중1 NE능률 영어교과서 영영단어(김기택, 2022) Lesson 1~8
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(v) to talk to someone for the first time
Let's meet at the park after school. 학교 끝나고 공원에서 만나요.
(adj) most liked, preferred
Favorite food is always delicious. 가장 좋아하는 음식은 항상 맛있습니다.
(n) physical effort games and activities which need skill
Sport is good for your health. 스포츠는 건강에 좋습니다.
(n) an area of knowledge studied in a school
The students study many subjects at school. 학생들은 학교에서 많은 과목을 공부합니다.
(n) the science of numbers and shapes
Math is my favorite subject in school. 수학은 제가 학교에서 가장 좋아하는 과목입니다.
(n) a group of students who learn together in a school
The students in my class are very friendly. 내 반 학생들은 매우 친절합니다.
(n) the study of the past
History is an important subject in school. 역사는 학교에서 중요한 과목입니다.
(n) sounds that make you feel good and want to dance or sing
Music makes people happy. 음악은 사람들을 행복하게 만듭니다.
(n) a building where people can borrow books, newspapers, etc.
The library has many books to read. 도서관에는 읽을 책이 많이 있습니다.
(n) the time in the middle of the day when food is usually eaten
It's lunchtime at school, so let's go eat. 학교에서 점심 시간이니까 먹으러 가자.
(n) a restaurant where people serve themselves or are served at a counter
The students eat lunch in the cafeteria. 학생들은 구내식당에서 점심을 먹습니다.
(n) any living creature that is not a plant or a human
Animals live in many different places. 동물들은 여러 다른 곳에서 살아요.
(n) a piece of music with words
Songs make people happy. 노래는 사람들을 행복하게 만듭니다.
(n) a person who sing
The singer has a beautiful voice. 그 가수는 아름다운 목소리를 가지고 있습니다.
(adj) known by many people
Famous actors often appear in many movies. 유명한 배우들은 종종 많은 영화에 출연합니다.
(n) an image like a photo
Pictures help us remember special moments. 사진은 우리가 특별한 순간을 기억하는 데 도움을 줍니다.
(n) a digital image used in electronic communication
The children love using emoji when texting their friends. 아이들은 친구들과 문자를 주고받을 때 이모지를 사용하는 것을 좋아합니다.
(n) one of the levels in a school with students of similar age
The students are in the fourth grade this year. 학생들은 올해 4학년입니다.
(n) a facial expression where the lips go up a little, usually showing happiness
(v) to form the lips into a curved shape, usually to express pleasure
She has a beautiful smile. 그녀는 아름다운 미소를 가지고 있어요.
(v) to participate in a game or an organized activity
Play soccer with your friends after school. 방과 후에 친구들과 축구를 하세요.
(n) a group of people doing things they like together
The children joined a club for reading books. 아이들은 책을 읽는 클럽에 가입했습니다.
(adj) referring to two people or things
Both children like to play soccer. 두 아이 모두 축구 하는 것을 좋아합니다.
(adj) enjoyable or amusing
Fun games make children happy. 재미있는 게임은 아이들을 행복하게 만듭니다.
(adj) very cute or attractive
That sweet little puppy always makes me smile. 그 귀여운 강아지는 항상 나를 미소 짓게 해요.
(adv) happening frequently or many times
Often, I eat fruits for breakfast. 나는 자주 아침 식사로 과일을 먹습니다.
(v) to share something on the internet or a bulletin board
He will post the announcement on the bulletin board. 그는 게시판에 공지사항을 게시할 것입니다.
(adv) using the internet or being connected to the internet
Online shopping is becoming more popular. 온라인 쇼핑이 점점 더 인기를 얻고 있습니다.
(adv) from time to time, but not always
Sometimes I eat ice cream for dessert. 때때로 나는 디저트로 아이스크림을 먹습니다.
(n) physical activities you do to stay healthy
Exercise is good for your health. 운동은 건강에 좋습니다.
(v) to do something again and again to get better at it
Practice makes perfect. 연습은 완벽함을 만듭니다.
(adj) strong and well, and not likely to get ill
Healthy food gives us energy. 건강에 좋은 음식은 우리에게 에너지를 줍니다.
(v) to give an answer without knowing the facts
Let's guess what's inside the box! 상자 안에 무엇이 들어있는지 추측해 봅시다!
(n) a place with its own land, people, and government
This is my country, South Korea. 이것은 제 나라, 대한민국입니다.
(adj) being born together, like having the same birthday as someone else
Twin brothers often look very similar. 쌍둥이 형제들은 종종 매우 비슷하게 생겼습니다.
(n) an activity of staying outdoors in a tent
Let's go camping in the forest this weekend. 이번 주말에 숲에서 캠핑을 가자.
look like
to have a similar appearance to
It looks like it's going to rain today. 오늘 비가 올 것처럼 보입니다.
free time
time when you don’t have to study or work
I free time after school to play with my friends. 나는 방과 후에 친구들과 놀 자유 시간이 있습니다.
(n) the schoolwork that a teacher gives you to do at home
Homework is important for learning. 숙제는 배우는 데 중요합니다.
go to bed
to lie down to go to sleep
It's time to go to bed now. 이제 자러 갈 시간이에요.
