NE능률 공통영어1 영영단어(민병천, 2022) Lesson1-Lesson3
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[v] to forcefully and loudly close something
He slammed the door shut in anger. 그는 화가 나서 문을 쾅 닫았다.
[n] a way of feeling or thinking that is shown in one’s actions and behavior
Your attitude towards challenges can determine your success in life. 인생에서의 성공은 도전에 대한 당신의 태도에 따라 결정될 수 있습니다.
[adj] being or involving the period when a child develops into an adult
During adolescent years, teenagers experience many physical and emotional changes. 청소년기 동안 십대들은 많은 신체적, 정서적 변화를 경험합니다.
[n] the state of being free from the control or support of others
Independence is an important goal for many countries and individuals. 독립은 많은 국가와 개인에게 중요한 목표입니다.
[n] the act or state of being involved with something
The students showed high levels of engagement during the interactive science lesson. 학생들은 대화형 과학 수업 동안 높은 수준의 참여를 보였습니다.
[adj] easily upset, offended, or hurt emotionally
The child had a sensitive skin that easily reacted to certain fabrics. 그 아이는 특정 섬유에 쉽게 반응하는 민감한 피부를 가지고 있었다.
[n] the fact of not treating people equally or not being morally correct
Life is full of unfairness, but we must learn to overcome it. 인생은 불공평함으로 가득하지만, 우리는 그것을 극복하는 법을 배워야 합니다.
[adv] in a way that is notable or meaningful enough to make a difference to the situation
The new policy significantly reduced traffic accidents in the city. 새로운 정책은 도시의 교통사고를 상당히 줄였습니다.
[v] to produce a change or effect in someone or something
Affect can be both positive and negative. 영향은 긍정적일 수도 있고 부정적일 수도 있습니다.
[n] the result or product of joining multiple things together
The chef used a unique combination of spices to create a delicious dish. 요리사는 맛있는 요리를 만들기 위해 독특한 향신료 조합을 사용했습니다.
[n] a fact or situation that causes or influences a result
The weather is an important factor in planning outdoor activities. 날씨는 야외 활동을 계획할 때 중요한 요인입니다.
[v] to become or make greater in strength, amount, or degree
The rising temperatures intensify the effects of climate change. 기온 상승은 기후 변화의 영향을 심화시킵니다.
[v] to find a solution to a difficulty or problem
We need to resolve this issue before it becomes a bigger problem. 우리는 이 문제가 더 큰 문제가 되기 전에 해결해야 합니다.
[n] a serious argument or disagreement between people or groups
Conflict between friends can often be resolved through open communication. 친구들 간의 갈등은 종종 열린 대화를 통해 해결될 수 있습니다.
[v] to successfully deal with or maintain control over someone or something
He learned to manage his time better to improve his grades. 그는 성적을 향상시키기 위해 시간을 더 잘 다루는 법을 배웠습니다.
[adj] behaving in an unfriendly and threatening way and showing a willingness to attack
The coach warned the player not to be too aggressive during the game. 코치는 선수에게 경기 중에 너무 공격적이지 말라고 경고했습니다.
[adj] using or involving physical force to hurt or kill someone or something
The violent storm caused significant damage to the coastal town. 폭력적인 폭풍이 해안 마을에 상당한 피해를 입혔습니다.
[adj] producing or able to produce good results, benefits, or profits
Productive people often make to-do lists to manage their time effectively. 생산적인 사람들은 종종 시간을 효과적으로 관리하기 위해 할 일 목록을 만듭니다.
[v] to aim something at a certain person or thing or in a certain direction
Direct your attention to the board, please. 여러분의 주의를 칠판으로 향해 주세요.
in particular
[adv] especially or specifically
The museum has many interesting exhibits, but I in particular enjoyed the dinosaur fossils. 박물관에는 많은 흥미로운 전시품이 있지만, 나는 특히 공룡 화석을 즐겼습니다.
[adj] suitable for a particular purpose or situation
It is appropriate to wear formal clothes to a job interview. 면접에 정장을 입는 것은 적절합니다.
[v] to know someone or something due to previous knowledge or experience
I recognize that face, but I can't remember the name. 그 얼굴은 알아보겠지만 이름이 기억나지 않습니다.
[adj] of or involving the body rather than the mind
Physical exercise is important for maintaining good health. 신체 운동은 좋은 건강을 유지하는 데 중요합니다.
in advance
[adv] before a certain time; ahead of time
In advance of the trip, we packed our bags and checked the weather forecast. 여행에 앞서 우리는 가방을 싸고 일기 예보를 확인했습니다.
