당나귀 Listening-Book 1 Test 20 (E)
62 카드 | CompassPublishing
an opinion about how to do something
My mom gives me advice when I have a problem.
nearly but not quite
Come inside. It’s almost time for dinner!
a date on which an important event happened in a previous year
They never celebrated her birthday because it was also the anniversary of Catherine’s death.
be from
My father is from Canada.
be proud of
to have admiration or pride in someone or something
You should be proud of all of your accomplishments.
blind date
a social date with a person one has not met
I met a nice guy at the blind date last week.
to take with the promise to return the same
Interest is a fee paid by a borrower of money to the lender of money and the interest is charged at a set rate.
to disturb a person when they are busy or want to be alone
Please don't bother with the boxes right now.
bump into
to crash into something or someone
They bump into each other while they is running.
a contact or exchange made on the telephone
The referee made too many foul calls.
a container, usually square shaped, made of paperboard, and used for holding food or drink
We need a carton of eggs.
a hole in a tooth
I hope I do not have a cavity on my tooth.
the language, customs, and beliefs that a group of people share
Learning about different cultures has always enlightened my knowledge.
pretty and often small or childish
She thinks her boyfriend is cute, but other people don't think so.
hard to do or understand; not easy
It is difficult to know what to do for the best.
to give up something for something else
Before money was created, people exchanged goods.
costing lots of money or more than expected
That car is $90,000! That’s really expensive!
figure skate
an ice skate worn for figure skating
I learned how to figure skate and I enjoyed the time learning.
a food mixture used to fill pastry or sandwiches etc.
The dumpling has a meat filling.
free time
spare time
His free time does not coincide with mine.
get along
being friendly
You don't seem to get along with the new students.
go hiking
go on an extended work for exercise
I'd like to go hiking if I have the time.
go wrong
to happen badly
Things went wrong when nobody came on time.
a thick, sweet, golden substance produced by bees from the sugary material collected from flowers
Bill always puts honey in his tea.
to suffer or feel pain
Casey got hurt playing football.
facts told or knowledge gained or given
The princess got an information about the two doors.
a small animal with six legs and three distinct body parts
Some people think that there aren’t many animals and insects living in this frozen tundra desert.
in place of something
However, they are usually named after flowers, animals, and other objects instead of people.
to present for the first time
The first lecture introduces students to the main topics of the course.
the business of writing or reporting news for newspapers, magazines, television or radio
She took journalism as her first option.
human speech
I speak English language really well.
a rule made by the government of a town, state, country, etc
Zeus created laws to control the earth and its elements.
to reduce in amount
However, during a recession, the government may lower interest rates.
major in
a course of study that one specialize
Mike wants to major in Science.
major in
a course of study that one specialize
Mike wants to major in Science.
the white liquid produced by cows
I like to drink milk with my cookies.
a paper, printed daily or weekly, containing news etc
The woman selling newspapers called out.
two things that match and are used together, such as shoes
Jenny bought a new pair of shoes.
to make someone happy by doing something
My boss was very pleased of my performance tonight.
a fine, usually yellow powder that is produced by plants and is moved by insects or wind to other plants of the same type for the purpose of producing seeds
Inside the cone, they become covered with the plant’s pollen.
a teacher who teaches at a college or university
My dad is a professor.
pull over
to direct a moving vehicle to the side of a road and stop
A police car pulled my car over because I was driving too fast.
to book something at a particular time in the future
Can I reserve a table by the window?
to put something back to its original place
return books to the library when done reading them.
not polite; showing bad manners
I was shocked by her rude behavior.
to work or operate
My mother used to run her own restaurant before she met my father and had us kids.
edible sea creatures such as crab and lobster
seafood is best when it is fresh.
between a particular point in the past and the present time
since the rain this street has been flooded, we should look for another way to pass by.
slow down
to make or become slower
The police were warning drivers to slow down.
different from what is normal or usual
"What is special or different about cupcakes?"
speed limit
the highest speed at which you can legally drive on a particular road
He did not see the speed limit sign.
to wound using a sharp point
The scorpion lives in the desert and uses its tail to sting its prey.
stop by
to visit; to come over for a short time
stop by my house anytime to visit.
to become larger than normal
With all of that rain, the Carson River swelled up higher and higher.
text message
a piece of written communication that someone can receive with a cell phone
I am sending a text message to my girlfriend.
leaving no space between clothing and thebody
My trousers are too tight.
with, or doing something with, each other
Let's go to the movies together tonight.
all of something
They subtracted the amount of cookies sold from the total.
a series of railroad cars that are pulled by a locomotive
We go by train.
having one or many uses or benefits
The Internet is very useful for finding information quickly.
the level of sound produced by an object, such as a radio or television
Please turn the volume down. It's much too loud.
wake up
to stop sleeping
What time are you going to wake up tomorrow?
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