(v) to use time to do something
I spent my weekend reading books. 나는 주말을 책을 읽으며 보냈어요.
(adj) very pleasant to taste of smell
The pizza smells delicious. 그 피자는 아주 맛있는 냄새가 납니다.
(n) the things that people and animals eat
Food is important for our health. 음식은 우리의 건강에 중요합니다.
(v) to get something by paying money for it
I buy apples at the supermarket every week. 나는 매주 슈퍼마켓에서 사과를 삽니다.
(v) to hand something to someone
He will give me a present tomorrow. 그는 내일 나에게 선물을 줄 것입니다.
(v) to receive something that someone gives you
Get your backpack ready for school. 학교를 위해 가방을 준비하세요.
look for
to try to find
Look for your shoes under the bed. 침대 밑에서 네 신발을 찾아봐.
(n) something that you give someone, for example to thank them
Gifts are fun to open on your birthday. 생일에 선물을 여는 것은 재미있습니다.
(n) a small meal
Let's have a snack before dinner. 저녁 식사 전에 간식을 먹어요.
(n) an amount taken off a regular price
The store is offering a big discount on shoes. 그 가게는 신발에 대해 큰 할인을 제공하고 있습니다.
(n) a basic unit of money used in the US and some other countries
The dollar is used as money in America. 달러는 미국에서 돈으로 사용됩니다.
(adj) wanting to eat something
I'm hungry after playing outside. 밖에서 놀고 나니 배고파요.
(n) the scent or odor of something
The dog can smell food from far away. 개는 먼 곳에서도 음식 냄새를 맡을 수 있습니다.
(n) a rounded dish that is bigger than a cup
The chef put soup in a bowl. 요리사가 한 그릇에 수프를 담았습니다.
(prep) for each
Per person, the cost is $5. 1인당 비용은 5달러입니다.
(n) a wallet or small bag for money
She put her money in her purse. 그녀는 돈을 지갑에 넣었습니다.
(adj) commonly liked
Popular movies often have many fans. 인기 있는 영화들은 보통 많은 팬들이 있습니다.
(n) a piece of paper showing that goods were paid for
I got a receipt after buying groceries. 식료품을 산 후 영수증을 받았습니다.
(n) the cost to buy something
The price of the toy is five dollars. 그 장난감의 가격은 5달러입니다.
(n) food that is prepared in a particular way
The chef prepared a delicious dish for dinner. 요리사가 저녁 식사를 위해 맛있는 요리를 준비했습니다.
(n) a place where you can buy and eat food
Let's go to the restaurant for dinner. 저녁 식사를 위해 레스토랑에 가자.
(n) the flavor of something
(v) to test the flavor of something by putting a little bit in the mouth
Taste this soup and tell me if you like it. 이 수프를 맛보고 좋아하는지 말해주세요.
(n) the parts of animals that people eat as food
The children enjoy eating meat for dinner. 아이들은 저녁 식사로 고기 먹는 것을 좋아합니다.
(n) a plant with a strong smell and taste that is used in cooking
The chef added garlic to make the pasta more flavorful. 요리사는 파스타를 더 맛있게 만들기 위해 마늘을 넣었습니다.
(n) a long thin piece of food made from flour, water, and eggs
Noodles are a popular food in many countries. 국수는 많은 나라에서 인기 있는 음식입니다.
(n) small white or brown grains that are used for food
The children eat rice for dinner. 아이들은 저녁으로 밥을 먹습니다.
(v) to have fun while doing something
Enjoy your ice cream before it melts! 녹기 전에 아이스크림을 즐기세요!
(adj) not the same
The different colors of the rainbow are beautiful. 무지개의 다른 색깔들은 아름답습니다.
(n) a sports event or competition
The soccer match starts at 3 PM. 축구 경기는 오후 3시에 시작합니다.
(v) to start to happen
Let's begin our lesson now. 우리의 수업을 지금 시작합시다.
(v) to look at for a period of time
He likes to watch cartoons on TV. 그는 TV에서 만화를 보는 것을 좋아합니다.
(v) to put on or with something else
Add some salt to the soup to make it tastier. 수프를 더 맛있게 만들기 위해 소금을 약간 첨가하세요.
(n) something that is put on top of food to add flavor
The pizza had cheese and pepperoni as its topping. 그 피자는 치즈와 페퍼로니를 토핑으로 가지고 있었습니다.
(n) a liquid that comes from a plant or animal, and that is used in cooking
Oil is used for cooking many foods. 기름은 많은 음식을 요리하는 데 사용됩니다.
(n) a plant or plant part that is eaten as food
Eating vegetables is good for your health. 채소를 먹는 것은 건강에 좋습니다.
(n) animals from the ocean that can be eaten
Seafood is my favorite type of food. 해산물은 제가 가장 좋아하는 음식입니다.
(n) the act of choosing
The curry is very spicy. 그 카레는 매우 맵습니다.
(v) to prepare food for eating by using heat
You have a choice between chocolate and vanilla ice cream. 초콜릿과 바닐라 아이스크림 중에서 선택할 수 있어요.