[adj] having become red and hot, often due to sickness or strong emotion
Her face was flushed with excitement after winning the competition. 그녀의 얼굴은 대회에서 이긴 후 흥분으로 상기되었다.
[v] to hold or close something tightly, especially when angry or determined
He clenched his fists in anger when he heard the bad news. 그는 나쁜 소식을 듣고 화가 나서 주먹을 꽉 쥐었다.
[n] a closed hand, with the fingers tightly held in
He clenched his fist in anger during the heated argument. 그는 격렬한 논쟁 중에 화가 나서 주먹을 꽉 쥐었다.
[v] to arrange into a certain order or structure
Let's organize our closet this weekend to make it easier to find our clothes. 이번 주말에 옷을 쉽게 찾을 수 있도록 옷장을 정리합시다.
[v] to successfully and effectively deal with something difficult
Cope with stress by taking deep breaths and staying positive. 스트레스에 대처하기 위해 깊은 숨을 쉬고 긍정적인 태도를 유지하세요.
[n] a plan of action for achieving a certain goal or purpose
A good strategy is essential for winning the game. 좋은 전략은 게임에서 이기는 데 필수적입니다.
[v] to talk about or refer to someone or something, especially without giving much information
She didn't mention anything about the surprise party. 그녀는 깜짝 파티에 대해 아무것도 언급하지 않았다.
[adv] through spoken words rather than written words or actions
She verbally agreed to help with the project, but never showed up. 그녀는 말로는 프로젝트를 돕기로 동의했지만, 결국 나타나지 않았다.
[v] to think about and look into something in detail
Scientists explore new ways to produce clean energy. 과학자들은 청정 에너지를 생산하는 새로운 방법을 탐구합니다.
[adj] produced or involving production without the use of artificial chemicals
Organic fruits are grown without the use of chemical pesticides. 유기농 과일은 화학 농약을 사용하지 않고 재배됩니다.
[v] to continuously look at someone or something for a long time, often with one’s eyes wide open
Don't stare at others; it's impolite. 다른 사람을 빤히 쳐다보지 마세요; 그것은 무례합니다.
[adv] at once or without waiting
He immediately rushed to the hospital after hearing about the accident. 그는 사고 소식을 듣자마자 즉시 병원으로 달려갔다.
[v] to collect money from people for a certain purpose or cause
The charity event aims to raise funds for children in need. 자선 행사는 도움이 필요한 아이들을 위해 자금을 모으는 것을 목표로 합니다.
[n] an organization with the purpose of providing money, food, and other forms of help to people in need
The local charity collected donations to help families in need. 지역 자선 단체가 어려운 가정을 돕기 위해 기부금을 모았습니다.
[adj] helpful and beneficial in that it increases the chance of success or effectiveness
Having a strong support system can be advantageous for achieving your goals. 강한 지원 체계를 갖는 것은 목표 달성에 유리할 수 있습니다.
[n] a single person considered separately from others in a group or society
Each individual has unique talents and abilities. 각 개인은 고유한 재능과 능력을 가지고 있습니다.
[v] to draw someone’s interest in getting, doing, or participating in something
The beautiful garden attracts many visitors every spring. 아름다운 정원은 매년 봄마다 많은 방문객들을 끌어들입니다.
[n] a person or organization that puts money into something for future benefits or money
An investor looks for opportunities to grow their money. 투자자는 돈을 늘릴 기회를 찾습니다.
[n] something given in return for an effort, service, or achievement
The teacher gave a reward to the student who got the highest score. 선생님은 가장 높은 점수를 받은 학생에게 보상을 주었습니다.
[n] something that is given, usually money or resources, along with other things in order to support a person, group, organization, or cause
Everyone can make a contribution to society by helping others in need. 모든 사람은 도움이 필요한 사람들을 돕는 것으로 사회에 기여할 수 있습니다.
[adj] feeling or showing much excitement and happiness
She was thrilled to receive an A+ on her science project. 그녀는 과학 프로젝트에서 A+를 받아 매우 기뻤습니다.
figure out
[v] to think about someone or something until an understanding or answer is reached
We need to figure out a solution to this problem before the deadline. 마감 시간 전에 이 문제에 대한 해결책을 생각해 내야 합니다.
[n] the process of making or growing something to be used or sold
The factory increased its production of cars by 20% last year. 공장은 작년에 자동차 생산량을 20% 증가시켰습니다.
[adj] having or showing the capability of developing into something in the future
Every student has the potential to succeed with hard work and dedication. 모든 학생은 열심히 노력하고 헌신하면 성공할 가능성이 있습니다.
