에서 가장 중요한 규칙은 다른 사람을 존중하는 것이에요.
[n] a part of a story or movie that happens in one place or time
The scene where the hero saves the day was my favorite part of the movie. 영화에서 주인공이 하루를 구하는 장면이 제일 좋았어요.
[v] to put something in liquid for a long time to make it wet
I soak my dirty clothes in warm water before washing them. 더러운 옷을 세탁하기 전에 따뜻한 물에 담가요.
[n] time off from school or work to rest and have fun
I'm looking forward to my summer vacation at the beach. 해변에서의 여름 방학이 기대돼요.
[n] a small group of houses and other buildings in the countryside, smaller than a town
Our village has a small market where everyone buys fresh vegetables. 우리 마을에는 모든 사람들이 신선한 채소를 사는 작은 시장이 있어요.
클래스카드의 다양한 학습을 바로 체험해 보세요!
궁금한 것, 안되는 것
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