(n) having a strong taste that gives you a burning feeling in your mouth
The children cook dinner with their mother. 아이들은 어머니와 함께 저녁을 요리합니다.
(adj) having a smooth surface with no curved parts
The table is very flat. 그 테이블은 매우 평평합니다.
(n) a round metal container used for cooking things on a stove
The cook used a pan to fry eggs. 요리사는 계란을 튀기기 위해 냄비를 사용했습니다.
(v) to do something special or enjoyable for an important event
We celebrate my sister's birthday every year. 우리는 매년 여동생의 생일을 축하합니다.
(adj) relating to a whole country and its people
The national flag of Korea has red and blue. 한국의 국기는 빨간색과 파란색입니다.
(n) a situation in which things seem right or are suitable together
Everyone in the choir sang in perfect harmony. 합창단의 모든 사람들이 완벽한 조화를 이루며 노래했습니다.
(n) someone that wins a contest, prize, etc.
The winner received a gold medal. 우승자는 금메달을 받았습니다.
(adj) having salt or too much salt
The soup is too salty for me. 이 수프는 내게 너무 짭짤합니다.
(adj) having a sharp smell or taste, like a lemon
The lemon tastes very sour. 레몬은 매우 시큼한 맛이 납니다.
(n) the time that will come after the present
We can't predict the future. 우리는 미래를 예측할 수 없습니다.
be interested in
to want to know or learn more about something
I am interested in learning to play the guitar. 나는 기타 배우는 것에 관심이 있습니다.
(n) someone who writes articles, books, etc.
The famous writer wrote many children's books. 유명한 작가가 많은 아동 도서를 썼습니다.
(n) a person who pretends to be someone else in a movie or play
The actor played the role of a superhero in the movie. 그 배우는 영화에서 슈퍼히어로 역할을 맡았습니다.
(n) a person who uses science in their job
A scientist studies the world around us. 과학자는 우리 주변의 세상을 연구합니다.
(n) the act of pretending to be someone else in a movie or play
Acting is fun for many children. 많은 아이들에게 연기는 재미있습니다.
(n) a program of special events or entertainment
The children are excited about the festival this weekend. 아이들은 이번 주말 축제를 기대하고 있습니다.
(n) a person who takes pictures using a camera to capture moments and scenes
A photographer takes pictures of people and places. 사진작가는 사람들과 장소의 사진을 찍습니다.
(n) the skill or activity of taking photographs
The photography class taught us how to take beautiful pictures. 사진 촬영 수업은 우리에게 아름다운 사진을 찍는 방법을 가르쳐 주었습니다.
(adj) extremely good
Fantastic weather today! 오늘 날씨가 환상적이에요!
role model
somone that people admire or whose behavior they want to copy
Role models inspire us to be better people. 롤모델은 우리가 더 나은 사람이 되도록 영감을 줍니다.
movie director
a person who controls the making of a movie
The movie director told the actors what to do. 영화 감독은 배우들에게 무엇을 해야 할지 말했습니다.
(n) the area outside of the earth’s atmosphere where the stars and planets are
Space is full of stars and planets. 우주는 별과 행성으로 가득 차 있습니다.
(n) a person who goes to space
An astronaut flew to the moon in a spaceship. 우주 비행사가 우주선을 타고 달로 날아갔습니다.
(n) the act of taking letters, packages, or goods to businesses or homes
The pizza delivery arrived quickly. 피자 배달이 빨리 도착했습니다.
(adj) unique or different in a good way
This special day only comes once a year. 이 특별한 날은 일 년에 한 번만 옵니다.
(n) a big meeting with members of the same school
The class is having a reunion next month. 반은 다음 달에 동창회를 갖습니다.
(adv) before the present time
It was two years ago when I started learning English. 내가 영어를 배우기 시작한 것은 2년 전이었습니다.
find out
to get information about somebody or something
We want to find out who broke the window. 우리는 누가 창문을 깼는지 알아내고 싶어요.
(n) anything that happens, especially when it is unusual or important
An event is happening at the school tomorrow. 내일 학교에서 행사가 있습니다.
(v) to know the meaning of something
I understand what you're saying. 당신이 말하는 것을 이해합니다.
(v) to film, record, or photograph somebody or something with a camera
Capture the moment with your camera. 카메라로 그 순간을 정확히 포착하세요.
(n) a particular point in time
The moment I saw my friend, I smiled. 내 친구를 본 순간 나는 미소 지었습니다.
take care of
look after someone or something
Take care of your little sister while I'm at work. 내가 일하는 동안 너의 여동생을 돌봐줘.
(n) polite ways of behaving and treating others
Manners are important when eating with others. 다른 사람들과 식사할 때 예의범절이 중요합니다.
(v) to change words from one language into another
The teacher asked us to translate the story into Korean. 선생님께서 우리에게 그 이야기를 한국어로 번역하라고 하셨습니다.
(n) a computer program used for a specific purpose
I application to join the school club yesterday. 어제 학교 동아리에 가입 신청서를 제출했어요.
(n) a system of words that people use to talk or write
Language is a way to communicate. 언어는 의사소통하는 방법입니다.