[v] to do something that is required or necessary
The new policy aims to fulfill the needs of both students and teachers. 새로운 정책은 학생들과 교사들의 요구를 모두 충족시키는 것을 목표로 합니다.
[n] a total quantity or number
The amount of money in my savings account has increased over the past year. 내 저축 계좌의 금액이 지난 1년 동안 증가했습니다.
[n] the act of doing math to determine a number or amount
The scientist made a calculation error in his experiment. 과학자는 실험에서 계산 오류를 범했습니다.
[adv] not exact but close in amount, quantity, or time
The concert will start in approximately thirty minutes. 콘서트는 약 30분 후에 시작할 것입니다.
[v] the act of collecting crops
The farmers harvest their crops in the fall. 농부들은 가을에 농작물을 수확합니다.
[v] to have enough money to pay for something
The new insurance policy will cover all our medical expenses. 새로운 보험 정책은 우리의 모든 의료비를 충당할 것입니다.
[v] to start something like a plan or activity, especially an organized one
The company will launch its new product next month. 회사는 다음 달에 새로운 제품을 출시할 예정입니다.
[n] a form used to make a request for something such as membership or a job
Please application for the student exchange program by next Friday. 다음 주 금요일까지 학생 교환 프로그램에 신청서를 제출해 주세요.
[n] the variety of actions made to advertise something
The company launched a new promotion to attract more customers. 회사는 더 많은 고객을 유치하기 위해 새로운 홍보를 시작했습니다.
[n] the process of sharing or exchanging information, ideas, or messages
Communication is essential for building strong relationships. 의사소통은 강한 관계를 구축하는 데 필수적입니다.
[n] the act of asking for something, especially in a polite or formal way
The teacher asked students to request help if they don't understand the lesson. 선생님은 학생들에게 수업을 이해하지 못하면 도움을 요청하라고 말씀하셨습니다.
[v] to follow and watch the progress or development of someone or something over a period of time
Scientists track the migration patterns of birds to understand their behavior. 과학자들은 새들의 행동을 이해하기 위해 그들의 이동 패턴을 추적합니다.
[n] the act or process of improving, developing, or getting closer to a goal
The students made significant progress in their English skills over the semester. 학생들은 학기 동안 영어 실력에 상당한 진전을 보였습니다.
be eager to
[adj] to have or show a strong desire to have or do something
The students are eager to learn about different cultures. 학생들은 다양한 문화에 대해 배우고 싶어 합니다.
[n] an idea, opinion, or feeling about someone or something, often based on some encounter or meeting
The impression I got from the new student was that she is very smart and friendly. 그 새로운 학생에 대한 내 인상은 그녀가 매우 똑똑하고 친절하다는 것이었다.
[n] a substance with certain characteristics, especially one which has been artificially made or prepared
The scientist carefully handled the dangerous chemical in the laboratory. 과학자는 실험실에서 위험한 화학 물질을 조심스럽게 다루었습니다.
[n] a short part of a video, film, or recording
The teacher showed us a short clip from a documentary about whales. 선생님은 우리에게 고래에 관한 다큐멘터리의 짧은 클립을 보여주셨습니다.
[n] one of the things that are used to make something, especially food
The chef carefully selected each ingredient for the special dish. 요리사는 특별한 요리를 위해 각 재료를 신중히 선택했습니다.
[v] to put something together, such as a movie, by moving, changing, or removing parts
The teacher asked us to edit our essays before submitting them. 선생님은 우리에게 에세이를 제출하기 전에 편집하라고 요청하셨습니다.
[v] to publish something on a website used for communication, such as a piece of writing or an image
She decided to post her artwork on social media to share it with friends. 그녀는 친구들과 공유하기 위해 소셜 미디어에 자신의 작품을 게시하기로 결정했습니다.
[v] to make known to or become known by many people
The flu virus spread quickly through the school. 독감 바이러스가 학교 전체에 빠르게 퍼졌다.
[v] to genuinely promise or agree to do something
He committed to studying harder for the upcoming exam. 그는 다가오는 시험을 위해 더 열심히 공부하기로 약속했습니다.
work out
[v] to engage in physical exercise or training
Work out regularly to stay healthy and fit. 건강과 체력을 유지하기 위해 정기적으로 운동하세요.
[adj] relating to the process by which the body physically breaks down food
The human digestive system breaks down food into nutrients our bodies can use. 인체의 소화 시스템은 음식을 우리 몸이 사용할 수 있는 영양분으로 분해합니다.
break down
to divide or separate into smaller parts
The mechanic had to break down the engine to find the problem. 정비공은 문제를 찾기 위해 엔진을 분해해야 했습니다.
