Exposing the Harsh Reality of Child Labor
In the 19th century, the Industrial Revolution led to a dramatic increase in factory production in the United States.
아동 노동의 가혹한 현실을 폭로하기
19세기에, 산업혁명은 미국의 공장 생산량의 극적인 증가로 이어졌다.
The demand for workers increased, and many new positions were filled by children.
노동자에 대한 수요가 증가했고, 많은 새로운 일자리들이 아동들로 채워졌다.
By 1900, about twenty percent of all children in the United States were employed, and some of those working in factories were only four years old.
1900년쯤에는, 미국의 전체 아동의 약 20퍼센트가 고용되었고, 공장에서 일하는 아동 중 일부는 겨우 4살이었다.
The work was difficult and dangerous, leaving many child laborers with health problems.