(n) a visit to an area or a place to look around
The students went on a tour of the museum. 학생들은 박물관 여행을 갔습니다.
(n) someone whose job is to show a place to visitors
(v) to direct someone around a place
She will guide you to your seat. 그녀가 당신을 좌석으로 안내할 것입니다.
(v) to go on a journey or move from one place to another
Travel is fun and exciting. 여행은 재미있고 신나요.
(v) to go away from a place
Leave your shoes at the door, please. 신발을 문 앞에 두고 가세요.
(adj) able to be done or achieved
It is possible to learn a new language. 새로운 언어를 배우는 것이 가능합니다.
(adj) very distant
Faraway mountains look blue in the distance. 멀리 있는 산들은 멀리서 보면 파랗게 보입니다.
(v) to make something
Create a colorful drawing for your art class. 미술 수업을 위해 다채로운 그림을 만들어 내세요.
(adj) helping you to do something
This tool is very useful for fixing the car. 이 도구는 자동차를 수리하는 데 매우 유용합니다.
(n) facts or details about something
Information is very important in our daily lives. 정보는 우리의 일상 생활에서 매우 중요합니다.
(n) the period of time during which a person lives
Life is full of surprises and adventures. 인생은 놀라움과 모험으로 가득 차 있습니다.
(adj) happy and pleased
I'm glad to see you today. 오늘 당신을 만나서 기쁩니다.
(adj) giving attention to what you are doing to avoid harm or danger
Please be careful when crossing the street. 길을 건널 때 조심하세요.
(adv) in a careful way
Carefully close the door when you leave. 나갈 때 문을 주의 깊게 닫으세요.
(n) the state of being safe
Safety is very important when riding a bicycle. 자전거를 탈 때 안전은 매우 중요합니다.
(n) something that might hurt you
Danger signs warn us about unsafe areas. 위험 표지판은 우리에게 안전하지 않은 지역을 경고합니다.
(n) a hard hat that is worn to protect your head
Helmets protect your head when you ride a bicycle. 헬멧은 자전거를 탈 때 머리를 보호합니다.
watch out for
to be aware of something dangerous
Watch out for cars when you cross the street. 길을 건널 때 자동차를 조심하세요.
(n) a paved path beside a road for people to walk on
People walk on the sidewalk to stay safe from cars. 사람들은 차로부터 안전하기 위해 인도로 걷습니다.
(adj) difficult to stand on, move on, or hold because it is smooth, wet, or icy
The floor is slippery when it's wet. 바닥이 젖으면 미끄럽습니다.
(adj) not safe
Dangerous animals live in the jungle. 위험한 동물들이 정글에 살고 있습니다.
slow down
to reduce speed
Slow down when you're riding your bicycle near the playground. 놀이터 근처에서 자전거를 탈 때는 속도를 늦추세요.
bike lane
a paved path beside a road for bikes
Cyclists should always use the bike lane when available. 자전거 이용자들은 가능할 때 항상 자전거 전용도로를 이용해야 합니다.
(n) a set of steps for going from one level to another
The children ran up the stairs to their bedroom. 아이들이 침실로 계단을 뛰어 올라갔습니다.
(v) to gain knowledge or skill in an activity or subject
Learn how to ride a bicycle. 자전거 타는 법을 배우세요.
(n) a shaking of the earth’s surface
An earthquake shook the city last night. 어젯밤 지진이 도시를 흔들었습니다.
(v) to lie down suddenly
The tired puppy dropped onto the soft carpet. 지친 강아지가 부드러운 카펫 위에 주저앉았습니다.
(v) to put something on top of something else
The umbrella covers us from the rain. 우산이 비로부터 우리를 가려줍니다.
look around
to turn your head to search for something
Look around the classroom to see your new classmates. 교실을 둘러보고 새 반 친구들을 보세요.
(v) to accept advice, instructions, etc., and do what you have been told
Follow your teacher's instructions carefully. 선생님의 지시를 주의 깊게 따르세요.
(n) a situation that is not planned and that causes injury or damage
Accidents can happen if we're not careful. 조심하지 않으면 사고가 날 수 있습니다.
(v) to take place or occur
Something happened to my bicycle. It won't move. 내 자전거에 무슨 일이 발생했어요. 움직이지 않아요.
(adj) happening often
Common animals in Korea include dogs and cats. 한국에서 흔한 동물로는 개와 고양이가 있습니다.
(n) a rest from working or studying
It's time for a break from studying. 공부를 하다가 쉬는 시간입니다.
(v) to hurt yourself or someone else
The boy injured his knee while playing soccer. 그 소년은 축구를 하다가 무릎을 다쳤습니다.
(n) a game in which two teams of players throw balls to try to hit each other
Let's play dodgeball during recess! 쉬는 시간에 피구를 합시다!
to try to hit each other
Your ankle connects your foot to your leg. 당신의 발목은 발과 다리를 연결합니다.
(v) to come down to the ground or the surface of something
The airplane will land at the airport soon. 곧 비행기가 공항에 착지할 것입니다.
(n) a structure made of materials, like brick or stone, that separates areas
The wall in my room is painted blue. 내 방의 벽은 파란색으로 칠해져 있습니다.