[v] to slowly take in something, such as liquid, in a natural way
Plants absorb water and nutrients from the soil through their roots. 식물은 뿌리를 통해 토양에서 물과 영양분을 흡수합니다.
[n] a substance that helps living organisms live and grow, typically found in food
A balanced diet provides essential nutrients for our body to function properly. 균형 잡힌 식단은 우리 몸이 제대로 기능하는 데 필요한 필수 영양소를 제공합니다.
[v] to provide someone or something with something that is needed or wanted
The store will supply new products next week. 가게는 다음 주에 새로운 제품을 공급할 것입니다.
[n] a gas that is found in the air and water and that is necessary for life
The human body needs oxygen to survive. 인체는 생존하기 위해 산소가 필요합니다.
[v] to stop doing something briefly or temporarily
Let's pause for a moment and think about our next move. 잠시 멈추고 우리의 다음 행동에 대해 생각해 봅시다.
[v] to give something needed or wanted to someone or something
The library provides free books and resources for students. 도서관은 학생들에게 무료 도서와 자료를 제공합니다.
[n] a substance found in food that gives the body heat and energy
Carbohydrates are an important source of energy for our bodies. 탄수화물은 우리 몸에 중요한 에너지원입니다.
[adv] totally, entirely, or absolutely
The movie theater was completely full on the opening night of the new superhero film. 새 슈퍼히어로 영화 개봉일 밤에 영화관은 완전히 만석이었습니다.
[adv] in a way that is not common, regular, or normal
The weather was unusually hot for this time of year. 올해 이맘때치고는 날씨가 비정상적으로 더웠다.
[n] the effect or result of a situation, event, or action
The outcome of the experiment surprised even the scientists. 실험의 결과는 과학자들조차 놀라게 했습니다.
suffer from
to experience and be badly affected by physical or mental pain
Many people suffer from headaches due to stress. 많은 사람들이 스트레스로 인한 두통으로 고통받습니다.
[n] a feeling of sickness in the stomach with the urge to vomit
The roller coaster ride gave me intense nausea afterwards. 롤러코스터를 타고 난 후 심한 메스꺼움이 들었다.
[v] to suddenly become unconscious due to a decrease in blood to the brain
She felt faint and had to sit down for a moment. 그녀는 실신할 것 같아서 잠시 앉아야 했습니다.
use up
[v] to completely finish or consume something and leave nothing left as a result
Don't use up all the paper; we need to save some for later. 모든 종이를 다 써 버리지 마세요; 나중을 위해 조금 남겨둬야 해요.
[v] to have or include something inside or as a part
This bottle contains water and natural fruit flavors. 이 병에는 물과 천연 과일 향이 함유되어 있습니다.
[v] to put someone or something new or better in the place of someone or something else
The teacher asked us to replace our old textbooks with new ones. 선생님은 우리에게 오래된 교과서를 새 것으로 대체하라고 요청하셨습니다.
[adv] in a general way; used to refer to the main or most important feature of something
Basically, all living things need water to survive. 기본적으로, 모든 생물은 생존하기 위해 물이 필요합니다.
[v] to have a specified weight or heaviness
The elephant weighs more than five tons. 코끼리는 5톤 이상의 무게가 나갑니다.
[v] to eat, drink, or ingest something
The monster will consume everything in its path. 괴물은 그 길에 있는 모든 것을 먹어치울 것입니다.
[n] a feeling of being physically or mentally uncomfortable
The new shoes caused discomfort in my feet after walking for hours. 새 신발을 신고 몇 시간 동안 걸었더니 발에 불편함이 생겼습니다.
[adj] to change or differ in size, amount, or degree based on the situation
Opinions vary widely on the best way to learn a foreign language. 외국어를 배우는 가장 좋은 방법에 대한 의견은 크게 다양합니다.
[adj] to have importance or significance
It matters a lot to me that you're happy and healthy. 당신이 행복하고 건강한 것이 나에게는 매우 중요합니다.
[adj] involving doing things that require energy and physical action or movement
The students in our class are very active and love to participate in group projects. 우리 반 학생들은 매우 활동적이며 그룹 프로젝트에 참여하는 것을 좋아합니다.
[adj] average in size, amount, or degree
The weather today is moderate, neither too hot nor too cold. 오늘 날씨는 덥지도 춥지도 않은 중간 정도입니다.
[adj] not requiring a lot of planning or effort
Wearing casual clothes to the office on Fridays is becoming more common. 금요일에 회사에 일상적인 옷을 입는 것이 점점 더 흔해지고 있습니다.
클래스카드의 다양한 학습을 바로 체험해 보세요!
궁금한 것, 안되는 것
말씀만 하세요:)
답변이 도착했습니다.