[v] to show up or become visible
The rabbit suddenly appeared from behind the bush.
토끼가 갑자기 덤불 뒤에서 나타났어요.
[n] thin strips of salty meat from a pig, often eaten for breakfast
My dad loves to eat bacon for breakfast.
아빠는 아침 식사로 베이컨을 먹는 것을 좋아하세요.
[n] a person who makes things out of metal by heating it and hitting it with a hammer
The blacksmith made horseshoes in his workshop.
대장장이가 작업장에서 말발굽을 만들었어요.
[n] a large, round, brown fruit with a hard shell and white meat inside, often used for food and drinks
We found a coconut on the beach during our vacation.
우리는 휴가 중 해변에서 코코넛 열매를 발견했어요.
[n] instructions that tell a computer what to do
The programmer wrote code to create a new app.
프로그래머가 새로운 앱을 만들기 위해 코드를 작성했어요.
[v] to share information or ideas with others by talking, writing, or using signs
It's important to communicate clearly with your friends.
친구들과 명확하게 의사소통하는 것이 중요해요.
[n] an event where people compete against each other to win a prize or be the best at something
Our school is holding a science contest next month.
우리 학교는 다음 달에 과학 대회를 개최할 예정이에요.
[v] to make something new or bring something into existence
The artist will create a new painting for the exhibition.
예술가가 전시회를 위해 새로운 그림을 만들 거예요.
[adj] able to make new things or think of new ideas
My little sister is very creative when it comes to drawing.
내 여동생은 그림 그리기에 있어 매우 창의적이에요.
[n] a big event where many people gather to see and buy things, or enjoy games and shows
We visited the science fair at the community center.
우리는 커뮤니티 센터에서 열린 과학 박람회를 방문했어요.
[n] facts or details that tell you about something or someone
The teacher gave us important information about the exam.
선생님께서 시험에 대한 중요한 정보를 주셨어요.
[n] a meeting where someone asks you questions, usually to learn about you or your ideas
I have a job interview next week at the local cafe.
다음 주에 지역 카페에서 취업 인터뷰가 있어요.
[n] a person whose job is to help people with legal problems and speak for them in court
My uncle works as a lawyer in a big city.
제 삼촌은 큰 도시에서 변호사로 일하세요.
[adv] not sure; possibly; perhaps Maybe we can go to the park this weekend if the weather is nice.
날씨가 좋으면 이번 주말에 아마 공원에 갈 수 있을 거예요.
[n] a person who plays or creates music as a job or hobby
The musician played beautiful melodies on his guitar.
음악가가 기타로 아름다운 멜로디를 연주했어요.
[n] a thing that you can see or touch
Please put that object back where you found it.
그 물건을 발견한 곳에 다시 놓아주세요.
[n] two things that go together or match
I bought a new pair of shoes for the school trip.
학교 여행을 위해 새 신발 한 쌍을 샀어요.
pay attention to
to look at or listen to something carefully
You should pay attention to the teacher's instructions.
선생님의 지시에 주목해야 해요.
[n] a person who takes pictures using a camera
The photographer took beautiful pictures of the sunset.
사진사가 일몰의 아름다운 사진을 찍었어요.
police officer
[n] a person whose job is to keep people safe and stop crime
The police officer helped the lost child find his parents.
경찰관이 길을 잃은 아이가 부모님을 찾도록 도와주었어요.
[n] a part or division of something bigger, like a group in a company or a part of a book
My mom works in the marketing section of her company.
엄마는 회사의 마케팅 부서에서 일하세요.
[n] the hard outer covering of some animals, eggs, or nuts
We collected beautiful sea shells on the beach.
우리는 해변에서 아름다운 조개 껍질을 모았어요.
software engineer
[n] a person who makes computer programs and apps
My sister wants to become a software engineer when she grows up.
내 여동생은 커서 소프트웨어 기술자가 되고 싶어 해요.
[n] something you use with your hands to help you do a job or make something
The carpenter uses many different tools to build furniture.
목수는 가구를 만들기 위해 많은 다양한 도구를 사용해요.
[adj] many different types or kinds of something
The zoo has various animals from all over the world.
동물원에는 전 세계의 다양한 동물들이 있어요.
[n] an animal doctor who helps sick or injured pets and other animals
We took our sick cat to the vet for a check-up.
우리는 아픈 고양이를 진료받기 위해 수의사에게 데려갔어요.