(n) the manner of doing something
There are many ways to solve this problem. 이 문제를 해결하는 방법은 여러 가지가 있습니다.
pick up
to lift something up
She picked up the toy from the floor. 그녀는 바닥에서 장난감을 집어 들었습니다.
(v) to hit or knock against something
I accidentally bumped into a table. 나는 실수로 탁자와 부딪쳤어요.
(v) to fall or flow out of a container
Spill the water slowly into the glass. 물을 천천히 컵에 따르세요.
(v) to fall or lose balance slightly
The wet floor made me slip and fall. 젖은 바닥 때문에 나는 미끄러져 넘어졌어요.
(v) to do what you promised to do or have been told to do
Keep your promise to your friend. 친구와의 약속을 지키세요.
(n) something such as a fact or a situation that supports what you say
This is an example of a simple sentence. 이것은 간단한 문장의 예입니다.
(n) the act of saying to someone that you will surely do something
I promise to do my homework. 숙제를 하겠다고 약속합니다.
warm up
to do exercises to prepare for some activity
Let's warm up before we start playing soccer. 축구를 시작하기 전에 준비 운동을 합시다.
(v) to have something in your hands, arms, etc.
He holds the book in his hand. 그는 책을 손에 들고 있습니다.
(n) a time during the year when schools are closed
It's summer vacation time! 여름 방학 시간이에요!
(adj) not in danger
It's safe to wear a helmet when riding a bike. 자전거를 탈 때 헬멧을 쓰는 것은 안전합니다.
(n) a specially marked place for people to walk across a street
Please crosswalk safely when you see the green light. 녹색 불이 켜지면 안전하게 횡단보도를 건너세요.
traffic light
a set of green, yellow, and red lights that controls when vehicles can move
The traffic light turned red, so we stopped our car. 교통 신호등이 빨간색으로 바뀌어서 우리는 차를 멈췄습니다.
(v) to have the same opinion
Agree with your parents about your bedtime. 당신의 취침 시간에 대해 부모님과 동의하세요.
(n) a building where historical or artistic objects are displayed
The children visited the museum to see dinosaur bones. 아이들은 공룡 뼈를 보기 위해 박물관을 방문했습니다.
(n) a picture made with paint
The children made a beautiful painting in art class. 아이들은 미술 수업에서 아름다운 그림을 그렸어요.
(adj) not fun or interesting
Boring movies make me sleepy. 지루한 영화는 나를 졸리게 만듭니다.
(adj) unusual or not familiar
Strange noises came from the attic at night. 밤에 다락방에서 이상한 소리가 들렸어요.
(adj) having a lot of different colors
The garden is full of colorful flowers. 정원에는 형형색색의 꽃들이 가득합니다.
(n) a container used for decoration or for holding flowers
The flowers are in a beautiful vase. 꽃들이 아름다운 꽃병 안에 있습니다.
(adj) being good at making up new and interesting things
Creative children often come up with unique ideas. 창의적인 아이들은 종종 독특한 아이디어를 생각해냅니다.
(n) something that covers part or all of the face to decorate or hide it
The children wore funny masks at the Halloween party. 아이들은 할로윈 파티에서 재미있는 가면을 썼습니다.
(n) a large printed image or notice that you put on a wall to advertise something
The teacher put a poster on the classroom wall. 선생님이 교실 벽에 포스터를 붙였습니다.
(n) a public show where people display artworks, inventions, or special items for others to see
The museum has a new exhibition of dinosaur fossils. 박물관에 새로운 공룡 화석 전시회가 있습니다.
(adj) being happy and positive
Cheerful children were playing in the park. 발랄한 아이들이 공원에서 놀고 있었어요.
keep a diary
to regularly record events in a diary
I keep a diary every night before bed. 나는 매일 밤 자기 전에 일기를 씁니다.
(v) to record somebody or something with a camera
The photographer will film the wedding ceremony tomorrow. 사진작가가 내일 결혼식을 촬영할 것입니다.
(adj) happening fast, or taking only a short amount of time
Quick foxes can catch rabbits easily. 빠른 여우들은 쉽게 토끼를 잡을 수 있습니다.
(n) a picture or painting that an artist creates of themselves
The artist painted a self-portrait in front of the mirror. 화가는 거울 앞에서 자화상을 그렸습니다.
(n) a picture you take of yourself, usually with your phone
Taking a selfie is fun at the beach. 해변에서 셀피를 찍는 것은 재미있습니다.
(v) to use colors to make a picture on paper or canvas
She likes to paint pictures of flowers. 그녀는 꽃 그림을 그리는 것을 좋아합니다.
(adj) like something else
The two sisters look very similar. 두 자매는 매우 비슷해 보입니다.
(adj) particular or known but not named
Certain animals sleep during the day. 특정 동물들은 낮에 잠을 잡니다.
(n) the act of showing your feelings with your face
She had a happy expression on her face. 그녀의 얼굴에는 행복한 표정이 있었습니다.
bring back
to cause somebody to think of something from the past
The old photo brings back happy memories. 그 오래된 사진은 행복한 추억들을 떠오르게 합니다.
(adj) very happy
Joyful children played in the park. 기뻐하는 아이들이 공원에서 놀았습니다.
