[v] to go away suddenly or not be seen anymore
The magician made the rabbit disappear in front of the audience.
마술사가 관객 앞에서 토끼를 사라지게 했어요.
[n] the natural world around us, including air, water, land, plants, and animals
We should protect the environment by recycling.
우리는 재활용을 통해 환경을 보호해야 해요.
[n] a special occasion or activity that people plan and attend
The school is organizing a big event for the end of the year.
학교에서 연말 큰 행사를 준비하고 있어요.
[n] the popular style of clothes, hair, or behavior at a particular time
Many teenagers follow the latest fashion trends.
많은 십대들이 최신 패션 트렌드를 따라요.
[n] something you wear on your hands to keep them warm or protect them
She put on her gloves before going out in the cold.
그녀는 추운 날씨에 나가기 전에 장갑을 꼈어요.
[adj] feeling good and strong in your body, not sick
Eating fruits and vegetables is healthy for your body.
과일과 채소를 먹는 것은 몸에 건강해요.
[n] something that already happened or existed before now
We can learn a lot from the past.
우리는 과거로부터 많은 것을 배울 수 있어요.
[adj] not fake or pretend, actually existing or happening
A real friend will always support you.
진정한 친구는 항상 당신을 지지할 거예요.
[v] to look at or think about something again, often to check if it's good or to give an opinion about it
The movie received a positive review from critics.
그 영화는 비평가들로부터 긍정적인 평가를 받았어요.
[adj] used or owned by someone else before
She bought a second-hand bicycle to save money.
그녀는 돈을 아끼기 위해 중고 자전거를 샀어요.
[adj] feeling very surprised or upset by something unexpected
Everyone was shocked by the unexpected news.
모든 사람들이 예상치 못한 소식에 충격을 받았어요.
[adv] happening in a short time from now
The winter vacation will start soon.
겨울 방학이 곧 시작될 거예요.
[v] to move your foot and put it down in a different place
He took a step forward to greet his friend.
그는 친구를 맞이하기 위해 한 걸음 앞으로 나아갔어요.
throw away
to get rid of something you don't want or need anymore by putting it in the trash
Please don't throw away your old toys; we can donate them.
오래된 장난감을 버리지 말고 기부할 수 있어요.
[v] to use something in a way that is not useful or to throw away things that could still be used; [n] things that are thrown away because they are not needed anymore
We shouldn't waste water because it's a precious resource.
물은 귀중한 자원이므로 낭비하지 말아야 해요.
[n] the number that means nothing or none
The temperature dropped to zero degrees last night.
어젯밤 기온이 영도로 떨어졌어요.