중1 지학사 영어교과서 영영단어(송미정, 2022) Lesson7
23 카드 | jihak_eng
[adj] very surprising or wonderful, making you feel excited
The movie was so amazing that I watched it twice. 그 영화는 너무 놀라워서 두 번이나 봤어요.
[conj] another or different choice or option
Is there anything else you need? 당신이 필요한 다른 것이 있나요?
[n] a test at school to check what you have learned
I have an important exam next week. 다음 주에 중요한 시험이 있어요.
[adj] feeling very happy and full of energy about something special that is going to happen
The children were excited about the school trip. 아이들은 수학여행에 대해 신이 났어요.
[adj] yellow and shiny like gold
The sun cast a golden light over the fields. 태양이 들판 위로 황금빛 빛을 비추었어요.
[v] to show someone the way or tell them what to do
The tour guide will guide us through the museum. 관광 가이드가 우리를 박물관으로 안내할 거예요.
[n] a soft sea animal with no bones and a body like jelly that can sting
We saw a colorful jellyfish swimming in the aquarium. 우리는 수족관에서 화려한 해파리가 수영하는 것을 보았어요.
[n] a trip or travel from one place to another, usually far away
The journey to the mountain top took three hours. 산 정상까지의 여정은 3시간이 걸렸어요.
[v] to make happy sounds and smile when something is funny
The funny joke made everyone laugh. 그 재미있는 농담은 모든 사람을 웃게 만들었어요.
[v] when birds, insects, or fish make eggs and put them somewhere
The hen will lay eggs in the morning. 암탉은 아침에 알을 낳을 거예요.
[v] to go away from a place or person
We will leave for the airport at 6 AM. 우리는 오전 6시에 공항을 향해 떠날 거예요.
[v] to walk together in an organized group, often for a special event or purpose
The soldiers march in perfect formation. 군인들이 완벽한 대형으로 행진해요.
[n] a very big number that is 1,000,000 or a huge amount of something
There are over a million stars in the sky. 하늘에는 100만 개가 넘는 별들이 있어요.
[n] a very large body of salt water that covers most of the Earth's surface
The ocean looks calm and peaceful today. 오늘 바다가 잔잔하고 평화로워 보여요.
[n] a length of time with a start and end
The period of summer vacation lasts for two months. 여름 방학 기간은 2개월 동안 지속돼요.
[v] to keep someone or something safe from harm or danger
We need to protect the environment for future generations. 우리는 미래 세대를 위해 환경을 보호해야 해요.
[n] the cause or explanation for why something happens
What's the reason for your late arrival? 늦게 도착한 이유가 뭐예요?
[v] to go up or move higher, like the sun or moon coming up in the sky
The sun will rise at 5:30 AM tomorrow. 내일 해는 오전 5시 30분에 뜰 거예요.
[n] the name given to a book, movie, song, or other work
The title of the book caught my attention. 그 책의 제목이 내 주의를 끌었어요.
[prep] moving or going in the direction of something or someone
We walked toward the park after lunch. 우리는 점심 식사 후 공원을 향해 걸었어요.
[n] a very big sea animal that breathes air and looks like a giant fish
We saw a huge whale swimming in the ocean. 우리는 바다에서 수영하는 거대한 고래를 보았어요.
[adj] all of something or including every part of it
I ate the whole pizza by myself. 나는 혼자서 피자 전체를 다 먹었어요.
[adj] not tame or controlled by people, living freely in nature
We saw wild animals on our safari trip. 우리는 사파리 여행에서 야생 동물들을 보았어요.
클래스카드의 다양한 학습을 바로 체험해 보세요!
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