(n) the time when you are young, like when you’re a teenager
The children enjoyed their youth playing in the park. 아이들은 공원에서 놀며 어린 시절을 즐겼습니다.
(adj) belonging or relating to a particular person
Personal belongings should be kept safe. 개인 소지품은 안전하게 보관해야 합니다.
(adj) as much or as many as you need
Enough food was prepared for the party. 파티를 위해 충분한 음식이 준비되었습니다.
(v) to rub or spread something on a surface
Apply the sunscreen to your skin before going outside. 밖에 나가기 전에 선크림을 피부에 바르세요.
(adj) different from other things
Unique fingerprints help identify people. 고유한 지문은 사람들을 식별하는 데 도움이 됩니다.
(v) to talk or write about your thoughts or feelings
She expressed her love by giving flowers. 그녀는 꽃을 주면서 사랑을 표현했습니다.
(n) an object made by an artist such as a sculpture or painting
The museum displays beautiful artwork. 박물관은 아름다운 미술품을 전시합니다.
take a break
to stop doing something, usually to rest
Let's take a break and eat some snacks. 잠시 휴식을 취하고 간식을 먹읍시다.
(adj) being part of the traditions of a country or group of people
The traditional Korean dress is called hanbok. 전통적인 한국 의상을 한복이라고 합니다.
(n) a device used to produce music
The children are learning to play different instruments in music class. 아이들은 음악 수업에서 다양한 악기를 연주하는 것을 배우고 있습니다.
(v) to send an object through the air by moving your arm forward and letting the object go
Throw the ball to me, please. 공을 내게 던져주세요.
(n) a thin piece of wood, plastic, metal, etc.
He used a wooden stick to reach the high shelf. 그는 높은 선반에 닿기 위해 나무 막대기를 사용했습니다.
(n) a person who entertains people by singing, acting, dancing, etc.
The performer played beautiful music on the piano. 연주자가 피아노로 아름다운 음악을 연주했습니다.
(n) the period of time before the present
The dinosaurs lived in the past. 공룡들은 과거에 살았습니다.
(adj) not heavy, having little weight or less than usual weight
The backpack is very light and easy to carry. 그 배낭은 매우 가볍고 들기 쉽습니다.
(adj) very good, excellent
The sunset was wonderful to watch. 일몰을 보는 것은 아주 멋졌습니다.
(n) the act of entertaining people by singing, dancing, acting, etc.
The children enjoyed the performance at school. 아이들은 학교에서 공연을 즐겼습니다.
(v) to have something such as clothes or jewelry on your body
She wears a pretty dress to the party. 그녀는 파티에 예쁜 드레스를 입고 갑니다.
(n) a particular time in history
The Renaissance was an important period in European history. 르네상스는 유럽 역사에서 중요한 시대였습니다.
(v) to get knowledge about something
She likes to study science at school. 그녀는 학교에서 과학을 공부하는 것을 좋아합니다.
(n) a person who tells people the news on radio or television
The reporter asked many questions at the press conference. 그 기자는 기자 회견에서 많은 질문을 했습니다.
(n) a set of letters in a fixed order used to write a language
The alphabet has 26 letters. 알파벳은 26개의 글자가 있습니다.
(n) something you do for pleasure or interest
Activity time is my favorite part of the school day. 활동 시간은 내가 가장 좋아하는 학교 시간입니다.
(v) to question or talk with someone in order to get information
I have an interview for a new job tomorrow. 내일 새 직장을 위한 인터뷰가 있습니다.
(n) a teacher in a college or university
The professor teaches math at the university. 교수님은 대학교에서 수학을 가르치십니다.
(n) a symbol used to write a language
The letter is the only thing I can't understand. 그 글자는 제가 이해할 수 없는 유일한 것입니다.
(n) a thing’s form, like a circle or square
The ball has a round shape. 공은 둥근 모양입니다.
(n) a person who serves in the army
The brave soldier marched in the parade. 용감한 군인이 퍼레이드에서 행진했습니다.
(v) to make plans for something, such as clothing or a building
(n) plans or drawings showing how a product or building will look
The design of this building is very modern. 이 건물의 디자인은 매우 현대적입니다.
(n) a repeated design of lines, shapes, or colors
The pattern on the butterfly's wings is beautiful. 나비 날개의 무늬가 아름답습니다.
(n) the soft part inside your mouth that you can move for eating and speaking
He stuck out his tongue at his little sister. 그는 여동생에게 혀를 내밀었어요.
(n) something that you can hear
The dog made a loud sound when it barked. 개가 짖을 때 큰 소리를 냈습니다.
(adj) using a careful and logical way to study or understand something
Scientific experiments help us learn about the world. 과학적 실험은 우리가 세상에 대해 배우는 데 도움이 됩니다.
(v) to tell somebody about your thoughts, feelings, experiences, etc.
Let's share our toys with our friends. 우리 장난감을 친구들과 함께 공유해요.
(adj) hard to do or understand
It is difficult to learn a new language. 새로운 언어를 배우는 것은 어렵습니다.
(n) a military officer of very high rank
General Kim led the army to victory. 김 장군은 군대를 승리로 이끌었습니다.
