[adj] belonging to the basic nature of someone or something
Challenges are inherent in every journey.
모든 여정에는 도전이 내재해 있다.
aid A in B
[v] to help, assist, or support someone or something in achieving something
The teacher aided the student in solving the complex math problem.
선생님은 학생이 복잡한 수학 문제를 푸는 것을 도왔다.
[n] the act of pursuing, chasing, or striving after
Their pursuit of success drives them forward.
그들의 성공을 향한 추구는 그들을 앞으로 나아가게 한다.
pave the way
[v phr] to create a situation in which something can happen
Her research helped pave the way for new discoveries.
그녀의 연구는 새로운 발견을 위한 길을 닦는 데 도움이 되었다.
[adj] having or using light that is invisible to the human eye but can cause chemical reactions
The sun’s ultraviolet rays can damage skin cells.
태양의 자외선은 피부 세포를 손상시킬 수 있다.
[adj] having or using light waves longer than those of visible light but shorter than radio waves
The camera detected movement using infrared sensors.
그 카메라는 적외선 센서를 이용해서 움직임을 감지했다.
[n] the act of twisting something out of its true, natural, or original state
The statement was an intentional distortion of the facts.
그 진술은 의도적으로 사실을 왜곡한 것이었다.
[v] to send or shoot something into the air or space
The new satellite was launched last month.
새로운 인공위성이 지난달에 발사되었다.
[n] the ability to do something
The coach recognized her capability in leadership.
코치는 그녀의 리더십 능력을 알아보았다.
[adj] of or relating to the sky or outer space
The artist painted a celestial-themed mural.
그 예술가는 천체를 주제로 한 벽화를 그렸다.
[adj] extremely valuable or useful
Her support was invaluable during my recovery.
그녀의 지원은 내가 회복하는 동안 매우 귀중했다.
stand out
[v] to be very noticeable or different from others
Cameron’s bright tie made him stand out.
Cameron의 밝은 넥타이가 그를 눈에 띄게 했다.
[adj] not done or experienced before
The novel received unprecedented praise from critics.
그 소설은 비평가들로부터 전례 없는 찬사를 받았다.
[v] to travel around a planet or star in a curved path
The spacecraft was designed to orbit Mars.
그 우주선은 화성 궤도를 돌도록 설계되었다.
[v] to send in the form of electrical signals
The singer’s voice transmits deep emotions.
그 가수의 목소리는 깊은 감정을 전달한다.
[v] to completely change the way that something is done
The new recipe revolutionized the way we cook pasta.
그 새로운 레시피는 우리가 파스타를 요리하는 방식을 혁신했다.
[v] to make something possible or easier
Good lighting facilitates a comfortable reading experience.
좋은 조명은 편안한 독서 경험을 돕는다.
[adj] introducing ideas and methods that have never been used before
The fashion designer’s pioneering style influenced many trends.
그 패션 디자이너의 선구적인 스타일은 많은 유행에 영향을 미쳤다.
[n] the act of traveling to a place in order to learn about it
Her exploration of the rainforest uncovered new species.
그녀의 열대 우림 탐사를 통해 새로운 종이 발견되었다.
[adj] arousing one’s curiosity or interest
The artwork displayed an intriguing use of color.
그 예술 작품은 흥미로운 색채 사용을 보여 주었다.
[n] the act of leaving one’s job and ceasing to work
The aircraft was sent into retirement after 30 years of service.
그 항공기는 30년간의 운항 끝에 퇴역했다.
[n] someone or something that comes after another person or thing
The CEO’s successor was the vice president.
CEO의 후임자는 부사장이었다.
[adj] using the most modern or advanced techniques or methods
The new smartphone features state-of-the-art technology.
새로운 스마트폰은 최첨단 기술을 특징으로 한다.
[n] the length of a straight line passing through the center of a circle
The line in the diagram shows the diameter of the Moon.
도표의 선은 달의 지름을 나타낸다.
[v] to increase or improve something
The spice will enhance the flavor of the dish.
향신료는 요리의 풍미를 높일 것이다.
[n] the act of preventing something from working effectively
They had to endure loud noise and constant interference from the neighbors.