(n) a fight between armies
The soldiers prepared for the battle. 병사들은 전투를 준비했습니다.
(v) to do something like sing or act to entertain people
The students will perform a play for their parents. 학생들이 부모님들을 위해 연극을 공연할 것입니다.
(n) the natural world
The children learned about protecting the environment at school. 아이들은 학교에서 환경을 보호하는 것에 대해 배웠습니다.
global warming
the rise in the earth's temperature caused by the increase of some gases
Global warming is changing our planet. 지구온난화는 우리의 행성을 변화시키고 있습니다.
(v) to take something from place to place
Carry your umbrella with you today. 오늘은 우산을 가지고 다니세요.
(v) to change from ice to water
The ice cream will melt if you leave it in the sun. 아이스크림을 햇볕에 두면 녹을 것입니다.
(v) to create something new from something that has been used
We should recycle paper and plastic to help the environment. 우리는 환경을 돕기 위해 종이와 플라스틱을 재활용해야 합니다.
(v) to decrease in size or amount
We need to reduce our water usage. 우리는 물 사용량을 줄여야 합니다.
(n) the something measurement is in degrees of how hot or cold
The temperature today is very hot. 오늘의 온도는 매우 덥습니다.
(v) to increase in level, number, amount, etc.
The sun will rise in the east. 태양은 동쪽에서 올라올 것입니다.
polar bear
a bear that has white fur and lives in the Arctic
The polar bear lives in the Arctic. 북극곰은 북극에 살아요.
(n) an artificial material that has many uses and can be shaped into different forms when heated
(adj) made of plastic
Plastic bottles are bad for the environment. 플라스틱 병은 환경에 좋지 않습니다.
(n) the sea
The ocean is very deep and blue. 대양은 매우 깊고 푸릅니다.
(adj) severe in effect
Being late to school is a serious problem. 학교에 늦는 것은 심각한 문제입니다.
(n) dirt that plants grown in
The gardener dug in the soil to plant flowers. 정원사는 꽃을 심기 위해 흙을 팠습니다.
(adj) smaller in amount, or to a smaller degree
Less sugar is better for your health. 설탕을 더 적게 먹는 것이 건강에 더 좋습니다.
greenhouse gas
a gas, such as carbon dioxide, that causes the greenhouse effect
Greenhouse gases trap heat in the Earth's atmosphere. 온실가스는 지구의 대기에 열을 가두어 놓습니다.
take part in
to participate or be involved in
Take part in the school play to make new friends. 학교 연극에 참여해서 새 친구를 사귀세요.
size (v) to cause something to develop or increase in
We grow vegetables in our garden. 우리는 정원에서 채소를 기릅니다.
(n) a tube used to suck liquid into the mouth
Straws are used to drink beverages. 빨대는 음료를 마시는 데 사용됩니다.
(prep) not having something
Without water, plants cannot grow. 물 없이는 식물이 자랄 수 없습니다.
(adj) about nature and how people interact with the world
The park is an environmental protection area. 그 공원은 환경 보호 구역입니다.
(n) something that makes our water, air, and land dirty
The city has a lot of pollution from cars. 도시는 자동차로 인한 많은 공해가 있습니다.
(v) to keep something safe
Protect your eyes when you go out in the sun. 햇볕에 나갈 때는 눈을 보호하세요.
(n) items that we throw away
(v) to use more of something than needed
We should not waste our food. 우리는 음식을 낭비하면 안 됩니다.
(n) a valuable or useful possession of a person, organization, or country
Resources are things we use every day. 자원은 우리가 매일 사용하는 것들입니다.
(n) a container for trash
The bin is full of paper. 쓰레기통에 종이가 가득 차 있습니다.
throw away
to put something in the trash because you don't need it anymore
Don't throw away your old toys; donate them instead. 오래된 장난감을 버리지 말고 기부하세요.
break down
(n) a distinct object or piece
The mechanic will break down the old car engine. 정비공이 오래된 자동차 엔진을 분해할 것입니다.
to make something separate into parts or change form in a chemical process
The store has many items for sale. 그 가게는 판매할 물건들이 많이 있습니다.
(v) to prevent the loss or waste of something
We should save water by taking shorter showers. 우리는 짧게 샤워해서 물을 절약해야 합니다.
turn off
to make something stop, like switching off a light
Please turn off the TV before you go to bed. 자러 가기 전에 TV를 꺼 주세요.
(n) a thing that controls the flow of water
Tap the faucet gently to stop the water flow. 수도꼭지를 부드럽게 두드려 물 흐름을 멈추세요.
(adv) as much as possible or in every way
The room was completely dark. 방은 완전히 어두웠다.
environment (adj) relating to or supporting the protection of the
The new car is very green and uses less fuel. 새 차는 매우 환경 친화적이며 연료를 적게 사용합니다.
(v) to give information about something to make it easier to understand
The teacher will explain the lesson to the class. 선생님께서 수업 내용을 학급에 설명해 주실 거예요.
(n) a long written story usually about imaginary characters and events
Novels are fun to read before bed. 장편 소설은 자기 전에 읽기 재미있습니다.
check out
to borrow a book from a library
Check out these books from the library. 도서관에서 이 책들을 대출받으세요.
(v) to give or send something back
The library asks us to return books on time. 도서관은 우리에게 책을 제시간에 반납하라고 요청합니다.
(n) a type of story that is set in an imaginary world
The children love to read fantasy books about dragons. 아이들은 용에 대한 판타지 책 읽기를 좋아합니다.
(n) an exciting and possibly dangerous activity, such as a journey or experience
Let's go on an adventure in the forest! 숲에서 모험을 떠나자!
(v) to take something from someone for a period of time
May I borrow your pencil, please? 연필 좀 빌려주시겠어요?
(adj) wanting to know about something
Curious children always ask many questions. 호기심 많은 아이들은 항상 많은 질문을 합니다.
(v) to decide between different things
Choose your favorite color for the drawing. 그림을 위해 좋아하는 색을 선택하세요.
(n) a long, flat board that is fixed to a wall or supported by a cupboard, used to store items on
The books are on the shelf. 책들이 선반 위에 있습니다.
(n) the name of a book, film, song, etc.
The title of the book is "The Little Prince". 그 책의 제목은 "어린 왕자"입니다.
(n) something learned through experience
The teacher taught us an important lesson today. 선생님께서 오늘 우리에게 중요한 교훈을 가르쳐 주셨습니다.
(n) a strong human feeling such as love, hate, or anger
Emotions can change how we feel and act. 감정은 우리의 기분과 행동을 바꿀 수 있습니다.
(n) ideas or beliefs about something
Everyone has their own opinion about the movie. 모든 사람은 그 영화에 대해 자신만의 의견을 가지고 있습니다.
(adv) in a correct and complete way
Exactly five people came to the party. 정확히 다섯 명이 파티에 왔습니다.
(n) a quantity of something
An amount of sugar is needed for this cake recipe. 이 케이크 레시피에는 일정량의 설탕이 필요합니다.
(n) a person who lives next to or near another person
Neighbors often help each other in times of need. 이웃들은 종종 어려울 때 서로 돕습니다.
(v) to give someone or something a specific name
They call him Mr. Kim at school. 학교에서 그를 김 선생님이라고 부릅니다.
(n) something that is a wrong action; not correct
Everyone makes mistakes sometimes. 모든 사람은 때때로 실수를 합니다.
(n) someone who has won a competition
The soccer team has a new champion this year. 올해 축구팀에 새로운 챔피언이 있습니다.
(n) a device or room that is used to keep things such as food and drinks cold
The refrigerator keeps our food cold and fresh. 냉장고는 우리의 음식을 차갑고 신선하게 유지합니다.
(v) to lift your foot and put it down in a different place, or to put your foot in or on something
He stepped on a toy and hurt his foot. 그는 장난감을 밟고 발을 다쳤어요.
(adj) almost in a particular state
The race was very close, with only seconds between the first and second place runners. 그 경주는 1등과 2등 주자 사이에 몇 초 차이밖에 나지 않아 아슬아슬했습니다.
(adj) worried about something, and unable to relax
He felt nervous before the big test. 그는 큰 시험 전에 불안해했습니다.
(n) the part of the body where food is digested
Stomachaches are common when you eat too much. 배탈은 너무 많이 먹을 때 흔합니다.
mess up
to spoil something or do something wrong
The children messed up the living room while playing. 아이들이 놀면서 거실을 엉망으로 만들었어요.
(n) a rubber bag that can be filled with air or gas and used as a decoration
The children played with colorful balloons at the party. 아이들은 파티에서 알록달록한 풍선을 가지고 놀았습니다.
(v) to have a feeling that you want to scratch
My arm itches after the mosquito bite. 모기에 물린 후 팔이 가렵습니다.
(n) a powder that is used to add a hot taste to food
Pepper adds spice to food. 후추는 음식에 맛을 더합니다.
run off
to leave quickly or suddenly
The dog ran off with my shoe. 개가 내 신발을 물고 도망갔어요.
(n) a raised area that actors and entertainers perform on
The actors performed on the stage. 배우들이 무대에서 공연했습니다.
(adv) very quickly and without warning
Suddenly, the sky turned dark and it started to rain. 갑자기 하늘이 어두워지고 비가 오기 시작했습니다.
(v) to make sounds with your voice, usually while you are smiling, because you think something is funny
Laugh with your friends when you hear a funny joke. 친구들과 재미있는 농담을 들었을 때 소리 내어 웃으세요.
(adv) in a manner that makes a lot of noise
He sang loudly at the concert. 그는 콘서트에서 크게 노래했습니다.
(adj) strongly experienced or felt and often lasting a long time
The ocean is very deep. 바다는 매우 깊습니다.
wake up
to stop sleeping; to become awake
I wake up at 7 o'clock every morning. 나는 매일 아침 7시에 일어납니다.
no longer
in the past but not anymore
I no longer want to play outside. 나는 더 이상 밖에서 놀고 싶지 않아요.
give up
to stop trying to do something
Don't give up when learning a new skill. 새로운 기술을 배울 때 포기하지 마세요.
클래스카드의 다양한 학습을 바로 체험해 보세요!
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