그들은 이웃의 소음과 간섭을 견뎌야 했다.
[n] the ability to understand people and situations clearly
She had enough insight into the problem to give good advice.
그녀는 문제에 대해 충분한 통찰력을 가지고 있었다.
[adj] relating to the way in which living things develop over millions of years
The fossil shows an important evolutionary step.
그 화석은 중요한 진화 단계를 보여준다.
[adj] careful and complete in doing something accurately
The doctor performed a thorough examination.
의사는 철저한 검사를 실시했다.
[adv] in a position very near to something
The photographer specializes in up-close portraits.
그 사진작가는 근접 인물 사진 전문이다.
[adj] located at the site of a particular activity or event
This course offers on-site training.
이 과정은 현장 교육을 제공한다.
[adj] producing good results without costing a lot of money
Hosting the event at a community center was cost-effective.
커뮤니티 센터에서 행사를 개최하는 것은 비용 효율적이었다.
[v] to be strong enough not to be hurt or damaged by extreme conditions
This building was designed to withstand earthquakes.
이 건물은 지진에 견딜 수 있도록 설계되었다.
[n] energy that comes from a source in the form of waves or particles
She was exposed to a high level of radiation.
그녀는 높은 수치의 방사선에 노출되었다.
[v] to cause something, especially problems or difficulties
Climate change poses a serious threat to coastal cities.
기후 변화는 해안 도시들에 심각한 위협을 제기한다.
[n] the ability to move easily from one place to another
Improved public transportation increased mobility for residents.
개선된 대중교통은 주민들의 이동성을 높였다.
come in a range of
to be available in different forms, sizes, or colors
The shoes come in a range of sizes to fit everyone.
그 신발은 모든 사람들에게 맞는 다양한 크기로 나온다.
[n] a spacecraft without people on board that collects information from space and transmits it back to Earth
They sent probes to view the Solar System.
그들은 태양계를 관찰하기 위한 무인 탐사선을 보냈다.
[adj] deserving to be noticed or to receive attention
One of the most notable features of the city is its architecture.
이 도시의 가장 주목할 만한 특징 중 하나는 건축이다.
[adj] of or relating to planets
Scientists focus on planetary motion to predict eclipses.
과학자들은 일식을 예측하기 위해 행성의 움직임에 집중한다.
[adj] existing or occurring between stars
He added that interstellar travel between solar systems is far less likely.
그는 태양계 간의 성간 이동 가능성은 훨씬 더 낮다고 덧붙였다.
[v] to go to different places without having a particular purpose or plan
She likes to roam around the city on weekends.
그녀는 주말이면 도시를 돌아다니는 것을 좋아한다.
[n] a room or building used for scientific research, experiments, testing, etc.
The chef treats his kitchen like a laboratory for new recipes.
그 셰프는 자신의 주방을 새로운 레시피를 위한 실험실처럼 다룬다.
[n] a large hole made by something hitting the ground with force
The meteorite left a large crater in the ground.
운석은 땅에 큰 분화구를 남겼다.
[n] an activity that an astronaut performs in space outside a spacecraft
The crew performed a spacewalk to fix the satellite.
승무원들은 위성을 수리하기 위해 우주 유영을 수행했다.
[adv] with a lack of fear
She fearlessly pursued her dream despite setbacks.
그녀는 좌절에도 불구하고 두려움 없이 꿈을 추구했다.
[v] to go somewhere that is unknown, dangerous, etc.
The explorers ventured into unknown waters.
탐험가들은 미지의 바다로 모험을 떠났다.
[n] a particular type of land; an area of land that belongs to or is controlled by a government
Animals instinctively defend their territory from intruders.
동물은 침입자로부터 자신의 영역을 본능적으로 방어한다.
[n] a device that detects or senses heat, light, sound, motion, etc.
I saw new sensors and traffic cameras installed in many of the stop signs.
나는 많은 정지 표지판에 새로운 센서와 교통 카메라가 설치된 것을 보았다.
[v] to make something known that was previously hidden
This artwork reveals a new perspective on social issues.
이 예술 작품은 사회 문제에 대한 새로운 관점을 드러낸다.